Murbach Hymns
Part No. 4
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Text: IV  

p. 124r

Strophe: 1  
Verse: 1      Aeterne lucis conditor,     euuiges leohtes sceffento
Verse: 2      lux ipse totus et dies,     leoht er selbo aller inti tak
Verse: 3      noctem nec ullam sentiens,     naht noc einiga intfindanter
Verse: 4      natura lucis perpete.     kapurt leohtes emazziges

Strophe: 2  
Verse: 1      Iam cedet pallens proximo     giu intlazit pleichenti nahemu
Verse: 2      diei nox aduentui,     tage naht chumfti
Verse: 3      obtundens lumen siderum     kagan pliuuanti leoht himilzeichano
Verse: 4      adest et clarus lucifer.     az ist inti heitarer tagastern

Strophe: 3  
Verse: 1      Iam strato lęti surgimus     giu stroe frauue arstames
Verse: 2      grates canentes et tuos,     dancha singante inti dine
Verse: 3      quod cecam noctem uicerit     daz plinta naht karihti
Verse: 4      reuectans rursus sol diem.     auuar traganti uuidar fuarinti auur sunna tak

p. 124v

Strophe: 4  
Verse: 1      Manuscript page: 124v  Te nunc nec carnis gaudia     Manuscript page: 124v  dich nu noc fleisges mendi
Verse: 2      blandis subrepant estibus,     sclehtem untar sliufen hizzom
Verse: 3      dolis nec cedat seculi     fizusheitim noh henge uueralta
Verse: 4      mens nostra, sancte, quęsumus.     muat unser uuiho pittames

Strophe: 5  
Verse: 1      Iram nec rixa prouocet,     kapuluht noc paga kakruazze
Verse: 2      gulam nec uenter incitet,     kitagi noh uuamba kaanazze
Verse: 3      opum peruertat nec famis,     ehteo pisturze noh hungar
Verse: 4      turpis nec luxus occupet.     unchusger noc flusc pifahe

Strophe: 6  
Verse: 1      Sed firma mente subrii     uzzan festemu muate urtructe
Verse: 2      casto manentes corpore     cadiganemu uuesante lihamin
Verse: 3      totum fidele spiritu     allan kalaubigemu atume
Verse: 4      christo ducamus hunc diem.     christe leittem desan tak

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Murbach Hymns.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.