Melody: Should auld acquaintance be forgot
1) The voice of his [the bard's] obviously slightly (or, to be honest, not so slightly)
intoxicated kinsman, roaming the gloomy heaths of Jutland:
Sku' gammel venskaw rein forgo,
Å tryges fræ wo' mind'?
Sku' gammel venskaw rein forgo,
Mæ dem daw så læng', læng' sin'?
De skjønne ungdomsdaw', åja,
De daw' så swær' å fin'!
Vi'el løwt wo' kop så glåjle op
fo' dem daw så læng', læng' sin'.
2) And finally the voice of their noble ancestor (we might call him u̯isə2toh1ek̂u̯os - after all
his horse is still at large), taking a last look at the Kurgans of his homeland, and perhaps
shedding an unmanly tear before mounting his horse and riding out into the unknown:
Ei seno-ĝnoh3tis mr̥sh1i̯etor,
Ne h2oi̯u bhu̯ah1t smr̥tah2?
Ei seno-ĝnoh3tis mr̥sh1i̯etor,
Su̯adi-h2ah1smōr u̯ē mr̥tah2?
u̯i-h1ito-h2ah1smr̥bhi̯os, k̂ei̯u̯ōs,
Mitlosi̯o poh3tlom pibōmos,
P.S. Elder people might still remember another version of this song which was sung in 1993
when the ancestor's language still had stressed vowels:
Éi séno-ĝnoh3tis mŕ̥s(h1)i̯etor,
Ne h2ói̯u bhu̯ah1t smr̥táh2?
Éi séno-ĝnoh3tis mŕ̥s(h1)i̯etor,
Su̯adi-āmōr u̯e mr̥táh2?
Lithó-āmŕ̥bhi̯os, k̂éi̯u̯ōs nos, h1su-lítho-āmr̥bhi̯ós,
Mitlósi̯o póh3tlom píbōmos, h1su-lítho-āmr̥bhi̯ós.
H1m̥dhí moi̯ ĝhésrm̥ léu̯bhe h1sonts
Dóh3s téu̯om n̥smebhi̯ós
Mitlósi̯o póh3tlom píbōmos,
Lithó-āmŕ̥bhi̯os, k̂éi̯u̯ōs nos, h1su-lítho-āmr̥bhi̯ós,
Mitlósi̯o póh3tlom píbōmos, h1su-lítho-āmr̥bhi̯ós.
P.P.S. In 1993, the ancestor's language still had dialects as well:
Bháh2mi páh2thlom, tu bháh2si /péʕd[h]lom,
bháh2mi stáh2thlom, tu bháh2si /stéʕd[h]lom/,
páh2thlom, /péʕd[h]lom/ — stáh2thlom, /stéʕd[h]lom/
u̯ík̂u̯od sm̥-u̯ídii̯om.
Éĝ pibō u̯ói̯nom, tu píbesi u̯oix̂nom
ólut kwe ói̯nom, u̯ih1-k̂ḿ̥tih1 u̯e ói̯nom;
h1su-u̯ói̯nom, ne ói̯nom
ne ói̯nom h1su-u̯ói̯nom
médhu n̥-h3nídii̯om.
Nu ó‿ad, éi̯ u̯ik̂u̯od ne bheu̯h1et, u̯éi̯ h1u̯i-h1ei̯omos,
nu ó‿ad, éi̯ h1u̯i-h1éi̯es, tód moi̯ bhuh1set k̂ŕ̥d-tomh1os.
Ei̯ u̯o|séi̯esor h2u̯l̥h1nah2m, dhidhéh1mi /ʕu̯ĺ̥x̂neʕm/,
h1éi̯si n̥-h2u̯ĺ̥h1nos, u̯idór moi̯: "eĝ pĺ̥h1nos!"
médhu̯os su̯ā́deu̯s — su̯éi̯zdō kwah2m Amā́deus
práh2istoi̯bhi̯os h2issk̂óntbhi̯os
h1u̯ésu u̯ói̯k̂m̥ gwḿ̥sk̂ontbhi̯os.
Jost Gippert, Frankfurt (Medienreferent der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft)
Susanne Zeilfelder, Jena (Stellvertretende Medienreferentin der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft)
Frankfurt a/M 2000.
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