Buzuku, Missale
Part No. 53
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Chapter: 53     
Line: 13  
E tas flaſmeh enbeh teh duu en-

Line: 14     beh ξiete articuih teh feſe ћi
Line: 15     
neue naſte oɿξenuom en
Line: 16     
cliſet ſegñte.

Line: 17     
E Chuu anſte hi pari quat: aih: ћi
Line: 18     
nuche iet foɿt enbe feet: teh chɿi-
Line: 19     
ſtit: poɿ ſaa euћaan cun pach teh cheћ:
Line: 20     
aſtɣ ξote: vete banemh turch: e neh be-
Line: 21     
ſouee enbeh dogne caphſe: ћi frugnene:
Line: 22     
tih neh beſon: enbeh coɿbt: ſeh chɿacɣ
Line: 23     
e anſte cheћ: tih neh beſoue enbeh gri-
Line: 24     
ſeɛet: o enbeh ћis doh capſe: nierii be-
Line: 25     
ſon: iaſte oɿξenit tine ɛot: aih chaa fe-
Line: 26     
iuem endeh duu enbeh ξieteh: articuih
Line: 27     
teh feſe.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Buzuku, Missale.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 16.6.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.