Corpus of Old East Frisian Texts
Part No. 2
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Text: 17_Küren 
Die 17 altostfriesischen Küren

nach den Hunsigoer Handschriften H1, H2

On the basis of the edition published in
Walther Steller,
Abriss der altfriesischen Grammatik,
Halle: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1928,
p. 82-89

entered by Thomas F. Shannon,
Berkeley, 30.6.1999.
TITUS version by Jost Gippert,
Frankfurt a/M, 2.10.1999

Der Text basiert hauptsächlich auf H2; Korrekturen nach Steller, meistens aus H1; wenn nicht, offensichtlich.

Chapter: 1 
Prima petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thiu forme kest end thes kenenges Kerles ieft en riucht alra Fresena, thet alra monnahwelic (= monna hwelik) end sine gode bisitte alsa longe saret vn fon werkat (= vnforwerkat) hebbe.

Chapter: 2 
Secunda petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thit is thiu other kest: frethe alla godes husem and alla godes monnem, bi tua and sogentega pundem, end thet pund scel wesa bi sogen agripineskera pennenga; thruch thet Colene het bi alde tidem Agripina en (bi) alde noma.
Sentence: 2    
Tha was thiu mente te fir en thi penning te suer; tha warther elowad en elagad wither tha tua end sogentech punda tua en sogentech scillenga Rethnathes slachta.
Sentence: 3    
Thriu pund tha frana, thet is en end tuintech scillenga, vmbe thes kenenges bon.

Chapter: 3 
Tertia petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thet is thiu thredde kest, thet allera monnahwelic (= monna hwelik) a sinem bisitte, umbe rauad (= vnberauad), hit ne se thet (ma) hine mith tele and mith rethe end mith riuchte thingathe urwinne, sa hebbere alsa den riucht, sa him thenna thi asega deme ande dele nei liuda kere end londriuchte.
Sentence: 2    
And thi asega ne ach nenne dom to delane, hit ne se thet hi fara tha keisere to Rume sueren hebbe end al ther ekeren se.
Sentence: 3    
Sa ach thi asega te witane alle riuchtlike thing, thet send kesta and londriucht.
Sentence: 4    
Hi scel dema tha letha alsa tha liaua, tha fiunde alsa friunde, wande thi asega bitecnath thene prester.
Sentence: 5    
Thi prester anda thi asega, hia scelen alle riuchtlike thing dema ande dela, alsa scelen hia hira sele bihalda.

Chapter: 4 
Quarta petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thet is thiu fiarde kest, thet tian merka scelde (= sceldech) se - and thiu merk bi fiwer wedum ande thera weda ec bi tuelef pennengum - thi ther and otheres wera fare vmbe teldere tele and vmbe thingathes, ande buta asega ledene and liuda orleue.

Chapter: 5 
Quinto petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thet is thiu fifte kest thet ma thredknia laua ende emes laua end aldafederes laua end edeles laua halda mote mith dedethum, uter stride mith tuelef monnem enda tha withum.

Chapter: 6 
Sexta petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thet is thiu sexte kest, thet ma caplond and godes huses egin, ther ma ta (= tha) helgum iewen ieftha bockat hebbe, thet sel ma halda uter stride mith sogen monnem enda withum; end thera monna ne scel nen wesa monslachtech, ni menethech, ni a hordome sa fir biullen thet thi (= hi) enre karfesta sceldech se.

Chapter: 7 
Septima petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thet is thiu sogende kest, thet alle Fresan a fria stole sitte; thet ief him thi keneng Kerl, thruch thet hia cristen urde end tha suthera kenenge henzeg end herec (= hereg) urde and clipscelde gulde bi asega dome and ther mithe capade hira etheldom and hira fria halsar; wande alle Fresa[n] north herden an tha grimma herna.

Chapter: 8 
Octaua petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thet is thiu achtende kest, theter nen huskerl with sinne hera te suithe ne stride.
Sentence: 2    
Sa wet sa thet were ther ma fon thes keninges haluen sogte til ene monne, geuet him ouerkome, thet hi sines haudes sceldech se, ief hi bisoke, - thet hine sikerade tuelewasum enda withum; wande (= wanne) ther ne thor nen huskerl wither sinne hera thene kening kempa leda; ande thi huskerl sceler ondertia ender suera sine hera; ieft hit his (= is) londraf, sa scelen suera fiwer ethele men end fiwer frimen, tha se ein erva, end fiwer letslaga ther er ungebern vere (= eingebern were) and frihelse iwen ethele were.
Sentence: 3    
Alsa skel ma tha kenenge riuchta.

Chapter: 9 
Nona petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thet is thiu niugende kest, frethepennengar te ieldane ande huslotha thruch thes kenenges bon, bi tuam rednathes slagta pennengum.
Sentence: 2    
Sa wa sa hir ur sitte end thes riuchtes werne, sa bete hit ande fellet mit (= mith) tua ande tuintege scillengum ende thes kenenges wald, ther mithe te capiane sogen streta, rume and rennande, suther te farane, thria an londe and fiwer a wetere.
Sentence: 3    
Thera weter stretena is aster thiu Elue, thiu other the Wisere, thiu thredde thiu Emese, thiu fiarde thet Rin.
Sentence: 4    
Thiu asterste londstrete is up to Hamburch and ut ti Geuere, thiu midleste up ti numigerde forda (= Mimigerdeforda) and ut to Emetha, thiu thredde up to Coforda and ut to Stauere.
Sentence: 5    
Ac ief Fresena capmen an thira sogen stretena eng werthe benert, ieftha birawad werthe a Saxena merkum ur riucht, sa scelmat him fella mith tian liudmerkum, ande tha frana sin bon, thet is enendtuintech scillenga.
Sentence: 6    
Ac kemthet him fon thes biscopes haluen, sa achmat ti fellane of tha tinse end of tegetha (and) him hira scatha to fellane ieftha bende.

Chapter: 10 
Decima petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thet is thiu tiande kest, thet Fresan ni thuren nene hereferd firra fara, sa aster tore Wisere and wester to tha Fli, bethiu thet hia hira lond bihelde wither thet hef and wither there (= thene?) hethena here.
Sentence: 2    
Tha bed thi kenenk Kerl, thet hia firra tha hereferd fore, aster til Hiddeseckere ande wester til Cincfallum. Sentence: 3    Tha bihelden hit tha liude wither thene keneng, thet hia nene hereferd firra fara ne thorste, sa aster til there Wisere and wester to tha Fli.
Sentence: 4    
Thruch thet sa scelen alle Fresa fon tha northliudem fri wesa.

Chapter: 11 
Undecima petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thit iste (= Thet is) thiu ellefte kest.
Sentence: 2    
Frethe alle widem and wesum and alle vnierige bernum and alle warlasa liudem, palmerum and runfaru[m] (= rumfarum) and alle riuchte pilegrimum and alle riuchte (= 0) karefestru[m], helgena sendebodum, bi tian liudmerkum and tham tuiwalde bote, ther wi (= wich) and wepen uresueren hebbe, thruch frethe and nethe, end enantuintech scillenga tha frana.

Chapter: 12 
Duodecima petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thet is thiu tuelefte kest.
Sentence: 2    
stiurc frethe (= Stiurkfrethe) ande husfrethe ande thingfrethe and herefrethe, alder ma sueslika triua louad, bi tuam ande thritega hreilmerkum, thet is achtenda half merk gratera merka, and ter of en and tuintech scillinga tha frana.

Chapter: 13 
Tertia decima petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thet is thiu thredtendeste kest.
Sentence: 2    
Feldfrethe, ther liude louiat, bi tiam (= tian) liudmerkum, bi fellede monnem and bi onfeste lithem; thiu merk bi fiuwer wedum, thera weda ek bi tuelef pennengum.

Chapter: 14 
Quarta decima petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thet is thiu fiurtendeste kest.
Sentence: 2    
Ief hwa of herenede ieftha of othere nethe, ieftha of fengnese kemht (= kemth), ande hi muge bikenna sine ethel ende sine eckerar and sine federstatha, ac ief sin brother ieftha sine balemunda ieftha sin athem ieftha sin stiapfeder sin lond urbruden hebbe ur sinne willa ieftha ur sine wald ieftha ur sine louethe, sa ach hi to farane uter stride uppa sin egen erwe, mith allera Fresena riuchte.

Chapter: 15 
Quinta decima petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thet is thiu fiftendeste kest.
Sentence: 2    
Ief wa wida ieftha fon'na (= famna), ief en otheres monnes wif nede nimth and him mith riuchtere redene ur come (= urkume), ief hi biseka welle and hi mith copscelde (= kompscelde) unnen werthe, sa ach hi to lesane sin haud mith tuelef merkum etta liudem ande hire othere tuelef merk te werielde, thet is fiuwer and tuintech gratera merka, end (= and) of tha fiwer and thuintechga (= fiuwer and tuintechga) merku[m] tha frana ti fellane enentuintech scillenga; fon tha werielde thene thrimenat te nimane, tha tua del fon tha tuelef merkum thera liuda, thes frana bonnes.
Sentence: 3    
Thet is riucht, thet him sine friund ther to helpe, ief hit selua nebbe, thruch thet theter ne mei nen mon sines berna blodes with seka.

Chapter: 16 
Sexta decima petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thet is thiu sextendeste kest, thet alle Fresa hira frethe mith fia bete.
Sentence: 2    
Thruch thet skelen hia wesa a Saxina merkum uster (= uter) stok and uter stupa, uter besma and uter skera and uter alle pinum; hit ne se thet hi urdemet and urdeled werthe an liuda warue mith riuchtere tele and bi asega dome, bi liuda londriuchte and bi skeltata bonne and bi thes keiseres ieftha sines weldega boda orleue, sine ferra hond uppa thingstapele of te slanne umbe tuede deda (= tue dededa).
Sentence: 3    
Ac ief hi hauddeda ieden hebbe, nagtbrond ieftha othere hauddeda, bi asega wisdome and bi liuda riuchte ach hi to ieldane mith sine halse, ief hi fia nebbe; efne ielt alle thi ther hongat.
Sentence: 4    
Morth mot ma mith morthe kela bi liuda kere, nas bi godes riuchte, wand god bad a nethe, thrug thet ma erga stiure.

Chapter: 17 
Septima decima petitio.

Sentence: 1    
Thet is thiu sogentendeste kest and thes kenenges Kerles ieft, thet alle Fresa(n) thingie bi tuira tele and bi riuchtes asega dome, and allera monna welik witet him selua anda withum, wet he geden hebbe.
Sentence: 2    
Mith thrim monnem mei ma alne tigtega bifella, buta dathe aud (= and) aubera dolge, bi scriueres worde and bi asega dome and bi liuda riuchte, ieftha mith sines selues sele te [fellane, hit ne se thet hi en wed den hebbe anda urpena warue ieftha anda heida thinge, sa ne mei hi thes weddes nene withe biada, wande en ierech mon mei mith siner ferra hond urwedia and mith sinere tunga utmela (= urmela) al sin riucht.

Sentence: 3    
Thit send tha sogentene kesta, ther Fresan mith hira fia capaden and hia fon riuchte bruca scelen alsa longe sa hia libbe wither alle here and alle husingar.
Sentence: 4    
Tha bad thi kening Kerl, thet hia alle afte thing and alle riuchte thing helde and louade alsa longe sa se lifde; and huwasa (= hwasa) birawade, thet hi birawad urde fara godes agnem and fara alla godes helgum, a himilrike and erthrike, tho (= to) tha ewga liwe.]

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Corpus of Old East Frisian Texts.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.6.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.