Tatian, Gospel Harmony
Part No. 102
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Chapter: 101 
Sentence: 1    Link to gotnt
   Tunc oblati sunt ei parvuli, ut manus eis inponeret et oraret; discipuli autem increpabant eos. Link to gotnt Ihesus vero ait eis: sinite parvulos (162) et nolite eos prohibere ad me venire, talium est enim regnum caelorum. Link to gotnt Et cum inposuisset eis manus, abiit inde.
Tho brahtun imo luzile, thaz her sino henti in sie sazti inti bettoti; sine iungoron increbotun sie. Ther heilant quad tho in: lazzet thie luzilon (162) inti ni curet sie uueren zi mir cuman: sulichero ist himilo richi. Inti mittiu anasazta in sino henti, gieng thana.
Sentence: 2    Link to gotnt
Erant autem appropinquantes ei publicani et peccatores multi, ut audirent eum. Link to gotnt Et murmurabant Pharisei et scribae dicentes: quia hic peccatores recipit et manducat cum illis. Link to gotnt Post haec ambulabat Ihesus in Galilea; non enim volebat in Iudeam ambulare, quia quaerebant eum Iudei interficere.
Uuarun tho nahenti sih imo firnfolle man inti suntiga manege, thaz sie inan gihortin. Inti murmorotun thie Pharisei inti thíe scribere sús quedenti: these intfahit suntiga inti izzit mít in. After thiu gieng ther heilant in Galileam: ni uuolta her in Iudeam gangen, bidiu suohtun inan Iudei arslahanna.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Tatian, Gospel Harmony.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.