Book: Heliand 

Fragment L

On the basis of images of the original manuscript
and under collation of the edition by
Hans Ulrich Schmid,
Ein neues 'Heliand'-Fragment
aus der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig,
ZfdA 135, 2006, 309-323

electronically prepared by Jost Gippert,
Frankfurt a/M, 6.11.2010;
TITUS version by Jost Gippert,
Frankfurt a/M, 7.11.2010

Chapter: LXIX 
Manuscript Page: 4073r  
Cod. Leipzig Thomas 4073 (Ms.), recto

Manuscript Line: 1   Verse: 5823    ac hie iſt aſtandaN eNdi ſind theſa ſtedi lárea ·
Manuscript Line: 2   Verse: 5824    
Thit graf an theſuN griota Nu muguN gi gangaN
Manuscript Line: 3     
herod · Verse: 5825  Nahor mikilu ik uuet that iſ iu iſ Niod
Manuscript Line: 4     
ſehaN Verse: 5826  aN theſaN ſtéN innaN hier ſind Noh thia
Manuscript Line: 5     
ſtedi ſkina · Verse: 5827  thar iſ lichamo lag lungra fengun ·
Manuscript Line: 6   Verse: 5828    
gibada an iro brioſtuN   blecoN idiſe · Verse: 5829  uuliteſco
Manuscript Line: 7     
nio uuif · uuaſ im uuillſpell mikil Verse: 5830  te gi
Manuscript Line: 8     
horeanna that im fan iro hérroN ſagda Verse: 5831  engil
Manuscript Line: 9     
thaſ alouualdoN hiet ſia eft thanaN Verse: 5832  faN them
Manuscript Line: 10     
graua gangan endi faraN te them giungarom
Manuscript Line: 11     
xpctſ Verse: 5833  ſeggian them iſ giſíđoN ſuođon uuordon
Manuscript Line: 12   Verse: 5834    
That iro drohtin uuaſ · fan dođe aſtandaN · Verse: 5835  Hiet
Manuscript Line: 13     
ok an ſundroN ſimon petruſe · Verse: 5836  uillſpell mikil
Manuscript Line: 14     
uuorduN kuđean Verse: 5837  kumi drohtinaſ io that
Manuscript Line: 15     
xpict ſelƀo Verse: 5838  uuaſ an galileo land thar ina eft
Manuscript Line: 16     
iſ giungaroN ſculuN · Verse: 5839  giſehaN iſ geſíđoſ ſo hie im
Manuscript Line: 17     
er ſelƀo giſprak Verse: 5840  Uuarom uuorduN reht ſo thúo
Manuscript Line: 18     
thia uuif thanaN Verse: 5841  gangaN uuelduN ſo ſtuoduN im
Manuscript Line: 19     
tegegnaſ thar Verse: 5842  engiloſ tueNa aN alohuitoN Verse: 5843  uuana
Manuscript Line: 20     
mon giuuadeom · eNdi ſprakuN im miđ iro uuor
Manuscript Line: 21     
doN tuo Verse: 5844  hélaglico hugi uuarđ giblóđid · Verse: 5845  them
Manuscript Line: 22     
idiſoN an egiſoN Ni mahtuN aN thia engiloſ godaſ
Manuscript Line: 23   Verse: 5846    
Bi them uulite uulitaN ſcauuoN uuaſ im thiu uuaname ſcone te

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand-Fragment L.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.