Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0144


{Toch B 144\T III MQ 192}

|l1i̯Tiotbx16u̯{nur geringe Reste}
//// (+w+) (*) (+v+)


//// ññ[e] : PAlsko KAsk[o]Ü n[e] ////
//// ññ[e] : PA-lsko KA-sk[o]-Ü\ n[e] ////


//// [vṛ]tti ñem sargga ŚKAnte 1O || ////
//// [vṛ]-tti ñe-m^sa-rgga ŚKA-nte 1O || ////


//// ni cmiTAr [ksa] snai ers(n)a[c]e ////
//// ni cmi-TA-r^[ksa] snai `e-rs+a-[c]e ////


{nur geringe Reste}
////(+ṃ) (*) * * (l+i) (*)


{Toch B 144\T III MQ 192}


{nur eine Spur}


//// ts. ṣa[m](ā)n[e] kÜs[e] no ////
//// ts+ ṣa-[m+]-n[e] kÜs+ no ////


//// [ll]y(e)KAmpa amāno ślek wi ////
//// (lly+)-KA-mpa `a-mā-no śle-k^wi ////


//// ket śīlsa amāṃ aṣ[ca] ////
//// ke-t^śī-lsa `a-māṃ `a-ṣ+a ////


//// aus[u c]e .ai ////
////(*) `au-s[u] (+e) (+ai) ////

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.