Tatian, Gospel Harmony
Part No. 116
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Chapter: 115 
Sentence: 1    Link to gotnt
   Et egredientibus eis a Hiericho secuta est eum turba multa. Link to gotnt Et ecce duo ceci, (188) Link to gotnt ex quibus erat Parthimeus filius Thimei, Link to gotnt sedentes secus viam audierunt quia Ihesus Nazarenus transiret, et clamaverunt dicentes: domine, miserere nostri, fili David! Link to gotnt Turba autem increpabat eos, ut tacerent. At illi magis clamabant dicentes: domine, miserere nostri, fili David!
Inti ín úzgangenten fon Hiericho folgeta inan mihil menigi. Inti sinu zuúene blinte, (188) fon then uúas Parthimeus Thimeuses sún, sizzente nah themo uúege, gihórtun thaz thaz heilant thér nazarenisgo thar furifuori, inti reofun sus quędente: trohtin, milti úns, Dauides sun! Thiu menigi increbota sie, thaz sie suúigetin. Sie tho mer reofun sus quedente: trohtin, milti uns, Dauides sun!
Sentence: 2    Link to gotnt
Et stetit Ihesus et vocavit eos et ait: quid vultis ut faciam vobis? Link to gotnt Dicunt illi: domine, ut aperiantur oculi nostri. Link to gotnt Misertus autem eorum Ihesus tetigit oculos eorum, et confestim viderunt et secuti sunt eum Link to gotnt magnificantes dominum. Et omnis plebs, ut vidit, dedit laudem deo.
Inti stuont ther heilant inti gihalota sie inti quad: uuaz uuollet ír thaz ih íu túe? Tho quadun sie imo: trohtin, thaz sin gioffonot unsariu óugun. Tho miltita ín ther heilant inti biruorta iro óugun, inti slíumo gisáhun, inti folgetun inan mihilosonti trohtinan. Inti al thaz folc, so iz gisah, gab gote lob.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Tatian, Gospel Harmony.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.