Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0412
{Toch B 412\T III M 145.9}
//// [sām]u[d]tRA - .ts. ////
//// (*) (mu) [d]tRA (*) [+ts+] ////
//// klāṅka || om no [pañ](ä)kt(e) śtwarā .e ////
//// klā-ṅka || `o-m^no (*) (ñ+)-kt+ śtwa-rā (*) ////
//// pāTAr māTArne TAṅwas[su] ṣai[M\] ////
////(*) pā-TA-r^mā-TA-rne TA-ṅwa-s[su] ṣai[M\,] ////
{nur geringe Reste}
{Toch B 412\T III M 145.9}
//// t. spaktā[n]ts. - ṣk[e] omte ////
//// (*) spa-ktā-[n]ts+ * ṣk[e] `o-mte ////
//// tarṣṣe śraddhatāK\ ṢAllatsi • ente ////
//// ta-rṣṣe śra-ddha-tā-K\ ṢA-lla-tsi • `e-nte ////
//// .t. rne • aśrāddhe pāce[r] m(āceR\) tākaṃne ////
//// (+t+) rne • `a-śrā-ddhe pā-ce-*^m+-(*) tā-kaṃ-ne ////
{nur Spuren}
Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.