Buzuku, Missale
Part No. 33
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Chapter: 33     
Ad magnificat. Antifena.

Line: 46     SPirti ſegñte chaa meɣ
Line: 47     
diergune ende tuu me-
Line: 48     
rii: mos druoih cheme
Line: 49     
paſune ende barch tat
Line: 50     
bire e tine ɛot. alleluya.

Line: 51     
O ɛot chii miſerier. O
Line: 52     
chɿiſt chii miſerier. O
Line: 53     
ɛot chii miſerier. ɛot perɛeh oɿa-
Line: 54     
tene temeh. E em tuu arte ɛani
Line: 55     
em. Oɿatio.

Line: 56     
O ɛot ћi en barcut ſeh meriſſe vir-
Line: 57     
ћene deſſeh bire tand: enћelli a-
Line: 58     
teh tue baam meh ditune aih meh per
Line: 59     
ɛane coɿp ɣman: ban hir atune ћi tuu
Line: 60     
teh luſene: poɿ ſih nah per teh vertete
Line: 61     
beſoime: aioh meh cleneh ama / e tine
Line: 62     
ɛot: aſtɣ nah per para tuu teh iemih
Line: 63     
endimuom per xp̅ne ɛotne tane. amen.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Buzuku, Missale.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 16.6.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.