Tatian, Gospel Harmony
Part No. 82
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Chapter: 81 
Sentence: 1    Link to gotnt
   Vespere autem facto solus erat ibi. Link to gotnt Navicula autem in medio mari iactabatur fluctibus; erat enim contrarius ventus.
Abande giuuortanemo eino uuas her thar. Thaz skef in mittemo seuue uuas givvuorphozit mit then undon: uuas in uuidaruuart uuint.
Sentence: 2    Link to gotnt
Quarta autem vigilia noctis Link to gotnt videns eos laborantes venit ad eos ambulans supra mare et volebat preterire eos. Link to gotnt Et videntes eum supra mare ambulantem turbati sunt dicentes, quod fantasma est, et pre timore clamaverunt. Link to gotnt Statimque Ihesus locutus est eis dicens: habete fiduciam, ego sum, nolite timere.
In thero fiordun uuahtu thero naht gisehenti sie uuinnente quam zi ín ganganter oba themo seuue inti uuolta furigangan sie. Inti sie gisehente inan oba themo seuue gangantan gitruobte vvurdun quedente, thaz iz giskin ist, inti bi forhtun arriofun. Inti sár tho ther heilant sprah ín quedenti: habet ír beldida, ih bím iz, ni curet íu forhten.
Sentence: 3    Link to gotnt
Respondens autem Petrus dixit: domine, si tu es, iube me venire ad te super aquas. Link to gotnt At ipse ait: veni! Et descendens Petrus (120) de navicula ambulabat super aquam, ut veniret ad Ihesum.
Antvvurtenti thó Petrus quad: trohtin, ob thúz bist, heiz mih queman zi thir ubar thisiu uuazzar. Thara uuidar her thó quad: quim! Inti nidarstiganter Petrus (120) fon themo skefe gieng oba themo uuazare, thaz her quami zi themo heilante.
Sentence: 4    Link to gotnt
Videns vero ventum validum timuit, et cum coepisset mergi, clamavit dicens: domine, salvum me fac! Link to gotnt Et continuo Ihesus extendens manum apprehendit eum et ait illi: modice fidei, quare dubitasti? Link to gotnt Et cum adscendissent in naviculam, cessavit ventus, Link to gotnt et statim fuit navis ad terram quam ibant.
Gisehenti hér thó uuint mahtigan forhta imo, inti so her bigonda sinkan, riof quedanter: truhtin, heilan tuo mih! Inti sliumo ther heilant thenenti sina hant fieng inan inti quad imo: luziles gilouben, bihiu zuehotus thú? Inti so sie thó gistigun in skef, bilán ther uuint, inti sár uúas thaz skef zi lante zi themo sie fuorun.
Sentence: 5    Link to gotnt
Qui autem in navicula erant, venerunt et adoraverunt eum dicentes: vere filius dei es.
Thie thar in themo skefe uuarun, quamun inti betotun inan quedante: zi uúare gotes sún bist.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Tatian, Gospel Harmony.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.