Buzuku, Missale
Part No. 34
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Chapter: 34     
Line: 64  
Comemoɿaciona e ћiξe ſegñtet.

Line: 65     HJgne ſeh chaa meh arξune ɛotune
Line: 66     
e ћiξe ſegñtite etii meh teh / e ateh
Line: 67     
dite chaa meh clene / e maξe drite. al-
Line: 68     
leluya. Higne ſeh chaa meɣ ducu-
Line: 69     
ne ɛotune per enbii nieћulet teh barξe.

Line: 70     
E meh ateh en ſegñteſſit ſeh tiis
Line: 71     
miieh ſume. Oɿatio.

Line: 72     
COnſcienciete tone tuu teh luſme:
Line: 73     
tue nah pane/ nah purificho o ɛot:
Line: 74     
per ſeh ſih teh iete arξune ɣit biir: ieɛɣ
Line: 75     
xp̅i ɣneh ɛot e meh ћiξe ſegñtite: ender
Line: 76     
nee teh enbetunite etii ender nee trai-
Line: 77     
tuom teh vћagne ћi aih meh tuu ћelin
Line: 78     
e ɛotenon per iete teh ieteſſe. amen
Line: 79     
ɛot perɛeh oɿatene teme. E
Line: 80     
em tuu arte ɛani em. Becoime te-
Line: 81     
neɛone. Tine ɛot laudi: per mi-
Line: 82     
ſerier teh tine ɛot ſpirtenate e tpareuet:
Line: 83     
puſofſine en paћ. amen.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Buzuku, Missale.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 16.6.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.