Buzuku, Missale
Part No. 40
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Chapter: 40     
Line: 56  
Pſalmus contra Meniſſe.

Line: 57     HEn viſehſit ſeh en ξella: ξira em
Line: 58     
tuu ɛot: ɛot ћeћ ɛane tem ɣ baf-
Line: 59     
sine veſete e tuu teh ћeћune: enbe ɛaat
Line: 60     
teh oɿateuet miiueh ɛot tih neh enbai-
Line: 61     
tes menii cus teh iete aih ћi te munde
Line: 62     
en bahete? Per ſeh endaih tuu anſte te
Line: 63     
aferuomite: e per liћee teh tuu ɣ tuu
Line: 64     
en baita. Spirti em ɣ enbaiti enbeh fial-
Line: 65     
let teh tii: ſpirti em pat ſpeneſſe enbeh
Line: 66     
teneɛone. En ſeh ruoitunit ſeh endeh
Line: 67     
nateſſe dierie enbɿanba teh cheteh ſpe-
Line: 68     
neſſe iſraeli em tene ɛone. Per ſeh en-
Line: 69     
daih tene ɛone anſte miſerieria / e afere
Line: 70     
atii anſte teh ſelbuomite / emaξ. E aih
Line: 71     
chaa meh ſperblene iſraelne: enћiξe ſeh
Line: 72     
cheћiaſit ſeh tunes. Laudi clofte atit /
Line: 73     
e birit / e ſpirtit ſegñte.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Buzuku, Missale.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 16.6.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.