Part No. 9
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Chapter: IX 

Verse: 699       Thô uuarð sân aftar thiu uualdandes,
Verse: 700    
godes engil cumen   Iosepe te [sprâcun],
Verse: 701    
sagde im an suuefne   slâpandium [an] naht,
Verse: 702    
bodo drohtines,   that that barn godes
Verse: 703    
slîðmôd cuning   sôkean uuelda,
Verse: 704    
âhtean is aldres;   "nu [scaltu] ine an Aegypteo
Verse: 705    
land [antlêdean]   endi undar them luidiun uuesan
Verse: 706    
mid thiu godes barnu   endi mid theru gôdan thior*nan,
Verse: 707    
uunon undar themu uuerode,   untthat thi uuord [cume]
Verse: 708    
hêrron thînes,   that thu that hêlage barn
Verse: 709    
eft te thesum landscepi   lêdian môtis,
Verse: 710    
drohtin thînen."   Thô fon them drôma ansprang
Verse: 711    
Ioseph an is gestseli,   endi that godes gibod
Verse: 712    
sân antkenda:   giuuêt im an [thana] sîð thanen
Verse: 713    
the thegan mid theru thiornon,   sôhta im thiod ôðra
Verse: 714    
oƀar brêdan berg:   uuelda that barn godes
Verse: 715    
fîundun antfôrian.   *Thô gifrang aftar thiu
Verse: 716    
Erodes the cuning,   thar he an is rîkea sat,
Verse: 717    
[that] uuârun thea uuîson man   uuestan gihuuorƀan
Verse: 718    
ôstar an iro ôðil   endi fôrun im ôðran uueg:
Verse: 719    
uuisse [that] sie [im] that    ârundi   eft ni uueldun
Verse: 720    
seggian an is selðon.   Thô [uuarð] im [thes] an sorgun hugi,
Verse: 721    
môd mornondi,   quað that it [im] thie man dedin,
Verse: 722    
heliðos* te hônðun.   Thô he [sô] hriuuig sat,
Verse: 723    
balg ina an is briostun,   quað that he is mahti [betaron] râd,
Verse: 724    
[ôðran] githenkien:   "nu ic is aldar can,
Verse: 725    
uuêt is [uuintergitalu]:   nu ic giuuinnan mag,
Verse: 726    
that he [io] oƀar thesaro erðu   ald ni uuirðit,
Verse: 727    
[hêr] undar thesum heriscepi."   Thô he hardo gibôd,
Verse: 728    
Erodes oƀar is riki,   hêt thô is rinkos faran
Verse: 729    
cuning thero liudio,   hêt that sie kinda filo
Verse: 730    
thurh iro handmagen   hôƀdu binâmin,
Verse: 731    
manag barn umbi Bethleem,    filo thar giboran uurði,
Verse: 732    
an tuêm [gêrun] [atogan].   Tionon frumidon
Verse: 733    
[thes] cuninges gisîðos.   Thô scolda thar manag kindisc man
Verse: 734    
[sueltan] sundiono lôs.   Ni uuarð sið [noh] êr
Verse: 735    
giâmarlîcara forgang   iungaro manno,
Verse: 736    
armlîcara dôð.   Idisi uuiopun,
Verse: 737    
môdar managa,   gisâhun iro megi spildian:
Verse: 738    
ni mahte siu im [nio] giformon,   thoh siu mid iro faðmon tuêm
Verse: 739    
iro êgan barn   armun bifengi,
Verse: 740    
liof endi luttil,   thoh scolda is [simbla] that lîf [geƀan],
Verse: 741    
the magu for theru môdar.   Mênes ni sâhun,
Verse: 742    
uuîties thie uuamscaðon:   uuâpnes eggiun
Verse: 743    
fremidun [firin]uuerc mikil.   Fellun managa
Verse: 744    
maguiunge man.   Thia môdar uuiopun
Verse: 745    
kindiungaro qualm.   Cara uuas an Bethleem,
Verse: 746    
hofno hlûdost:   thoh man [im] iro herton an tuê
Verse: 747    
sniði mid suerdu,   thoh ni mohta im gio sêrara dâd
Verse: 748    
uuerðan an thesaro uueroldi,   uuîƀun managun,
Verse: 749    
brûdiun an Bethleem:   gisâhun iro barn biforan,
Verse: 750    
kindiunge man,   qualmu sueltan
Verse: 751    
[blôdag] an iro barmun.   Thie banon uuîtnodun
Verse: 752    
unsculdige scole:   ni biscriƀun    giouuiht
Verse: 753    
thea man umbi mênuuerk:   uueldun mahtigna,
Verse: 754    
Krist selƀon aquellian.   Than habde ina craftag god
Verse: 755    
[gineridan] uuið iro nîðe,   that inan nahtes thanan
Verse: 756    
an Aegypteo land   erlos [antlêddun],
Verse: 757    
gumon mid Iosepe   an thana [grôneon] uuang,
Verse: 758    
an erðono beztun,   thar ên aha fliutid,
Verse: 759    
Nîlstrôm mikil   norð te sêuua,
Verse: 760    
flôdo fagorosta.   Thar that friðubarn [godes]
Verse: 761    
uuonoda an uuilleon,   antthat uurd fornam
Verse: 762    
Erodes thana cuning,   that he forlêt eldeo barn,
Verse: 763    
môdag manno drôm.   Thô scolda thero marca giuuald
Verse: 764    
êgan is erƀiuuard:   the uuas Archelâus
Verse: 765    
hêtan, heritogo   helmberandero:
Verse: 766    
the scolda umbi Hierusalem   Iudeono folkes,
Verse: 767    
uuerodes giuualdan.   Thô uuarð uuord cuman
Verse: 768    
thar an Egypti   eðiliun manne,
Verse: 769    
that [he] thar te Iosepe,   godes engil sprac,
Verse: 770    
bodo drohtines,   hêt ina eft that barn thanan
Verse: 771    
lêdien te lande.   "nu haƀað thit lioht [afgeƀen]", quað he,
Verse: 772    
"Erodes [the] cuning;   he uuelde is âhtien giu,
Verse: 773    
frêson is ferahas.   Nu maht thu [an] [friðu] lêdien
Verse: 774    
that kind undar euua cunni,   nu the cuning ni liƀod,
Verse: 775    
erl oƀarmôdig."   Al antkende
Verse: 776    
Iosep godes têcan:   geriuuide ina sniumo
Verse: 777    
the thegan mit thera thiornun,   thô sie thanan uueldun
Verse: 778    
bêðiu mid thiu barnu:   lêstun thiu berhton giscapu,
Verse: 779    
uualdandes uuillion,   al he im [êr] mid is uuordun gibôd.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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