Corpus of Old East Frisian Texts
Part No. 3
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Text: Londriucht 

Die 24 altostfriesischen Landrechte

On the basis of the edition by
Karl Freiherr von Richthofen,
Friesische Rechtsquellen,
Berlin 1840,
p. 41ff.

as republished in
Wilhelm Heuser,
Altfriesisches Lesebuch
mit Grammatik und Glossar,
Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1903
p. 45-53

entered by Thomas F. Shannon,
Berkeley, 30.6.1999.
TITUS version by Jost Gippert,
Frankfurt a/M, 2.10.1999

Chapter: I 

Sentence: 1    Thit is thet forme londriucht allera Frisona, thet allera monna hwek an sina gode bi-sitte and an sina eina hauun umberauad, hit ne se, thet-ma hini mith tele and mith rethe and mith riuchta thingathe ur-winne; and hi thenne werne thrira riuchta thingatha, ief-tha thriv liod-thing bi ur-mode and dol-stride ur-sitte, ther him fon thes kininges haluon ebeden se to hebbande and to haldande, and hi nahwedder dwa nelle red ni rivcht ne dithinges bidda; sa mot hi hebba tha onferd, thi ther er utana onsprek, hit ne se, thet hi thenne biade thera fiuwer ned-skininga en, ther thi fria Frisa fon riuchta hach te dwande.
Sentence: 2    
[28] Ther-efter dwe hi, alsa him sin asyga dome (= deme) and dele to lioda londriuchte.
Sentence: 3    
Thiv forme ned-skininge is, thet him sin bonnere nen thing e-keth nebbe; thiv other, thet him sin fiand him (= 0) thene wi ur-stode mith wige and mith wepne; thiv thredde thet him wind and wetir withir wrden were and hi dika skolde withir thene salta se and withir thet wilde hef; thiu fiarde, thet hi alsa sechte-siak were, thet hi to tha thinge nawet kuma ne machte.
Sentence: 4    
Thit sint tha fiuwer ned-skininga, ther hini thi fria Frisa mith bi-skirma skil and him thi kinig Kerl selua sette and ur-ief alle Frison.

Chapter: II 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet other londriucht: Sa hwersa thiu moder hiri kindis erue ur-kapath tha ur-wixlath, mith hiri frionda rede, er thet kind ieroch se; like him thi kap, alsa hit ieroch se, sa halde hit-ne, likere him ....
Sentence: 2    
sa thet kind un-geroch is, thet hit nahwedder froste ne hungere ne na-nena uni-dena (unidena) dathe ne urfari.

Chapter: III 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet thredde londriucht: Sa hwersa en ungeroch kind ut of londe let werth, thruch sellonge tha thruch hiri-gongar, antha hethena thiade, ist thenne tha kinde eskepen, thet hit to londe kumi and to liodon sinon; sa gunch hit oua sin ein erue, uter stef and uter strid and uter liodskelde and uter frana wald and uter alle ertichta; sa hwasa hit ther of drifth, sa brekth hi ther-on tian merk with tha liode, and en and twintich skillinga tha frana.

Chapter: IV 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet fiarde londriucht: Sa hwersa feder and moder hiara dochter eine flet-ieue ieuath and hia ut-beldath mith afta gode and mith hiara fria erue and thenne lede mith kape tha mith wixle [30] of tha liod-garde ana enne otherne and tha hionon hiara god mis-gunge and hiare meni aken werthe and hia an thet god unriuchte spreka willat; sa hach hiv te wetande hiri god mith twam ded-ethon.
Sentence: 2    
Ac ief hiri brother tha flet-ieua brida wili and tiona, sa mot hiuse tiona and halda mith twam hondon anda withon buta stride; thet is londriucht allera Frisona.

Chapter: V 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet fifte londriucht: to hwamsama en god ief-tha en lond askie, sa ondwarde thi haldere mith rivchtere tele, and quethe: 'Thet lond, ther thu mi to askast and to thinge umbe lathast and un-rivchte to-sprekst, thet kapade ik et ena rumfara; hi latte inur berch betha fel and flask and sin lif thredda.
Sentence: 2    
Nune (= Nu ne) thurstu mi firor to nena werande driua; ik wille thit eine halda mith alsa-dena rivchte, alsa mi thi [31] asyga delt.
Sentence: 3    
Thruch thet, thet min werand is eferin thruch godis willa an thet suthroste kinigrike, vmbe thet skil ik thet erue halda mith sivgun ded-ethon anda withon buta stride.(')

Chapter: VI 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet sexte londriucht: Sa hwersa twene brother send and thi other thenne en wif halath and bi there wiue thenne en bern tivcht, sa weldegath him sin feder efter sine degon enne riuchtene swes-del.
Sentence: 2    
Sa sin kind ieftha sinis kindis kind hini ur-leuath, sa thes kindes alder nawet ne leuath, sa wili thet kind dela and thi fidiria nele and queth thet, thet hi ena kni niar se; sa hach thet kind thenne antha were to tiande, mith fiuwer moder-megon and mith achta feder-megon, ief him sina friond helpa willath.
Sentence: 3    
Ac willath hini sina friond eta withon ur-tia, sa hach thet kind thenne framde man mith [32] sine fia te kapande, ther mith him gunge to tha withon stonda, and halde iuen-godene del ediles lauon; thach thet kind se wel ena halua kni bi-efta.
Sentence: 4    
Ther is alsa ni kindis-kind ediles lauon alsa thes monnis ein kind.

Chapter: VII 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet siugunde londriucht, thet-ther allera fri-monna hwelik hach to haldande sines feder laua and sinere moder laua and sines ediles laua and sinere alda-moder laua and sines thredknilingis laua and iahwelikes fri-monnes laua. Sentence: 2    Sa ma utana on-sprekth, sa hach-ma hia to haldande, mith twilif monnon an tha withon buta stride.

Chapter: VIII 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet achtande londriucht, thet-ther iahwelik erua mi leda sines thredknilingis deda mith twam with-ethon.
Sentence: 2    
Sa hwet-sa ther-under bi-sken is, dolch sa dath, sa mi thi thredkniling efter thes otheres [33] dathe spreka, et steue mire stonda, wed mire dwa, and riucht mire umbe sines thredknilingis deda und-fa.
Sentence: 3    
Ac mire eruana allerek leda sinne thredknilig to dathe and to dolge, mith twam ded-ethon; thruch thet hi ne mi nawet unt-kuma sina berena blode.
Sentence: 4    
Thet is lond-riucht allera Frisona.

Chapter: IX 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet niugunde londriucht: Sa hwersa en mon sa fir on-efuchten werth, thet hi blodich stont, ief ther lhapth (= hlapth) sin thredkniling ief en sibbera mon inur tha frasa and firor fiucht, tha ahwedder se fremo ief-tha fere, and him sin friond thenne wili et tha withon swika and to tha withon tella and queth thenne: thu hest thit efuchten thruch thine er-seke and thruch thinne alda nith; sa is thera twira niar tha withon, ther tha otheron ehulpen heth; and queth, thet hit eden nebbe thruch [34] nene er-seke ne thruch nenne aldene nith, ne were thruch hiara twira sibbe; forth skil hi gunga and iechta skil hi ielda, wn[dunga] skil hi beta and sinne friond skil hi of seke leda.

Chapter: X 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet tiande londriucht: Sa hwersama ena eina monne bi-tegath there twira wenda en, rendes ief-tha raues, thiuuethe thredda wordi[s], sa hach sin here fori hiri te gungande, oua tha heligon enne eth to swerande, thet sin eina mon se thes tichta sikur and unskeldich.
Sentence: 2    
Jef sin hera hini wili et tha withon ur-tia, sa hach thi eina mon en het isern to dregande, hwande hine mi antha withon nen marra riucht werka.

Chapter: XI 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet andlofte londriucht: Sa hwersa en dede eden werth fon harses houe tha fon ritheres horne tha fon hundis tothe tha fon hona itsile tha [35] fon swines tuske and hi thenne wili bi-seka, ther (= thet) thi nat sin is, sa is thi thera twira niar tha withon, thi clagire, thet hit eden hebbe thes otheres nat, alsare him thes tichta bi-tigath.
Sentence: 2    
Forth skil hi gunga and iechta skil hi beta; ther ne mi nen frana nenne fretho fon thingia.

Chapter: XII 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet twilifte londriucht: Sa hwersa en tichta let werth fon harses houe tha fon ritheres horne tha fon hundes tothe tha fon hone itsile tha fon swines tuske, ief thet en ungeroch kind deth ief-tha enes monnes skalk deth ief-tha enes monnes un-afte wif deth, ief-tha ther werth en ergera dede ur-bek eden mith bekwardiga wepne and bi un-willa, sa skilma thera deda allerek aiechta beta; ief hi ia wili, sa ne mi ther nin (= nen?) frana nenne fretho fon bi-tella; wili hi bi-seka, sa skil hi an tha withon mith twilif hondon und-swera.

Chapter: XIII 

Sentence: 1    
[36] Thit is thet thredtinde londriucht: Sa hwasa bi-fuchte ief-tha bi-rauade widua and wesa ief-tha walubora, sa skilma thet al twi-bete beta and tha liodon thene fretho bi tian liod-merkon and thriu pund tha frana, thet is en and twintich skillinga, thruch thes kininges bon; and allera degana hwelik, alsa longe sa hi mith tha raue bi-sitte, sa felle hi tha frana en and twintich skillinga, thruch thet, thet hiu is an thes kininges mundelinge; and ne thrur (= thur) nen widue ne hiri kind ond-wardia umbe lond ne umbe letar ne umbe nene mantela ne umbe nene thing-lesne, er thet kind ieroch is; ekkor skilun hia ondwardia umbe alle tha thing, ther-ma him fon riuchtes haluon to-sekth ief-tha to-sprekth, bi asyga dome and bi lioda londriuchte.

Chapter: XIV 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet fiuwertinde londriucht: Sa hwersa [37] en mon sa fir on-efuchten werth, thet hine to there flecht makath; fliuch hi thenne inna en hus ief-tha hof and thana ut-biot al thet to betande, thet hi ebreken heth; sa is thet al twi-bete, therma him ther-efter in deth and fretho-fest and en-bete alle thet hi ut-fiucht and fretho-las.

Chapter: XV 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet fiftinde londriucht: Sa hwersama ena monne bi-tegath thes swarta-swanges ief-tha there hagosta wapuldepene ieftha en mon unskeldech mith enere haued-leina be-bunden werth, wili his ia, sa skil hit aiechta beta mith fiftine enzon, thera enza allerek bi twintich panningon; hit ne se, thet hit bi-seka wille, sa skil hi mith fiuwer monnon an tha withon und-swera, and thet fifte en fia-eth.

Chapter: XVI 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet sextinde londriucht: Sa hwersa en mon ieftha en wif steruat and [38] hiara erue and otheres hiara god leuath and hia befta hiam ne leuath feder ne moder, brother ne swester, kind ne kindis-kind and thera sibbosta sex honda nen nis, sa hagon tha iuin-knilingar to there were to tiande, tha sibbe ther to kniande, iuin-fir on to fande mith iuin-sibba hondon; hit ne se, thet ther en kumi, ther thenne se there were allera swesost, sa hach thiv hond tha laua to nimamde (= nimande).
Sentence: 2    
Jef thet ac ne se, sa dele-se tha friond under hiam, al with thiv, ther hia sibbe se and knia mugi.

Chapter: XVII 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet siuguntinde londriucht: Sa hwersa en mon tha otheron sin god to haldande deth, sa is thet riucht, thet hit him ondwarde thes selua dis, ther hit hebba wili; hit ne se, thet-tet him ofnimi thrira haued-neda hwelik, ned-raf ief-tha ned-brond tha nacht-thiuvethe.
Sentence: 2    
Jef thet is liodcuth, thet [39] him sines godes se ur-bruden tha ur-burnen tha thes nachtes thermithi ur-stelen se, sa ne thur hi ther-umbe nene ondwarde dwa, thruch thet ther ne mi nen mon otheres monnes god firor an plicht nema, thare sin ein god.

Chapter: XVIII 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet achtatinde londriucht: Sa hwersa en wif ena monne bi-tegath, thet hi-se nedgad hebbe, wili hi ia, sa betere hiri mith fullere bote; hit ne se, thet hi be-seke; sa skil hi und-swera mith achta hondon sinera kest-friondon antha withon, sa ne thur hi firor nen fia reka ne selua fach sitta.

Chapter: XIX 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet niv[gun]tinde londriucht: Sa hwasa binna folke fiuchte, sa bete hi tha monne mith twifaldere bote and tha liodon thene fretho and thriu pund tha frana.
Sentence: 2    
Ac hwersama benetha werpth opa enne mon, ther nen dolch neth, and ma thet queth, hi se mith bamon [40] al to-slein ief-tha hi se equerked, sa motma thet mith twilif hondon und-swera.
Sentence: 3    
Jef ther dolch is and ma thes nawet ne iecht, sa mot thi erua mith twilif sinra thredknilingon swera an tha withon, sa hachma hini to ieldande.

Chapter: XX 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet twintegoste londriucht: Sa hwersa North-man an thet lond hlapath and hia enne mon fath and bindath and ut of londe ledath and eft withir to londe brangath and hini ther to thwingath, thet hi hus barne and wif nedgie and man sle and godis-hus barne and hwet-sa hi to lethe dwa mi, alsa hi thenne vnd-fliuch ief-tha lesed werth and withir to londe kumth and to liodon sinon and hi mugi bi-kanna brother and swester and lond-ethele and erue and sinera aldera hof and hus, sa fari hi oua sin ein erue uter liodskelde.
Sentence: 2    
Sa willath him tha liode thing [41] to-seka and sinne opa werpa, thruch thet grate morth, ther hi er mith tha witsingon efremid heth, sa mire thenne afara thene warf gunga and iechta mire tella; enne eth hach hi thenne opa tha heligon to swerande, thet hit al dede bi there nede, alsa him sin here bad, ther hi was liues and lethana en vn-weldich mon.
Sentence: 3    
Sa-ne thuruon him tha liode ne frana to-halda seka ni sinna, thruch thet thi frana ne machte him thes fretha waria; thi skalk skolde dwa, alsa him sin hera bad, thruch thes liues willa.

Chapter: XXI 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet en and twintegoste londriucht: To hwam-sa-ma en lond and en erue askie and to-spreke, sa ondwarde thi, ther mat him to askie, and quethe: 'Thet erue, ther thu mi umbe to-sext and mi umbe to thinge lathast, thet lefde mi min edila and min aldafeder and min alde-moder.(') [42] Jef hit queth, hwanat him come, ief hi mi bi-sekth and queth, thet ik hia nomia skille, sa nomie ik hia son; bi thiu mot ik thet erue halda buta stride mith ded-ethon.

Chapter: XXII 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet twa and twintegoste londriucht: Thet etheles wiues werthmond stont bi achta pundon and bi achta enzon and bi achta skillingon and bi achta panningon.
Sentence: 2    
Thet is londriucht allera Frisona, thet aller monna hwek sines godes walde, alsa longe sa hit un-for-wrocht hebbe.
Sentence: 3    
Sa hwasa otherne seke et houi and et huse mith ena up-riuchta fona, oni lioda orloui and oni frana bonne, enes dom-liachtes dis and bi skinandere sunna, sa hwetsa hi ther fiucht inur hof and inur hus, thet skilma mith twifaldere bote beta, and alle thet hi ut-fiucht of there ned-were, sa is thet al efrethe and en-bete.
Sentence: 4    
Thes [43] hagon him tha liode to helpande and thi frana, umbe thet, thet him thi hauedlasa hiri to-ferin was.

Chapter: XXIII 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thet thriu and twintegoste londriucht: Ather (= Alther) en wif se on-efuchten and hiu se mith berne and nebbe nawet erges eden, blodelsa ne blodrunnanda deda ni dath ni dolch ni nena othera morth-deda, and hiu se sa fir on-efuchten inur tha benena burth (= burch), thet thet bern and thiu berthe of liue werthe; ief hi ie there dede, sa hach hi to fellande and to ieldande, mith ur-ielde and mith ielde, tha berthe and tha morthdede.
Sentence: 2    
Thet ield and thera lioda wed alsa hage, alsa tha liode louiat, and thet ur-ield bi twilif merkon, and there wiue hiri liod-werdene mith twilif merkon to fellande.
Sentence: 3    
Ac ief hiu sterue, sa hachma hia and tha berthe mith siugun ieldon [44] to ieldande, achta pund tha frana and achta enza and achta skillinga and achta panninga, thet is hiri riuchta werthma.
Sentence: 4    
Ac ief hi bi-seke, sa sikure hine anda withon mith twilif monnon ief-tha hi gunge tha niugun skero, ac ief hi there ordela nahwedder dwa nelle, sa wesere enes berskinzes campa binna thrium et-melon to fiuchtande, ief-tha ene sone alsa-den, bi asyga dome and bi lioda riuchte, thet hiu se nathelik and godilik.

Chapter: XXIV 

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thit fiuwer and twintigoste londriucht: Sa hwasa to otheron fari nachtes to houi and to huse, bi slepandere thiade and bi unwissa wakandon, mith enere glandere glede, and al thet god barnt, ther hi heth an houi and an huse, an weron and an weruon; ief hi ia wili, sa skil hi kuma et thera fiuwer hernana hwelik [45] mith tian merkon, weddia skilre an dom with tha liode and et there hirth-stidi mith sinere haued-lesne, and tha monne sin god twi-ielde to ieldande, alsa hit sina bura ief-tha sine umbi-burar mith him swera willath.
Sentence: 2    
Jef hi bi-seka wili, sa skil hi et there herna hwek and stride with-stonda mith fiuwer berskinzia campon, and et there hirth-stidi mith tha fifta campa, thruch thet, thet ma morth skil mith morthe kela.
Sentence: 3    
Thit send tha siuguntine liodkesta and tha fiuwer and twintich londriucht, ther alle Frisa mith hiara fia kapadon and mith riuchte bruka skilun, ief-se moton; hwande thi kinig Kerl bed, thet-se alle riuchte thing hilde and ouonade, alsa longe sa-se lifde; and hwasa hia bi-rauade, thet hi bi-rauad wrde fare godis achnon and fara alle godis heligon, ther an [46] himulrike send and an irthrike.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Corpus of Old East Frisian Texts.

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