Buzuku, Missale
Part No. 48
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Chapter: 48     
Doh meh

Line: 40     ξaſune: as en-
Line: 41     
[do]gneh caphſe teh ξunuoſime tih mos
Line: 42     
[b]ains: mos meh fat tand: mos meh
Line: 43     
[tiet]ere: e ſih anſte cheio ξuneh pur dell
Line: 44     
[ende e] caleɛuom cur ɛotune / e oɿξenoih
Line: 45     
[t]e ſeh condra natureſſe: as per endo-
Line: 46     
gne mẽdure meh mos raam ende quat:
Line: 47     
mos meh femene: mos meh maſculle:
Line: 48     
chuu quat: anſte gneh quat: ћi maah
Line: 49     
teh ſumete: bura: biieneh ende quat: meh
Line: 50     
fat teh vet: tue mos chuituom ſeh an-
Line: 51     
ſte quat: e hi ſilli ðoh teh ћindee ende
Line: 52     
chete quat: aih condra chetii oɿξeni ve-
Line: 53     
te / efoɿƹa maſteh meɣ ξaneh mee ditu-
Line: 54     
neh chete: quat cur burih: meh gruot
Line: 55     
teh vet: flene: ћiξe herre ћi atah teh ɣ
Line: 56     
ɛognine gnani mehtieterit ћi teh mos
Line: 57     
per chit faћe meh faћe atah ende quat
Line: 58     
ћi ξote Non mechaberis bieneh / e an-
Line: 59     
ſte gneh quat foɿt hi maξ.

Line: 60     
Teſtis iniquus.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Buzuku, Missale.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 16.6.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.