Part No. 4
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Paragraph: 4  
4 (= Rq._3_b)

Sentence: 1     Fon wernim biiecht {Anm.}.

Sentence: 2     
Hwersa ma sprech vmbe werna, hia se lessa ieftha marra, and se biiecht tofara sine eyne redieva, ther se vnder stonde inna there herna, and hi alsa rede, sa drive hi se withe bi achta mercum, and tha tuene Page: 022  mith him stonde; and neth hi se naut, sa se hi urleren; fon thisse tichtega set alsa den, sat fon othere redenem, and thi redieua wite tha werna, hu stor se se; and ni se se {Anm.} naut biiecht, sa vndgunge hi mith sinre eynre sele.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Brokmerrecht.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 10.12.2008. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.