International Summer School on

Language Documentation: Methods and Technology

within the programme

Documentation of Endangered Languages (DoBeS)

of the Volkswagen Foundation

University of Frankfurt / Main

1st - 11th of September, 2004

Time schedule (definite, as of July 16th, 2004): 




Fieldwork tutorial

Lecture tutorial


Sep. 1

Documentation: What for?

Nikolaus Himmelmann

[Same groups of 4-6 every day]

Tutors: Sebastian Drude, Arienne Dwyer, Marcel Erdal, Sonja Fritz, Jost Gippert, Dagmar Jung, David Rood, Frank Seifart, Rainer Voßen

1. Communicating about your work on endangered languages (Peter Austin)

2. Documentation theory (Nikolaus Himmelmann, Frank Seifart) 

3. Language endangerment (Sebastian Drude) 

1. Phonetic essentials1 (Reinhold Greisbach)

2. Speech analysis with Praat1 (Paul Trilsbeek)

3. Technologies / tools for documentation (overview)1 (Peter Wittenburg)

Sep. 2

Cooperative fieldwork with speech communities and speakers: ethics and practicalities

Arienne Dwyer


[same groups of 4-6 every day]

Field situations by region (Africa, Asia, Pacific, Americas) (Various DoBeS members)

1. Phonetic essentials2 (Reinhold Greisbach)

2. Speech analysis with Praat (Paul Trilsbeek)

3. Technologies / tools for documentation (overview)2 (Peter Wittenburg)

Sep. 3

Handling your data

Peter Austin

[same groups of 4-6 every day]

Ethical issues concerning authorship, copyrights, etc. (4 groups by region: Africa, Asia, Pacific, Americas) (Various DoBeS members)

Round-table discussion: "Documentation and the Media"


(Sep. 4-5

Conference "A World of Many Voices. Interfaces in Language Documentation: Linguistics, Anthropology, Speech Communities, and Technology")


Sep. 6

The ethnography of language

Jane Hill

[same groups of 4-6 every day]

A. Annotation tools: ELAN  (Han Sloetjes)

B. Practicing video recording (Jochen Cholin)

C. Annotation tools: Shoebox (Irina Nevskaya)

D. Editing and digitizing videos [in German] (Romuald Skiba)

1. New trends in the study of oral traditions1 (Martin Gaenszle)

2. Gestures in language documentations1 (Mandana Seyfeddinipur)

3. Audio/video recording and editing: Conceptual preparation1 (Thomas Völker / Bernd Terstegge)

Sep. 7

Lexical knowledge

John Haviland

[same groups of 4-6 every day]

A. Metadata tools: IMDI editor and browser (Peter Wittenburg)

B. Annotation tools: Shoebox (Irina Nevskaya)

C. Practicing video recording (Jochen Cholin)

D. Annotation tools: ELAN [in German] (Romuald Skiba)

1. New trends in the study of oral traditions2 (Martin Gaenszle)

2. Gestures in language documentations2 (Mandana Seyfeddinipur)

3. Audio/video recording and editing: Conceputal preparation2 (Thomas Völker / Bernd Terstegge)

Sep. 8

Ethnographic commentary

Bruna Franchetto

[same groups of 4-6 every day]

A. Annotation tools: Shoebox (Irina Nevskaya)

B. Annotation tools: ELAN (Han Sloetjes)

C. Metadata tools: IMDI editor and browser (Peter Wittenburg)

D. Metadata tools: IMDI editor and browser [in German] (Romuald Skiba)

1. Orthography development1 (Frank Seifart)

2. Prosody and intonation1 (Martine Grice)

3. Audio/video recording and editing: Optimal Handling1 (Jochen Cholin)

Sep. 9

Linguistic commentary

Eva Schulze-Berndt


[same groups of 4-6 every day]

A. Editing and digitizing videos (Maarten Bisseling)

B. Metadata tools: IMDI editor and browser (Peter Wittenburg)

C. Annotation tools: ELAN (Han Sloetjes)

D. Annotation tools: Shoebox [in German] (Irina Nevskaya)

1. Orthography development2 (Frank Seifart)

2. Prosody and intonation2 (Martine Grice)

3. Audio/video recording and editing: Optimal handling2 (Jochen Cholin)

Sep. 10

Community language work

Ulrike Mosel

[same groups of 4-6 every day]

Examples by region (4 groups by region: Africa, Asia, Pacific, Americas) (Various DoBeS members)

1. Grammar writing1 (Ulrike Mosel)

2. Ethnomusicology1 (Gisa Jähnichen)

3. Development of teaching materials1 (Utta von Gleich)

Sep. 11

Archiving challenges

Peter Wittenburg / Jost Gippert

[same groups of 4-6 every day]

1. Useful things to know about XML/HTML for website creation (Paul Trilsbeek)

2. Useful things to know about encoding (Jost Gippert)

3. Useful things to know about existing web archives (Peter Wittenburg)

1. Grammar writing2 (Ulrike Mosel)

2. Ethnomusicology2 (Gisa Jähnichen)

3. Development of teaching materials2 (Utta von Gleich)

  Daily schedule: 











Fieldwork tutorial


Lecture tutorial





Orientation map


The summer school will take place in conjunction with the conference


  at the same venue (Frankfurt, Sep. 4-5th, 2004).

For further questions, please contact  Jost Gippert.