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CorDon – Digital Old Lithuanian: Lexicon View/Concordance


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J (39)


Part of Speech: ADV;PTK
accentuated: jaũ
Morphology: -
Gloss: net; juk;
jau in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

nutverti; dabotis; dūšia; prisivalgyti; gentis; ben; čėdyti; pasakotis; veikti; pagadinti,pagadyti;



(1) jau

Occurrences: 333

AG_16_23(2), AG_16_34(13), AG_18_1(14), AG_18_4(17), LG_2_10(8),
LG_2_13(11), LG_2_17(15), LG_2_7(5), LG_4_11(37), LG_4_13(39),
LG_4_17(43), LG_4_2(28), LG_4_20(46), PL_10r_13(598), PL_10r_17(602),
PL_10r_33(618), PL_10v_13(640), PL_10v_33(660), PL_3r_1(1), PL_3r_17(17),
PL_3r_19(19), PL_3r_30(30), PL_3r_38(38), PL_3v_5(45), PL_4r_1(83),
PL_4r_12(94), PL_4r_28(110), PL_4r_3(85), PL_5r_40(206), PL_5v_11(219),
PL_5v_29(237), PL_5v_31(239), PL_6r_17(268), PL_6r_39(290), PL_6r_9(260),
PL_6v_11(306), PL_6v_37(332), PL_6v_41(336), PL_6v_43(338), PL_7r_13(352),
PL_7r_16(355), PL_7r_18(357), PL_7r_21(360), PL_7v_13(395), PL_7v_17(399),
PL_7v_19(401), PL_8r_1(424), PL_8r_3(426), PL_8r_35(458), PL_8v_12(478),
PL_8v_15(481), PL_8v_33(500), PL_8v_36(503), PL_8v_4(470), PL_9r_22(532),
PL_9r_24(534), PL_9r_26(536), PL_9r_28(538), PL_9r_33(543), PL_9v_11(563),
PL_9v_12(564), PL_9v_14(566), PL_9v_3(555), PL_9v_6(558), PP_20_25(23),
PP_20_29(27), PP_20_30(28), PP_20_32(30), PP_22_15(48), PP_22_17(50),
PP_22_34(67), PP_24_26(97), PP_24_3(74), PP_24_37(108), PP_26_15(124),
PP_26_22(131), PP_26_29(138), PP_26_31(140), PP_26_36(145), PP_26_4(113),
PP_28_15(162), PP_30_17(202), PP_30_20(205), PP_30_22(207), PP_30_25(210),
PS_12_12(16), PS_12_13(17), PS_12_19(23), PS_12_34(38), PS_12_36(40),
RG_32_10(8), RG_32_17(15), RG_32_36(34), RG_32_7(5), RG_34_26(60),
RG_34_3(37), RG_34_7(41), RG_34_9(43), RG_36_23(95), RG_36_29(101),
RG_38_24(134), RG_38_7(117), RG_40_12(160), RG_40_2(150), RG_40_20(168),
RG_40_25(173), RG_40_28(176), RG_40_36(184), RG_44_19(243), RG_46_15(277),
RG_46_24(286), RG_46_32(294), RG_46_35(297), RG_48_1(301), RG_48_10(310),
RG_48_26(326), RG_48_29(329), RG_48_38(338), RG_48_5(305), RG_50_11(349),
RG_50_3(341), RG_50_34(372), RG_52_23(399), RG_54_24(438), RG_56_15(467),
RG_56_36(488), RG_58_10(500), RG_58_15(505), RG_58_17(507), RG_58_19(509),
RG_58_21(511), RG_58_28(518), RG_58_4(494), RG_60_3(531), RG_60_8(536),
RG_62_12(578), RG_62_2(568), RG_62_24(590), RG_62_30(596), RG_62_36(602),
RG_64_18(622), RG_64_19(623), RG_64_32(636), RG_64_37(641), RG_66_1(643),
RG_66_23(665), RG_66_28(670), RG_68_25(705), RG_70_13(731), RG_70_14(732),
RG_70_17(735), RG_70_9(727), RG_72_18(774), RG_72_2(758), RG_72_31(787),
RG_72_33(789), RG_74_27(821), RG_74_30(824), RG_76_24(856), RG_76_35(867),
RG_76_4(836), RG_78_23(893), RG_78_24(894), RG_78_26(896), RG_78_28(898),
RG_78_31(901), RG_78_37(907), RG_78_7(877), RG_80_1(909), RJ_8_22(43),
RJ_8_4(25), RJ_8_7(28), SD_10_22(26), SD_10_24(28), WD_15v_11(53),
WD_15v_14(56), WD_15v_17(59), WD_15v_21(63), WD_15v_38(80), WD_16r_19(101),
WD_16r_2(84), WD_16r_29(111), WD_16r_3(85), WD_16r_32(114), WD_16r_35(117),
WD_16r_43(125), WD_16v_16(141), WD_16v_19(144), WD_16v_2(127), WD_16v_26(151),
WD_16v_43(168), WD_16v_9(134), WD_17r_27(193), WD_17r_37(203), WD_17r_40(206),
WD_17r_45(211), WD_17v_10(221), WD_17v_12(223), WD_17v_31(242), WD_17v_33(244),
WD_17v_7(218), WD_18r_3(257), WD_18r_5(259), WD_18v_11(309), WD_18v_28(327),
WD_18v_29(328), WD_18v_32(331), WD_18v_7(305), WD_18v_9(307), WD_19r_15(354),
WD_19r_39(378), WD_19r_40(379), WD_19r_8(347), WD_19v_2(382), WD_19v_31(411),
WD_19v_37(417), WD_19v_38(418), WD_19v_41(421), WD_19v_6(386), WD_20r_12(433),
WD_20r_24(445), WD_20r_32(453), WD_20r_35(456), WD_20r_5(426), WD_20v_15(480),
WD_20v_17(482), WD_20v_22(487), WD_20v_27(492), WD_20v_29(494), WD_20v_6(471),
WD_21r_15(521), WD_21r_17(523), WD_21r_20(526), WD_21r_23(529), WD_21r_24(530),
WD_21r_25(531), WD_21r_3(509), WD_21r_34(540), WD_21r_42(548), WD_21r_7(513),
WD_21v_1(550), WD_21v_14(563), WD_21v_2(551), WD_21v_23(572), WD_21v_25(574),
WD_21v_34(583), WD_21v_38(587), WD_21v_40(589), WD_21v_9(558), WD_22r_12(604),
WD_22r_22(614), WD_22r_32(624), WD_22r_5(597), WD_22r_6(598), WD_22v_11(645),
WD_22v_35(669), WD_22v_38(672), WD_22v_39(673), WD_22v_6(640), WD_22v_8(642),
WD_23r_12(688), WD_23r_3(679), WD_23r_37(713), WP_14_30(16), WP_14_34(20),
WP_16_11(31), ZR_100_21(392), ZR_102_12(420), ZR_102_20(428), ZR_102_26(434),
ZR_104_11(457), ZR_104_2(448), ZR_104_20(466), ZR_104_4(450), ZR_106_22(506),
ZR_106_26(510), ZR_106_33(517), ZR_106_35(519), ZR_106_7(491), ZR_108_12(534),
ZR_108_13(535), ZR_108_2(524), ZR_110_20(580), ZR_110_21(581), ZR_110_3(563),
ZR_110_6(566), ZR_110_8(568), ZR_110_9(569), ZR_112_11(609), ZR_112_22(620),
ZR_112_28(626), ZR_112_33(631), ZR_112_36(634), ZR_112_6(604), ZR_114_12(648),
ZR_114_17(653), ZR_114_27(663), ZR_114_28(664), ZR_116_2(676), ZR_116_7(681),
ZR_80_14(8), ZR_80_20(14), ZR_80_21(15), ZR_80_7(1), ZR_82_3(32),
ZR_84_17(84), ZR_84_2(69), ZR_84_21(88), ZR_84_31(98), ZR_84_7(74),
ZR_84_8(75), ZR_86_14(119), ZR_86_37(142), ZR_86_7(112), ZR_88_11(154),
ZR_88_23(166), ZR_88_37(180), ZR_88_38(181), ZR_88_8(151), ZR_90_11(192),
ZR_90_13(194), ZR_90_20(201), ZR_90_27(208), ZR_90_37(218), ZR_90_5(186),
ZR_90_9(190), ZR_92_24(243), ZR_92_34(253), ZR_92_5(224), ZR_94_9(266),
ZR_96_38(333), ZR_98_20(353), ZR_98_23(356)

Transliteration: iau; iaugi; jau; jaugi;
Orthographies: iau; iaugĭ; iaù; jau; jaù; jaùgĭ; jàu; jău;
Part of Speech: ADV; PTK;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: ADJ
accentuated: jáunas, -à (3)
Morphology: a1, o6
Gloss: -
jaunas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

mano/aš; perdaug; taipo; gražus; šiupinys; pamokinti,pamokyti; rasti; ai; sotinti,sotyti; todėl;



(1) jaunas

Occurrences: 5

PL_6r_43(294), RG_58_23(513), RG_58_24(514), RG_76_10(842), WD_16r_1(83)

Transliteration: iaunas; jauns; perjauns;
Orthographies: iáunas; jáuns; jáun’s; perjáuns;
Part of Speech: ADJ; ADJP;
Inflection: Pos_Fem_Pl_Acc; Pos_Masc_Sg_Nom_(ns);
Morphology: a; o;


(2) jauni

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jauni;
Orthographies: jaunì;
Part of Speech: ADJP;
Inflection: Pos_Masc_Pl_Nom;
Morphology: a;


(3) jauno

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jauno;
Orthographies: jáuno;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_Masc_Sg_Gen;
Morphology: a;


(4) jaunos

Occurrences: 2

RG_34_22(56), ZR_112_9(607)

Transliteration: jaunos;
Orthographies: jáunos;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_Fem_Pl_Voc;
Morphology: o;


(5) jauną

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jauną;
Orthographies: jáuną;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_Fem_Sg_Acc;
Morphology: o;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: jaunìkis (2)
Morphology: ja3_Masc
Gloss: jaunasis
jaunikis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

kampuotas; čytas; raitas; duktė; perdėm; kulbokas; zuikis; girtuoti; košti; titnagas;



(1) jaunikiu

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jaunikiu;
Orthographies: jaunikiù;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Ins;
Morphology: ja_Masc;


(2) jaunikį

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jaunikį;
Orthographies: jaunìkį;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: ja_Masc;


Part of Speech: ADJ
accentuated: jauniñtelis, -ė (1)
Morphology: ja4, ė9
Gloss: jaunutėlis
jaunintelis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

dvilinkas; pupa; vainikas; imtis; plaukti; ištempti; perdėm; daina; nusukti; taipojau;



(1) jauninteli

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jauninteli;
Orthographies: jaunintĕlĭ;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Masc_Pl_Nom_(i);
Morphology: ja3;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: jaũsti, jaũčia, jaũtė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: -
jausti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

išvirti; austi; žengti; jekė; pro; vėjas; trys; stukis; ateiti; šiluma;



(1) jausdamas

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jausdams;
Orthographies: jauſdams;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Masc_Sg_(ms);
Morphology: a;


(2) jausime

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jausim;
Orthographies: jaùsim;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Fut_Pl_1_(-);
Morphology: i-Fut;


(3) jautėme

Occurrences: 2

RG_32_26(24), WD_22v_39(673)

Transliteration: jautėm;
Orthographies: jautėm’; jaùtėm;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_Pl_1_(-);
Morphology: ė-Past;


(4) jaučiame

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jaučiame;
Orthographies: jaucʒămĕ;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_Pl_1;
Morphology: ja-Pres;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: jáutakis (1)
Morphology: ja3_Masc
Gloss: grybas jaučiakis (lot. Lactarius volemus)
jautakis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

rūbas; aukštyn; moma; prastai; imti; širdis; mokinti,mokyti; nešvankiai; mėsinėti; prie;



(1) jautakių

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: iautakių;
Orthographies: iáutăkĭû;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Gen;
Morphology: ja_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: jáutiena (1)
Morphology: o6_Fem
Gloss: -
jautiena in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

liepti; kam; lėlė; gandras; kramtyti; lankyti; šuo; paliauti; čėsas; viernai;



(1) jautienos

Occurrences: 3

PP_22_10(43), RG_40_9(157), ZR_84_18(85)

Transliteration: jautienos;
Orthographies: jáutënos;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Gen;
Morphology: o_Fem;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: jáutis (1)
Morphology: ja3_Masc
Gloss: -
jautis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

alus; boba; namo; zūbai; jekė; malkas; sopagas; vainikas; žemė; du;



(1) jautis

Occurrences: 2

PL_8v_40(507), PL_9r_11(521)

Transliteration: iautis;
Orthographies: iáutis;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Nom;
Morphology: ja_Masc;


(2) jautį

Occurrences: 2

PL_8v_12(478), PL_8v_37(504)

Transliteration: iautį;
Orthographies: iáuti̷;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: ja_Masc;


(3) jaučiai

Occurrences: 4

PL_7v_34(416), PL_8v_M26–27(493), PP_20_30(28), ZR_106_37(521)

Transliteration: iaučei; jaučei;
Orthographies: iáucʒei; jáuczei;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Nom_(ei);
Morphology: ja_Masc;


(4) jaučiais

Occurrences: 2

PL_9r_17(527), PL_9r_6(516)

Transliteration: iaučeis;
Orthographies: iáucʒeis;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Ins_(eis);
Morphology: ja_Masc;


(5) jaučius

Occurrences: 2

PL_8v_24(490), RG_42_3(189)

Transliteration: iaučus; jaučus;
Orthographies: iáucʒus; jáuczus;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Acc_(us);
Morphology: ja_Masc;


(6) jaučių

Occurrences: 7

PP_22_24(57), PP_24_18(89), RG_38_33(143), RG_44_26(250), WD_19r_41(380),
WD_20v_41(506), ZR_84_21(88)

Transliteration: iaučų; jauču;
Orthographies: iáucʒû; jáuczu;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Gen_(u); Pl_Gen_(u)/Du_Acc_(u); Pl_Gen_(ų);
Morphology: ja_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: jautùkas (2)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: jautis
jautukas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

purvas; išrinkti; malkas; plaukti; sopagas; durys; kvietys; puikus; plyckas; žergti;



(1) jautuką

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jautuką;
Orthographies: jautùką;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: jãvas (4)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: -
javas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

kuknė; atdaras; mėnuo; bensyk; joti; šūtka; spardytis; aklai; šokti; tamsa;



(1) javus

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: javus;
Orthographies: jăwùs;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Acc;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: javẽlis (2)
Morphology: ja3_Masc
Gloss: javas
javelis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

tavo/tu; baisiai; margas; šelmis; šūdas; lauras; senas; vyža; pagauti; sykis;



(1) javelius

Occurrences: 2

WD_17v_21(232), ZR_102_5(413)

Transliteration: iavelius; javelius;
Orthographies: iăwĕlıùs; jăwĕliùs;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Acc;
Morphology: ja_Masc;


Part of Speech: KO
accentuated: jéi
Morphology: -
Gloss: -
jei in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

česnis; ūlyčia; rugys; vilkas; višta; lakti; paskui; žiūrėti; enskys; viežlybumas;



(1) jei

Occurrences: 2

PP_30_13(198), SD_10_18(22)

Transliteration: jei;
Orthographies: jei;
Part of Speech: KO;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NT
accentuated: Jẽkė (2)
Morphology: ė8_Fem
Gloss: -
jekė in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

austi; merga; trys; vėjas; mokinti,mokyti; ranka; šiltas; bjaurus; pro; prie;



(1) Jekei

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jekei;
Orthographies: jékei;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Sg_Dat;
Morphology: ė_Fem;


(2) Jekė

Occurrences: 8

PL_10r_38(623), RG_36_4(76), RG_42_28(214), RG_70_37(755), WD_22r_38(630),
WD_22v_5(639), ZR_90_18(199), ZR_96_36(331)

Transliteration: iekė; jekė;
Orthographies: iékė; jékė;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Sg_Nom;
Morphology: ė_Fem;


(3) Jekę

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jekę;
Orthographies: jékę;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: ė_Fem;


Part of Speech: PPER
accentuated: jìs,jì
Morphology: ja4,jo8
Gloss: ; dar, labiau
jis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

čia; sakyti; tu; kiaulė; skūpas; biedžius; mėžinys; pats; toks; pričkus;



(1) jai

Occurrences: 3

F_24r_15(14), LG_2_13(11), LG_6_3(67)

Transliteration: jei;
Orthographies: jei; jeì;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Fem_Sg_Dat_(ei);
Morphology: jo;


(3) jas

Occurrences: 7

RG_36_27(99), RG_54_21(435), RG_64_1(605), RG_72_30(786), WD_15r_5(5),
WD_18v_32(331), ZR_98_12(345)

Transliteration: jas;
Orthographies: jas; jàs;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Fem_Pl_Acc;
Morphology: jo;


(4) ji

Occurrences: 15

AG_16_29(8), LG_2_18(16), LG_2_24(22), LG_2_27(25), PL_3v_42(82),
PL_6v_24(319), PL_6v_25(320), PL_7v_2(384), PL_9v_25(577), RG_32_5(3),
RG_50_17(355), WD_16r_8(90), WD_18r_35(289), WP_14_21(7), ZR_82_3(32)

Transliteration: ji;
Orthographies: ji; jì; jĭ;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Fem_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: jo;


(6) jiem

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jiem;
Orthographies: jëm;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Masc_Du_Dat;
Morphology: ja;


(7) jiems

Occurrences: 23

AG_18_18(31), LG_4_6(32), PL_4v_38(162), PL_7v_35(417), PP_28_10(157),
PP_30_30(215), PS_12_36(40), RG_64_13(617), RG_76_3(835), WD_17v_12(223),
WD_18r_29(283), WD_18r_42(296), WD_19r_22(361), WD_19r_6(345), WD_19v_8(388),
WD_20r_4(425), WD_20v_22(487), WD_21r_13(519), WD_22r_27(619), ZR_108_33(555),
ZR_86_2(107), ZR_86_33(138), ZR_86_4(109)

Transliteration: iems; jiems;
Orthographies: iems; jiems; jëms;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Masc_Pl_Dat;
Morphology: ja;


(8) jis

Occurrences: 92

AG_16_25(4), AG_16_28(7), AG_18_21(34), F_24r_11(10), F_24r_14(13),
F_24r_27(26), LG_4_7(33), LG_4_8(34), PL_10v_20(647), PL_3v_35(75),
PL_3v_36(76), PL_4v_33(157), PL_4v_6(130), PL_5r_35(201), PL_5v_21(229),
PL_5v_24(232), PL_5v_28(236), PL_5v_6(214), PL_6r_24(275), PL_6r_33(284),
PL_6r_34(285), PL_6r_36(287), PL_8r_11(434), PL_8r_18(441), PL_8r_23(446),
PL_8v_14(480), PS_12_21(25), RG_52_27(403), RG_54_38(452), RG_58_21(511),
RG_58_38(528), RG_60_15(543), RG_60_30(558), RG_62_10(576), RG_62_8(574),
RG_66_2(644), RG_66_23(665), RG_66_24(666), RG_68_2(682), RG_68_6(686),
RG_76_12(844), RJ_6_22(9), RJ_6_26(13), RJ_6_31(18), RJ_8_2(23),
SD_10_13(17), WD_15v_33(75), WD_16r_21(103), WD_16r_37(119), WD_16r_39(121),
WD_16r_42(124), WD_16v_13(138), WD_16v_2(127), WD_16v_23(148), WD_16v_39(164),
WD_17r_14(180), WD_17r_15(181), WD_17r_16(182), WD_17r_17(183), WD_17r_20(186),
WD_17r_31(197), WD_17r_33(199), WD_17r_37(203), WD_17r_4(172), WD_17r_44(210),
WD_17v_2(213), WD_18v_2(300), WD_18v_3(301), WD_18v_5(303), WD_20r_30(451),
WD_20v_11(476), WD_20v_13(478), WD_20v_17(482), WD_21r_40(546), WP_14_19(5),
WP_14_22(8), ZR_102_10(418), ZR_102_26(434), ZR_102_31(439), ZR_102_8(416),
ZR_104_14(460), ZR_104_32(478), ZR_104_38(484), ZR_106_32(516), ZR_106_8(492),
ZR_82_27(56), ZR_84_38(105), ZR_94_17(274), ZR_94_2(259), ZR_96_19(314),
ZR_98_2(335), ZR_98_9(342)

Transliteration: iis; jis;
Orthographies: iis; iìs; jis; ji̇̆̀s; jìs; jìs,; jĭs;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Masc_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: ja;


(9) jisai

Occurrences: 18

PL_6r_21(272), PL_7r_42(381), PL_9r_3(513), RG_58_13(503), RG_68_25(705),
RG_68_4(684), RJ_8_8(29), SD_10_1(5), WD_16v_43(168), WD_17r_18(184),
WD_18r_14(268), WD_20r_33(454), WD_20r_40(461), WP_16_15(35), ZR_100_13(384),
ZR_102_15(423), ZR_94_15(272), ZR_94_4(261)

Transliteration: jisai;
Orthographies: jisai; jisaì; jiſſai; jiſſaì; jĭsaì;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: D_Masc_Sg_Nom_(ai);
Morphology: jaD;


(10) jo

Occurrences: 95

AG_18_22(35), F_24r_10(9), F_24r_12(11), F_24r_25(24), F_24r_27(26),
F_24r_9(8), LG_4_13(39), PL_3v_18(58), PL_3v_5(45), PL_4r_41(123),
PL_5r_31(197), PL_5v_31(239), PL_6r_28(279), PL_6r_35(286), PL_6r_37(288),
PL_6r_40(291), PL_6v_20(315), PL_6v_26(321), PL_8r_22(445), PL_9r_9(519),
PP_20_19(17), PP_24_22(93), PP_24_4(75), PP_24_8(79), PP_28_16(163),
PP_28_21(168), PP_28_25(172), PP_28_30(177), PP_30_5(190), RG_32_28(26),
RG_38_27(137), RG_44_11(235), RG_48_27(327), RG_48_33(333), RG_48_37(337),
RG_54_27(441), RG_54_34(448), RG_56_13(465), RG_56_32(484), RG_58_31(521),
RG_58_35(525), RG_62_7(573), RG_66_28(670), RG_68_11(691), RG_68_3(683),
RG_70_18(736), RG_70_28(746), RG_70_29(747), RG_70_3(721), RG_70_31(749),
RG_72_15(771), RG_72_3(759), RG_72_5(761), RG_74_35(829), RG_76_30(862),
RJ_8_22(43), SD_10_8(12), WD_15v_32(74), WD_16v_15(140), WD_16v_42(167),
WD_17r_1(169), WD_17r_13(179), WD_17r_2(170), WD_17r_30(196), WD_18v_26(325),
WD_18v_6(304), WD_19v_20(400), WD_20v_32(497), WD_20v_6(471), WD_23r_31(707),
ZR_100_27(398), ZR_100_32(403), ZR_102_13(421), ZR_102_14(422), ZR_102_19(427),
ZR_102_22(430), ZR_102_25(433), ZR_102_32(440), ZR_102_36(444), ZR_104_15(461),
ZR_104_24(470), ZR_104_25(471), ZR_104_7(453), ZR_112_13(611), ZR_112_3(601),
ZR_80_19(13), ZR_80_26(20), ZR_82_2(31), ZR_82_7(36), ZR_86_13(118),
ZR_88_12(155), ZR_88_25(168), ZR_94_12(269), ZR_94_16(273), ZR_96_27(322)

Transliteration: io; jo;
Orthographies: io; jo; jó; jô; jŏ;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Masc_Sg_Gen;
Morphology: ja;


(11) joms

Occurrences: 3

PL_10r_31(616), PL_6v_35(330), WD_22r_30(622)

Transliteration: joms;
Orthographies: jôms;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Fem_Pl_Dat;
Morphology: jo;


(12) jos

Occurrences: 21

PL_10r_13(598), PL_10r_32(617), PL_5v_9(217), PL_7v_1(383), PL_9v_24(576),
PP_22_33(66), RG_32_15(13), RG_34_10(44), RG_36_28(100), RG_38_31(141),
RG_42_31(217), RG_60_12(540), SD_10_8(12), WD_15v_10(52), WD_16r_27(109),
WD_17v_42(253), WD_21v_5(554), WD_22r_11(603), WD_22r_39(631), ZR_100_34(405),

Transliteration: jos;
Orthographies: jos; jós; jôs;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Fem_Pl_Nom; Fem_Sg_Gen;
Morphology: jo;


(13) juo

Occurrences: 5

PP_24_4(75), WD_15v_3(45), WD_22v_16(650), ZR_90_2(183), ZR_92_35(254)

Transliteration: juo; juom;
Orthographies: jů; jům; jům’;
Part of Speech: PPER; PTK;
Inflection: -; Masc_Sg_Ins_(m);
Morphology: -; ja;


(14) juodu

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: juodu;
Orthographies: jůdu;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Masc_Du_Nom;
Morphology: ja;


(15) juos

Occurrences: 24

F_24r_23(22), PL_10r_25(610), PL_10v_22(649), PL_8v_31(498), PP_28_9(156),
RG_32_30(28), RG_54_2(416), RG_54_4(418), RG_54_6(420), RG_64_10(614),
RG_68_18(698), RG_72_24(780), RG_74_17(811), RG_76_1(833), RG_76_6(838),
WD_17r_15(181), WD_18v_36(335), WD_19v_34(414), WD_22r_17(609), WD_22r_7(599),
ZR_100_19(390), ZR_84_10(77), ZR_84_27(94), ZR_84_37(104)

Transliteration: juos;
Orthographies: jůs;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Masc_Pl_Acc;
Morphology: ja;



Occurrences: 6

RG_46_13(275), RG_60_11(539), WD_18r_2(256), WP_14_22(8), ZR_108_5(527),

Transliteration: ję;
Orthographies: je̷; ję;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Fem_Sg_Acc_(ę);
Morphology: jo;


(17) jąja

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jeje;
Orthographies: jéjĕ;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: D_Fem_Sg_Ins_(je);
Morphology: joD;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: jodinė́ti, -inė́ja, -inė́jo
Morphology: -ėti, -ėja, -ėjo
Gloss: -
jodinėti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

būriškas; oras; šuolis,šuoliais; pasidrąsinti,pasidrąsyti; baisiai; linksmas; gardžiai; plaučiūnas; sulaukti; prastai;



(1) jodinėdamas

Occurrences: 3

PL_10r_27(612), PP_24_26(97), WD_23r_20(696)

Transliteration: jodinėdams;
Orthographies: jŏdĭnėdams;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Masc_Sg_(ms);
Morphology: a;


(2) jodinėjant

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jodinėjant;
Orthographies: jŏdĭnėjant;
Part of Speech: VG;
Inflection: Pres;
Morphology: Pres-G;


(3) jodinėjau

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jodinėjau;
Orthographies: jŏdĭnėjau;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_Sg_1;
Morphology: o-Past;


(4) jodinėjęs

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jodinėjęs;
Orthographies: jŏdĭnėjęs;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: o-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: jódyti, jódo, jódė
Morphology: -yti, -o, -ė
Gloss: joti, jodinėti
jodyti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

daina; duona; vilkas; kepti; jekė; dainuoti; naujas; kurpė; austi; tylomis;



(1) jodau

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jodau;
Orthographies: jódau;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_Sg_1;
Morphology: o-Pres;


Part of Speech: PI
accentuated: jóks, jokià (3)
Morphology: ja3, jo7
Gloss: -
joks in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

pasidaryti; pasakyti; palinksminti,palinksmyti; pasipurtinti,pasipurtyti; sunikti; aš; tarti; daugsyk; rods; ponas;



(1) jokios

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jokios;
Orthographies: jokiôs;
Part of Speech: PI;
Inflection: Fem_Sg_Gen;
Morphology: jo;


Part of Speech: NT
accentuated: Jokū̃bas (2)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: -
jokūbas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

šutinti,šutyti; linas; saulė; susisėsti; mandagiai; dangus; nuo; kubas; teškėti; oras;



(1) Jokūbai

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jokub;
Orthographies: jokûb’;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Pl_Voc_(-);
Morphology: a_Masc;


(2) Jokūbas

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jokubs;
Orthographies: jokúbs;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Sg_Nom_(bs);
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: NT
accentuated: Jokūbìnės (2)
Morphology: ė8_Fem
Gloss: šv. Jokūbo diena (07 25)
jokūbinės in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

duobė; ledas; pridėti; siūlyti; pašiūrė; penki; bėda; šaukti; pasidrąsinti,pasidrąsyti; pasiskaityti;



(1) Jokūbinių

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: iokubinu;
Orthographies: iŏkŭbinnu;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Pl_Gen_(u);
Morphology: ė_Fem;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: jómarkas (1, 3a)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: prekymetis, turgus
jomarkas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

gaišinti,gaišyti; didelis; ištarti; šutinti,šutyti; nesibijoti/bijotis; kuinas; dangus; slapta; prie; kubas;



(1) jomarke

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: iomarke;
Orthographies: iómarke;
Part of Speech: NAA;
Inflection: Sg_Loc;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: jómarkininkas (1)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: kas būna jomarke, turguje
jomarkininkas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

giesmė; žiemys; baisingas; staldas; nugara; melsti; nešti; galva; apie; svilinti,svilyti;



(1) jomarkininkas

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jomarkininks;
Orthographies: jómarkininks;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Nom_(ks);
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: NT
accentuated: Jõnas (2)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: -
jonas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

prastas; kirsti; dangus; moma; saulė; nuo; giltinė; oras; krūmas; prastoti;



(1) Jonas

Occurrences: 3

RG_36_19(91), RG_60_19(547), ZR_90_17(198)

Transliteration: jons;
Orthographies: jons; jóns;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Sg_Nom_(ns);
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: NT
accentuated: Jonìnės (2)
Morphology: ė8_Fem
Gloss: šv. Jono diena (06 24)
joninės in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

permier; mergaitė; priimti; sekti; pusė; sermėga; išginti,išgyti; deivė; pirm; pilkas;



(1) Joninių

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: ioninu;
Orthographies: ioninnu;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Pl_Gen_(u);
Morphology: ė_Fem;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: jóti, jója, jójo
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: -
joti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

lįsti; vyža; kaminas; riebus; supleškinti,supleškyti; patalas; šulcas; tinginys; ragas; lauras;



(1) jodamas

Occurrences: 4

PP_20_7(5), PP_24_38(109), RG_58_11(501), ZR_86_17(122)

Transliteration: jodams;
Orthographies: jódams;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Masc_Sg_(ms);
Morphology: a;


(2) joju

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: joju;
Orthographies: jóju;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_Sg_1;
Morphology: a-Pres;


(3) jok

Occurrences: 2

PP_22_1(34), RG_38_17(127)

Transliteration: jok;
Orthographies: jók;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Imp_Sg_2;
Morphology: ki-Imp;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: jõvalas (3b)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: ėdalas
jovalas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

šuo; čėsas; gandras; viernai; drįsti; erelis; ai; kramtyti; gauti; užaugti;



(1) jovalus

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jovalus;
Orthographies: jówălŭs;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Acc;
Morphology: a_Masc;


(2) jovalą

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: iovalą;
Orthographies: iówălă̷;
Part of Speech: NAP;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: a_Masc;

judinti, judyti

Part of Speech: V
accentuated: jùdinti (jùdyti), -ina, -ino
Morphology: -inti, -ina, -ino
Gloss: -
judinti,judyti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

dabinėti; šokinėjimas; pritikti; umaras; užgerti; pekliškas; suskresti; išeiti; užstoti; voliotis;



(1) judinti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: judįt;
Orthographies: jùdįt;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (-);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: jùdintis, jùdinasi, jùdinosi
Morphology: Ref_-intis, -inasi, -inosi
Gloss: -
judintis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

ponatis; naras; kopti; žvirblis; lietuviškas; žmogiškas; šuo; ugnis; pasilikti; užstoti;



(1) judinosi

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: judinos;
Orthographies: jùdĭnŏs;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_3_(-);
Morphology: Ref_o-Past;

judintis, judytis

Part of Speech: V
accentuated: jùdintis (jùdytis), -inasi, -inosi
Morphology: Ref_-tis, -asi, -osi
Gloss: imti judėti
judintis,judytis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

draskyti; zūbai; peilis; pasilenkti; per; kuinas; gerti; du; didelis; vanduo;



(1) judinkimės

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: iudįkimės;
Orthographies: iuddĭ̷kĭmės;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Imp_Pl_1;
Morphology: Ref_ki-Imp;


Part of Speech: PTK
accentuated: jùk
Morphology: -
Gloss: -
juk in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

kaip; nusivirti; aš; mezliava; ponpalaikis; pasidaryti; slūginė; derėti; dingoti; ponas;



(1) juk

Occurrences: 112

F_24r_17(16), F_24r_21(20), LG_2_12(10), PL_10r_12(597), PL_10r_30(615),
PL_4r_19(101), PL_4v_25(149), PL_5r_10(176), PL_5v_10(218), PL_5v_16(224),
PL_6r_24(275), PL_6r_5(256), PL_6v_13(308), PL_6v_17(312), PL_6v_2(297),
PL_6v_32(327), PL_7r_23(362), PL_7r_34(373), PL_7r_40(379), PL_7r_9(348),
PL_7v_14(396), PL_7v_34(416), PL_7v_9(391), PL_8r_35(458), PL_8r_4(427),
PL_8r_8(431), PL_8r_9(432), PL_8v_24(490), PL_8v_6(472), PL_9r_14(524),
PL_9r_20(530), PL_9r_3(513), PL_9r_37(547), PL_9r_7(517), PL_9v_16(568),
PL_9v_25(577), PL_9v_38(590), PP_20_13(11), PP_22_20(53), PP_26_19(128),
PP_26_25(134), PS_12_19(23), PS_14_3(45), PS_14_7(49), RG_36_31(103),
RG_38_18(128), RG_42_30(216), RG_44_34(258), RG_44_5(229), RG_46_28(290),
RG_50_18(356), RG_50_35(373), RG_52_13(389), RG_52_23(399), RG_54_25(439),
RG_54_36(450), RG_56_20(472), RG_56_26(478), RG_60_6(534), RG_62_1(567),
RG_62_29(595), RG_64_12(616), RG_64_18(622), RG_66_1(643), RG_66_21(663),
RG_66_27(669), RG_66_37(679), RG_70_15(733), RG_70_7(725), RG_76_29(861),
RG_76_35(867), RG_78_31(901), SD_10_10(14), WD_16v_18(143), WD_16v_37(162),
WD_17r_26(192), WD_17r_38(204), WD_17v_39(250), WD_18r_15(269), WD_20r_6(427),
WD_20v_13(478), WD_20v_22(487), WD_21r_2(508), WD_22r_18(610), WD_22r_31(623),
WD_22r_35(627), WD_22r_7(599), WD_22v_31(665), WD_23r_22(698), WP_16_6(26),
ZR_100_22(393), ZR_100_24(395), ZR_100_5(376), ZR_104_20(466), ZR_104_23(469),
ZR_106_16(500), ZR_106_20(504), ZR_108_21(543), ZR_108_4(526), ZR_110_19(579),
ZR_110_8(568), ZR_112_7(605), ZR_84_11(78), ZR_84_31(98), ZR_88_1(144),
ZR_88_30(173), ZR_90_14(195), ZR_90_3(184), ZR_92_22(241), ZR_94_31(288),
ZR_94_37(294), ZR_98_23(356)

Transliteration: iuk; iukgi; juk;
Orthographies: iukgĭ; iùk; juk; jùk;
Part of Speech: PTK;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: jukà (2)
Morphology: o6_Fem
Gloss: kraujo sriuba
juka in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

katgismas; prisiberti; atsilankyti; prigimti; gauja; dingti,dingėti; parūpinti,parūpyti; sudabinti,sudabyti; apnikti; iškadininkė;



(1) jukas

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jukas;
Orthographies: jukàs;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Acc;
Morphology: o_Fem;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: jùmprova (1)
Morphology: o6_Fem
Gloss: panelė
jumprova in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

sudraskyti; gumbas; kasnakts; mažu; baisiai; labai; tyrinėti; piktas; pumpuras; kiekvienas;



(1) jumprovomis

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: iumprovoms;
Orthographies: iumprowôm’s;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Ins_(ms);
Morphology: o_Fem;


(2) jumprovos

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: iumprovos;
Orthographies: iumprowos;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Nom;
Morphology: o_Fem;


Part of Speech: PTK; PPER
accentuated: juõ, júo; jìs, jì
Morphology: -; ja4, jo8
Gloss: dar, labiau;
juo in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

piktas; pamesti; pabūgti; varna; biednas; mažu; aukštai; kytras; žaisti; lietuviškas;



(1) juo

Occurrences: 5

PP_24_4(75), WD_15v_3(45), WD_22v_16(650), ZR_90_2(183), ZR_92_35(254)

Transliteration: juo; juom;
Orthographies: jů; jům; jům’;
Part of Speech: PPER; PTK;
Inflection: -; Masc_Sg_Ins_(m);
Morphology: -; ja;


Part of Speech: ADJ
accentuated: júodas, -à (3)
Morphology: a1, o6
Gloss: -
juodas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

krūmas; greitai; sveikas; margas; varlė; tavo/tu; baisiai; šelmis; kaimenė; pagauti;



(1) juodo

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: juodo;
Orthographies: jůdo;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_Masc_Sg_Gen;
Morphology: a;


(2) juodus

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: juodus;
Orthographies: jůdus;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_Masc_Pl_Acc;
Morphology: a;


(3) juodą

Occurrences: 2

PP_26_9(118), RG_46_18(280)

Transliteration: juodą;
Orthographies: jůdą;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_Masc_Sg_Acc;
Morphology: a;


(4) juodąjį

Occurrences: 2

PS_10_31(1), PS_14_7(49)

Transliteration: juodąjį;
Orthographies: jůdąjį; jůdą̆jį̇̆;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_D_Masc_Sg_Acc;
Morphology: aD;


(5) juodų

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: juodų;
Orthographies: jůdû;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_Masc_Pl_Gen;
Morphology: a;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: juõkas (4)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: -
juokas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

taipo; vartas; nės; protas; perdaug; mokėti; rėkauti; pramanyti; daugumas; trūsas;



(1) juokas

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: iuoks;
Orthographies: iůk’s;
Part of Speech: NAP;
Inflection: Sg_Nom_(ks);
Morphology: a_Masc;


(2) juoką

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: juoką;
Orthographies: jůką;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: juõktis, -iasi, -ėsi
Morphology: Ref_-tis, -iasi, -ėsi
Gloss: tyčiotis iš, niekinti; juokauti
juoktis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

garbinti,garbyti; kramtyti; gyvas; ubagas; šuo; pasaka; glūpas; užsimiršti; smarvė; pasislėpti;



(1) besijuokdamas

Occurrences: 2

PL_6v_39(334), RG_52_21(397)

Transliteration: besijuokdams;
Orthographies: bĕsĭjůkdams; bĕſĭjůkdams;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Masc_Sg_(ms);
Morphology: Ref_a;


(2) besijuokiant

Occurrences: 2

PL_10r_34(619), PL_4v_31(155)

Transliteration: besijuokiant;
Orthographies: bĕſĭjůkiant;
Part of Speech: VG;
Inflection: Pres;
Morphology: Ref_Pres-G;


(3) juokiasi

Occurrences: 21

AG_16_33(12), PL_7r_2(341), PP_22_26(59), PP_26_19(128), PP_28_17(164),
PP_28_28(175), RG_44_35(259), RG_46_28(290), RG_48_37(337), RG_58_28(518),
RG_74_9(803), RG_78_18(888), WD_16v_3(128), WD_18r_24(278), WD_18r_34(288),
WD_18v_3(301), WD_20r_3(424), ZR_86_11(116), ZR_88_13(156), ZR_88_17(160),

Transliteration: juokias; juokiasi;
Orthographies: jůkias; jůkiaſ’; jůkiăs; jůkiăsĭ; jůkiăſĭ;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3; Ind_Pres_3_(-);
Morphology: Ref_ja-Pres;


(4) juokiesi

Occurrences: 3

PL_8v_16(482), WD_18r_12(266), WD_18r_18(272)

Transliteration: juokies;
Orthographies: jůkies;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_Sg_2_(-);
Morphology: Ref_ja-Pres;


(5) juoktis

Occurrences: 2

PL_4r_27(109), RG_58_3(493)

Transliteration: juoktis;
Orthographies: jůktis;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: Ref;


(6) juokėsi

Occurrences: 4

PL_3r_2(2), RG_34_7(41), RG_42_4(190), RG_58_18(508)

Transliteration: juokės;
Orthographies: jůkės;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_3_(-);
Morphology: Ref_ė-Past;


Part of Speech: NT
accentuated: Jùrgis (1)
Morphology: ja3_Masc
Gloss: šv. Jurgio diena (04 23)
jurgis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

raugas; rėžti; šveplenti; nupelnyti; pajudinti,pajudyti; auster; juka; padorumas; braškinti,braškyti; makaluoti;



(1) Jurgį

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: iurgį;
Orthographies: iurgi̷;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: ja_Masc;


Part of Speech: NT
accentuated: Jurgùtis (2)
Morphology: ja3_Masc
Gloss: šv. Jurgio diena (04 23)
jurgutis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

šeimyna; keli; varna; aukštai; urdelis; tėvai; sumišai; ugnis; snausti; mergaitė;



(1) Jurguti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: iurgut;
Orthographies: iurgùtt’;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Sg_Voc_(-);
Morphology: ja_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: jė́gėrė (1)
Morphology: ė8_Masc
Gloss: medžiotojas
jėgėrė in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

butas; skarbas; aukštai; tėvas; galas; viežlybas; klasta; kaimenė; palikti; kirminas;



(1) jėgėrė

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jėgėrė;
Orthographies: jėgė̆rė̆;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Nom;
Morphology: ė_Masc;


(2) jėgėrės

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: iegėrės;
Orthographies: ëgėrės;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Voc;
Morphology: ė_Masc;


Part of Speech: ADJ
accentuated: jū́siškas, -a (1)
Morphology: a1, o6
Gloss: jūsų
jūsiškas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

velnias; garbinti,garbyti; musė; naras; šeimyna; nulupti; kaipo; staldas; kartais; dargana;



(1) jūsiškos

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: jusiškos;
Orthographies: júsiszkos;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_Fem_Sg_Gen;
Morphology: o;