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A conference on Indo-European word formation - inventory and analysis took place at the University of Copenhagen, October 20th-22nd 2000. We here give a complete list of the papers read at this conference:

      The papers will be published by the University of Copenhagen. - Thanks to Birgit Anette Olsen and her team for a successful conference in a beautiful town! - For information on the musical highlights of the Rahmenprogramm please see our separate entry.

      As a further contribution to the gradually increasing Copenhagen Indo-European Liederhandschrift, the following songs were performed for the first time on saturday, 21st of october at the restaurant Kronborg by a slightly unbalanced (too many Swedish tenors, not enough basses, strange problem!) but highly enthusiastic mixed choir under the direction of Spirit of Science:

Melody: Home on the Range

1) O, give me a home where the gwou̯kwolhlōs roam
and the h2au̯soses rise in the sky,
where brav'ry is found and where heroes abound
and the death rate of dragons is high.

Home, home to the roots,
where the accent and ablaut can play,
where seldom is heard a revocalized word
and analogy's driven away.

2) O, give me those years when the mist disappeares,
and the Urheimat's right at our feet,
where nouns are declined in the way Di̯ēu̯s destined,
and where all the cute suffixes meet.

Home, home ...

3) O, give me the tongue of our ancestors' song,
when the leu̯os h2ṇrōm couldn't fade.
My heart fills with glee when I finally see
what superb reconstructions we made.

Home, home ...

Melody: Should auld acquaintance be forgot

1) The voice of his [the bard's] obviously slightly (or, to be honest, not so slightly) intoxicated kinsman, roaming the gloomy heaths of Jutland:

Sku' gammel venskaw rein forgo,
Å tryges fræ wo' mind'?
Sku' gammel venskaw rein forgo,
Mæ dem daw så læng', læng' sin'?

De skjønne ungdomsdaw', åja,
De daw' så swær' å fin'!
Vi'el løwt wo' kop så glåjle op
fo' dem daw så læng', læng' sin'.

2) And finally the voice of their noble ancestor (we might call him u̯isə2toh1eu̯os - after all his horse is still at large), taking a last look at the Kurgans of his homeland, and perhaps shedding an unmanly tear before mounting his horse and riding out into the unknown:

Ei seno-ĝnoh3tis msh1i̯etor,
Ne h2oi̯u bhu̯ah1t smtah2?
Ei seno-ĝnoh3tis msh1i̯etor,
Su̯adi-h2ah1smōr u̯ē mtah2?

u̯i-h1ito-h2ah1smbhi̯os, ei̯u̯ōs,
Mitlosi̯o poh3tlom pibōmos,

P.S. Elder people might still remember another version of this song which was sung in 1993 when the ancestor's language still had stressed vowels:

Éi séno-ĝnoh3tis mŕ̥s(h1)i̯etor,
Ne h2ói̯u bhu̯ah1t smtáh2?
Éi séno-noh3tis mŕ̥s(h1)i̯etor,
Su̯adi-āmōr u̯e mtáh2?

Lithó-āmŕ̥bhi̯os, éi̯u̯ōs nos, h1su-lítho-āmbhi̯ós,
Mitlósi̯o póh3tlom píbōmos, h1su-lítho-āmbhi̯ós.

H1dhí moi̯ hésr léu̯bhe h1sonts
Dóh3s téu̯om smebhi̯ós
Mitlósi̯o póh3tlom píbōmos,

Lithó-āmŕ̥bhi̯os, éi̯u̯ōs nos, h1su-lítho-āmbhi̯ós,
Mitlósi̯o póh3tlom píbōmos, h1su-lítho-āmbhi̯ós.

P.P.S. In 1993, the ancestor's language still had dialects as well:

Bháh2mi páh2thlom, tu bháh2si /péʕd[h]lom,
bháh2mi stáh2thlom, tu bháh2si /stéʕd[h]lom/,
      páh2thlom, /péʕd[h]lom/ — stáh2thlom, /stéʕd[h]lom/
      u̯íu̯od s-u̯ídii̯om.

É pibō u̯ói̯nom, tu píbesi u̯oinom
ólut kwe ói̯nom, u̯ih1-ḿ̥tih1 u̯e ói̯nom;
      h1su-u̯ói̯nom, ne ói̯nom
      ne ói̯nom h1su-u̯ói̯nom
      médhu -h3nídii̯om.

Nu ó‿ad, éi̯ u̯iu̯od ne bheu̯h1et, u̯éi̯ h1u̯i-h1ei̯omos,
nu ó‿ad, éi̯ h1u̯i-h1éi̯es, tód moi̯ bhuh1set ŕ̥d-tomh1os.

Ei̯ u̯o|séi̯esor h2h1nah2m, dhidhéh1mi /ʕĺ̥neʕm/,
h1éi̯si -h2ĺ̥h1nos, u̯idór moi̯: "e pĺ̥h1nos!"
médhu̯os su̯ā́deu̯s — su̯éi̯zdō kwah2m Amā́deus
práh2istoi̯bhi̯os h2issóntbhi̯os
h1u̯ésu u̯ói̯ gwḿ̥sontbhi̯os.

Jost Gippert, Frankfurt (Medienreferent der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft) buzon,

Susanne Zeilfelder, Jena (Stellvertretende Medienreferentin der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft) buzon,
Frankfurt a/M 2000.
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