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CorDon – Digital Old Lithuanian: Lexicon View/Concordance


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A (148)


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ãbažas (3b)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: pulkas, būrys, kariuomenė
abažas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

vargelis; pasimažinti,pasimažyti; kekšė; įžegnoti; lėkti; vasarėlė; ten; krepšas; namai; būriškai;



(1) abažą

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: abažą;
Orthographies: ábăżą̆;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: CARD
accentuated: abù, abì
Morphology: d
Gloss: -
abu in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

iki; viežlybai; nupulti; stogas; šventai; ruduo; kraikas; tėvemūs; pasivalgyti; kvieslys;



(1) abu

Occurrences: 6

PL_3v_15(55), PL_3v_19(59), PP_22_7(40), PP_24_5(76), RG_54_31(445),

Transliteration: abu;
Orthographies: abbù; abù;
Part of Speech: CARD;
Inflection: Masc_Du_Acc; Masc_Du_Nom;
Morphology: d;


Part of Speech: NT
accentuated: Adõmas (2)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: -
adomas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

neprietelius; gėdėtis; viernai; liepti; kerdžius; niekingas; išdykti; pieva; drįsti; barti;



(1) Adomai

Occurrences: 2

PL_7r_24(363), PL_7v_7(389)

Transliteration: adom;
Orthographies: adom; adôm;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Sg_Voc_(-);
Morphology: a_Masc;

Adpentai, Atpentai

Part of Speech: NT
accentuated: adpeñtai, atpeñtai (2)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: Adventas
adpentai,atpentai in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

dvariškas; drausmė; repukas; kaštuotis; pirštas; palyčia; iškulti; nuryti; piestu; šiūruoti;



(1) Adpentai

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: adpentai;
Orthographies: àdpèntai;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Pl_Nom;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: ITJ
accentuated: ái, aĩ
Morphology: -
Gloss: ak, oi
ai in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

todėl; taipo; rasti; tūlas; šuo; perdaug; dyvinas; lygiai; gauti; vagis;



(1) ai

Occurrences: 7

PL_9v_39(591), RG_58_24(514), WD_15r_36(36), WD_16r_17(99), WD_16r_4(86),
ZR_108_20(542), ZR_84_22(89)

Transliteration: ai; ay;
Orthographies: ay; aì; àì;
Part of Speech: ITJ;
Inflection: (y); -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: ITJ
accentuated: àk,ãk
Morphology: -
Gloss: -
ak in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

pričkus; rods; tiesa; brolis; vyžotas; tič; dievas; miera; kur; čia;



(1) ak

Occurrences: 103

F_24r_7(6), LG_4_16(42), LG_4_22(48), PL_10r_21(606), PL_10r_23(608),
PL_4r_36(118), PL_4r_5(87), PL_4v_3(127), PL_5r_38(204), PL_5v_37(245),
PL_6r_2(253), PL_6v_24(319), PL_7r_15(354), PL_7r_24(363), PL_7v_24(406),
PL_7v_38(420), PL_7v_40(422), PL_7v_7(389), PL_8r_3(426), PL_8r_7(430),
PL_8v_31(498), PL_8v_32(499), PL_9r_14(524), PL_9v_13(565), PP_26_34(143),
PP_28_14(161), PP_28_15(162), PS_12_16(20), RG_32_24(22), RG_34_21(55),
RG_34_23(57), RG_46_3(265), RG_46_5(267), RG_48_25(325), RG_48_38(338),
RG_50_23(361), RG_50_3(341), RG_50_32(370), RG_54_35(449), RG_60_13(541),
RG_60_4(532), RG_62_4(570), RG_64_37(641), RG_66_23(665), RG_66_24(666),
RG_66_31(673), RG_72_17(773), RG_72_19(775), RG_74_20(814), RG_74_26(820),
RG_76_37(869), RG_78_15(885), RG_78_28(898), RG_78_7(877), SD_10_27(31),
WD_15r_32(32), WD_15v_13(55), WD_15v_28(70), WD_16r_32(114), WD_17r_1(169),
WD_17r_25(191), WD_17r_3(171), WD_17v_18(229), WD_17v_30(241), WD_17v_6(217),
WD_17v_7(218), WD_17v_8(219), WD_18r_28(282), WD_18v_12(311), WD_18v_15(314),
WD_18v_39(338), WD_19r_24(363), WD_19r_38(377), WD_19r_40(379), WD_20r_3(424),
WD_20v_15(480), WD_20v_18(483), WD_21r_24(530), WD_21v_30(579), WD_22r_1(593),
WP_14_19(5), WP_14_26(12), ZR_100_20(391), ZR_100_21(392), ZR_100_29(400),
ZR_106_19(503), ZR_106_21(505), ZR_108_36(558), ZR_110_35(595), ZR_112_37(635),
ZR_112_9(607), ZR_80_21(15), ZR_82_35(64), ZR_84_30(97), ZR_84_7(74),
ZR_86_37(142), ZR_88_10(153), ZR_88_11(154), ZR_88_22(165), ZR_92_18(237),
ZR_94_13(270), ZR_98_27(360), ZR_98_35(368)

Transliteration: ak;
Orthographies: ak; àk; àk,;
Part of Speech: ITJ;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: akẽlė (2)
Morphology: ė8_Fem
Gloss: akis
akelė in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

pasiūlyti; keras; šveplenti; pažaras; išpūti; išimti; pūslė; pilvuoti; pajudinti,pajudyti; išsisplėsti;



(1) akeles

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: akeles;
Orthographies: ăkĕlès;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Acc;
Morphology: ė_Fem;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: akìs (4)
Morphology: i9_Fem
Gloss: -
akis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

keikti; kiemas; oras; tikrai; mokintis,mokytis; tavo/tu; kaimenė; aukštai; kytras; sudraskyti;



(1) akis

Occurrences: 5

PL_8r_3(426), PP_22_23(56), RG_76_17(849), ZR_106_6(490), ZR_88_7(150)

Transliteration: akis;
Orthographies: akkìs; akìs;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Acc;
Morphology: i_Fem;


(2) akys

Occurrences: 2

WD_17v_10(221), ZR_106_25(509)

Transliteration: akys;
Orthographies: akys; ákys;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Nom;
Morphology: i_Fem;


Part of Speech: ADV
accentuated: aklaĩ
Morphology: -
Gloss: -
aklai in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

purvas; gerti; tylomis; sopagas; nukeliauti; kviesti; jekė; kakalys; daina; miestas;



(1) aklai

Occurrences: 5

RG_52_22(398), RG_74_6(800), WD_16r_10(92), WD_20v_21(486), ZR_86_5(110)

Transliteration: aklay;
Orthographies: aklay; aklaý;
Part of Speech: ADV;
Inflection: Pos_(ay);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: ADJ
accentuated: ãklas, -à (4)
Morphology: a1, o6
Gloss: -
aklas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

saldus; užsimiršti; pagirys; krapštyti; išdykti; čypsėti; duoti; kiek; kaimenė; baisingas;



(1) aklas

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: aklas;
Orthographies: áklas;
Part of Speech: ADJP;
Inflection: Pos_Masc_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: a;


(2) akli

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: akli;
Orthographies: aklì;
Part of Speech: ADJP;
Inflection: Pos_Masc_Pl_Nom;
Morphology: a;


(3) akliems

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: akliems;
Orthographies: aklëms;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_Masc_Pl_Dat;
Morphology: a;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ãkselis (1)
Morphology: ja3_Masc
Gloss: kapoti šiaudai
akselis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

nupliekti; giltinė; mūdrauti; džiaugsmas; vyras; pora; visoks; pusgyvis; susisėsti; saulė;



(1) akselį

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: akselį;
Orthographies: ákſĕlĭ̷;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: ja_Masc;


Part of Speech: ADV
accentuated: akýlai
Morphology: -
Gloss: atidžiai
akylai in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

skubintis,skubytis; krūmas; kolioti; peikti; kasparas; kuinas; plaučiūnas; prieš; gromata; keikti;



(1) akylai

Occurrences: 2

PL_9r_35(545), WP_16_12(32)

Transliteration: akylai; akylay;
Orthographies: akkylai; akýlay;
Part of Speech: ADV;
Inflection: Pos;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: akė́ti, -ė́ja, -ė́jo
Morphology: -ėti, -ėja, -ėjo
Gloss: purenti žemę akėčiomis
akėti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

šaltis; penki; kampas; srėbti; raspusta; mažu; galva; tėvas; kolioti; duoti;



(1) akėdami

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: akėdami;
Orthographies: akkėdămĭ;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Masc_Pl;
Morphology: a;


(2) akėti

Occurrences: 2

PL_6r_12(263), WD_18v_28(327)

Transliteration: akėt;
Orthographies: akkėt’;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (-);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: akė́čios (1)
Morphology: jo7_Fem
Gloss: -
akėčios in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

pabūgti; mažu; gaspadinė; paskui; kytras; rokuoti; keikti; linksmybė; grūdelis; rykas;



(1) akėčias

Occurrences: 2

PL_7r_18(357), WD_19v_17(397)

Transliteration: akėčias;
Orthographies: akkėcʒias;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Acc;
Morphology: jo_Fem;


(2) akėčioms

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: akėčioms;
Orthographies: akkėcʒoms;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Dat;
Morphology: jo_Fem;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ãlasas (3b)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: balsas
alasas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

didei; tas; dirbti; sakyti; toks; gaidus; dyvas; brolis; žioplys; padūkti;



(1) alaso

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: alaso;
Orthographies: álăsŏ;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Gen;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: alasė̃lis (2)
Morphology: ja3_Masc
Gloss: alasas, balsas
alasėlis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

skųstis; pasirodyti; blizgėti; skaudžiai; namelis; rodyti; pavitoti; dienelė; svietas; kasdien;



(1) alasėliais

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: alasėleis;
Orthographies: ălăsėleis;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Ins_(eis);
Morphology: ja_Masc;


Part of Speech: NT
accentuated: Álbas (1)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: -
albas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

paukštis; jautiena; meilingas; pažadėti; viernai; kam; liudininkas; merčiukas; skaudulys; pulkas;



(1) Albas

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: albas;
Orthographies: albas;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Sg_Nom;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: KO
accentuated: àle
Morphology: -
Gloss: bet
ale in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

verpti; klausyti; tekti; nės; atboti; pirmas; užmiršti; gaspadinė; kruopa; mokėti;



Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: algà (4)
Morphology: o6_Fem
Gloss: -
alga in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

tiktai; taipjau; bernas; tarp; dyvinas; smirdas; tyčioms; šelmystė; malonė; tūlas;



(1) algos

Occurrences: 3

WD_18v_37(336), WD_19v_23(403), WD_19v_9(389)

Transliteration: algos;
Orthographies: algôs;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Gen;
Morphology: o_Fem;


(2) algą

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: algą;
Orthographies: àlgą;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: o_Fem;


Part of Speech: ADJ
accentuated: álkanas, -à (3a)
Morphology: a1, o6
Gloss: -
alkanas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

susirinkti; kramtyti; verkti; bjaurybė; pasislėpti; rasi; liepti; krapštyti; gandras; užaugti;



(1) alkanos

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: alkanos;
Orthographies: álkănŏs;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_Fem_Pl_Nom;
Morphology: o;


(2) alkaną

Occurrences: 2

PL_4v_29(153), PL_5r_17(183)

Transliteration: alkaną;
Orthographies: álkănă̷;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_Fem_Sg_Acc;
Morphology: o;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: álkti, álksta, álko
Morphology: -ti, -sta, -o
Gloss: -
alkti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

turgus; susirinkti; išlįsti; kloniotis; kisielius; pasidžiaugti; šienauti; giria; mažu; kaimenė;



(1) alkstantį

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: alkstantį;
Orthographies: álkſtanti̷;
Part of Speech: VP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Pres_Masc_Sg_Acc;
Morphology: sta-Pres;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: alkū́nė (1)
Morphology: ė8_Fem
Gloss: -
alkūnė in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

dūsauti; bleberis; tyrinėti; gandinti,gandyti; taisyti; kaimenė; susirinkti; viernai; gardus; sykis;



(1) alkūnių

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: alkunu;
Orthographies: alkúnu;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Gen_(u);
Morphology: ė_Fem;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: álmonas (1)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: dvariškis, dvaro pienininkas
almonas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

būras; girdėti; lietuvninkė,lietuvininkė; ponpalaikis; mezliava; lyg; kasmets; pluškėti/pliuškėti; susimislyti; ponas;



(1) almono

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: almono;
Orthographies: álmono;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Gen;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: altõrius (2)
Morphology: ju5_Masc
Gloss: -
altorius in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

vitotis; tenai; vienąkart; maita; peštis; gruzdas,grūzdas; putoti; netikti; šeimyna; šūkauti;



(1) altorius

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: altorus;
Orthographies: altorus;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Nom_(us);
Morphology: ju_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: alùs (4)
Morphology: u4_Masc
Gloss: -
alus in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

boba; purvas; jekė; malkas; merga; sopagas; daina; nosis; kurpė; vainikas;



(1) alaus

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: alaus;
Orthographies: alaùs;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Gen;
Morphology: u_Masc;


(2) alus

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: alus;
Orthographies: alùs;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Nom;
Morphology: u_Masc;


(3) alų

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: alų;
Orthographies: álų;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: u_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: alùčius
Morphology: ju5_Masc
Gloss: alus
alučius in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

kampas; kirsti; dangus; prie; šaukti; diena; paminėti; kragas; bulius; būriškas;



(1) alučiaus

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: alučaus;
Orthographies: alùczaus;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Gen_(aus);
Morphology: ju_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ámtmonas (1)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: valdininkas, nuomininkas
amtmonas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

bernas; tiktai; protas; bartis; gražus; dyvytis; perdaug; šiupinys; bandyti; pamatyti;



(1) amtmonams

Occurrences: 2

RG_62_2(568), RG_74_27(821)

Transliteration: amtmonams;
Orthographies: àmtmonams;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Dat;
Morphology: a_Masc;


(2) amtmonas

Occurrences: 4

PL_8v_20(486), PP_30_5(190), RG_56_35(487), WD_19r_35(374)

Transliteration: amtmons;
Orthographies: amtmon’s; amtmôn’s; àmtmons;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Nom_(ns);
Morphology: a_Masc;


(3) amtmonui

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: amtmonui;
Orthographies: àmtmonui;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Dat;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ámtsrotas (1)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: viršininkas
amtsrotas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

dyvinas; bernas; perdaug; taipo; vakmistras; skaudžiai; mano/aš; pamokinti,pamokyti; girti; kieksyk;



(1) amtsrotas

Occurrences: 12

PL_8r_37(460), WD_16v_41(166), WD_17r_11(177), WD_17v_36(247), WD_23r_27(703),
ZR_102_7(415), ZR_104_5(451), ZR_104_9(455), ZR_106_17(501), ZR_96_24(319),
ZR_96_28(323), ZR_98_30(363)

Transliteration: amtsrots;
Orthographies: amtsrôt’s; àmtsrots;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Nom_(ts);
Morphology: a_Masc;


(2) amtsrote

Occurrences: 3

WD_17v_30(241), WD_17v_6(217), ZR_106_19(503)

Transliteration: amtsrot;
Orthographies: amtsrôt’; àmtsrot;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Voc_(-);
Morphology: a_Masc;


(3) amtsroto

Occurrences: 2

ZR_102_5(413), ZR_102_9(417)

Transliteration: amtsroto;
Orthographies: àmtsroto;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Gen;
Morphology: a_Masc;


(4) amtsrotui

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: amtsrotui;
Orthographies: àmtsrotui;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Dat;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: ADV
accentuated: amžinaĩ
Morphology: -
Gloss: -
amžinai in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

mylėtis; vaidas; tėtutis; lengvas; pagriebti; nėsa; linas; išvysti; žmogiškas; pamiršti;



(1) amžinai

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: amžinay;
Orthographies: ămżĭnaý;
Part of Speech: ADV;
Inflection: (ay);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ámžis (1)
Morphology: ja3_Masc
Gloss: amžius
amžis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

sykis; tavo/tu; pavogti; tikrai; užsidegti; tėvas; margas; žaisti; sirata; kopinėti;



(1) amžio

Occurrences: 2

WD_15v_28(70), WD_15v_37(79)

Transliteration: amžio;
Orthographies: amʒ́io; ámʒ́io;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Gen;
Morphology: ja_Masc;


(2) amžis

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: amžis;
Orthographies: ámʒ́is;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Nom;
Morphology: ja_Masc;


(3) amžį

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: amžį;
Orthographies: amʒ́i̷;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: ja_Masc;


(4) amʒ́iô

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: amžio;
Orthographies: amžio;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Gen;
Morphology: ja_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ámžius (1)
Morphology: ju5_Masc
Gloss: -
amžius in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

prisikaisti; klausyti; alkanas; mėšlas; gerai; ale; balamūtas; užmiršti; smakras; stuba;



(1) amžių

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: amžiu;
Orthographies: ámżiu;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Gen_(iu);
Morphology: ju_Masc;


Part of Speech: PD
accentuated: anàs, anà (4); anàs, anà (4), ansaĩ
Morphology: a1, o6
Gloss: tas
anas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

šuo; nugara; todėl; rasi; staldas; ratas; velnias; permier; tavo/tu; kaipo;



(1) anam

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: anam;
Orthographies: annâm;
Part of Speech: PDS;
Inflection: Masc_Sg_Dat;
Morphology: a;


(2) anas

Occurrences: 19

AG_16_22(1), F_24r_7(6), PL_4r_38(120), PL_5r_31(197), PP_24_4(75),
PP_30_20(205), PS_10_34(4), RG_48_28(328), RG_52_23(399), RG_74_38(832),
RG_76_26(858), RG_76_9(841), RJ_8_17(38), WD_22v_37(671), WP_14_15(1),
ZR_80_23(17), ZR_88_8(151), ZR_90_22(203), ZR_94_31(288)

Transliteration: ans; ansai;
Orthographies: ans; ansai; ansaì; anſai; àns;
Part of Speech: PD; PDS;
Inflection: D_Masc_Sg_Nom_(ai); Masc_Sg_Nom_(ns);
Morphology: a; jaD;


(3) ano

Occurrences: 2

WD_22r_31(623), WD_22r_7(599)

Transliteration: ano;
Orthographies: annô;
Part of Speech: PDS;
Inflection: Masc_Sg_Gen;
Morphology: a;


(4) aną

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: aną;
Orthographies: aną;
Part of Speech: PD;
Inflection: Masc_Sg_Acc;
Morphology: a;


Part of Speech: ADV
accentuated: añdai
Morphology: -
Gloss: aną dieną
andai in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

taipo; mielas; sniegas; vagis; ai; laikyti; tūlas; perdaug; eiti; gyvas;



(1) andai

Occurrences: 7

PL_6v_19(314), PL_8v_29(496), PP_24_30(101), RG_46_8(270), RG_58_11(501),
RG_64_14(618), WP_14_24(10)

Transliteration: anday;
Orthographies: anday; ànday;
Part of Speech: ADV;
Inflection: (y);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ángelas (3a)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: -
angelas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

musė; kruopa; parnešti; butas; naras; kasparas; tropytis; veikiai; didpilvis; skarbas;



(1) angelas

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: angelas;
Orthographies: angelas;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Nom;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: ADV
accentuated: ankstì
Morphology: -
Gloss: -
anksti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

tavo/tu; tikrai; kasparas; plaučiūnas; mažu; sudraskyti; pavogti; šaudyti; galva; biednas;



(1) anksti

Occurrences: 2

PP_30_4(189), ZR_96_37(332)

Transliteration: anksti;
Orthographies: ankstì;
Part of Speech: ADV;
Inflection: Pos;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: ADV
accentuated: ankštaĩ
Morphology: -
Gloss: ankštoje vietoje
ankštai in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

šokis; kampuotas; su; zuikis; titnagas; pašalys; marškonis; skvarbyti; svetelis; iššokti;



(1) ankštai

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: ankštay;
Orthographies: anksztaý;
Part of Speech: ADV;
Inflection: Pos_(ay);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ánkštis, -ies (1)
Morphology: i9_Fem
Gloss: -
ankštis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

skaurada; pjauti; riekelė; išrinkti; šonas; dešra; imtis; kepenos; daina; tušė;



(1) ankščių

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: ankščų;
Orthographies: ánkſʒcʒû;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Gen_(ų);
Morphology: i_Fem;


Part of Speech: AP
accentuated: anót, anõt
Morphology: -
Gloss: pasak
anot in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

mano/aš; pamokinti,pamokyti; rasti; vakmistras; perdaug; šiupinys; šuo; jaunas; skiauturė; sniegas;



(1) anot

Occurrences: 2

WD_22r_31(623), WD_22r_7(599)

Transliteration: anot;
Orthographies: annôt;
Part of Speech: APPR;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NT
accentuated: Ánsas (1)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: -
ansas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

svotelis; jonas; dūsavimas; pavogti; tabakpalaikis; veislė; vasarojas; svodba; įtempti; skersti;



(1) Ansai

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: ans;
Orthographies: âns;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Pl_Voc_(ns);
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: PTK;AP
accentuated: añt
Morphology: -
Gloss: antai; per; apie; už;
ant in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

šaltas; sklypas; rėdyti; meilingai; puikus; susibėgti; sopagas; prasiplatinti,prasiplatyti; kumelys; raginti,ragyti;



(1) ant

Occurrences: 154

AG_18_10(23), F_24r_26(25), LG_2_14(12), LG_2_19(17), LG_2_24(22),
LG_2_3(1), LG_4_12(38), LG_4_30(56), LG_6_7(72), PL_10r_42(627),
PL_10v_10(637), PL_10v_12(639), PL_3r_31(31), PL_3r_36(36), PL_3r_40(40),
PL_3v_10(50), PL_3v_4(44), PL_4r_12(94), PL_4r_37(119), PL_5r_12(178),
PL_5r_14(180), PL_5r_15(181), PL_5r_5(171), PL_5v_37(245), PL_5v_5(213),
PL_6v_12(307), PL_6v_34(329), PL_6v_4(299), PL_6v_7(302), PL_7r_1(340),
PL_7r_41(380), PL_7v_16(398), PL_7v_25(407), PL_7v_5(387), PL_8r_16(439),
PL_8r_23(446), PL_8v_23(489), PL_9r_24(534), PL_9r_26(536), PL_9r_40(550),
PL_9v_9(561), PP_20_16(14), PP_20_23(21), PP_22_16(49), PP_22_6(39),
PP_26_12(121), PP_26_23(132), PP_30_21(206), PS_12_20(24), PS_12_32(36),
RG_32_18(16), RG_32_3(1), RG_32_31(29), RG_32_33(31), RG_34_11(45),
RG_34_5(39), RG_36_25(97), RG_38_22(132), RG_38_38(148), RG_40_19(167),
RG_42_31(217), RG_42_33(219), RG_44_2(226), RG_44_37(261), RG_44_6(230),
RG_46_35(297), RG_48_26(326), RG_50_17(355), RG_50_18(356), RG_54_18(432),
RG_54_23(437), RG_56_11(463), RG_56_5(457), RG_58_31(521), RG_60_16(544),
RG_60_7(535), RG_62_30(596), RG_62_38(604), RG_64_37(641), RG_64_4(608),
RG_66_32(674), RG_66_5(647), RG_68_18(698), RG_70_22(740), RG_70_23(741),
RG_70_25(743), RG_72_27(783), RG_74_12(806), RG_76_24(856), RG_76_6(838),
RG_76_7(839), RG_78_23(893), RJ_6_15(2), RJ_6_27(14), RJ_8_11(32),
SD_10_22(26), WD_15v_30(72), WD_15v_4(46), WD_15v_9(51), WD_16r_33(115),
WD_16v_24(149), WD_16v_5(130), WD_17r_28(194), WD_17r_9(175), WD_18r_8(262),
WD_18v_20(319), WD_18v_9(307), WD_19r_31(370), WD_19v_25(405), WD_19v_38(418),
WD_20r_30(451), WD_20v_12(477), WD_20v_20(485), WD_21r_31(537), WD_21r_38(544),
WD_21r_39(545), WD_21r_42(548), WD_21v_27(576), WD_21v_29(578), WD_21v_39(588),
WD_21v_5(554), WD_22r_3(595), WD_22v_11(645), WD_22v_13(647), WD_22v_38(672),
WD_23r_8(684), WP_14_32(18), WP_16_12(32), WP_16_16(36), WP_16_17(37),
ZR_102_8(416), ZR_104_14(460), ZR_106_1(485), ZR_106_35(519), ZR_106_36(520),
ZR_110_18(578), ZR_110_31(591), ZR_112_17(615), ZR_80_14(8), ZR_80_7(1),
ZR_80_9(3), ZR_82_23(52), ZR_82_4(33), ZR_88_1(144), ZR_92_8(227),
ZR_94_27(284), ZR_94_35(292), ZR_96_13(308), ZR_96_19(314), ZR_96_32(327),
ZR_96_37(332), ZR_96_4(299), ZR_96_6(301), ZR_98_31(364)

Transliteration: ant;
Orthographies: ant; ànt;
Part of Speech: APPR; PTK;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


(2) ànt

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: ant;
Orthographies: ant;
Part of Speech: APPR;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: PTK
accentuated: antaĩ
Morphology: -
Gloss: -
antai in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

kaipo; smarkus; stuba; senas; ratas; anas; tavo/tu; garbinti,garbyti; tėvas; rupuižė;



(1) antai

Occurrences: 2

RG_58_20(510), ZR_80_10(4)

Transliteration: antay;
Orthographies: antaý;
Part of Speech: PTK;
Inflection: (y);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ántis (1)
Morphology: i9_Fem
Gloss: -
antis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

enskys; žąsis; bėginėti; be; dalgis; kepurė; rėdas; pažadėti; tuojaus; buksvos;



(1) antis

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: antis;
Orthographies: ántis;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Acc;
Morphology: i_Fem;


(2) antys

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: antys;
Orthographies: ántys;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Voc;
Morphology: i_Fem;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: apal̃pti, apal̃psta, apal̃po
Morphology: -ti, -sta, -o
Gloss: -
apalpti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

neprietelius; saldus; kam; pasaka; pasilikti; dargana; viernai; smaugti; pieva; suktis;



(1) apalpau

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apalpau;
Orthographies: apalpaù;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_Sg_1;
Morphology: o-Past;


(2) apalpti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apalpti;
Orthographies: apalptĭ;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


(3) apalpę

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apalpę;
Orthographies: apalpe̷;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Pl_Nom;
Morphology: o-Past;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: apačià (3b), apačiõj
Morphology: jo7_Fem
Gloss: -
apačia in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

koja; spirginti,spirgyti; tamsus; plaučiai; nosis; imtis; purvas; delmonas; dilgėlė; vainikas;



(1) apačioje

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apačoj;
Orthographies: ăpăczój;
Part of Speech: NAA/ADV;
Inflection: Sg_Loc_(oj);
Morphology: jo_Fem;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: apbrãnyti, -ija (-yja), -ijo
Morphology: -yti, -ija, -ijo
Gloss: apiplėšti, apgauti
apbranyti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

anas; nugara; prova; biednas; ratas; tavo/tu; giesmė; rupuižė; medžioti; piktas;



(1) apbranijęs

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apbranyjęs;
Orthographies: apbrányjęs;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Sg_Nom_(yjęs);
Morphology: o-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: apdeñgti, apdeñgia, àpdengė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: aprengti
apdengti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

mažas; keli; kampas; šaltis; sušukti; prastoti; gardžiai; namas; menk; didpilvis;



(1) apdengti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apdengt;
Orthographies: apdengt’;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (-);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: apgai̇̃šti, -gai̇̃šta, -gai̇̃šo
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: apalpti, apsvaigti
apgaišti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

išlėkti; mišios; šūba; išsitiesti; šukėtas; pridėti; tėviškai; šauniai; vaikiškas; pasodinti,pasodyti;



(1) apgaišę

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apgaišę;
Orthographies: apgaìszę;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Pl_Nom;
Morphology: o-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: apgáuti, apgáuna, apgãvo
Morphology: -auti, -auna, -avo
Gloss: pralenkti; suklaidinti
apgauti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

neprietelius; ubagas; apjekėlis; anas; pasaka; staldas; kruopa; numirti; velnias; giesmė;



(1) apgauna

Occurrences: 3

PL_8r_10(433), WD_15r_18(18), WD_20v_38(503)

Transliteration: apgauna;
Orthographies: apgáuna;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3;
Morphology: a-Pres;


(2) apgauti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apgaut;
Orthographies: apgáut;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (-);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: apgniáužti, apgniáužia, apgniáužė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: -
apgniaužti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

sklypas; imtis; pupa; košti; išbaidyti; malkas; meilingai; sukti; plaukti; sėti;



(1) apgniaužę

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apgniaužę;
Orthographies: apgniáużę;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Pl_Nom;
Morphology: ė-Past;

apgėdinti, apgėdyti

Part of Speech: V
accentuated: apgė́dinti, -ina, -ino
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: padaryti gėdą
apgėdinti,apgėdyti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

liūtas; biednas; galva; pirm; dočys; raspusta; pamesti; dargana; katryna; garbė;



(1) apgėdina

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apgėdina;
Orthographies: apgėdĭnă;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3;
Morphology: a-Pres;


Part of Speech: AP
accentuated: apiẽ
Morphology: -
Gloss: -
apie in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

tavo/tu; galva; kaimenė; skarbas; šaltis; sykis; prisiėsti; verkti; pagauti; margas;



(1) apie

Occurrences: 2

PP_20_2, PS_10_30

Transliteration: apie;
Orthographies: apë;
Part of Speech: APPR;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: apjẽkinti, -jẽkina, -jẽkino
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: apakinti
apjekinti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

skaudžiai; rodyti; matyti; durnai; vakmistras; kasdien; kitaip; gražus; bernas; pamokinti,pamokyti;



(1) apjekino

Occurrences: 3

PP_28_15(162), RG_48_36(336), ZR_88_11(154)

Transliteration: apjekino;
Orthographies: apjékĭnŏ;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_3;
Morphology: o-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: apjèkti, -jeñka, -jẽko
Morphology: -ti, -nka, -o
Gloss: apakti
apjekti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

sėti; pimė; nukeliauti; raginti,ragyti; krizas; ištisas; dainuoti; džiovinti,džiovyti; raitas; poniškas;



(1) apjeks

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apjeks;
Orthographies: apjèks;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Fut_3;
Morphology: i-Fut;


(2) apjekti

Occurrences: 2

PP_28_20(167), RG_48_32(332)

Transliteration: apjekti;
Orthographies: apjèkti; apjèktĭ;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: apjẽkėlis (1)
Morphology: ja3_Masc
Gloss: apakėlis, aklas
apjekėlis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

ratas; anas; todėl; velnias; liepti; kytriai; vertai; staldas; pasaka; ubagas;



(1) apjekėliai

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apjekelei;
Orthographies: apjékelei;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Voc_(ei);
Morphology: ja_Masc;


(2) apjekėlis

Occurrences: 4

PL_4v_1(125), PP_28_19(166), RG_48_31(331), WD_16r_34(116)

Transliteration: apjekėlis;
Orthographies: apjékėlis;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Nom;
Morphology: ja_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ãpjuokas (1)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: išjuokimas
apjuokas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

išpantyti; vartas; pramanyti; nės; ar; mokėti; taipo; motė; naujiena; vokietis;



(1) apjuoko

Occurrences: 2

RG_50_17(355), RG_54_18(432)

Transliteration: apjuoko;
Orthographies: ápjůko;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Gen;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: ãpmauduoti, -uoja, -avo, apmaudúoti, -úoja, -ãvo
Morphology: -uoti, -uoja, -avo
Gloss: sieloti, krimstis, jausti apmaudą
apmauduoti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

pažinti; tikti; norėti; galėti; visai; margis; atminti,atmyti; bet; dar; driksterti;



(1) apmauduoti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apmauduot;
Orthographies: apmaudůt;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (-);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: apnìkti, apniñka, apnìko
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: užpulti, apipulti
apnikti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

naujiena; šūdvabalis; toks; tas; nusiminti,nusimyti; pluškėti/pliuškėti; didei; valkata; būras; lyg;



(1) apnikę

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apnikę;
Orthographies: ăpnìkę;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Pl_Nom;
Morphology: o-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: apsaugóti, -o (-ója), -ójo
Morphology: -ti, -o, -ojo
Gloss: -
apsaugoti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

griekas; rasi; žegnonė; duoti; saldus; piktas; ubagas; neprietelius; pamesti; lindoti;



(1) apsaugok

Occurrences: 2

PP_26_7(116), WP_14_28(14)

Transliteration: apsaugok;
Orthographies: apsaugók;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Imp_Sg_2;
Morphology: ki-Imp;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: apsiaũti, -aũna, apsìavė
Morphology: Ref_-ti, -a, -ė
Gloss: -
apsiauti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

daina; svečias,svetys; duona; poniškas; marti; išvirti; jekė; žemė; vartai; nesvietiškai;



(1) apsiavęs

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apsavęs;
Orthographies: aps’áwęs;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: Ref_ė-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: apsirýti, -rỹja, -ri̇̀jo
Morphology: Ref_-yti, -yja, -ijo
Gloss: prisigerti
apsiryti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

velnias; ratas; anas; prisiėsti; garbinti,garbyti; nugara; kytriai; todėl; rupuižė; liepti;



(1) apsirijęs

Occurrences: 2

PP_20_31(29), PP_22_17(50)

Transliteration: apsirijęs;
Orthographies: ăpsĭrìjęs;
Part of Speech: VPA;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: Ref_o-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: apskų́sti, apskùndžia, apskùndė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: pranešti kam kieno kaltę, neprideramą elgesį, įduoti
apskųsti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

užstoti; paliepti; pumpuras; žaibuoti; didpilvis; senas; pamušti; karaliaučius; ragas; karieta;



(1) apskundė

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apskundė;
Orthographies: ăpskùndė;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_past_3;
Morphology: ė-past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: aptvérti, àptveria, aptvė́rė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: aptvarstyti, apvynioti tvarsčiu, aprišti
aptverti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

madaruoti; šarvas,šarvai; maž; nudovyti; dumčiukas; tamsinti; nerimti; kūdas; iškopti; surokuoti;



(1) aptverti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: aptvert;
Orthographies: aptwért;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (-);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: apžélti, àpželia, apžė́lė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: apaugti plunksnomis, apsiplunksnuoti
apželti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

krūvelė; ašmas; klastorka; susilįsti; susivogti; riebiai; pabusti; išgarbinti,išgarbyti; lapas; žaislas;



(1) apžėlusi

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: apžėlusi;
Orthographies: apżėlŭsĭ;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: jo_Act_Past_Fem_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: ė-Past;


Part of Speech: KO;PTK
accentuated: ar̃;ar̃-
Morphology: -
Gloss: -
ar in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

verpti; nės; mokėti; pramanyti; išplėšti; ale; tekti; melsti; trūsas; klausyti;



(1) ar

Occurrences: 197

F_24r_11(10), F_24r_13(12), F_24r_19(18), F_24r_22(21), F_24r_27(26),
LG_2_6(4), LG_4_5(31), LG_6_5(69), PL_10r_15(600), PL_10r_17(602),
PL_10r_22(607), PL_10r_39(624), PL_3r_11(11), PL_3r_28(28), PL_4r_17(99),
PL_4r_19(101), PL_4r_6(88), PL_4v_30(154), PL_4v_40(164), PL_4v_41(165),
PL_4v_42(166), PL_5r_15(181), PL_5r_19(185), PL_5r_2(168), PL_5r_23(189),
PL_5r_28(194), PL_5v_14(222), PL_6r_12(263), PL_6r_31(282), PL_6r_32(283),
PL_6r_4(255), PL_6r_9(260), PL_6v_29(324), PL_7r_17(356), PL_7r_19(358),
PL_7r_33(372), PL_7r_35(374), PL_7v_2(384), PL_7v_25(407), PL_7v_30(412),
PL_8v_17(483), PL_8v_19(485), PL_8v_33(500), PL_9v_42(594), PP_20_24(22),
PP_20_26(24), PP_20_27(25), PP_20_34(32), PP_20_6(4), PP_22_16(49),
PP_22_26(59), PP_24_2(73), PP_24_34(105), PP_24_36(107), PP_24_6(77),
PP_26_26(135), PP_26_36(145), PP_26_37(146), PP_28_7(154), PP_30_1(186),
PP_30_4(189), PS_12_11(15), PS_12_23(27), PS_12_27(31), PS_12_33(37),
RG_32_33(31), RG_34_27(61), RG_34_33(67), RG_34_7(41), RG_36_32(104),
RG_38_15(125), RG_42_4(190), RG_44_4(228), RG_48_10(310), RG_48_20(320),
RG_48_21(321), RG_52_14(390), RG_52_16(392), RG_52_20(396), RG_54_19(433),
RG_54_5(419), RG_56_14(466), RG_56_32(484), RG_56_5(457), RG_56_9(461),
RG_58_15(505), RG_58_25(515), RG_60_24(552), RG_60_36(564), RG_60_9(537),
RG_62_12(578), RG_62_19(585), RG_62_20(586), RG_62_23(589), RG_62_3(569),
RG_62_6(572), RG_64_10(614), RG_64_17(621), RG_64_19(623), RG_64_8(612),
RG_66_14(656), RG_66_33(675), RG_68_35(715), RG_70_18(736), RG_72_27(783),
RG_74_21(815), RG_78_37(907), RJ_8_14(35), RJ_8_23(44), RJ_8_24(45),
SD_10_4(8), WD_15r_41(41), WD_15v_2(44), WD_15v_21(63), WD_16r_19(101),
WD_16r_31(113), WD_16r_35(117), WD_16r_7(89), WD_17r_19(185), WD_17r_35(201),
WD_17r_37(203), WD_18r_11(265), WD_18r_13(267), WD_18r_39(293), WD_18r_40(294),
WD_18r_43(297), WD_18r_44(298), WD_18v_11(309), WD_19r_36(375), WD_19v_32(412),
WD_20r_4(425), WD_21v_12(561), WD_21v_16(565), WD_21v_20(569), WD_21v_22(571),
WD_21v_25(574), WD_21v_26(575), WD_21v_3(552), WD_21v_38(587), WD_21v_40(589),
WD_21v_5(554), WD_22r_16(608), WD_22r_4(596), WD_22v_6(640), WD_22v_8(642),
WD_23r_14(690), WD_23r_20(696), WP_14_24(10), WP_16_4(24), ZR_100_2(373),
ZR_100_36(407), ZR_100_37(408), ZR_104_35(481), ZR_108_18(540), ZR_110_13(573),
ZR_110_18(578), ZR_110_33(593), ZR_110_6(566), ZR_114_2(638), ZR_114_20(656),
ZR_114_33(669), ZR_114_35(671), ZR_114_4(640), ZR_82_36(65), ZR_84_1(68),
ZR_84_14(81), ZR_84_36(103), ZR_84_38(105), ZR_84_4(71), ZR_84_7(74),
ZR_84_8(75), ZR_86_10(115), ZR_86_24(129), ZR_86_29(134), ZR_86_31(136),
ZR_88_26(169), ZR_90_17(198), ZR_90_18(199), ZR_90_22(203), ZR_90_23(204),
ZR_90_24(205), ZR_90_25(206), ZR_90_26(207), ZR_90_32(213), ZR_90_33(214),
ZR_90_36(217), ZR_90_38(219), ZR_92_10(229), ZR_92_16(235), ZR_92_2(221),
ZR_92_24(243), ZR_92_36(255), ZR_94_36(293), ZR_96_4(299), ZR_98_12(345),
ZR_98_17(350), ZR_98_30(363)

Transliteration: ar; argi;
Orthographies: ar; argĭ; àr; àrgĭ; âr; ăr;
Part of Speech: KO; PTKINT;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: arklỹs (3)
Morphology: ja3_Masc
Gloss: -
arklys in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

kaimenė; labai; greitai; baisiai; tikrai; verkti; tavo/tu; šelmis; pamesti; aštriai;



(1) arkliai

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: arklei;
Orthographies: arkleì;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Nom_(ei);
Morphology: ja_Masc;


(2) arkliais

Occurrences: 2

RG_32_17(15), ZR_106_37(521)

Transliteration: arkleis;
Orthographies: arkleìs;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Ins_(eis);
Morphology: ja_Masc;


(3) arklių

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: arkliu;
Orthographies: arkliú;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Gen_(iu);
Morphology: ja_Masc;


(4) arklys

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: arklys;
Orthographies: arklýs;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Nom;
Morphology: ja_Masc;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: árti, ãria, ãrė
Morphology: -; -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: -
arti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

puikus; dosnai/dosniai; jekė; stukis; žengti; zūbai; šaltas; du; boba; autas;



(1) arti

Occurrences: 3

PL_8v_23(489), ZR_114_34(670), ZR_114_5(641)

Transliteration: art; arti;
Orthographies: árt; ârtĭ;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (-); -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: ártintis, ar̃tintis, -inasi, -inosi
Morphology: Ref_-intis, -inasi, -inosi
Gloss: -
artintis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

liepti; rasi; gėdėtis; tikrai; palikti; neprietelius; meilingas; galva; kytriai; geras;



(1) artinasi

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: artinas;
Orthographies: ártĭnăs;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3_(-);
Morphology: Ref_a-Pres;


(2) artinosi

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: artinos;
Orthographies: ártĭnŏs;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_3_(-);
Morphology: Ref_o-Past;


Part of Speech: ADJ
accentuated: artùs, -ì (4)
Morphology: u5, jo8
Gloss: artimas
artus in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

nukeliauti; krizas; raginti,ragyti; pimė; gomurys; ištisas; poniškas; vėdaras; surbti,siurbti; sėti;



(1) arčiausius

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: arčausus;
Orthographies: arcʒáuſus;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Sup_Masc_Pl_Acc_(us);
Morphology: ja;


(2) arčiausią

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: arčiausį;
Orthographies: arczáusį;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Sup_Masc_Sg_Acc_(į);
Morphology: ja;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ártymas (3a)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: artimas, kiekvienas žmogus kito atžvilgiu; artimas
artymas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

ei; šaudyti; kam; išdykti; liepa; pamesti; vargti; pagirys; užsimiršti; prisiėsti;



(1) artymui

Occurrences: 2

LG_4_37(63), ZR_98_29(362)

Transliteration: artymui;
Orthographies: ártymui; árty̆mŭi;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Dat;
Morphology: a_Masc;


(2) artymą

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: artymą;
Orthographies: árty̆mą̆;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: ADV
accentuated: artỹn
Morphology: -
Gloss: į artį
artyn in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

smarkus; kaipo; antai; skarotas; šventas; veikiai; permier; baisus; pavogti; minti;



(1) artyn

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: artyn;
Orthographies: artýn;
Part of Speech: ADV;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: arúodas (1)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: užtvaras grūdams pilti, išteklius
aruodas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

du; prisisurbti,prisisiurbti; viernas; nešvankėlis; mėsinėti; karvė; pusė; vanduo; tankiai; nesistengti/stengtis;



(1) aruodų

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: aruodų;
Orthographies: arrůdû;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Gen;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: aslà (2, 4)
Morphology: o6_Fem
Gloss: molinės grindys
asla in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

sklypas; suvystyti; svečias,svetys; puikus; sopagas; rėdyti; zūbai; lašiniai; meilingai; boba;



(1) aslos

Occurrences: 4

PL_5v_5(213), RG_44_2(226), RG_70_25(743), RG_74_12(806)

Transliteration: aslos;
Orthographies: áslos; áſlôs;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Gen;
Morphology: o_Fem;


Part of Speech: NT
accentuated: Astė̃ (4)
Morphology: ė8_Fem
Gloss: -
astė in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

parduoti; zūbai; žengti; autas; tylomis; vartai; tykoti; daržas; bjaurus; jekė;



(1) Astė

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: astė;
Orthographies: astė;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Sg_Nom;
Morphology: ė_Fem;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atbóti, -bója, -bójo
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: paisyti, kreipti dėmesį; bijoti
atboti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

geras; liepti; rasti; anas; naktis; kartais; toli; pirmas; pažiūrėti; rupuižė;



(1) atbodama

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: natbodama;
Orthographies: n’atbódămă;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Fem_Sg;
Morphology: o;


(2) atbodami

Occurrences: 3

ZR_82_33(62), ZR_84_25(92), ZR_98_28(361)

Transliteration: natbodami;
Orthographies: n’atbódămĭ;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Masc_Pl;
Morphology: a;


(3) atboja

Occurrences: 2

ZR_84_28(95), ZR_86_36(141)

Transliteration: natboj;
Orthographies: n’atbój;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3_(-);
Morphology: a-Pres;


(4) atboju

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: natboju;
Orthographies: n’atbójŭ;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_Sg_1;
Morphology: ja-Pres;


(5) atbok

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: natbok;
Orthographies: n’atbók;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Imp_Sg_2;
Morphology: ki-Imp;


(6) atbokime

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: natbokim;
Orthographies: n’atbókim;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Imp_Pl_1_(-);
Morphology: ki-Imp;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atbė́gti, -bė́ga, -bė́go; atbė́gti, atbė́ga, atbė́go
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: -
atbėgti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

pasirodyti; dienelė; razumas; padaryti; durnai; širdingai; kasdien; kaulas; tiek; kelias;



(1) atbėga

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atbėga;
Orthographies: ătbėga;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3;
Morphology: a-Pres;


(2) atbėgo

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atbėgo;
Orthographies: ătbėgo;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_3;
Morphology: o-Past;


(3) atbėgęs

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atbėgęs;
Orthographies: atbėgęs;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: o-Past;


(4) atbėkite

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atbėgkite;
Orthographies: atbėgkĭtĕ;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Imp_Pl_2;
Morphology: ki-Imp;


Part of Speech: ADJ
accentuated: ãtdaras, -à (3b)
Morphology: a1, o6
Gloss: atidarytas, atviras
atdaras in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

krūva; raginti,ragyti; nukeliauti; purvas; šokti; miestas; durys; tylomis; plyckas; rėdyti;



(1) atdarą

Occurrences: 2

RG_46_13(275), ZR_102_27(435)

Transliteration: atdarą;
Orthographies: átdărą̆;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_Fem_Sg_Acc;
Morphology: o;

atdengti, atidengti

Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atideñgti, atideñgia, ati̇̀dengė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: atskleisti
atdengti,atidengti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

žyčyti; talka; išgaišinti; ketinti; parvežti; apie; sostas; nesistengti/stengtis; guinioti; uždegti;



(1) atdengs

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atdengs;
Orthographies: atdèngs;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Fut_3;
Morphology: i-Fut;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: at(i)dúoti, at(i)dúoda, àtdavė
Morphology: -ti, -a, -ė
Gloss: atiduoti, grąžinti
atduoti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

sekti; aukštas; gatavas; sodas; pranešti; butas; šypsotis; barščiai; parplėšti; skranda;



(1) atduoti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atduoti;
Orthographies: ătdůti;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: ateĩti, ateĩna, atė̃jo
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: -
ateiti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

pro; šaltas; trys; šutinti,šutyti; kuinas; pamaži; daržas; šiltas; čirškinti,čirškyti; zūbai;



(1) ateina

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: ateina;
Orthographies: ateina;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3;
Morphology: a-Pres;


(2) ateis

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: ateis;
Orthographies: ateìs;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Fut_3;
Morphology: i-Fut;


(3) ateisiančios

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: ateisenčos;
Orthographies: ateìsenczos;
Part of Speech: VP;
Inflection: jo_Act_Fut_Fem_Sg_Gen_(os);
Morphology: i-Fut;


(4) ateiti

Occurrences: 3

PP_24_12(83), RG_36_12(84), RG_36_15(87)

Transliteration: ateit; ateiti;
Orthographies: ateìt; ateìtĭ;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (-); -;
Morphology: -;


(5) atėjo

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atėjo;
Orthographies: atėjo;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_3;
Morphology: o-Past;

atgaivinti, atgaivyti

Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atgaivìnti (atgaivýti), -ìna, -ìno
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: -
atgaivinti,atgaivyti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

pūsti; trys; vabalas; laurienė; jekė; pamaži; rūbas; pakulienė; merga; namo;



(1) atgaivinti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atgaivyti;
Orthographies: atgaiwytĭ;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (yti);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atgrį̃žti, atgrį̃žta, atgrį̃žo
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: sugrįžti
atgrįžti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

dovytis; trylika; karštokas; sutvėrimas; kerštas; mazgotė; dūkinėti; žiema; valnybė; gloda;



(1) atgrįžti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atgrišti;
Orthographies: atgriſʒtĭ;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atgýti, atgỹja, atgìjo
Morphology: -yti, -yja, -ijo
Gloss: -
atgyti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

viežlybumas; šeiva; bjaurus; širdingas; dergti; primesti; baltas; giltinė; kiauliškas; pečenka;



(1) atgydamas

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atgydams;
Orthographies: atgydams;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Masc_Sg_(ms);
Morphology: a;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atim̃ti, àtima, àtėmė
Morphology: -ti, -a, -ė
Gloss: -
atimti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

rodyti; kasdien; mano/aš; gražus; niekinti,niekyti; kitaip; bernas; bartis; dienelė; brangvynas;



(1) atima

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atima;
Orthographies: àtĭmă;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3;
Morphology: a-Pres;


(2) atimdamas

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atimdams;
Orthographies: àtimdams;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Masc_Sg_(ms);
Morphology: a;


(3) atims

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atims;
Orthographies: atìms;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Fut_3;
Morphology: i-Fut;


(4) atėmė

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atėmė;
Orthographies: àtė̆mė̆;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_3;
Morphology: ė-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atkartóti, -ója, -ójo
Morphology: -oti, -oja, -ojo
Gloss: pakartoti
atkartoti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

šūdas; užsimiršti; ožka; rasi; kitaip; budinti,budyti; iškada; jautiena; rodyti; kramtyti;



(1) atkartodami

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atkartodami;
Orthographies: atkartódămĭ;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Masc_Pl;
Morphology: a;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atkópti, -kópia, -kópė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: kilti aukštyn
atkopti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

prieš; plaučiūnas; slapta; grūdas; kopinėti; saulelė; keikti; sveikinti,sveikyti; numušti; greitai;



(1) atkopdama

Occurrences: 3

PL_3r_1(1), PL_7v_18(400), ZR_112_14(612)

Transliteration: atkopdama;
Orthographies: atkópdămă;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Fem_Sg;
Morphology: o;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atlankýti, -lañko, -lañkė
Morphology: -yti, -o, -ė
Gloss: aplankyti
atlankyti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

piktas; anas; biednas; tikrai; tavo/tu; kam; kiemas; margas; aukštai; pasislėpti;



(1) atlankyti

Occurrences: 4

PL_4v_25(149), PP_26_3(112), RG_68_16(696), WD_15r_33(33)

Transliteration: atlankyt;
Orthographies: atlankyt’; atlankýt;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (-);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atlìkti, -liẽka, -lìko
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: įvykdyti;
atlikti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

dirbti; tu; žioplys; pats; tingėti; margis; norėti; skūpas; sunkus; poniškai;



(1) atliekame

Occurrences: 2

WD_15r_42(42), ZR_104_19(465)

Transliteration: atliekame;
Orthographies: atliekămĕ; atlëkămĕ;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_Pl_1;
Morphology: a-Pres;


(2) atliekti,atlieka

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atliekt;
Orthographies: atlëkt;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_Sg_3;
Morphology: m, s, t-Pres;


(3) atlik

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atlik;
Orthographies: atlìk;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Imp_Sg_2;
Morphology: ki-Imp;


(4) atlikime

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atlikime;
Orthographies: atlìkĭmĕ;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Imp_Pl_1;
Morphology: ki-Imp;


(5) atlikome

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atlikom;
Orthographies: atlìkom;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_Pl_1_(-);
Morphology: o-Past;


(6) atliksime

Occurrences: 2

PL_8r_8(431), WD_18v_16(315)

Transliteration: atliksime;
Orthographies: atlikſĭmĕ;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Fut_Pl_1;
Morphology: i-Fut;


(7) atlikti

Occurrences: 8

RG_50_23(361), WD_15r_11(11), WD_17v_12(223), WD_19v_39(419), WD_23r_18(694),
ZR_100_12(383), ZR_100_19(390), ZR_106_27(511)

Transliteration: atlikt;
Orthographies: atlikkt’; atlikt; atlikt’; atlìkt; atlìkt’;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (-);
Morphology: -;


(8) atliktų

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atliktų;
Orthographies: atliktû;
Part of Speech: VP;
Inflection: a_Pass_Past_Masc_Pl_Gen;
Morphology: ti-Inf;

atlyginti, atlygyti

Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atlýginti (-yti), -ina, -ino
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: užmokėti, atsiteisti
atlyginti,atlygyti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

taip; dantis; bažnyčia; bet; krikščionis; žiemavoti; nesidyvyti/dyvytis; pasielgti; įsiremti; guinioti;



(1) atlygins

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atlygįs;
Orthographies: atlýgįs;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Fut_3_(įs);
Morphology: i-Fut;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atlė̃kti, àtlekia, àtlėkė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: atskristi;
atlėkti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

šelmystė; durnai; atnešti; gyventi; pagadinti,pagadyti; gandras; razumas; girti; užaugti; padaryti;



(1) atlekia

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atlekia;
Orthographies: àtlĕkiă;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3;
Morphology: ja-Pres;


(2) atlėkė

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atlėkė;
Orthographies: àtlė̆kė̆;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_3;
Morphology: ė-Past;

atminti, atmyti

Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atmiñti (atmýti), àtmena, àtminė
Morphology: -ti, -a, -ė
Gloss: turėti atmintyje, neužmiršti
atminti,atmyti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

norėti; kožnas; būdas; galėti; biedžius; brolis; dirbti; reikėti,reikti; maloningas; sunkus;



(1) atmena

Occurrences: 2

ZR_100_30(401), ZR_108_29(551)

Transliteration: atmena; natmena;
Orthographies: n’àtmĕnă; àtmĕnă;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3;
Morphology: a-Pres;


(2) atminti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atmįt;
Orthographies: atmįt;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (įt);
Morphology: -;

atnešdinti, atnešdyti

Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atnẽšdinti, atnèšdinti (-yti), -ina, -ino
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: liepti atnešti
atnešdinti,atnešdyti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

bužas; pristokti; užrašas; namai; piktadėjas; nei; šešėlis; primokti; tytveik; padurkas;



(1) atnešdino

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atnešdino;
Orthographies: atnèszdĭnŏ;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_3;
Morphology: o-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atnèšti, àtneša, àtnešė
Morphology: -ti, -a, -ė
Gloss: -
atnešti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

gandras; glūpas; kam; stovėti; ėsti; žvirblis; šuo; gauti; gyvas; lėlė;



(1) atneša

Occurrences: 6

PP_20_21(19), PP_20_28(26), PP_22_21(54), RG_36_5(77), RG_56_6(458),

Transliteration: atneša;
Orthographies: àtnĕsză;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3;
Morphology: a-Pres;


(2) atnešiu

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atnešiu;
Orthographies: ătnèsziu;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Fut_Sg_1;
Morphology: i-Fut;


(3) atnešu

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atnešu;
Orthographies: àtnĕszŭ;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_Sg_1;
Morphology: a-Pres;


(4) atnešusi

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atnešusi;
Orthographies: atnészŭsĭ;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: jo_Act_Past_Fem_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: ė-Past;


(5) atnešė

Occurrences: 7

LG_2_28(26), PP_22_9(42), PP_26_30(139), RG_38_3(113), RG_40_30(178),
RG_56_8(460), RG_70_36(754)

Transliteration: atneše; atnešė; natnešė;
Orthographies: n’àtnĕszė̆; àtnĕszĕ; àtnĕszė̆;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_3;
Morphology: ė-Past;

Atpentai, adpentai

Part of Speech: NT
accentuated: adpeñtai (2)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: Adventas
atpentai,adpentai in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

išdykti; sykis; rasi; lietuviškas; kiek; žvirblis; paliepti; pumpuras; ilgas; kytriai;



(1) Atpentai

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atpentai;
Orthographies: atpèntai;
Part of Speech: NT;
Inflection: Pl_Nom;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: ADV
accentuated: atpeñč, atpénč
Morphology: -
Gloss: atgal
atpenč in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

smagurauti,smaguriauti; šauti; pavirsti; pareiti; provininkas; smarkumas; tamsa; tarkšti; suderėti; žiopsoti;



(1) atpenč

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atpenč;
Orthographies: atpencʒ;
Part of Speech: ADV;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atplė́šti, atplė́šia, atplė́šė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: -
atplėšti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

tiesiog; kūnas; langas; butas; linksmas; giltinė; pora; būriškas; mažu; svetimas;



(1) atplėšiant

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atplėšiant;
Orthographies: atplėsziant;
Part of Speech: VG;
Inflection: Pres;
Morphology: Pres-G;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atràsti, atrañda, atrãdo
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: -
atrasti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

žvirblis; plyšys; vargti; barti; smaugti; dūmoti; gandinti,gandyti; kytriai; koravoti; slapytis;



(1) atrasti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atrast;
Orthographies: atraſt’;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (-);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ãtrašas (3b)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: atsakymas raštu
atrašas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

visoks; nuo; gaidys; vėjas; pro; jekė; šiltas; linas; buksvos; dalgis;



(1) atrašą

Occurrences: 2

PP_28_13(160), RG_48_22(322)

Transliteration: atrašą;
Orthographies: átrăszą̆;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atsibastýti, -bãsto, -bãstė
Morphology: Ref_-yti, -o, -ė
Gloss: -
atsibastyti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

paliauti; margas; pažadėti; bleberis; šūdas; pagauti; daglas; labai; ėsti; barstyti;



(1) atsibastė

Occurrences: 4

PP_24_6(77), PP_26_3(112), RG_44_8(232), ZR_100_8(379)

Transliteration: atsibastė;
Orthographies: ătsĭbástė;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_3;
Morphology: Ref_ė-Past;


(2) atsibastęs

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsibastęs;
Orthographies: ătſĭbáſte̷s;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: Ref_ė-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atsidvė̃sti, atsìdvesia, atsìdvėsė
Morphology: Ref_-ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: atsikvėpti
atsidvėsti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

zauna; naujokas; užkimti; atgaivinti,atgaivyti; smarkininkas; šokinėjimas; rabata; vagystė; pargrįžti; prisotinti,prisotyti;



(1) atsidvėsti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsidvėsti;
Orthographies: ătſĭdwėſti;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: Ref;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atsigáuti, atsigáuna, atsigãvo
Morphology: Ref_-auti, -auna, -avo
Gloss: atsigaivinti, susigrąžinti jėgas;
atsigauti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

paliauti; verkti; šaltis; kramtyti; pagauti; susirinkti; bleberis; bėginėti; kaimenė; pasidžiaugti;



(1) atsigausime

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsigausim;
Orthographies: ătsĭgáusim;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Fut_Pl_1_(-);
Morphology: Ref_i-Fut;


(2) atsigautumbime,atsigautumėme

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsigautumbim;
Orthographies: ătsĭgáutumbim;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Subj_Pl_1_(-);
Morphology: Ref_b-Subj;


(3) atsigavo

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsigavo;
Orthographies: ătsĭgáwo;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_3;
Morphology: Ref_o-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atsigérti, atsìgeria, atsigė́rė
Morphology: ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: numalšinti troškulį, gerti iki soties
atsigerti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

šaukti; lakstyti; virti; siūlyti; vėlei; viralas; dangus; valgis; debesis; visoks;



(1) atsigerti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsigert;
Orthographies: ătsĭgért;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (-);
Morphology: ti-Inf;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atsilankýti, -lañko, -lañkė
Morphology: Ref_-yti, -o, -ė
Gloss: apsilankyti
atsilankyti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

burzdėti; galvijėlis; pagalba; srovė; pasielgti; namelis; sunkus; aklas; išdarkyti; meldžiamas;



(1) atsilankę

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsilankę;
Orthographies: ătsĭlànkę;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Pl_Nom;
Morphology: Ref_ė-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atsiliẽpti, atsiliẽpia, atsìliepė
Morphology: Ref_-ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: -
atsiliepti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

gandras; kam; atnešti; glūpas; rasi; pulkas; viernai; ėsti; liepti; lėlė;



(1) atsiliepdamas

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsiliepdams;
Orthographies: ătſĭliepdams;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Masc_Sg_(ms);
Morphology: Ref_a;


(2) atsiliepia

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsiliepia;
Orthographies: ătsĭlëpia;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3;
Morphology: Ref_ja-Pres;


(3) atsilieps

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsilieps;
Orthographies: ătſĭlieps;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Fut_3;
Morphology: Ref_i-Fut;


(4) atsiliepęs

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsiliepęs;
Orthographies: ătsĭlëpę̆s;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: Act_Past_Masc_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: Ref_ė-Past;

atsiminti, atsimyti

Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atsimiñti (atsimýti), atsìmena, atsìminė
Morphology: Ref_-ti, -a, -ė
Gloss: -
atsiminti,atsimyti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

tavo/tu; margas; pasidžiaugti; šaudyti; gaivinti,gaivyti; suktis; kopinėti; kiemas; labai; saulelė;



(1) atsimink

Occurrences: 3

AG_18_12(25), PL_6r_14(265), PL_6r_33(284)

Transliteration: atsimyk; atsimįk;
Orthographies: ătsĭmįk; ătſĭmi̷k; ătſĭmyk;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Imp_Sg_2_(yk); Imp_Sg_2_(įk);
Morphology: Ref_ki-Imp;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atsisvéikinti, -ina, -ino
Morphology: -inti, -ina, -ino
Gloss: -
atsisveikinti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

staltiesė; budėti; nusitverti; barškėti; prisiartinti; baugštus; atkartoti; lenkiškas; svodbiškai; debesys;



(1) atsisveikinęs

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsisveikinęs;
Orthographies: ătsĭswéikĭnę̆s;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: Ref_o-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atsisė́sti, -sė́da, -sė́do
Morphology: Ref_-ti, -a, -o
Gloss: -
atsisėsti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

oras; saulelė; ilgai; giltinė; kytras; peikti; kiemas; perdaugel; mykolas; galva;



(1) atsisėdo

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsisėdo;
Orthographies: ătsĭsėdo;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_3;
Morphology: Ref_o-Past;


(2) atsisėdęs

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsisėdęs;
Orthographies: ătsĭsėdęs;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: Ref_o-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atsitū̃pti, atsìtupia (atsitū̃pia), atsìtūpė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: -
atsitūpti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

baisingas; sirata; kaimenė; tikrai; lietuviškas; mažu; šelmis; pasidžiaugti; ilgas; baisiai;



(1) atsitūpę

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsitupę;
Orthographies: ătsĭtúpę̆;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Pl_Nom;
Morphology: ė-Past;


(2) atsitūpęs

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsitupęs;
Orthographies: ătsĭtúpę̆s;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: ė-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atsivil̃kti, atsìvelka, atsivil̃ko
Morphology: Ref_-ti, -a, -o
Gloss: atslinkti
atsivilkti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

pamušti; galvijėlis; šykštuoti; parodyti; plyšys; karieta; keršis; dangiškas; doleris; tavoras;



(1) atsivilkęs

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsivilkęs;
Orthographies: ătsĭwìlkęs;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: ja_Act_Past_Masc_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: Ref_o-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atsių̃sti, atsiuñčia, àtsiuntė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: -
atsiųsti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

iššutinti,iššutyti; gaišinti,gaišyti; jodinėti; barzda; kuinas; būriškas; karklas; dumčius; sūnelis; nuvažiuoti;



(1) atsiųsdamas

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atsusdams;
Orthographies: atſuſdams;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Masc_Sg_(ms);
Morphology: a;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atskìrti, àtskiria, atskýrė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: -
atskirti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

pušis; pietūs; dangus; nesibijoti/bijotis; prastoti; mandagiai; grūdelis; prieš; širdis; tankiai;



(1) atskiria

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atskiria;
Orthographies: atſkĭrrĭa;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3;
Morphology: ja-Pres;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: atstánka (1)
Morphology: o6_Fem
Gloss: liekana, likutis
atstanka in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

malkas; pupa; nukeliauti; kukorius; durys; boba; imtis; sėti; dainuoti; daina;



(1) atstankas

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atstankas;
Orthographies: atstànkas;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Acc;
Morphology: o_Fem;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atstóti, atstója, atstójo
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: -
atstoti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

dešra; daina; skaurada; šonas; žemė; nesvietiškai; vilkas; poniškas; džiovinti,džiovyti; iš;



(1) atstodama

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atstodama;
Orthographies: atstódămă;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Fem_Sg;
Morphology: o;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: attesė́ti, -tẽsi (tẽsia), -ė́jo
Morphology: -ėti, -i(a), -ėjo
Gloss: atlyginti, užmokėti, grąžinti
attesėti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

pažaras; išdrožti; čiupterti; išpūti; išimti; gydyti; pajudinti,pajudyti; nepakajus; šveplenti; pilvuoti;



(1) attesėtų

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: attesėtu;
Orthographies: ăttĕſėtu;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Subj_3_(u);
Morphology: 0-Subj;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atvérti, àtveria, atvė́rė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: -
atverti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

sklypas; tvankas; sukti; malkas; imtis; plaukti; kukorius; tušė; rambokas; sopagas;



(1) atverdami

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atverdami;
Orthographies: atwérdămĭ;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Masc_Pl;
Morphology: a;

atvesdinti, atvesdyti

Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atvẽsdinti, atvèsdinti (atvèsdyti, atvesdýti), -vèsdina, -vèsdino
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: liepti atvesti
atvesdinti,atvesdyti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

kam; sykis; iškelti; tyrinėti; oras; kaimenė; piktas; pasislėpti; mažu; meilingas;



(1) atvesdinti,atvesdyti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atvesdįt;
Orthographies: atwèsdįt;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (-);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atvèžti, àtveža, àtvežė
Morphology: -ti, -a, -ė
Gloss: -
atvežti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

atboti; pamesti; tikrai; sumišai; labai; parnešti; nusidovyti; penki; aukštas; arklys;



(1) atveždavo

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atveždavo;
Orthographies: atweʒ́dăwŏ;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pastf_3;
Morphology: o-Pastf;


Part of Speech: ADJ
accentuated: ãtviras, -à (3b)
Morphology: a1, o6
Gloss: -
atviras in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

merga; boba; trys; prie; jekė; bjaurus; mėsinėti; vabalas; tylomis; kumelė;



(1) atviros

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atviros;
Orthographies: átwĭrŏs;
Part of Speech: ADJP;
Inflection: Pos_Fem_Pl_Nom;
Morphology: o;


(2) atvirą

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atvirą;
Orthographies: átwĭrą̆;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_Fem_Sg_Acc;
Morphology: o;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atvė́sti, atvė́sta, atvė́so
Morphology: -ti, -sta, -o
Gloss: -
atvėsti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

senystė; nupenėti; kasa; koja; alus; pragerti; imtis; šerti; malkas; tvankas;



(1) atvėsti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atvėsti;
Orthographies: atwėstĭ;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atšìlti, atšỹla, atšìlo
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: -
atšilti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

žaislas; į; pravardis; suvesti; meška; su; platus; balnas; sudrumsti; skambėti;



(1) atšilti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atšilt;
Orthographies: atszìlt;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atšókti, -šóka, -šóko
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: atskubėti
atšokti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

kam; dūsauti; sumišai; žaisti; varna; lankyti; galas; viernai; rasi; piktas;



(1) atšokdama

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atšokdama;
Orthographies: atſʒókdămă;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Fem_Sg;
Morphology: o;


(2) atšokusi

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atšokusi;
Orthographies: atſʒókŭſĭ;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: jo_Act_Past_Fem_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: o-Past;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atšvę̃sti, atšveñčia, àtšventė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: -
atšvęsti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

klonis; kvietkelė; stekenti,stekęti; provininkas; peržengti; nusipešti; slinkti; katrul; kultuvė; išsitiesti;



(1) atšvenčiant

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atšvenčant;
Orthographies: atszwènczant;
Part of Speech: VG;
Inflection: Pres_(ant);
Morphology: Pres-G;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: atžeñgti, -žeñgia, àtžengė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: -
atžengti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

išgarbinti,išgarbyti; ašmas; apželti; susilįsti; krūvelė; meška; kulšė; susivogti; pabusti; brukti;



(1) atžengdamas

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: atžengdams;
Orthographies: atʒ́engdams;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Masc_Sg_(ms);
Morphology: a;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: audeklė̃lis (2)
Morphology: ja3_Masc
Gloss: audeklas
audeklėlis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

mokėti; nės; pažiūrėti; tekti; atboti; šaltyšius; verpti; parvežti; garbė; ale;



(1) audeklėliai

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: audeklėlei;
Orthographies: audeklėlei;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Nom_(ei);
Morphology: ja_Masc;

auginti, augyti

Part of Speech: V
accentuated: augìnti (augýti), -ìna, -ìno
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: -
auginti,augyti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

šviesa; abu; kvieslys; ruduo; iki; tėvemūs; viežlybai; svotas; nupulti; išmesti;



(1) augindama

Occurrences: 2

RG_34_25(59), WD_23r_10(686)

Transliteration: augįdama;
Orthographies: augi̷dămă; augįdămă;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Fem_Sg_(įdama);
Morphology: o;


(2) auginti

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: augyt;
Orthographies: augyt’;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (yt);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: áugti, áuga, áugo
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: -
augti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

nesigėdėti/gėdėtis; daugsyk; būti; vyžotas; pluškėti/pliuškėti; dievas; gimti; miera; čia; kad;



(1) auga

Occurrences: 2

PL_9v_27(579), ZR_112_1(599)

Transliteration: auga;
Orthographies: augă; áuga;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3;
Morphology: a-Pres;


(2) augdami

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: augdami;
Orthographies: áugdămĭ;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Masc_Pl;
Morphology: a;


(3) augo

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: augo;
Orthographies: aúgo;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_3;
Morphology: o-Past;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: áuklė (1)
Morphology: ė8_Fem
Gloss: -
auklė in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

mandagus; gruzdas,grūzdas; barti; teisybė; liudininkas; išdykti; aukštai; paliauti; kaukti; saldus;



(1) auklių

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: aukliu;
Orthographies: aukliu;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Gen_(iu);
Morphology: ė_Fem;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: áuksas (3)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: -
auksas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

pavasaris; teškėti; linksmas; kalnas; kuilys; malkelis; kone; srėbti; džiaugsmas; nudilti;



(1) aukso

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: aukso;
Orthographies: áukso;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Gen;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: aukúoti, -úoja, -ãvo
Morphology: -uoti, -uoja, -avo
Gloss: supti, liūliuoti
aukuoti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

išsikepti; šalis; rėdas; uždrausti; gėrimas; šūtyti; užsimiršti; kramtyti; rauti; mergaitė;



(1) aukuodamos

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: aukuodamos;
Orthographies: aukůdămŏs;
Part of Speech: VSP;
Inflection: Fem_Pl;
Morphology: o;


Part of Speech: ADV
accentuated: aukštaĩ
Morphology: -
Gloss: -
aukštai in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

tavo/tu; margas; tikrai; kaimenė; sumišai; kiemas; pasislėpti; pasidžiaugti; suktis; pavogti;



(1) aukštai

Occurrences: 5

AG_18_31(44), PL_3v_29(69), PL_5r_23(189), PP_20_23(21), ZR_104_27(473)

Transliteration: aukštay; peraukštai;
Orthographies: auksztaý; aukſʒtay; perauksztaý;
Part of Speech: ADV;
Inflection: Pos_(ay);
Morphology: -;


(2) aukščiau

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: aukščaus;
Orthographies: aukſʒcʒaùs;
Part of Speech: ADV;
Inflection: Comp_(aũs);
Morphology: -;


(3) aukščiausiai

Occurrences: 2

RG_64_35(639), WD_15v_8(50)

Transliteration: aukščaus; aukščiaus;
Orthographies: aukszczáus; aukſʒcʒiáus;
Part of Speech: ADV;
Inflection: Sup_(iáus);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: ADJ; NA
accentuated: áukštas, -à (3); aũkštas (2)
Morphology: a1, o6; a1_Masc
Gloss: garbingas; palėpė
aukštas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

srėbti; tėvas; pamesti; keikti; kruopa; raspusta; pumpuras; viežlybas; pabūgti; kasparas;



(1) aukštiems

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: aukštiems;
Orthographies: auksztëms;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_Masc_Pl_Dat;
Morphology: a;


(2) aukšto

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: aukšto;
Orthographies: aukſʒto;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Gen;
Morphology: a_Masc;


(3) aukščiausių

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: aukščiausų;
Orthographies: aukſʒcʒáuſû;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Sup_Masc_Pl_Gen_(ų);
Morphology: ja;


Part of Speech: ADV
accentuated: aukštỹn
Morphology: -
Gloss: -
aukštyn in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

bjaurus; mokinti,mokyti; trys; ranka; jekė; austi; prie; tylomis; tykoti; du;



(1) aukštyn

Occurrences: 5

RG_48_11(311), RG_64_3(607), WD_15v_7(49), WD_23r_14(690), ZR_102_34(442)

Transliteration: aukštyn;
Orthographies: auksztýn; aukſʒtyn;
Part of Speech: ADV;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ausìs (4)
Morphology: i9_Fem
Gloss: -
ausis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

nugara; gauti; tavo/tu; rėkti; margas; pagauti; užsimauti; pasislėpti; pasilikti; šelmis;



(1) ausis

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: ausis;
Orthographies: auſìs;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Acc;
Morphology: i_Fem;


(2) ausys

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: ausys;
Orthographies: aùsys;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Nom;
Morphology: i_Fem;


(3) ausį

Occurrences: 7

PL_6r_16(267), RG_46_29(291), RG_56_38(490), RG_58_14(504), WD_19r_36(375),
ZR_100_32(403), ZR_104_13(459)

Transliteration: ausį;
Orthographies: auſi̷; aùsį;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: i_Fem;


(4) ausų

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: ausiu;
Orthographies: ausiú;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Gen_(iu);
Morphology: i_Fem;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: aũster
Morphology: -
Gloss: austrė
auster in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

šalkis; įdrožti; plėčka; viešnė; padėjimas; joks; palinksminti,palinksmyti; tarti; pasidaryti; paganyti;



(1) auster

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: auster;
Orthographies: aùster;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: -;
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: V
accentuated: áusti, áudžia, áudė
Morphology: -ti, -ia, -ė
Gloss: -
austi in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

jekė; trys; vėjas; mokinti,mokyti; prie; bjaurus; merga; šaltas; pro; visoks;



(1) audusi

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: audus;
Orthographies: âuduſ’;
Part of Speech: VPP;
Inflection: jo_Act_Past_Fem_Sg_Nom_(-);
Morphology: Ref_ė-Past;


(2) audė

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: audė;
Orthographies: áudė;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_3;
Morphology: ė-Past;


(3) audėte

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: audet;
Orthographies: áudet’;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Past_Pl_2_(et);
Morphology: ė-Past;


(4) audžia

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: audžia;
Orthographies: áudʒ́ia;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3;
Morphology: ja-Pres;


(5) aus

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: aus;
Orthographies: aùs;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Fut_3;
Morphology: i-Fut;


(6) austi

Occurrences: 3

PL_10r_18(603), PL_10r_38(623), WD_21v_28(577)

Transliteration: aust;
Orthographies: áuſt; áuſt’; âuſt’;
Part of Speech: VINF;
Inflection: (-);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: aũtas (2)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: skuduras kojoms apvynioti
autas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

bjaurus; mokinti,mokyti; žirnis; trys; zūbai; šaltas; du; ranka; pro; prastai;



(1) autams

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: autams;
Orthographies: autams;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Dat;
Morphology: a_Masc;


(2) autus

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: autus;
Orthographies: autùs;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Acc;
Morphology: a_Masc;


(3) autų

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: autu;
Orthographies: aùtu;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Gen_(u);
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: autẽlis (2)
Morphology: ja3_Masc
Gloss: audeklo gabalas kojoms apvynioti
autelis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

mokėti; maitintis,maitytis; taipjau; vokietis; vartas; stuba; taipo; pirmas; daryti; tiktai;



(1) auteliams

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: auteliams;
Orthographies: autéliams;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Dat;
Morphology: ja_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: áužuolas (3a)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: ąžuolas
aužuolas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

kloniotis; prie; linas; kirsti; dangus; vaitoti; plaučiūnas; pora; šen; peikti;



(1) aužuolas

Occurrences: 2

AG_16_21, AG_16_22(1)

Transliteration: aužuols;
Orthographies: áużůls;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Nom_(ls); Sg_Nom_(s);
Morphology: a_Masc;


(2) aužuolus

Occurrences: 2

RG_60_33(561), ZR_90_23(204)

Transliteration: aužuolus;
Orthographies: áużůlus;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Acc;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: avẽlė (2)
Morphology: ė8_Fem
Gloss: -
avelė in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

sirata; pieva; suktis; labai; margas; skaityti; pasidžiaugti; daglas; smaugti; sykis;



(1) avelė

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: avelė;
Orthographies: awélė̆;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Nom;
Morphology: e_Fem;


(2) avelę

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: avelę;
Orthographies: awélę;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: ė_Fem;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ãvinas (3b)
Morphology: a1_Masc
Gloss: -
avinas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

sykis; varna; tavo/tu; kaimenė; viežlybas; rasi; turėti; snausti; liepti; suktis;



(1) aviną

Occurrences: 2

RG_50_5(343), RG_52_4(380)

Transliteration: aviną;
Orthographies: áwĭną̆;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: a_Masc;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: avìs (4)
Morphology: i9_Fem
Gloss: -
avis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

keli; mandagiai; tėvai; pašaras; pietūs; imti; daugel; prieš; šaltis; pirm;



(1) avių

Occurrences: 4

RG_38_34(144), RG_52_4(380), WD_19r_41(380), WP_14_31(17)

Transliteration: aviu; avju;
Orthographies: awiú; awju;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Gen_(iu); Pl_Gen_(ju);
Morphology: i_Fem;


(2) avys

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: avys;
Orthographies: áwys;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Nom;
Morphology: i_Fem;


(3) avį

Occurrences: 2

SD_10_7(11), SD_8_32(2)

Transliteration: avį;
Orthographies: áwį; áwį̇̆;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Acc;
Morphology: i_Fem;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: avižà (3b)
Morphology: o6_Fem
Gloss: -
aviža in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

linas; kirsti; slapta; gardžiai; pietūs; plaučiūnas; keikti; kampas; prieš; pelnyti;



(1) avižas

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: avižas;
Orthographies: áwiʒ́as;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Acc;
Morphology: o_Fem;


(2) avižų

Occurrences: 2

PL_9v_35(587), WD_22r_19(611)

Transliteration: avižu; avižų;
Orthographies: ăwĭʒ́u; ăwĭʒ́û;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Gen; Pl_Gen_(u);
Morphology: o_Fem;

Part of Speech: PPER; V
accentuated: àš; mèsti, mẽta, mẽtė
Morphology: -; -ti, -a, -ė
Gloss: vynioti siūlus ant mestuvo
aš in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

derėti; pasidaryti; ponas; kaip; ne; pasakyti; kasmets; girdėti; mezliava; daugsyk;



(3) mane

Occurrences: 18

LG_2_8(6), LG_4_16(42), LG_4_19(45), PP_26_25(134), PS_12_24(28),
RG_56_36(488), RG_56_37(489), RG_58_13(503), RG_58_24(514), RG_58_6(496),
RG_60_1(529), RG_60_27(555), RG_66_5(647), WD_18r_3(257), WD_18v_22(321),
WD_19r_39(378), WD_19v_7(387), WP_16_12(32)

Transliteration: mane; manę;
Orthographies: manę̀; mănĕ; mănę̀; mănę̆;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Sg_Acc; Sg_Acc_(ę);
Morphology: -;


(4) manimi

Occurrences: 2

RG_62_26(592), WD_17r_22(188)

Transliteration: manim;
Orthographies: mănim’; mănìm;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Sg_Ins_(-);
Morphology: -;


(5) manęs

Occurrences: 3

RG_60_2(530), WD_23r_35(711), ZR_98_20(353)

Transliteration: manęs;
Orthographies: măne̷s; mănęs;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Sg_Gen;
Morphology: -;


(6) mes

Occurrences: 86

PL_10r_39(624), PL_4r_11(93), PL_4r_28(110), PL_4r_3(85), PL_4r_31(113),
PL_4r_41(123), PL_4r_6(88), PL_4r_9(91), PL_4v_34(158), PL_4v_37(161),
PL_4v_38(162), PL_6v_2(297), PL_6v_4(299), PL_7r_34(373), PL_7r_9(348),
PL_7v_9(391), PL_8r_26(449), PL_8r_8(431), PL_8v_4(470), PL_9r_15(525),
PL_9v_1(553), PL_9v_11(563), PL_9v_14(566), PP_24_33(104), PP_26_38(147),
PS_12_14(18), RG_32_25(23), RG_34_32(66), RG_34_34(68), RG_44_35(259),
RG_48_12(312), RG_50_18(356), RG_50_26(364), RG_50_28(366), RG_50_32(370),
RG_54_21(435), RG_54_25(439), RG_54_26(440), RG_66_1(643), RG_72_28(784),
RG_78_8(878), WD_15r_29(29), WD_15r_40(40), WD_15v_29(71), WD_15v_36(78),
WD_17v_28(239), WD_18r_37(291), WD_21r_32(538), WD_21r_34(540), WD_21r_35(541),
WD_22v_23(657), WD_22v_33(667), WD_22v_35(669), WD_22v_4(638), WD_22v_42(676),
WD_22v_6(640), WD_23r_2(678), WP_14_29(15), ZR_104_25(471), ZR_106_20(504),
ZR_108_22(544), ZR_110_19(579), ZR_110_30(590), ZR_110_31(591), ZR_112_17(615),
ZR_112_21(619), ZR_112_23(621), ZR_112_27(625), ZR_112_28(626), ZR_112_8(606),
ZR_114_8(644), ZR_116_1(675), ZR_116_3(677), ZR_116_5(679), ZR_116_8(682),
ZR_82_31(60), ZR_82_38(67), ZR_82_6(35), ZR_88_33(176), ZR_90_30(211),
ZR_90_9(190), ZR_92_17(236), ZR_94_20(277), ZR_94_37(294), ZR_98_33(366),

Transliteration: mes; mesgi;
Orthographies: mes; mès; més; mésgĭ;
Part of Speech: PPER; V;
Inflection: Ind_Fut_3; Pl_Nom;
Morphology: -; i-Fut;


(7) mumis

Occurrences: 2

WD_18r_38(292), ZR_88_32(175)

Transliteration: mumis;
Orthographies: mŭmìs;
Part of Speech: PPER;
Inflection: Pl_Ins;
Morphology: -;


(10) mūsų

Occurrences: 105

LG_2_11(9), LG_2_21(19), LG_6_1(65), PL_10r_23(608), PL_10r_28(613),
PL_3v_39(79), PL_4r_15(97), PL_4r_4(86), PL_4v_18(142), PL_4v_8(132),
PL_4v_9(133), PL_5r_26(192), PL_5r_34(200), PL_6v_24(319), PL_6v_29(324),
PL_7r_39(378), PL_9v_27(579), PL_9v_4(556), PP_28_22(169), PS_12_17(21),
PS_12_19(23), PS_12_20(24), RG_32_15(13), RG_32_3(1), RG_34_16(50),
RG_36_31(103), RG_44_36(260), RG_46_23(285), RG_46_31(293), RG_48_25(325),
RG_48_33(333), RG_48_34(334), RG_48_38(338), RG_54_14(428), RG_64_37(641),
RG_64_38(642), RG_66_37(679), RG_72_18(774), RG_72_30(786), RG_72_35(791),
RG_78_1(871), RG_78_32(902), RG_78_33(903), RG_78_6(876), RG_78_7(877),
RJ_8_19(40), WD_15r_6(6), WD_15v_13(55), WD_15v_18(60), WD_15v_28(70),
WD_16v_14(139), WD_16v_4(129), WD_17r_25(191), WD_17v_18(229), WD_17v_25(236),
WD_17v_36(247), WD_17v_7(218), WD_18v_6(304), WD_19r_17(356), WD_19r_19(358),
WD_19v_41(421), WD_20v_19(484), WD_21r_2(508), WD_21r_24(530), WD_21v_30(579),
WD_21v_6(555), WD_22r_23(615), WD_22r_29(621), WD_22r_41(633), WD_22v_2(636),
WD_22v_28(662), WD_22v_38(672), WD_22v_8(642), WD_23r_27(703), WP_14_30(16),
ZR_100_21(392), ZR_106_17(501), ZR_106_25(509), ZR_106_35(519), ZR_108_10(532),
ZR_108_13(535), ZR_108_17(539), ZR_110_17(577), ZR_112_31(629), ZR_112_32(630),
ZR_112_9(607), ZR_114_11(647), ZR_114_15(651), ZR_114_29(665), ZR_114_30(666),
ZR_114_32(668), ZR_116_6(680), ZR_84_32(99), ZR_86_37(142), ZR_88_23(166),
ZR_90_9(190), ZR_92_20(239), ZR_92_3(222), ZR_92_36(255), ZR_92_38(257),
ZR_94_7(264), ZR_98_12(345), ZR_98_27(360), ZR_98_35(368), ZR_98_37(370)

Transliteration: mus; musu; musų; mūs; mūsu;
Orthographies: mus’; muſŭ; músu; músŭ; mús’; múſu; múſû; múſû̆; múſŭ; múſŭ̂; múſ’; mûſŭ; mûſ’; mŭsŭ; mŭſŭ;
Part of Speech: PPER; PPER, PPOSG; PPOSG;
Inflection: Pl_Gen; Pl_Gen_(-); Pl_Gen_(u);
Morphology: -;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ãšara (1)
Morphology: o6_Fem
Gloss: -
ašara in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

eiti; gėdėtis; kieksyk; ūmai; liepti; kam; rasi; pasaka; gyvas; lietuviškai;



(1) ašaras

Occurrences: 2

RG_66_38(680), ZR_106_15(499)

Transliteration: ašaras;
Orthographies: ászărăs;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Acc;
Morphology: o_Fem;


(2) ašaros

Occurrences: 2

AG_18_22(35), PL_8r_3(426)

Transliteration: ašaros;
Orthographies: ászărŏs; áſʒărŏs;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Nom;
Morphology: o_Fem;


(3) ašarų

Occurrences: 6

PL_6r_36(287), PP_26_23(132), RG_58_35(525), WD_17v_38(249), WD_17v_40(251),

Transliteration: ašaru;
Orthographies: aſʒărŭ; ászărŭ; áſʒărŭ;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Pl_Gen_(u);
Morphology: o_Fem;


Part of Speech: NA
accentuated: ašìs (4)
Morphology: i9_Fem
Gloss: -
ašis in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

malkas; du; sopagas; draskyti; purvas; boba; vainikas; smuikas; puikus; durys;



(1) ašies

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: ašies;
Orthographies: aszës;
Part of Speech: NA;
Inflection: Sg_Gen;
Morphology: i_Fem;


Part of Speech: ADJO
accentuated: ãšmas, -à (4)
Morphology: a1, o6
Gloss: aštuntas
ašmas in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

krūvelė; apželti; susilįsti; klastorka; išgarbinti,išgarbyti; susivogti; pabusti; lapas; paslas; riebiai;



(1) ašma

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: ašma;
Orthographies: aszmà;
Part of Speech: ADJO;
Inflection: Fem_Sg_Nom;
Morphology: o;


Part of Speech: ADV
accentuated: aštriaĩ
Morphology: -
Gloss: smarkiai, griežtai
aštriai in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

tavo/tu; tikrai; kaimenė; sumišai; pasidžiaugti; paukštis; suktis; palikti; snausti; pieva;



(1) aštriai

Occurrences: 4

PL_5r_4(170), WD_17r_12(178), ZR_88_37(180), ZR_90_14(195)

Transliteration: aštrey;
Orthographies: asztreý; aſʒtrey;
Part of Speech: ADV;
Inflection: Pos_(ey);
Morphology: -;

aštrinti, aštryti

Part of Speech: V
accentuated: ãštrinti (-yti), -ina, -ino
Morphology: -ti, -a, -o
Gloss: galąsti
aštrinti,aštryti in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

pažaras; išdrožti; išpūti; čiupterti; išimti; išsisplėsti; pilvuoti; attesėti; gydyti; draugala;



(1) aštrina

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: aštrina;
Orthographies: aſʒtrĭnă;
Part of Speech: V;
Inflection: Ind_Pres_3;
Morphology: a-Pres;


Part of Speech: ADJ
accentuated: aštrùs, -ì (4)
Morphology: u5, jo8
Gloss: -
aštrus in other ressources:
- Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
10 nearest neighbours in lemma vector space:

kaulas; širdingai; gražus; mano/aš; beržinis; vakmistras; niekinti,niekyti; rodyti; kasdien; padaryti;



(1) aštrų

Occurrences: 1


Transliteration: aštrų;
Orthographies: ásztrų;
Part of Speech: ADJ;
Inflection: Pos_Masc_Sg_Acc;
Morphology: u;