Part No. 12
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Chapter: XII 

Verse: 949     sprac thô iung gumo   bi godes lêrun
Verse: 950    
mannun te mârðu.   Manag [samnoda]
Verse: 951    
[thar] te Bethania   barn Israheles;
Verse: 952    
quâmun    thar te Iohannese   cuningo gisîðos,
Verse: 953    
liudi te lêrun   endi iro gilôƀon antfengun.

Verse: 954    
He dôpte sie dago gihuuilikes   endi im iro dâdi lôg,
Verse: 955    
uurêðaro uuillion,   endi loƀode im uuord godes,
Verse: 956    
hêrron sînes:   "Heƀenrîki uuirðid", quað he,
Verse: 957    
"garu gumono huuem,    ti gode thenkid
Verse: 958    
endi an thana [hêleand] *uuili   hluttro [gilôƀean],
Verse: 959    
lêstean is lêra".   Thô ni uuas lang [te] thiu,
Verse: 960    
that im fon Galilea giuuêt   godes êgan barn,
Verse: 961    
*diurlîc drohtines sunu,   dôpi suokean.

Verse: 962    
Uuas im thuo an is uuastme   uualdandes barn*,
Verse: 963    
al he mid thero thiodu   thrîtig habdi
Verse: 964    
uuintro an is uueroldi.   Thô he an is uuilleon [quam],
Verse: 965    
thar Iohannes   an [Iordana] strôme
Verse: 966    
allan [langan] dag   liudi manage
Verse: 967    
dôpte diurlîco.   [Reht] he thô is drohtin gisah,
Verse: 968    
holden hêrron,    uuarð im is hugi blîði,
Verse: 969    
thes im [the] uuilleo gistôd,   endi sprac [im thô] mid is uuordun [tô],
Verse: 970    
[suuîðo gôd gumo,   Iohannes te Kriste]:
Verse: 971    
"nu cumis thu te mînero dôpi,   drohtin frô mîn,
Verse: 972    
thiod[gumono] [bezto]:    scolde ic te thînero duan,
Verse: 973    
huuand thu bist allaro cuningo craftigost."   Krist selƀo gibôd,
Verse: 974    
uualdand uuârlîco,   that he ni sprâki thero uuordo than mêr:
Verse: 975    
"uuêst thu, that ûs [sô] girîsid", quað he,   "allaro rehto [gihuuilik]
Verse: 976    
te gifulleanne   [forð]uuardes nu
Verse: 977    
an godes uuilleon".   Iohannes stôd,
Verse: 978    
dôpte allan dag   druhtfolc mikil,
Verse: 979    
uuerod an uuatere   endi [ôk] uualdand Krist,
Verse: 980    
[hêran] heƀencuning   handun sînun
Verse: 981    
an allaro [baðo] them [bezton]   endi im thar te bedu gihnêg
Verse: 982    
an cneo craftag.   Krist up giuuêt
Verse: 983    
fagar fon them flôde,   friðubarn godes,
Verse: 984    
liof liudio uuard.    he thô that land [afstôp],
Verse: 985    
anthlidun thô himiles doru,   endi quam the hêlago gêst
Verse: 986    
fon them alouualdon   oƀane te Kriste:
Verse: 987    
- uuas im an gilîcnissie   [lungras] fugles,
Verse: 988    
diurlîcara dûƀun   - endi sat    im uppan ûses drohtines [ahslu],
Verse: 989    
[uuonoda] im oƀar them uualdandes barne.   Aftar quam thar uuord fon himile,
Verse: 990    
hlûd fon them [hôhon] radura   [en] grôtta thane hêleand selƀon,
Verse: 991    
[Crista], allaro cuningo bezton,   quað that he ina gicorana habdi
Verse: 992    
selƀo fon sînun rîkea,   quað that im the sunu [lîcodi]
Verse: 993    
bezt allaro giboranaro manno,   quað that he im uuâri allaro barno lioƀost.

Verse: 994    
That môste Iohannes [thô],   al it god uuelde,
Verse: 995    
[gisehan] endi gihôrean.   He gideda it sân aftar thiu
Verse: 996    
mannun [mâri],   that sie thar mahtigna
Verse: 997    
hêrron habdun:   ["thit] is", quað he, "heƀencuninges sunu,
Verse: 998    
ên alouualdand:   thesas uuilleo ic urcundeo
Verse: 999    
uuesan an thesaro uueroldi,   [huuand] it sagda mi uuord godes,
Verse: 1000    
drohtines stemne,   thô he mi dôpean hêt
Verse: 1001    
uueros an uuatare,    huuar ic gisâhi uuârlîco
Verse: 1002    
thana [hêlagon] gêst   *fan heƀanuuange
Verse: 1003    
an [thesan] middilgard   ênigan man uuaron,
Verse: 1004    
cuman mid craftu;   that quað, [that] scoldi Crist uuesan,
Verse: 1005    
diurlîc drohtines suno.   Hie dôpean scal
Verse: 1006    
an thana* hêlagan gêst*   endi hêlean managa
Verse: 1007    
manno mêndâdi.   He haƀad [maht] fon gode,
Verse: 1008    
that he alâtan mag   liudeo gihuuilicun
Verse: 1009    
saca endi sundea.   Thit is selƀo Krist,
Verse: 1010    
godes êgan barn,   gumono bezto,
Verse: 1011    
friðu uuið fîundun.   Uuala that eu thes mag frâhmôd hugi
Verse: 1012    
uuesan an thesaro uueroldi,   thes eu the uuilleo gistôd,
Verse: 1013    
that gi [libbeanda]   thana landes uuard
Verse: 1014    
selƀon gisâhun.   Nu môt [sliumo] sundeono lôs
Verse: 1015    
manag gêst faran   an godes uuilleon
Verse: 1016    
tionon atômid,   the mid treuuon uuili
Verse: 1017    
uuið is uuini uuirkean   endi an uualdand Krist
Verse: 1018    
fasto gilôƀean.   That scal te [frumun] uuerðen
Verse: 1019    
gumono huuilicun,    that gerno dôt".

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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