Corpus of Old East Frisian Texts
Part No. 4
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Text: Fres.Frid. 
Fon Alra Fresena Fridome

Das Privilegium Karls des Großen

On the basis of the diplomatic edition by
P. Sipma (Hrsg.),
Fon alra fresena fridome, xi-xvi (ms.), 12-16.
Snits: F. Koster, 1948

entered by Thomas F. Shannon,
Berkeley, 28.1.1999
TITUS version by Jost Gippert,
Frankfurt a/M 28.1.1999 / 23.2.1999 / 19.9.1999

Chapter: _ 
Sentence: 1    Thit was to there stunde /
Sentence: 2    
tha thi kening kerl riuchta bi gunde.

Sentence: 3    
Tha waster ande there saxinna merik /
Sentence: 4    
liudingerus en hera fele steric.

Sentence: 5    
Hi welde him alsa waldlike / tha gethan (= Hi welde him tha getha alsa waldlike)
Sentence: 6    
ther (= thet) hi fon riuchta scolde bi halda tha kening kerlis kairslica rike.

Sentence: 7    
Ac welde hi ma duan /
Sentence: 8    
hi welde tha sterka fresan vnder sinne tegetha tian.

Sentence: 9    
Hi bi badit efter alle sine rike /
Sentence: 10    
thet ma hine heta scode (= scolde) [Hs. S. 67] koning waldelike.

Sentence: 11    
tha thi kening kerl thit under stod.
Sentence: 12    
tornig was him hir umbe si (= sin) mod.

Sentence: 13    
Hi let hit tha fresum tha kundig duan /
Sentence: 14    
hodir hia thene nia kening mith him mith stride welde bi stan.

Sentence: 15    
Tha fresen gadere komin /
Sentence: 16    
uppa thit bodisclskip (= bodisskip) se anne god red ge nomin.

Sentence: 17    
Thi fresa fele sterka
Sentence: 18    
hi / forim (= hia forin) tha and tha saxinna merka.

Sentence: 19    
Tha sassiska hera{n} thit for nomin /
Sentence: 20    
up tha felda ia fresum to ionis komen.

Sentence: 21    
Tha fugtin se alsa grimlik (= grimlike) /
Sentence: 22    
of slogma tha saxu{m} bethe thene erma and thene rika.

Sentence: 23    
Thag to tha lesta.
Sentence: 24    
feng ma of tha sax{um} heran and ridderan tha besta.

Sentence: 25    
Iha band ma alsa sere /
Sentence: 26    
mith ene sterka mere.

Sentence: 27    
Ia latten se tha waldelike /
Sentence: 28    
alder iha thene kening kerl ur nomin ande sine rike /

Sentence: 29    
tho (= tha) hi thet for nomen (= nom) /
Sentence: 30    
thet him thi saxinna hera alle bundin kom.

Sentence: 31    
Wel was him ande sine hei /
Sentence: 32    
thi (= hi) bad tha stulta fresa godne dei.

Sentence: 33    
Hi nom se tha ande palas sin /
Sentence: 34    
hi scanctu{m} bethe mede ande win.

Sentence: 35    
tha fresan forin utes konis (= koningis) howe /
Sentence: 36    
to iher londe iha weder kom (= komin) mith halika lowe.

Sentence: 37    
Aldus dus heb hi ur sten /
Sentence: 38    
hu ta sterka fresa his witthene saxa tha for gen.

Sentence: 39    
[Hs. S. 68] Thit sce ther na to ener stunde /
Sentence: 40    
thet ta romera heran with thene kening kerl (strida) bi gunden /
Sentence: 41    
stultlike weldin iha (= iha weldin stultlike)
Sentence: 42    
thene tins bi halda (fon) tha keninglika rike.

Sentence: 43    
thi kening thit serlike /
Sentence: 44    
kundegia let alle sine keni{n}grike.

Sentence: 45    
Iha komin alle to samene /
Sentence: 46    
ther werin ande sine rike sibbe ande framede.

Sentence: 47    
Tha fresan thit mere for nomin /
Sentence: 48    
to thes keningis howe vne lathadis se ther komin.

Sentence: 49    
Iha werin ther nette ande god /
Sentence: 50    
wand iha drogin enir stultere lauwa mod.

Sentence: 51    
Iha sprekin ther to fara tha keni{n}gge wigandlike.
Sentence: 52    
Iha welde allena fiugta witha romera heran fore thet kairslike rike.
Sentence: 53    
Iha nomin tha scerpa suerd and ihera honda /
Sentence: 54    
iha gegin (= gengin) to fara there burig stonda.

Sentence: 55    
Tha heran binna there burig thit ge segin /
Sentence: 56    
uppa thene feld ion tha fresan to stride (iha) tha tegin.

Sentence: 57    
En ordil (= ordel) warth ther up ge hewin.
Sentence: 58    
monig diore wigand warth nither tha there ge slagin.

Sentence: 59    
tha to there stunde /
Sentence: 60    
thi fresa hastelike on tha heran fiugta bi gunde.

Sentence: 61    
serlike tha heran umbe tha segin.
Sentence: 62    
alle balde se to there burg flegin.

Sentence: 63    
thi fresa folgade mit vn [Hs. S. 69] tuiuilika sinne.
Sentence: 64    
hu hi tha burg kreftlike wnne.

Sentence: 65    
thag uppa thet leste
Sentence: 66    
wnnin iha tha burg and heran tha besta.

Sentence: 67    
tha porta gundtma bi sluta /
Sentence: 68    
thi kening kerl mith sine folke waster abuta.

Sentence: 69    
Iha fundent and ihera rede /
Sentence: 70    
iha welde tha kening kerle iowa bethe burg ande liude.

Sentence: 71    
thi kening thogte ande sine mode /
Sentence: 72    
hu hi tha stulta fresa thisse waldelika deda lania scolde mith eniga gode.

Sentence: 73    
hi iof him mitha allere arista /
Sentence: 74    
iefta tha masta.

Sentence: 75    
tuintech merka fon brondrada golde /
Sentence: 76    
ther thi fresa iera / het (= hec) tha kairscipe to tegetha iowa scolde.

Sentence: 77    
thiu iefte ther hi hede tha fresum ge dan /
Sentence: 78    
thiu moste emmer and emmer mare velika (= mar evelika) stan.

Sentence: 79    
ther hi ta (= to) bad kairslike /
Sentence: 80    
thet se ne scolde nen hera thuwingga waldelike.

Sentence: 81    
hit ne were thet iha bi iera goda willa welde thet dua /
Sentence: 82    
thet se anne hera wolde und fa.

Sentence: 83    
thag (ne) wenik ande mine sinne /
Sentence: 84    
thet hia bi willa angne hera ge winne.

Sentence: 85    
nowet allena tha keningge and thisse bode nogade /
Sentence: 86    
thes heliga pawis gregorius weld hi hir to fogade.

Sentence: 87    
hi bed hit ita pawis tha /
Sentence: 88    
thet hi tha fresan mitha gastelika riuchte [Hs. S. 70] welde bi fa.

Sentence: 89    
hewelike alle hi to bonne se dede /
Sentence: 90    
ther tha fresum to brogte enige nede.

Sentence: 91    
Alder bi bad hit thi kening kerl opinbere /
Sentence: 92    
thet fresan iera het (= hec) nige redian him kere.

Sentence: 93    
tha kairslika crona hi uppa ihera huwid (= hawid) sette /
Sentence: 94    
alder umbe hi se scera lette.

Sentence: 95    
thag ief se thet ne wolde nowet dua /
Sentence: 96    
ut mostin se him ihera her leta frilike waxa.

Sentence: 97    
thet hit alle liude magte tha sian /
Sentence: 98    
thet hi se fri hede ge dan.

Sentence: 99    
hi bi bad hit him tha keninglike /
Sentence: 100    
alle thi fresa ther were sterik and rike.

Sentence: 101    
thet iha anne slag and ihera witta hals scolde him vnd fa /
Sentence: 102    
ther efter moste hi ridder bi liwa.

Sentence: 103    
Wepin scolde hi ther effter drega alle scone /
Sentence: 104    
and sine scelde moste hi melia tha kenlika (= keninglika) crona.

Sentence: 105    
thet hi thissa iefta tha fresum hede evelike dan /
Sentence: 106    
ther hi kenigan (= keningan) and hertigan to witscipe up nom and ondris monege halike man.

Sentence: 107    
thach to (tha) lesta /
Sentence: 108    
hu hit tha efterkumanda evelike wiste.

Sentence: 109    
Ande tha brewm hit ma bi scref /
Sentence: 110    
fon tha ieftum ther abuta nowet ur ietin bi lef.

Sentence: 111    
thet insigil thet was fon tha brondrada golde /
Sentence: 112    
hu hit alle liude wiste thet thius ief ewelike ston [Hs. S. 71] da scolde.

Sentence: 113    
thisse bref ma tha fri fresa iof and sine hond /
Sentence: 114    
mith dole and mit haru{m} hi wider for and sine ain frilike lond.

Sentence: 115    
Aldus mugin hit alle liude for stan
Sentence: 116    
thet thi kening kerl thene fresa vmbe thet kreftlike strid fri hewet ge dan.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Corpus of Old East Frisian Texts.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.6.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.