Carina Jahani, Agnes Korn, Paul Titus (eds.):
The Baloch and Others.
Linguistic, Historical and Socio-Political Perspectives on Pluralism in Balochistan

Wiesbaden (Reichert) 2008, 2nd ed. 2012

ISBN 978-3-89500-591-6
404 pages incl. 7 maps and 4 pp. photos, 59 Euro


Table of Contents,
Info and order form




Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag
Tauernstr. 11, D - 65199 Wiesbaden, Germany
Fax: 0049 - 611 - 46 86 13
also available:
The Baloch and Their Neighbours:
Ethnic and Linguistic Contact in Balochistan in Historical and Modern Times

The set of both volumes is available for 98 Euro.



Owing to an error in the publishing process of the 1st printing (2008), the photos in the book are in an odd sequence and with incorrect captions.
Please find the corrected form on the extra photo pp. distributed with the book.
The second printing (2012) has the correct sequence and captions.