Part No. 13
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Chapter: XIII 

Verse: 1020     gefragn ic that [Iohannes thô]   gumono gihuuilicun,
Verse: 1021    
loƀoda them liudiun   lêra Kristes,
Verse: 1022    
hêrron sines,   endi heƀenrîki
Verse: 1023    
te giuuinnanne,   uuelono thane mêston,
Verse: 1024    
sâlig sinlîf.   Thô he [im] selƀo giuuêt
Verse: 1025    
[aftar them    dôpislea,   drohtin the gôdo],
Verse: 1026    
an êna uuôstunnea,   uualdandes sunu;
Verse: 1027    
uuas im thar an thero ênôdi   erlo drohtin
Verse: 1028    
lange huuîla;   ne habda liudeo than mêr,
Verse: 1029    
seggeo te gisîðun,   al he im selƀo gicôs:
Verse: 1030    
uuelda is thar lâtan [coston]   craftiga uuihti,
Verse: 1031    
selƀon [Satanasan],   the gio an sundea spenit,
Verse: 1032    
man an mênuuerk:   he consta is môdseƀon,
Verse: 1033    
uurêðan uuilleon,   huuô he thesa uuerold êrist,
Verse: 1034    
an them anginnea   irminthioda
Verse: 1035    
bisuêc mit sundiun,   thô he thiu [sinhîun] tuuê,
Verse: 1036    
[Âdaman] endi Êuan,   thurh untreuua
Verse: 1037    
forlêdda [mid] luginun,   that liudo barn
Verse: 1038    
aftar iro hinferdi   hellea sôhtun,
Verse: 1039    
gumono gêstos.   Thô uuelda that god mahtig,
Verse: 1040    
uualdand uuendean   endi uuelda thesum uuerode forgeƀen
Verse: 1041    
hôh himilrîki:   bethiu he herod hêlagna bodon,
Verse: 1042    
is sunu [senda].   That uuas [Satanase]
Verse: 1043    
[tulgo harm] an is hugi:   afonsta heƀanrîkies
Verse: 1044    
[manno cunnie]:   uuelda thô mahtigna
Verse: 1045    
mid them selƀon sacun   sunu drohtines,
Verse: 1046    
[them] he [Âdaman]   an êrdagun
Verse: 1047    
darnungo bidrôg,   that he uuarð is drohtine lêð,
Verse: 1048    
bisuuêc ina mid sundiun   - uuelda he thô selƀan dôn
Verse: 1049    
[hêlandean] Krist.   Than habda he is hugi fasto
Verse: 1050    
uuið thana uuamscaðon,   uualdandes barn,
Verse: 1051    
herte giherdid:   uuelda heƀenrîki
Verse: 1052    
liudiun gilêstean.   Uuas im thes landes uuard
Verse: 1053    
[an fastunnea]   fiortig nahto,
Verse: 1054    
manno drohtin,   [sô] he thar [mates] ni [antbêt];
Verse: 1055    
than [langa] ni gidorstun im   dernea uuihti,
Verse: 1056    
nîðhugdig fîund,   nâhor gangan,
Verse: 1057    
grôtean ina geginuuarðan:   uuânde that he [god] ênfald,
Verse: 1058    
forûtar mancunnies uuiht   mahtig uuâri,
Verse: 1059    
hêleg himiles uuard.    he ina thô gehungrean lêt,
Verse: 1060    
that ina bigan bi thero mennisko   môses lustean
Verse: 1061    
aftar them fiuuartig dagun,   the fîund nâhor geng,
Verse: 1062    
mirki    mênscaðo:   uuânda that he man [ênfald]
Verse: 1063    
uuâri uuissungo,   sprac im thô mid is uuordun ,
Verse: 1064    
grôtta ina the gêrfîund:   "ef thu sîs godes sunu", quað he,
Verse: 1065    
"behuuî ni hêtis thu than uuerðan,   ef thu giuuald haƀes,
Verse: 1066    
allaro barno bezt,   brôd af thesun stênun?
Verse: 1067    
[Gehêli] thînna hungar."   Thô sprac [eft] the hêlago Crist:
Verse: 1068    
"ni mugun [eldibarn]", quað he,   "[ênfaldes] brôdes,
Verse: 1069    
liudi libbien,   ac sie sculun thruh lêra godes
Verse: 1070    
uuesan an thesero uueroldi   endi sculun thiu uuerc frummien,
Verse: 1071    
thea thar uuerðad ahlûdid   fon thero hêlogun tungun,
Verse: 1072    
fon them galme godes:   that is gumono lîf
Verse: 1073    
liudeo [huilicon],    that lêstean uuili,
Verse: 1074    
that fon uualdandes   uuorde gebiudid."
Verse: 1075    
Thô bigan eft niuson   endi nâhor geng
Verse: 1076    
unhiuri fîund   [ôðru] sîðu,
Verse: 1077    
fandoda is frôhan.   That friðubarn tholode
Verse: 1078    
uurêðes uuilleon   endi [im] giuuald forgaf,
Verse: 1079    
that he umbi is craft mikil   coston [môsti],
Verse: 1080    
lêt ina thô lêdean   thana liudscaðon,
Verse: 1081    
that he [ina] an Hierusalem   te them godes uuîha,
Verse: 1082    
alles oƀanuuardan,   [up] gisetta
Verse: 1083    
an allaro hûso hôhost,   endi hoscuuordun sprac,
Verse: 1084    
the gramo thurh gelp mikil:   "ef thu sîs godes sunu", quað he,
Verse: 1085    
"scrîd [thi te] erðu hinan.   Gescriƀan uuas it giu lango,
Verse: 1086    
an bôcun geuuriten,   huuô giboden haƀad
Verse: 1087    
is engilun   alomahtig fader,
Verse: 1088    
that sie thi at [uuege] gehuuem   uuardos sinðun,
Verse: 1089    
haldad thi undar iro handun.   Huuat, thu huuargin ni tharft
Verse: 1090    
mid thînun fôtun   an felis bespurnan,
Verse: 1091    
an hardan stên."   [Thô] sprac eft the hêlago Crist,
Verse: 1092    
allaro barno bezt:   "sô is ôc an bôcun gescriƀan", quað he,
Verse: 1093    
"that thu te hardo ni scalt   hêrran thînes,
Verse: 1094    
fandon thînes frôhan:   that nis thi allaro frumono [negên]."
Verse: 1095    
Lêt ina thô an thana thriddean sîð   thana thiodscaðon
Verse: 1096    
gibrengen uppan [ênan berg then] hôhon:   thar ina the [balouuîso]
Verse: 1097    
[lêt] al oƀarsehan   irminthiode,
Verse: 1098    
[uuonodsaman] uuelon   endi uueroldrîki
Verse: 1099    
endi all sulic ôdes,    thius erða [bihaƀad]
Verse: 1100    
fagororo frumono,   endi sprac im thô the fîund angegin,
Verse: 1101    
quað that he im that al gôdlîc   forgeƀen uueldi,
Verse: 1102    
hôha heridômos,   "ef thu [uuilt] hnîgan te mi,
Verse: 1103    
fallan te mînun fôtun   endi mi [for] frôhan haƀas,
Verse: 1104    
bedos te mînun barma.   Than lâtu ic thi brûcan uuel
Verse: 1105    
alles [thes] ôduuelon,   thes ic thi hebbiu giôgit hîr."
Verse: 1106    
Thô ni uuelda thes lêðan uuord   lengeron huuîle
Verse: 1107    
hôrean the hêlago Crist,   ac he ina [fon] is huldi fordrêf,
Verse: 1108    
[Satanasan] forsuuêp,   endi sân aftar sprac
Verse: 1109    
allaro barno [bezt],   quað that man bedon scoldi
Verse: 1110    
[up] te them alomahtigon gode   endi [im ênum thionon]
Verse: 1111    
suuîðo thiolico   thegnos managa,
Verse: 1112    
heliðos aftar is huldi:   "thar ist thiu helpa gelang
Verse: 1113    
manno gehuuilicun."   Thô giuuêt im the [mêns]caðo,
Verse: 1114    
suuîðo sêragmôd   Satanas thanan,
Verse: 1115    
fîund undar [fern]dalu.   Uuarð thar folc mikil
Verse: 1116    
fon them alouualdan   oƀana te Criste
Verse: 1117    
godes engilo cumen,   thie im sîðor iungardôm,
Verse: 1118    
scoldun ambahtscepi   aftar lêstien,
Verse: 1119    
thionon thiolîco:    [scal] man thiodgode,
Verse: 1120    
hêrron [aftar] huldi,   heƀancuninge.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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