Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0829

{No. 196 = T III S 91.26}
{Rest der linken Seite eines Blattes. Von der Blattzahl sind nur die Ziffern 5 und 100 erhalten.}


_ _ .ñ. _ _ k MAska ////

_ _ . ñ. _ (*) k^MA-ska ////

_ .ñ(a)reyaṃ cmalune ////

_ . ñ+-re-yaṃ cma-lu-ne ////

RAṣ tRAṅKAṢ\ MAnt y[a] ////

RA-ṣ^tRA-ṅKA-Ṣ\ MA-nt^ya (l+)////

ñuK\ caṣ śolaśśä ////

ñu-K\ ca-ṣ^śo-la-śśä ////


nÜnaK\ yāP\ ñÜkacÄ\ ////

nÜna-K\ yā-P\ ñÜka-cÄ\ ////

ts tampe SAM\ riṣa(K\) ..y. ////

ts^ta-mpe SA-M\ ri-ṣa-_ . y. ////

_ _ tsopats tampeñ pe ////
(*) (*) tso-pa-ts^ta-mpe-ñ^pe ////
_ _ _ _ .ā eka ////

_ _ _ _ . ā `e-ka ////

Copyright Jost Gippert Frankfurt a/M 1999-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.