Tatian, Gospel Harmony (Cod. Sang. 56)
Part No. 5
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Chapter: 2  
Sentence: 1     Link to gotnt

Ms. line: 29    Fuit in diebus Herodis regis   Uuas in tagun Herodes thes cuninges
Ms. line: 30    Iudeę quidam sacerdos   Iudeno sumer biscof
Ms. line: 31    nomine Zacharias   namen Zacharias
Ms. line: 32    de vice Abia   fon themo uuehsale Abiases

Ms. page: 26  

Ms. line: 1    et uxor illi de filiabus Aaron   inti quena imo fon Aarones tohterun
Ms. line: 2    et nomen eius Elisabeth.   inti ira namo uuas Elisabeth.

Sentence: 2     Link to gotnt

Ms. line: 3    erant autem iusti ambo ante deum,   Siu uuarun rehtiu beidu fora gote,
Ms. line: 4    incedentes in omnibus mandatis   gangenti in allem bibotun
Ms. line: 5    et iustificationibus domini sine quęrela.   inti in gotes rehtfestin uzzan lastar,
Ms. line: 6  Link to gotnt   Et non erat illis filius, eo quod   inti ni uuard in sun, bithiu uuanta
Ms. line: 7    esset elisabeth sterilis   Elisabeth uuas unberenti
Ms. line: 8    et ambo processissent in diebus suis.   inti beidu framgigiengun in iro tagun.

Sentence: 3     Link to gotnt

Ms. line: 9    Factum est autem cum   Uuard thô, mit thiu her
Ms. line: 10    sacerdotio fungeretur   in biscofheite giordinot uuas
Ms. line: 11    in ordine vicis suę ante deum,   in antreitu sines uuehsales fora gote,
Ms. line: 12  Link to gotnt   secundum consuetudinem sacerdotii,   after giuuonu thes biscofheites,
Ms. line: 13    sorte exiit, ut incensum poneret   in lôzze framgieng, thaz her uuihrouh branti
Ms. line: 14    ingressus in templum domini,   ingangenti in gotes tempal,
Ms. line: 15  Link to gotnt   et omnis multitudo erat populi   inti al thiu menigi uuas thes folkes
Ms. line: 16    orans foris hora incensi.   ûzze betonti in thero ziti thes rouhennes.

Sentence: 4     Link to gotnt

Ms. line: 17    Apparuit autem illi   Araugta sih imo
Ms. line: 18    angelus domini, stans a dextris   gotes engil, stantenti in zeso
Ms. line: 19    altaris incensi.   thes altares thero uuihrouhbrunsti.
Ms. line: 20  Link to gotnt   Et Zacharias turbatus est   Thanan tho Zacharias uuard gitruobit
Ms. line: 21    videns, et timor inruit super eum.   thaz sehenti, inti forhta anafiel ubar inan.

Sentence: 5     Link to gotnt

Ms. line: 22    Ait autem ad illum angelus:   Quad thô zi imo thie engil:
Ms. line: 23    Ne timeas, Zacharia,   ni forhti thu thir, Zacharias,
Ms. line: 24    quoniam exaudita est deprecatio tua   uuanta gihorit ist thin gibet,
Ms. line: 25    et uxor tua Elysabeth   inti thin quena Elysabeth
Ms. line: 26    pariet tibi filium,   gibirit thir sun,
Ms. line: 27    et vocabis nomen eius Iohannem.   inti nemnis thû sinan namon Iohannem.

Sentence: 6     Link to gotnt

Ms. line: 28    Et erit tibi gaudium et exultatio,   Inti her ist thir gifeho inti blidida,
Ms. line: 29    et multi in nativitate eius gaudebunt.   inti manage in sinero giburti mendent.
Ms. line: 30  Link to gotnt   Erit enim magnus coram domino   Her ist uuârlihho mihhil fora truhtine
Ms. line: 31    et vinum et siceram non bibit et spiritu sancto   inti uuîn noh lîd ni trinkit inti heilages geistes
Ms. line: 32    replebitur adhuc   uuirdit gifullit fon hinan

Ms. page: 27  

Ms. line: 1    ex utero matris suae,   fon reue sinero muoter,
Ms. line: 2  Link to gotnt   et multos filiorum Israhel   inti manage Israheles barno
Ms. line: 3    convertit ad dominum deum ipsorum.   giuuerbit zi truhtine gote iro.

Sentence: 7     Link to gotnt

Ms. line: 4    Et ipse praecedet ante illum   Inti her ferit fora inan
Ms. line: 5    in spiritu et virtute Heliae,   in geiste inti in megine Heliases,
Ms. line: 6    ut convertat corda patrum in filios,   thaz her giuuente herzun fatero in kind,
Ms. line: 7    et incredibiles ad prudentiam iustorum,   inti ungiloubfolle zi uuîstuome rehtero,
Ms. line: 8    parare domino plebem perfectam.   garuuen truhtine thuruhthigan folc.

Sentence: 8     Link to gotnt

Ms. line: 9    Et dixit Zacharias ad angelum:   Inti quad Zacharias zi themo engile:
Ms. line: 10    Unde hoc sciam?   uuanan uueiz ih thaz?
Ms. line: 11    ego enim sum senex, et uxor mea   ih bim alt, inti mîn quena
Ms. line: 12    processit in diebus suis.   fram ist gigangan in ira tagun.

Sentence: 9     Link to gotnt
Section: Lc_11  
Canon: X  

Ms. line: 13    Et respondens angelus dixit ei:   Thô antlingonti thie engil quad imo:
Ms. line: 14    Ego sum Gabriel, qui adsto   ih bim Gabriel, thie azstantu
Ms. line: 15    ante deum, et misus sum ad te   fora gote, inti bim gisentit zi thir
Ms. line: 16    haec tibi evangelizare.   thisu thir sagen.

Section: Lc  
Link to gotnt

Ms. line: 17    Et ecce eris tacens et non poteris   Inti nu uuirdist thû suigenti inti ni maht
Ms. line: 18    loqui usque in diem quo   sprehhan unzan then tag, in themo
Ms. line: 19    haec fiant, pro eo quod   thisu uuerdent, bithiu uuanta
Ms. line: 20    non credidisti verbis meis,   thû ni giloubtus minen uuortun,
Ms. line: 21    quae implebuntur in tempore suo.   thiu thar gifultu uuerdent in iro ziti.

Sentence: 10     Link to gotnt

Ms. line: 22    Et erat plebs expectans Zachariam,   Inti uuas thaz folc beitonti Zachariam,
Ms. line: 23    et mirabantur quod tardaret ipse in templo.   inti vvuntorotun thaz her lazzeta in templo.
Ms. line: 24  Link to gotnt   Egressus autem non poterat loqui ad illos,   Her uzgangenti ni mohta sprehhan zi in,
Ms. line: 25    et cognoverunt quod visionem vidisset in templo.   inti forstuontun thaz her gisiht gisah in templo;
Ms. line: 26    Et ipse erat innuens illis et permansit mutus.   her thaz bouhnenti in thuruhuuoneta stum.

Sentence: 11     Link to gotnt

Ms. line: 27    Et factum est ut inpleti sunt dies officii eius,   Inti gifulte uurdun tho taga sines ambahtes,
Ms. line: 28    abiit in domum suam. Link to gotnt Post hos autem dies   gieng in sin hus. After then tagon
Ms. line: 29    concepit Elisabeth uxor eius   intfieng Elisabeth sin quena
Ms. line: 30    et occultabat se mensibus ·V· dicens:   inti tougilta sih fimf manoda, quedenti:
Ms. line: 31  Link to gotnt   quia sic mihi fecit dominus in diebus,   uuanta sus teta mir trohtin in tagon,
Ms. line: 32    quibus respexit   in then her giscouuuota

Ms. page: 28  

Ms. line: 1    auferre obprobrium   meumarfirran minan itiuuiz
Ms. line: 2    inter homines.   untar mannon.

Capitulum: III  
Next part

This text is part of the TITUS edition of Tatian, Gospel Harmony (Cod. Sang. 56).

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.