Part No. 4
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Chapter: IV 

Verse: 243    Thô ni uuas lang aftar thiu,   ne it al gilêstid uuarð,
Verse: 244    
he mancunnea   managa huîla,
Verse: 245    
god alomahtig   forgeƀen habda,
Verse: 246    
that he is himilisc barn   herod te uueroldi,
Verse: 247    
si selƀes sunu   sendean [uueldi],
Verse: 248    
te thiu that he hêr alôsdi   [al liudstamna],
Verse: 249    
uuerod fon uuîtea.      [Thô] uuarð is [uuisbodo]
Verse: 250    
an Galilealand,   Gabriel cuman,
Verse: 251    
engil thes alouualdon,   thar he êne idis uuisse,
Verse: 252    
munilîca magað:   Maria uuas siu hêten,
Verse: 253    
uuas iru thiorna githigan.   Sea ên thegan habda,
Verse: 254    
Ioseph gimahlit,   gôdes cunnies man,
Verse: 255    
thea Dauides dohter:   that uuas [sô] diurlîc uuîf,
Verse: 256    
idis anthêti.   Thar sie the engil godes
Verse: 257    
[an] Nazarethburg   bi namon selƀo
Verse: 258    
grôtte [geginuuarde]   endi sie fon gode quedda:
Verse: 259    
"Hêl uuis thu, Maria", quað he,   "thu bist thînun hêrron liof,
Verse: 260    
uualdande uuirðig,   huuand thu giuuit haƀes,
Verse: 261    
idis enstio fol.   Thu scalt [for] allun uuesan
Verse: 262    
uuîƀun giuuîhit.   Ne haƀe [thu] uuêcan hugi,
Verse: 263    
ne forhti thu thînun ferhe:   ne quam ic thi te ênigun frêson herod,
Verse: 264    
ne dragu ic [ênig] [drugithing].   Thu scalt ûses drohtines uuesan
Verse: 265    
môdar mid mannun   endi scalt thana magu fôdean,
Verse: 266    
thes [hôhon] [heƀancuninges] [suno].   The scal Hêliand te namon
Verse: 267    
êgan mid eldiun.   [Neo] endi ni kumid,
Verse: 268    
thes uuîdon rîkeas [giuuand],   [the] he giuualdan scal,
Verse: 269    
mâri theodan."   Thô sprac im [eft] thiu magað angegin,
Verse: 270    
uuið thana engil godes   idiso scôniost,
Verse: 271    
allaro uuîƀo uulitigost:   "huô mag that giuuerðen ", [quað] siu,
Verse: 272    
"that ic magu fôdie?   Ne ic gio mannes ni uuarð
Verse: 273    
uuîs an mînera uueroldi."   Thô habde eft is uuord garu
Verse: 274    
engil thes alouualdon   thero idisiu tegegnes:
Verse: 275    
"an thi scal hêlag gêst   fon heƀanuuange
Verse: 276    
cuman thurh craft godes.   [Thanan] scal thi kind ôdan
Verse: 277    
uuerðan an thesaro uueroldi.   Uualdandes craft
Verse: 278    
scal thi fon them hôhoston   heƀancuninge
Verse: 279    
scadouuan mid [skimon].   Ni uuarð scôniera giburd,
Verse: 280    
ne mâri mid mannun,   huand siu kumid thurh maht godes
Verse: 281    
an [these] uuîdon uuerold."      Thô uuarð [eft] thes uuîbes hugi
Verse: 282    
aftar them ârundie   al gihuorƀen
Verse: 283    
an godes uuilleon.   "[Than] ic hêr garu standu", quað siu,
Verse: 284    
"te sulicun ambahtskepi,    he mi êgan uuili.

Verse: 285    
Thiu bium ic theotgodes.   Nu ik [theses] thinges gitrûon;
Verse: 286    
uuerðe mi aftar thînun uuordun,   al is uuilleo ,
Verse: 287    
hêrron mînes;   nis mi hugi tuîfli,
Verse: 288    
ne uuord ne uuîsa."    gifragn ik, that that uuîf antfeng
Verse: 289    
that godes ârundi   gerno suîðo
Verse: 290    
mid leohtu hugi   endi mid [gilôƀon] gôdun
Verse: 291    
endi mid hluttrun treuun.   [Uuarð] the hêlago gêst,
Verse: 292    
that barn [an] ira bôsma;   endi siu ira breostun [forstôd]
Verse: 293    
iac an ire seƀon selƀo,   sagda them siu uuelda,
Verse: 294    
that sie habde giôcana   thes alouualdon craft
Verse: 295    
hêlag fon himile.   Thô uuarð hugi Iosepes,
Verse: 296    
is môd [giuuorrid],   the im êr thea magað habda,
Verse: 297    
thea idis anthêttea,   aðalcnôsles uuîf
Verse: 298    
giboht im te brûdiu.   He afsôf [that] siu habda barn undar iru:
Verse: 299    
ni uuânda thes mid uuihti,   [that] iru that uuîf habdi
Verse: 300    
giuuardod [uuarolîco]:   ni [uuisse] uualdandes thô noh
Verse: 301    
blîði gibodskepi.   Ni uuelda sia imo te brûdi thô,
Verse: 302    
halon imo te hîuuon,   ac bigan im thô [an] hugi thenkean,
Verse: 303    
huô he sie [sô] forlêti,    iru thar nu uurði lêdes [uuiht],
Verse: 304    
ôdan [arƀides].   Ni uuelda sie aftar thiu
Verse: 305    
meldon for menigi:   antdrêd that sie manno barn
Verse: 306    
lîƀu binâmin.    uuas [than] thero liudeo thau
Verse: 307    
thurh then aldon êu,   Ebreo folkes,
Verse: 308    
huilik thar an unreht   idis gihîuuida,
Verse: 309    
that siu simbla thana bedskepi   buggean scolda,
Verse: 310    
frî mid ira ferhu:   ni uuas gio thiu fêmea gôd,
Verse: 311    
that siu [mid] them liudun leng   libbien môsti,
Verse: 312    
uuesan undar them uueroda.   [Bigan] im the uuîso mann,
Verse: 313    
suîðo gôd gumo,   Ioseph an is môda
Verse: 314    
thenkean thero thingo,   huô he thea    thiornun thô
Verse: 315    
listiun forlêti.   Thô ni uuas lang te thiu,
Verse: 316    
that im thar an drôma quam   drohtines engil,
Verse: 317    
heƀancuninges bodo,   endi hêt sie ina haldan uuel,
Verse: 318    
minnion sie an is môde:   "Ni uuis thu", quað he, "Mariun uurêð,
Verse: 319    
thiornun thînaro;   siu is [githungan] uuîf;
Verse: 320    
ne forhugi thu sie te hardo;   thu scalt sie haldan uuel,
Verse: 321    
uuardon ira an thesaro uueroldi.   Lêsti [thu] inca uuinitreuua
Verse: 322    
forð thu dâdi,   [endi] [hald] incan friundskepi uuel!
Verse: 323    
Ne lât thu sie thi thiu lêðaron,   thoh siu [undar] ira liðon êgi,
Verse: 324    
barn an ira bôsma.   It cumid thurh gibod godes,
Verse: 325    
hêlages gêstes   fon heƀanuuanga:
Verse: 326    
that is [Iêsu] Krist,   godes êgan barn,
Verse: 327    
uualdandes sunu.   Thu scalt sie uuel [haldan],
Verse: 328    
hêlaglîco.   Ne lât thu [thi] thînan hugi tuîflien,
Verse: 329    
merrean thîna môdgithâht."   Thô uuarð eft thes mannes hugi
Verse: 330    
[giuuendid] aftar them uuordun,   that he im te them uuîƀa genam,
Verse: 331    
te thera magað minnea:   antkenda maht godes,
Verse: 332    
uualdandes gibod.   Uuas im uuilleo mikil,
Verse: 333    
that he [sia] hêlaglîco   haldan môsti:
Verse: 334    
bisorgoda sie an is [gisîðea],   endi [siu] sûƀro [drôg]
Verse: 335    
al te huldi godes   hêlagna gêst,
Verse: 336    
gôdlîcan gumon,   antthat sie [godes] giscapu
Verse: 337    
mahtig gimanodun,   that [siu] [ina] an manno lioht,
Verse: 338    
allaro barno bezt,   brengean scolda.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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