Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0794
{No. 161 = T III Š 67.12}
{Kleines Blattfragment.}
//// klo tsaraṃ śa[k] ñi ////
//// klo tsa-raṃ śa-[k] [ñ]i ////
//// sundari i ////
//// su-nda-ri `i ////
//// kā klyom nāTAK\ hā ////
//// . ā klyo-m^nā-TA-K\ hā ////
//// l ṣiNAṃ mā ////
////(*) l^ṣi-NAṃ m. ////
//// .ñ. kÜyalt(e) ////
//// . ñ. kÜy+-lt. ////
//// rtsyaṃ āncÄ\ ṣA[m]ts. ////
//// rtsyaṃ `ā-ncÄ\ ṣA-+ts. ////
//// ckācar nandeS\
//// ckā-ca-r^na-nde-S\
//// īśvaradatte ////
//// `ī-śva-ra-da-tte ////
//// .eS(\) klāṅk. ////
//// . e-[SA] klā-ṅ+a ////
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