Text collection: YVW 
White Yajur-Veda
Text: KatyS 


On the basis of the edition by
Kātyāyana-smr̥ti (Sāra-uddhāraḥ) on Vyavahāra,
Text (reconstructed), Translation, Notes and Introduction.
Reprint from The Hindu Law Quarterly,
Bombay 1933,

input by Akihiko Akamatsu
under the guidance of Yasuke Ikari,
at the Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyōtō University.
Version 1 (completed on June 30, 1991);
revised on Feb. 11, 1992

(yanom@cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp or ikari@zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp);
corrections by Matthias Ahlborn;
TITUS version by Jost Gippert,
Frankfurt a/M, 28.2.1998 / 21.6.1998 / 19.10.1999 / 1.6.2000 / 7.12.2008 / 21.4.2012

Original text input system:
(1)   Sanskrit characters which should bear diacritical marks when Romanized have been input mostly by capitals.
   vowels:   a, aa, i, ii, u, uu, R, RR, L, e, ai, o, au
   gutturals:   k, kh, g, gh, G
   palatals:   c, ch, j, jh, J
   linguals:   T, Th, D, Dh, N
   dentals:   t, th, d, dh, n
   labials:   p, ph, b, bh, m
   semivowels:   y, r, l, v
   sibilants:   z, S, s
   aspiration:   h
   anusvāra:   M
   visarga:   H
Converted text input system:
   vowels:   a, ā, i, ī, u, ū, , r̥̄, , e, ai, o, au
   gutturals:   k, , g, ,
   palatals:   c, , j, , ñ
   linguals:   , ṭʰ, , ḍʰ,
   dentals:   t, , d, , n
   labials:   p, , b, , m
   semivowels:   y, r, l, v
   sibilants:   ś, , s
   aspiration:   h

(2) Members of a compound are separated by ʽ-' (originally by periods).
(3) External (vowel) sandhi is decomposed with ʽ_' (originally by carets)-
(4) Verbs are marked by ʽ\' (originally by a left parenthesis).

The text has provisionally been divided into paragraphs.

Paragraph: (1) 

Verse: 1 
Halfverse: a    
vinītaḥ śāstra-saṃpannaḥ kośa-śaurya-samanvitaḥ /
Halfverse: b    
brahmaṇyo dāna-śīlaḥ \syāt satya-dʰarma-paro nr̥paḥ //
Verse: 2 
Halfverse: a    
stambʰa-upatāpa-paiśunya-cāpala-krodʰa-varjitaḥ /
Halfverse: b    
pragalbʰaḥ sannata-udagraḥ saṃbʰāṣī priyadarśanaḥ //
Verse: 3 
Halfverse: a    
vaśya-indriyaṃ jita-ātmānaṃ dʰr̥ta-daṇḍam vikāriṣu /
Halfverse: b    
parīkṣya-kāriṇaṃ dʰīram atyantaṃ śrīr \niṣevate //

Next part

This text is part of the TITUS edition of White Yajur-Veda: Katyayana-Smrti.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 22.4.2012. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.