Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0756

{No. 123 T III Š 99.6}
{Kleineres Bruchstück von der rechten Seite des Blattes 4.}


//// n. wärpitāR\ TMA

//// n. wä-rpi-tā-R\ TMA

//// w(ä)l śol ṣi praskiyo

//// w+-l^śo-l^ṣi pra-ski-yo

//// ārwaR\ yāmu ṣe_\

////(*) `ā-rwa-R\ yā-mu ṣe-_\

//// [cÄ\] nāTAK\ maR\ yu

////(*) [cÄ\] nā-TA-K\ ma-R\ yu

//// [lā]tS\ lā _ waṣti_\

//// tSA lā _ wa-ṣti-_\

//// M[A] lkāmāṃ koṃ ñKä_\

//// MA lkā-[m]āṃ koṃ ñKä-_\


//// .k. R\ māndr[i] lāṃtS\

//// . k.-R\ mā-ndr. lāṃ-tS\

//// (m)[ānd]riṃ lā _ cÄ(\) tRAṅKA_\

//// (*) . iṃ lā _ cä tRA-ṅKA-_\

//// || s[m]imā(ṃ) akmalyo māndri

//// (||) s[m]i-mā `a-kma-lyo mā-ndri

//// sk. : koṃ ñKAT\ sākñiM\

//// . k. : koṃ ñKA-T\ sā-kñi-M\

//// tāṢ\ : ñKAT\ napeṃ

////(*) tā-Ṣ\ : ñKA-T\ na-[p]eṃ

//// KAr kūki : wse a

//// KA-r^kū-ki : wse `a

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