Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0256
{Toch B 256\T III MQ 46}
- - - .m. - [ly.] - TAnMAskentRA ////
* (+m+) (*) (ly+) (*) TA-nMA-ske-ntRA • (*) ////
- [KA]lpāskeṃ wnolmi lkāskeṃ 6 lo ////
/5/ (KA)-lpā-skeṃ wno-lmi lkā-skeṃ 6 [lo](*) ////
- nt[a/ā] cey aikentRA coKAnm[a] ////
[nta] ce-y^ai-ke-ntRA co-KA-(n+) ////
- - maikne kaurṢA[ṃ]ts [lā]nte ra [ś(.)]e ////
* mai-[kne] kau-rṢAṃ-ts^(l+)-nte ra [ś+e] ////
{Toch B 256\T III MQ 46}
- [s]TAnmāne sn[ai] n. k. [e] ////
(+TA) (n+ā) (n+) [sn+] [n+] [k+] [`e](*) (*) ////
- nm=āyorsa pū[d]ñäktentse - ////
(*) nm^ā-yo-rsa pū-[d]ñä-kte-ntse (*) ////
- lyaik māka LAkle wärpnāntRA - [n]t. n ālye ////
lyai-k^mā-ka LA-kle wä-rpnā-ntRA (*) [+t+] (*) lye ////
- - - rk[ā]l[ñe ñā]tse wrotse se sportto ////
* (*) rk+-[lñ+] (*)-tse wro-tse se spo-rtto ////
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