Dies ist eine Internet-Sonderausgabe des Aufsatzes „Towards an automatical analysis of a translated text and its original“ von Jost Gippert (1993).
Sie sollte nicht zitiert werden. Zitate sind der Originalausgabe in "SIMA" 1, 1994 [1995], 21-59 zu entnehmen.

This is a special internet edition of the article “Towards an automatical analysis of a translated text and its original” by Jost Gippert (1993).
It should not be quoted as such. For quotations, please refer to the original edition in "SIMA" 1, 1994 [1995], 21-59.

Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All rights reserved:
Jost Gippert, Frankfurt 1998

1.    My thanks are due to Michael Glünz (Berne) and Donald Rayfield (London) who read a draft version of this paper and made valuable proposals as to wording, transcription method and the like. All remaining shortcomings and errors are mine, of course. [back / zurück]

2.    Wís o Rámín. A Romance of Ancient Persia. Translated from the Pahlawi and rendered into Verse by Fakhr al-dín, As'ad al-Astarabádi, al-Fakhri, al Gurgáni. Edited by Captain W.N. Lees LL.D. and Munshi Ahmad Ali. Calcutta 1865. = Bibliotheca Indica, vol. 47 / N.S. fasc. 48,49,52,54,76. Reprint Osnabrück 1982 (here: Lees). [back / zurück]

3.    Vīs va Rāmīn of Fakhr al-dīn Gorgānī. Persian critical text composed from the Persian and Georgian oldest manuscripts by Magali A. Todua and Alexander A. Gwakharia. Edited by Kamal S. Aini. Tehran 1970. = Iranian Culture Foundation, 101 (here: TG). — The other scholarly editions are: Vis and Rāmin. A Romance of Ancient Iran, Originally Written in Pahlavi and Rendered into Persian Verse by Fakhroddin Gorgāni C. 1054 A.D. Edited .. by Mojtabā Minovi. First Volume: Text. Tehran 1935 (here: Minowī); Faxr ud-dīn Gurgānī, Wīs u Rāmīn. Bā moqaddime-yī mabsūṭ wa ḥawāšī wa taՙlīqāt wa farhang-i wāžehā wa fihristhā-yī segāne. Ba ihtimām-i Muḥammad Ǧaՙfar Mahǧūb. Tehrān 1959 (here: Mahǧūb). — The first (partial) translation into a European language was done by K.H. Graf (Wîs und Râmîn. In: ZDMG 23, 1869, 375-433); a complete English translation was published only recently by George Morrison (Vis and Ramin. Translated from the Persian of Fakhr ud-dīn Gurgānī. New York and London 1972; here: Morr.). [back / zurück]

4.    Visramiani. The Story of the Loves of Vis and Ramin. A Romance of Ancient Persia. translated from the Georgian Version by Oliver Wardrop. London 1914. = Oriental Translation Fund, N.S., 23 (here: Ward.). — The text has twice been translated into German, first by Ruth Neukomm and Kita Tschenkéli (Wisramiani oder die Geschichte der Liebe von Wis und Ramin. Übertragung aus dem Georgischen und Nachwort von Ruth Neukomm und Kita Tschenkéli. Zürich 1957) and now again by Nelly Amaschukeli und Natella Chuzischwili (Wis und Ramin. Roman einer verbotenen Liebe im alten Persien. Aus dem Georgischen. Übersetzung von Nelly Amaschukeli und Natella Chuzischwili. Herausgabe, Redaktion und Nachwort von Elke Erb. Leipzig 1991; here: Leipzig). [back / zurück]

5.    Visramiani. Ṭeksṭi gamosacemad moamzades, gamoḳvleva da leksiḳoni daurtes Aleksandre Gvaxariam da Magali Toduam. / Visramiani. (The Old Georgian Translation of the Persian Poem Vis o Ramin). Text, Notes and Glossary by A. Gvakharia and M. Todua. Tbilisi 1962 (here: GT). — The other editions are: Visramiani, edd. Ilia Č̣avč̣avaʒe, A. Saragšvili and P. Umiḳašvili. Ṭpilisi 1884; Visramiani. Al. Baramiʒis, P̣. Ingoroq̇vas da Ḳ. Ḳeḳeliʒis redakciit da šesavali c̣erilit. Leksiḳoni I(usṭine) Abulaʒisa. Ṭpilisi 1938 (here: BIḲ); and Visramiani. In: Čveni saunǯe. Ʒveli mc̣erloba. (Our treasure. The old literature). Red. Al. Baramiʒe. Tbilisi 1968, pp.17-280. = Čveni saunǯe. Kartuli mc̣erloba oc ṭomad. (Our treasure. Georgian literature in 20 vols.). 2 (popular edition; here: Saunǯe). [back / zurück]

6.    A Turkic version of the epic which was written by the 16th century writer Lâmî shows much less affinity in this respect. (The text has not yet been edited, but is accessible through a manuscript preserved in the Preußische Staatsbibliothek, Berlin). — Magali Todua is just editing the revised Persian text as accomplished by the 18th century writer Nāmī Isfahānī (cf. Kutaisis Universiṭeṭis Moambe / Bulletin of Kutaisi University, vol. 1, 1993, pp. 25-64; vol. 2, 1993, pp. 26-108). [back / zurück]

7.    Gorganis "Vis o Ramin" da kartuli Visramiani (Gurganī's "Vīs u Rāmīn" and the Georgian "Visramiani"). Tbilisi 1977. [back / zurück]

8.    Text passages from the Persian text are here quoted by chapters and verses, quotations from the Georgian text by chapters, pages, and lines. Translations are quoted according to pages; that a given translation is quoted, is indicated by the reference to Ward. and Morr., resp. The transcription used for the Persian as presented here is to be regarded as tentative because final decisions are being aimed at only as results of this investigation. The Georgian is transliterated in the usual manner. [back / zurück]

9.    Sulxan-Saba Orbeliani, Leksiḳoni kartuli. C̣igni 1-2. Tbilisi 1966 / Txzulebani otx ṭomad, ṭomi 4/1-2, Tbilisi 1965-1966. [back / zurück]

10.    Kartuli-rusuli leksiḳoni / Gruzino-russkij slovar', Sanktpeterburg 1887 / Repr., ed. by A. Šaniʒe, Tbilisi 1984. [back / zurück]

11.    Kartuli enis ganmarṭebiti leksiḳoni, red. Arnold Čikobava, 1-8, Tbilisi 1950-1964; here vol. 7, 1962. [back / zurück]

12.    To appear in the Gedenkschrift für Otakar Klíma, Prague 1994. [back / zurück]

13.    The Georgian word has recently been dealt with by R. Bielmeier (in: Lingua restituta orientalis. Festgabe für Julius Assfalg. Hrsg.v. Regine Schulz und Manfred Görg. Wiesbaden 1990, S. 35). [back / zurück]

14.    Incidentally, Georgian kos-i cannot be connected with Georgian m-gosan-i "minstrel" ≈ Persian كوسان kōsān / گوسان gōsān (GT 38: 73,20 ≈ TG 49,15) as was proposed by Mzia Androniḳašvili in her monograph on Iranian-Georgian linguistic contacts (Narḳvevebi iranul-kartuli enobrivi urtiertobidan / Očerki po iransko-gruzinskim jazykovym vzaimootnošenijam. I. Tbilisi 1966, 308), because of the divergent stops (k- vs. g-). [back / zurück]

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