Part No. 69
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Chapter: LXIX 

Verse: 5802       Lâgun [tha] uuardos,
Verse: 5803    
thia gisîðos sâmquica:   sân [up] ahlêd
Verse: 5804    
thie grôto stên fan them graƀe,    ina thie godes engil
Verse: 5805    
gihueriƀida an halƀa,   endi im uppan them [hlêuue] gisat
Verse: 5806    
diurlîc drohtines bodo.   Hie uuas an is dâdion gelîc,
Verse: 5807    
an is ansiunion,    huem ina [muosta] undar is ôgon scauuon,
Verse: 5808    
[bereht] endi blîði   all [blicsmun] lioht;
Verse: 5809    
uuas im is giuuâdi   [uuintarcaldon]
Verse: 5810    
[snêuue gilîcost.   Thuo sâuun sia ina sittian thar,]
Verse: 5811    
thiu uuîf uppan them giuuendidan stêne,   endi im fan them uulitie [quâmun,]
Verse: 5812    
them idison sulica egison [tegegnes:   all uuurðun fan them grurie
Verse: 5813    
thiu frî an forahton mikilon,]   furðor ne gidorstun
Verse: 5814    
[te themo graƀe gangan,   êr sia thie godes engil],
Verse: 5815    
[uualdandes] bodo   uuordon gruotta,
Verse: 5816    
quað that hie iro ârundi   all bicunsti,
Verse: 5817    
uuerc endi uuillion   endi thero uuîƀo hugi,
Verse: 5818    
hiet that sia im ne andrêdin:   "ik uuêt that gi iuuuan drohtin suokat,
Verse: 5819    
neriendon Crist   fan Nazarethburg,
Verse: 5820    
thena thi hier quelidun   endi an crûci slôgun
Verse: 5821    
Iudeo liudi   endi an graf lagdun
Verse: 5822    
[sundilôsian].   Nu nist hie selƀo hier,
Verse: 5823    
ac hie ist astandan iu,   endi sind thesa stedi lârea,
Verse: 5824    
thit graf an theson griote.   Nu mugun gi gangan herod
Verse: 5825    
nâhor mikilu   - ik uuêt that is iu ist niud sehan
Verse: 5826    
an theson stêne innan -:   hier sind noh thia stedi scîna,
Verse: 5827    
thar is lîchamo lag."   Lungra fengun
Verse: 5828    
gibada an iro brioston   blêca idisi,
Verse: 5829    
uulitiscôni uuîf:   uuas im uuilspell mikil
Verse: 5830    
te gihôrianne,   that im fan iro [hêrren] sagda
Verse: 5831    
engil thes alouualden.   Hiet sia eft thanan
Verse: 5832    
fan them graƀe gangan   endi faran te them iungron Cristes,
Verse: 5833    
seggian them is gisîðon   suoðon uuordon,
Verse: 5834    
that iro drohtin uuas   fan dôðe astandan.

Verse: 5835    
Hiet ôc an sundron   Sîmon Petruse
Verse: 5836    
uuillspell mikil   uuordon cûðian,
Verse: 5837    
cumi drohtines,   gie that Crist [selƀo]
Verse: 5838    
[uuas an] Galileo land,   "thar ina eft is iungron sculun,
Verse: 5839    
gisehan is [gisîðos],    hie im êr selƀo gisprac
Verse: 5840    
uuâron uuordon."   Reht thuo thiu uuîf thanan
Verse: 5841    
gangan uueldun,    stuodun im tegegnes thar
Verse: 5842    
engilos tuêna   an alahuîton
Verse: 5843    
uuânamon giuuâdion   endi sprâcun [im] mid iro uuordon tuo
Verse: 5844    
hêlaglîco:   hugi uuarð giblôðid
Verse: 5845    
then idison an egison:   ne mahtun an thia engilos godes
Verse: 5846    
bi themo uulite scauuon:   uuas im thiu uuânami te strang,
Verse: 5847    
te suîði te sehanne.   Thuo sprâcun im sân angegin
Verse: 5848    
uualdandes bodun   endi thiu uuîf frâgodun,
Verse: 5849    
te huî sia Cristan tharod   quican mid dôdon,
Verse: 5850    
suno drohtines   suokian quâmin
Verse: 5851    
ferahes fullan;   "nu gi ina ni findat hier
Verse: 5852    
an theson stêngraƀe,   ac hie ist astandan [nu]
Verse: 5853    
an is lîchamen:   thes gi gilôƀian sculun
Verse: 5854    
endi gihuggian thero uuordo,   the hie iu te uuâron oft
Verse: 5855    
selƀo sagda,   [than] hie an iuuuon gisîðe uuas
Verse: 5856    
an [Galilealande,]   huô hie scoldi gigeƀan uuerðan,
Verse: 5857    
gisald selƀo   an sundigaro manno,
Verse: 5858    
[hettiandero] hand,   hêlag drohtin,
Verse: 5859    
that sia ina quelidin   endi an crûci [slôgin,]
Verse: 5860    
dôdan gidâdin   endi that hie scoldi thuru drohtines craft
Verse: 5861    
an thriddion dage   thioda te uuillion
Verse: 5862    
libbiandi astandan.   Nu haƀit hie all gilêstid ,
Verse: 5863    
gifrumid mid firihon:   îliat gi nu forð hinan,
Verse: 5864    
gangat gâhlîco   endi duot it them is iungron cûð.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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