On the Texts page an individual text can be selected for reading. Here, the annotated texts can also be downloaded in Toolbox, ELAN and TEI formats (column Download). The buttons provide citations in the APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard or BibTex format. Clicking on the title of a text will take you to the reading view.
Every verse of the annotated text has an ID in the format text_page or sheet_line(verse). For example, the ID PL_6v_10(305) indicates the text Pavasario linksmybės (PL), sheet 6 verso of the manuscript, line 10 on this sheet, which is verse 305 of the poem.
Texts whose original manuscript has survived (DM PL.WD.F 1765–1775) have been parallelized with the annotated text. Every fifth verse has been linked to the manuscript – clicking on the line IDs highlighted in blue will open a window at the corresponding place in the manuscript.
Below the main text are the annotations. The dropdown menu in the header, showing the title of the current text, allows switching to another text. The check boxes toggle layers of annotation (the annotation system is explained in detail in the tagset). The check boxes in the footer toggle additional text editions and translations to be displayed in parallel with the main text:
Compare the explanation of sigla and table of corresponding texts.