Buzuku, Missale
Part No. 37
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Chapter: 37     
Line: 73  
Chetɣ ɛane enfill teh ſtate Pſalmat

Line: 74     penecialle hi pari anſte condra
Line: 75     
ireſſe: eξote. antifena.

Line: 76     
ɛot mos ɣ cuitoh.
[Line: 77]  
Line: 78     
B ɛOT mos meh
Line: 79     
endiſcho ende fu-
Line: 80     
riet tande: as mos meh
Line: 81     
caſtigoh endeh iret tan-
Line: 82     
de: ɛot chii miſerier en
Line: 83     
meieh: ſe ɣiam ſemu-
Line: 84     
neh: ſendoſmeh ſeh e
Line: 85     
ſtenate emii lenћognene:
Line: 86     
E ſpirti em anſte turbuom foɿt: ma tih
Line: 87     
ɛot dierieh cur te meh apss endimeh?
Line: 88     
Chξeɣ pɿeih meieh ɛot / e libero ſpir-
Line: 89     
tine tem: emuoh meh ſelbo miſerier
Line: 90     
tande. Per ſeh ende moɿt ſaſte cus teh
Page : 34   Page of ms. A: 016v  Line: 1     
biere ende mend per tuu: as ende feret
Line: 2     
cus teteh refuegne? ɣ punoua endeh
Line: 3     
fſameh temeh: e per ћiξe nate ɣ ſtrate
Line: 4     
tem: meh lot teh mii ɣ tah laa: ɣ tur-
Line: 5     
buo ſute tem: en meniet: e ɣ enplach-
Line: 6     
ſeh ender anemiћt temii. Dahii en me-
Line: 7     
ieh iuh ћiξe baa cheћii per ſeh ɛotune
Line: 8     
e ћeћ ɛaneh e vaiht tim. ɛotune e ћeћ
Line: 9     
teh lutunite tem e ɛotune per ɛuu oɿa-
Line: 10     
tene temeh: Clofſine meh en baree / e
Line: 11     
meteh maξe enbaree clofſine turbuom
Line: 12     
ћiξe anemiћte emii: ɣ chξefſine perape-
Line: 13     
te meh mend teh tune e clofſine meh en-
Line: 14     
bare foɿt ſpiert. Laudi clofte atit / e bi-
Line: 15     
rit / e ſpirtit ſegñte.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Buzuku, Missale.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 16.6.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.