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Lost in linguistics. A guide to the current landscape of linguistic theory. , 10-14 October 2011 During the 20th century and up to now, the field of linguistics has developed into many different directions and into various theories and subtheories (and sub-subtheories!). The result is a quite intricate scientific landscape where it can be difficult to orient oneself. Theories can be difficult to compare, not only because they build on different premises, but also because their terminology is often internal: the same term can have quite divergent meanings in different frameworks and very similar concepts can be referred to by completely different terms. Moreover, differences and boarders between theories are not always clearly traced or stated, and theoretical assumptions - not always easily identifiable - are often left implicit in scientific contributions. Therefore, it can be challenging for young researchers both to situate their own research in a larger context and to use and possibly combine differently oriented literature. The aim of the course is to provide a systematic comparison of theories and an explicit overview of their implications in the different domains that would help to create a comprehensive picture of the theoretical bases of the field. To provide tools to understand literature and own research in a larger context, the course will: - trace the main lines of recent theoretical development within linguistics - compare and contrast the most influential theories with emphasis on their application on different subdisciplines and their implications for different attitudes towards data. Teachers General survey: Giorgio Graffi Phonology: Patrick Honeybone Morphology: Geert Booij Syntax: Giorgio Graffi Semantics: To be announced The lectures are open, but only formally enrolled PhD-students can obtain ECTS credits for the course. The lectures will take place at the University of Oslo. Webpage: http://www.hf.uio.no/forskning/utdanning-og-karriere/gjennomforing/sprak/arr_sprak/linguistics.html Dates: October, 10 - 14, 2011 ECTS: 3 Places: 20 The application should include: - CV - A half-page description of your PhD-project (including your theoretical framework) Application deadline: September 10, 2011 The application should be sent to: lost-in-linguisticshf.uio.no No tuition fee. Travel and accommodation at own expenses. NB! Regarding the accommodation, though, we are also trying to establish a (free) "hospitality network": we still don`t know how many places we will be able to offer, but it is important to let us know as soon as possible if such a solution is desired, in order for us to be able to get an idea of the demand and the number of places needed.
Third International School of Pahlavi Papyrology , 27 June - 1 July 2011 General Information After the two previous events in Vienna and Rome, the Third International Summer School of Pahlavi Papyrology will be organized at the Cit‚ Universitaire in Paris from 27 June to 1 July 2011. Attendance is limited to 15. The Summer School is sponsored by the research group UMR 7528 Mondes iranien et indien and the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris. The Summer School will provide an introduction to Pahlavi Papyrology within a larger context of Sasanian Studies. The intention is to offer a mixture of taught classes and workshops in which students will get acquainted with a wide range of questions raised by the Pahlavi papyri. The programme will also offer insights in the papyrological material written in other languages as well as in Pahlavi documents on other supports. Venue: Salle de Conf‚rences at the Colegio de Espa¤a, Cit‚ Internationale Universitaire de Paris, 7E bd. Jourdan, 75014 Paris ( http://www.colesp.net/ ) Scientific Committee: Philippe Gignoux Philip Huyse Dieter Weber Fees: The attendance fee of 50,- Euro is to be paid in cash at the opening day; it covers only tutoring. However, single rooms can be reserved for the week of the Summer School at the Colegio de Espana (ca. 250 Euro including lunch). If you need any reservation, please mention it with your application. Admission and application deadline: The Summer School is open to advanced MA students, PhD students, and Postdocs. Applications are to be sent to Philip Huyse (huyse (at) ivry.cnrs.fr) before May 8, 2011 and should be endorsed by references of two university teachers. Applications will be examined by the Scientific Committee. PhD students and Postdocs will be given precedence. Courses will be taught in English and French; a solid knowledge of Middle Persian is required. Contact: Philip Huyse ( huyse (at) ivry.cnrs.fr ) Samra Azarnouche ( samra.azarnouche (at) gmail.com)
The Centre for Eurasiatic and Afroasiatic Studies (CEAS), Bucharest, has the pleasure to invite you to the fifth International Vedic Workshop to be organized on September 20th- 23rd 2011 in . Suggested topics include: - The formation of the Vedic canon: from family books to Vedic shâkhâs, from Traividya to Caturveda; - Vedic schools and Vedic "dialects": shâkhâs and prâtishâkhyas; - The relation between shâkhâs and caranas of the same or different Vedas (Rg, Sâma, Yajur, Atharva): borrowing, citation, supplementation, usurpation (YV hautra); - Vedic shâkhâs and caranas in the performance of Vedic ritual: compatibility, incompatibility, competition and cooperation; - Sources for the localization and history of the shâkhâs and their promoters (inscriptions, manuscript colophons, literary sources, etc.); - Self-reflexivity of the Vedic tradition and its shâkhâs: anukramanîs, the (Yajur) vedavrksha; - A recourse to svashâkhâ: the medieval and modern prayogas and paddhatis. Speakers will be invited on the basis of submitted abstracts of proposed contributions (before 30 January 2011). The Organizing Committee: Prof. Dr. Shrikant Bahulkar Prof. Dr. Jan E.M. Houben Prof. Dr. Michael Witzel Secretariat: Dr. Julieta Rotaru PLEASE SEND YOUR PROPOSALS TO: julieta.rotaru ( at ) bmms.ro Looking forward to seeing you next year! Best wishes, SB, JH, JR, MW
apl. Prof. Dr. Xavier Tremblay Blockseminar "Vergleichende Laut- und Formenlehre des Baltoslawischen, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Akzentlehre" Montag, 8. Feber 2010 bis Freitag, 12. Feber 2010 (beide inklusiv) 10:00 Uhr s.t. bis 16 Uhr Institut für Linguistik Meister-Ekkehardt-Straße 7 3. Stock (Sekretariat) 50937 -Lindenthal 7 Straßenbahn 9 Haltestelle Universität Alle InteressentInnen sind willkommen.
Chers Collègues et Amis,
Philippe Swennen, Xavier Tremblay et moi-mˆme avions songé à ne pas laisser sans suite notre premier congrès avestique, dédié aux démons iraniens, et à en conserver les principes directeurs: une question la plus précise possible et encore débattue, pour laquelle des études philologiques techniques puissent apporter une solution positive; un nombre restreint de participants choisis sur la seule base de leurs apports récents sur le sujet; l'égalité de tous les participants, l'honnˆteté - non dépourvue de courtoisie et si possible de bonne humeur - dans l'établissement et dans l'interprétation des faits.
Nous avions décidé que le thème du congrès suivant serait la réutilisation et le
r“le des passages vieil-avestiques dans la littérature mazdéenne ultérieure,
avestique moyenne (pour ceux qui y croient), avestique récente, mais aussi
pehlevie et pazende.
Une circonstance particulière nous a fait choisir la date des 22 et 23 avril
2010: Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin fˆtera en effet ce mois son 100e anniversaire,
et il a souhaité s'associer à nous pour cette conférence. Nous ne pouvions
passer sans honorer la haute figure qui a pendant un demi-siècle patronné nos
études à , assurant la pérennité de la seule chaire d'indo-européen et
d'indo-iranien en Belgique.
Nous vous serions donc très obligé si vous pouviez venir à Liège les 22 et 23
avril 2010 pour participer à la conférence, à laquelle ont déjà acquiescé de
venir, outre Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin et les organisateurs, Alberto Cantera,
Frantz Grenet, Jean Kellens et Antonio Panaino.
Malheureusement, nous ne pourrons cette fois participer aux frais de transport
et de séjour, et nous vous engageons à demander auprès de votre université une
bourse de mission. Pour tous renseignements sur les possibilités de se loger à
Liège, vous trouverez amples informations auprès de l'office du tourisme de
Liège. La page internet pour la recherche des hôtels est:
Le temps de parole sera de trente minutes, suivi de dix minutes de discussion.
La seconde circulaire précisera le lieu exact de la conférence dans l'Université.
Pour toutes informations, s'adresser à:
Éric Pirart.
epirart ( at ) ulg.ac.be
Dear colleagues, we are pleased to announce that The Sound of Indo-European 2 conference will take place in November 2010 in Opava, Czech Republic. Please read the attachments for further information: call for papers application form We look forward to your replies. Best wishes Organizing committee Roman Sukac (Silesian University in Opava) roman.sukac at fpf.slu.cz Vaclav Blazek (Masaryk University in Brno) blazek at phil.muni.cz Ondrej Sefcik (Masaryk University in Brno) sefcik at phil.muni.cz
PD Dr. Xavier Tremblay
Blockseminar "Die Nominalkomposition in den älteren indogermanischen Sprachen" Dienstag, 8. September bis Freitag, 11. September (beide inklusiv) 2009 9:00 Uhr s.t. bis 15 UhrInstitut für Linguistik Meister-Ekkehardt-Straße 7 3. Stock (Sekretariat) 50937 -Lindenthal 7 Straßenbahn 9 Haltestelle Universität Alle InteressentInnen sind willkommen.
PD Dr. Xavier Tremblay
Blockseminar "Der indogermanische Ablaut als morphonologischer Prozeß und Wortbildungsmittel" Dienstag, 10. Februar bis Freitag, 13. Februar (beide inklusiv) 2009 9 Uhr AM s.t. bis 14 UhrInstitut für Linguistik Historisch-Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft Meister-Ekkehardt-Straße 7 3. Stock (Sekretariat) 50937 -Lindenthal 7 Straßenbahn 9 Haltestelle Universität Alle InteressentInnen sind willkommen.
New perspectives on Baltic, Slavic and Balto-Slavic
Conveners: Imke Mendoza (Salzburg), Eugen Hill (München). E-mail: eugen.hill (at) lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Key-note speakers: Henning Andersen (UCLA), Johannes Reinhart (Universität Wien)
The diachronic relationship between the Baltic and the Slavic languages is one of the most intriguing puzzles of Indo-European linguistics. Although these groups of languages constitute two separate branches of Indo-European, they share an unusually high number of common innovations concerning the inflectional, derivational and accentual system. Despite many years of research, the reason for the striking similarity remains unclear. There are two competing, although not mutually exclusive hypotheses. One assumes an intermediate Balto-Slavic stage after the break up of Proto-Indo-European. The other hypothesis seeks to explain the similarities within the framework of language contact, i.e as a result of their longstanding geographic relationship. Both positions have been argued, but neither has been generally accepted. During the last few decades, international research has concentrated on particular grammatical features of Baltic and Slavic. Most of these studies while useful, however, focused on either Baltic or Slavic without taking into account the other language group. The goal of the workshop therefore is to bring together scholars with expertise in Baltic and in Slavic and to find some new answers to the old question about the existence of a Balto-Slavic unity.
20.-24.10.08: Block seminar: Baltic Languages,
Lecturer: Dr. Jenny Helena Larsson
Location: Centre of Excellence: Roots of Europe - Language, Culture, and Migrations, project room 22.5.26, University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 120, 2300 Copenhagen S.
Lectures will be held in Danish, unless otherwise requested.
For further information and registration please contact Bjarne Simmelkjær Sandgaard Hansen (bssh (at) hum.ku.dk) or Jenny Helena Larsson (jhl (at) hum.ku.dk).
6th Indo-European Dahlem Summer School 2009: 31.08.-11.09
Programm with Indo-European topics (Week I) and Trümmersprachen (Week II: Phrygisch, Messapisch etc.) here.
e-mail: drmeier@zedat.fu-berlin.de
"Les démons iraniens"
Ce congrès aborde de front le rôle des démons dans le système religieux,
idéologique et politique du mazdéisme avestique, en particulier la question,
centrale dans l'historiographie du mazdéisme, de l'évolution de ce rôle dans le
temps, entre l'époque indo-iranienne et les livres pehlevis.
Des contributions
sur les différents aspects sont prévues: personnalités démoniques
particulières, identité réelle ou mythique des adorateurs des démons et du
"daevisme", mythes qui mettent en scène les forces du mal, étymologie des noms
des démons, vocabulaire et grammaire daevique.
Les actes seront publiés, vraisemblablement dans les collections de la Faculté de Philosophie et lettres de l'Université de Liège.
Professeur Éric Pirart
Linguistique comparative indo-européenne et philologie indo-iranienne
Université de Liège
Bâtiment A1
place du 20-Août, 7
B-4000 Liège
An international conference: The Sound of Indo-European - phonetics, phonemics, and morphophonemics, organized within the framework of the programme The Roots of Europe - language, culture, and migrations, will take place at the University of , April 16th - 19th, 2009. The conference fee will be 50 Euro, lunch included.
Participants wishing to give a presentation are kindly invited to send a preliminary title before November 1st, 2008. The general theme of the conference includes phonetic, phonemic, and morphophonemic questions relating to either the Indo-European protolanguage and its prestages or to a specific branch of the Indo-European family.
Featured speakers are: Dr. Eugen Hill (Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität München), Prof. Martin Kümmel (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), and Prof. Brent Vine (University of California, Los Angeles).
Notifications of interest, including preliminary title and abstract, should be addressed to student assistant Bjarne Simmelkjær Sandgaard Hansen at: bssh ( at ) hum.ku.dk.
Please use the application form for registration.
PD Dr. Xavier Tremblay LYDISCH Historische Phonetik und Morphologie, Kommentierte Textlektüre Blockseminar Freitag 25.IV.2008, 12-16 c.t. Mittwoch-Freitag, 14.-16.V.2008, 9-12 und 13-16 c.t. Freitag 23.V.2008, 12-16!verschoben auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt!
Institut für Linguistik Historisch-Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft Meister-Ekkehardt-Straße 7 50937 -Lindenthal 7 Straßenbahn 9 Haltestelle Universität Interessenten aus allen Universitäten sind hochwillkommen.
The Institute of Cultural Anthropology, the Center of Comparative linguistics in the Institute of Oriental cultures and Antiquity of Russian State University for Humanities in and Institute for Linguistic Studies RAS in will hold a scholarly Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the deciphering of Tokharian texts on the 25th-30nd August 2008.
The Conference will cover problems of the Tokharian languages, philology and history.
Topics of papers are invited to arrive before May 3, 2008.
Member of Russian Academy of Sciences Prof. Dr. V.V. Ivanov,
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
Prof. Dr. V.A. Dybo,
Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
Prof. Dr. N.N. Kazansky
adybo (at) rinet.ru
isv (at) gol.ru
The Association of Central Eurasian Students (ACES) of Indiana University Call For Papers 15th Annual Central Eurasian Studies Conference Saturday 22 March and Sunday 23 March 2008 Submission deadline: 18 January 2008 ACES invites panel and individual paper proposals for the Fifteenth Annual Central Eurasian Studies Conference to be held Saturday, 22 March and Sunday, 23 March 2008 at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Graduate students, professors, and independent scholars are cordially invited to submit abstracts of papers covering all topics pertaining to Central Eurasian Studies. Central Eurasian Studies is defined for the purposes of this conference as the study of the historical and contemporary Afghan, Balto-Finnic, Hungarian, Mongolic, Persian, Tibetan, Tungusic, and Turkic peoples, languages, cultures, and states. An extensive, but by no means comprehensive, list of topics addressed by this conference may be found at the end of this announcement. Submission Instructions Submission of pre-organized panels is strongly encouraged. Individual papers are also welcome and will be assigned by the Conference Committee to a suitable panel. An honorable distinction of best paper will be awarded. All participants will receive a certificate of participation. Please include the following information on all submissions: 1) Names of all authors (note name of the person presenting the paper); 2) Institutional affiliation and title/position; 3) Contact information, including e-mail address, postal address, and telephone/fax numbers; 4) Curriculum Vitae (1 page); 5) Paper title; 6) An abstract of no more than 300 words, to be included in the Conference Program; 7) Geographic location and thematic panel preference. Thematic panel preferences include, but are not limited to: socio-economic issues, nationalism and identity, natural resources management, music and culture, politics, history, education, and archaeology; and 8) Any audio-visual equipment needs (overhead, slide projector, PowerPoint, etc.) Due to space constraints, abstracts exceeding 300 words cannot be accepted. ACES regrets that it cannot provide any funding to participants. Submission deadline: 18 January 2008. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by 15 February 2008. Submit this information: Via e-mail as an attachment (pdf, .doc or .rtf formats preferred) to: aces(AT)indiana.edu Or via hard copy sent to: The Fifteenth Annual Central Eurasian Studies Conference, The Association of Central Eurasian Students (ACES), Goodbody Hall 157, Indiana University, 1011 East Third Street, Bloomington, IN 47405-7005, USA Fax: (812) 855-7500 Some past covered topics: Azerbaijan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Finland, Karelia, Estonia, Buryatia, Turkmenistan, Uyghur, Manchu, Kazakh, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz, Kyrgyz Republic, Xinjiang, Tibet, Mongolia, Manchuria, Hungary, Tatarstan, Volga, Siberia, Tungusic, Tajikistan, Persia, Iran, Evenki, Afghanistan, Ferghana Valley, Caspian Sea, Aral Sea, Central Eurasian steppe an/or oases, Inner Asia, Sufism, Chaghatay, Mari, "Silk Road", Ottoman Empire, Orkhon, politics, nationalism, identity, ethnicity, state-building, ancient and contemporary religion, Islam, Nestorian Christianity, Buddhism, Lamaism, Qing Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, shamanism, cinema, film, literature, history, linguistics, anthropology, musicology, folklore, archaeology, architecture, art, law, the historical and contemporary Afghan, Balto-Finnic, Hungarian, Mongolic, Persian, Tibetan, Tungusic, and Turkic peoples, languages, cultures, and states.
"Dialects & Dialogues"
March 16-17, 2007
370 Dwinelle Hall (Floor G)
University of California, Berkeley
Conference schedule: http://german.berkeley.edu/germanconf/2007/poster.pdf
Conference Synopsis:
German is commonly thought of as one language, yet it occurs in many permutations-all creating ever-unique texts. Whether chatting over a beer in Cologne, reading the FAZ in Dresden, gossiping with Oma in Bayern, or teaching Deutsch als Fremdsprache, the reality of German is a mixture of geography, history, individual, and medium. These variables in combination form dialects-the foundation of the German language.
Unifying the vast realm of German Studies-be it Heidegger, Berlin Alexanderplatz, Second Language Acquisition, current music trends, die Wende, Viennese Volkskomödie, or Gothic-is the German language. It differs significantly from the sterilized language of textbooks and conforms to the genre that is using it. To the foreign language student, the dichotomy between the language of the classroom and the real language of real people is puzzling. To the speaker of dialect, this difference is the basis of identity, community, and pride. To the author, it is a vehicle of expression, of action, of power. Although it is experienced and applied in different ways, the German language is a common ground.
While it is natural-and perhaps advantageous-to recognize one "German", this same act neglects the genius of its individual dialects. By examining its many different components, we can discover and understand the reality of the language. This conference seeks to uncover the ideal and uniform notion of "German" and reveal the utility of its authentic and dynamic dialects.
Conference panels have been assembled to address questions concerning the following realms:
Dialect in Art
Dialect in the Classroom
Dialect Abroad
Dialect versus Standard
Dialect and Identity
Keynote speaker, Ulrich Ammon, is a professor of German Linguistics at the University of Duisburg. Proferssor Ammon has written extensively on the role of German and English in the European Union. He regularly publishes monographs and papers on the subject of standard language and dialect within the social and political spheres. His work has also been featured in the German national newspaper Die Zeit.
Presentations will be given by 17 national and international scholars representing universities in Europe, the United States, Canada, Brazil, and Australia.
We welcome scholars from all related fields and those interested in the role and recognition of dialect to attend the Conference.
Attendance is free of charge, thanks to the generous sponsorship of the Goethe Institut, DAAD, the Townsend Center, the Graduate Assembly at the University of California Berkeley, and the University of California Department of German.
Der Studiengang Linguistik der Universität eröffnet sein Programm für das Jahr der Geisteswissenschaften 2007 mit dem Chamorro Dance Workshop, der in Zusammenarbeit mit der Tanzschule Renz und dem Überseemuseum am 13.1.2007 stattfindet.
Erikarose Camacho (Miss Guam 2003) wird austronesischen und spanisch beeinflußten traditionellen Tanz der Chamorro-Gemeinschaft von Guam (Hauptinsel der Marianen im Westpazifik) in einem ganztägigen Workshop in den Räumlichkeiten der Tanzschule Renz und im Überseemuseum vorführen, unterrichten und kulturell einordnen. Dabei wird sie zeigen, wie wichtig die Wiederbelebung der traditionellen Tanzformen für die Bewahrung der vom Aussterben bedrohten autochthonen Sprache der Chamorros ist. Der Tanz ist fest mit Gesang in Chamorro verbunden und stellt damit eine der Nischen dar, in denen die gegenwärtig vom Englischen bedrängte Chamorro-Sprache noch konkurrenzlos ist. Die Veranstaltung ist für Linguisten, Ethnologen, Hispanisten, Kulturwissenschaftler, Musikwissenschaftler und viele andere mehr interessant. Für die Bremer Linguistik läutet der Workshop gleichzeitig die heiße Phase der Vorbereitung der Guam-Exkursion ein, die der Erforschung des Chamorro dient.
Der Eintritt zum Chamorro Dance Workshop ist frei. Die Vermittlungssprache ist Englisch.
Um (verpflichtungsfreie) vorherige Anmeldung bei Prof. Stolz (stolz (at) uni-bremen.de) wird bis zum 8.1.07 gebeten.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Stolz
Universität Bremen, FB 10: Linguistik
Vorankündigung: Freie Universität Indogermanisches Seminar Indo-European Berlin-Dahlem Summer School 2007 1. Woche: Montag, 27. August - (31. August Museumsbesuch) - Samstag, 1. September 2. Woche: Montag, 3. September - Freitag, 7. September Einzelheiten später.
Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft an der Philipps-Universität (24.-26. September 2007) mit dem Thema:
Pragmatische Kategorien.
Form, Funktion und Diachronie
Die Tagung hat zum Ziel, die Erforschung pragmatischer Kategorien voranzutreiben und die Methodik ihrer Erschließung in Corpussprachen, ihrer Beschreibung und Rekonstruktion sowie der Erforschung ihrer diachronen Entwicklung zu verfeinern.
Das Thema der Pragmatik wird weit gefaßt, und Vorträge können den verschiedensten Bereichen gewidmet sein (Implikaturen, Präsuppositionen, Sprechakte, Referenz, Deixis, Definitheit, Informationsstruktur, Fokus, Diskursanalyse, Kohärenz, Performanz, Ellipsen u.a. m.).
Es sind sowohl vorwiegend philologisch als auch stärker allgemein-sprachwissenschaftlich arbeitende Forscher aufgefordert, sich diesem in der Indogermanistik bisher vernachlässigten Gebiet zuzuwenden und exemplarisch oder theoretisch herauszustellen, welchen Beitrag hierzu die verschiedenen Richtungen der Historisch-vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft jeweils in ihrem eigenen Rahmen und in interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit leisten können.
Internet-Seite der Tagung hier.
2.-4.6.06: Block Seminar "History of the Baltic Languages", University of
Lecturer: Dr. Jenny Helena Larsson (University of Copenhagen)
Location: Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo
Lectures will be held in Swedish or Danish, unless otherwise requested.
For further information please contact Førsteamanuensis Dr. Dag Haug (d.t.t.haug (at) ifikk.uio.no) or Jenny Helena Larsson (jhl (at) hum.ku.dk)
Gäste sind willkommen!
INDO-EUROPEAN SUMMER SCHOOL 2006 Indogermanistik, Fabeckstrasse 7, D-14195 Berlin (U 3 Station Dahlem-Dorf) Information und Anmeldung: Prof. Dr. Michael Meier-Brügger (drmeier at zedat.fu-berlin.de). So, 3.9. ab 19.Uhr Welcome-Party Mo, 4.9. - Fr, 8.9. Tagesprogramm 09:00-10:30 und 11:00-12:30 Herr Prof. Dr. D. Petit (ENS Paris) "Probleme der historischen Grammatik der baltischen Sprachen" 13:30-15:00 Herr PD Dr. St. Schaffner (Regensburg) "Vergleichende Grammatik der germanischen Sprachen: Nomen und Pronomen" 16:30-18:00 Herr Prof. Dr. St. Zimmer (Bonn) "Indogermanische Altertumskunde" Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Unkostenbeitrag für Kopien, Unterrichtsmaterial, für Pausenversorgung und Empfang EUR 30 pro Person. NB: Diese Sommerschule schließt terminlich an die von der Akademie der Wissenschaften angebotene Sommerschule an.
Luvian Blockweek 30. Mai - 1. Juni 2006 Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Rieken (Marburg) führt in der Woche vor Pfingsten die folgenden Veranstaltungen an der FU in -Dahlem durch: 30.5. Di 18-20 Einführung in die Grammatik des Luwischen 31.5. Mi 10-12 Historische Grammatik des Luwischen (für Indogermanisten) 31.5. Mi 16-19 Lektüre eines keilschrift-luwischen Textes 01.6. Do 10-12 Historische Grammatik des Luwischen (für Indogermanisten) 01.6. Do 16-19 Lektüre eines hieroglyphen-luwischen Textes Ort: Indogermanistik, Fabeckstrasse 7, D-14195 Berlin (U 3 Station Dahlem-Dorf) Gäste sind willkommen!
The 2005 International Symposium of Turfanological Studies: "Cultural Diversity and Interaction in Ancient Central Asia" will be held in , organised by the Society of Turfanological Studies, from 25th to 29th August 2005.
Registration (with title and abstract, in English or Chinese, for those who wish to present a paper) by sending address and affiliation details to Hui Ouyang at wwjtlfxh@yahoo.com.cn by 30th April 2005. The full text of papers to be submitted by 30th June 2005.
Intensivkurs Altirisch in , 30.3. - 2.4.2004
Prof. Peter Schrijver unterrichtet synchrone und historische Grammatik des Altirischen für sprachhistorisch Interessierte.
Beginn: Dienstag 30. 3., 10 Uhr
Anmeldung: Tel. 089 - 2180-2486,
International Conference on Kurdish Studies
, 17th - 19th May 2004
Conference, organized by Institute of Oriental
Philology of the Jagiellonian University, Kurdish
Centre of Information and Documentation, Polish
Academy of Sciences, will be devoted to Kurdish
culture, history and modern problems with special
emphasis on presentation and analysis of new date on
language, literature and anthropology.
Preliminary registration to the end of January.
All correspondence send address to:
Marcin Rzepka (secretary of the Conference)
Instytut Filologii Orientalnej UJ
Al. Mickiewicza 9/11,
31-419 Krakow, Poland;
Inschriften und europäische Schatzkunst:
X. Fachtagung für mittelalterliche und neuzeitliche Epigraphik
, 20.-23. Mai 2004
Anmeldungen und Anfragen: Sächsische Akademien der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Inschriftenkommission, Marion Gronemann, Kröllwitzer Str. 44, 06120 Halle;
Tel. 0345 - 55 22 927, - 55 22 926, Fax: - 55 22 928, e-mail:
Indo-European Summer School 30.8.-10.9.2004 in Das Seminar für Vergleichende und Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin veranstaltet 2004 in Zusammenarbeit mit der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft eine Summer School: 1) Die Referenten Indogermanistik: A. J. Nussbaum (Cornell) Altgriechisch: M. Meier-Brügger (FU Berlin) Altkirchenslavisch: Chr. Koch (FU Berlin) Hethitisch: E. Rieken (Marburg) Tocharisch: G. Pinault (Paris) 2) Dauer 2x5 Tage Mo - Fr 30.8. - 3.9.2004 Sa - So 4.-5.9.2004 Museen, Ausflüge Mo - Fr 6.9. - 10.9.2004 Unterricht pro Tag: 5 x 90 Minuten 3) Unterrichtskosten für Teilnehmer: keine 4) Nähere Informationen und Anmeldung bei: Univ.Prof. Dr. Michael Meier-Brügger Freie Universität Berlin Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, WE 3 Seminar für Vergl. und Idg. Sprachwissenschaft Fabeckstraße 7 D-14195 Berlin Tel. 030'838'55028 Fax. 030'838'54207 http://www.fu-berlin.de/indogermanistik
Barbara Niederer (Centre de Recherches sur les Langues d'Asie Orientale, EHESS/CNRS) is urgently soliciting contributions for a panel on Language Contact with Chinese in Minority Languages of China to be held at the upcoming 3rd Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL), , September 7-10, 2003. This panel will bring together students of languages which have evolved in close contact with Chinese. It intends to focus on different types of contact represented in the area, and to illustrate some of the results of such contacts: influence on the structure of the language(s) under analysis and/or on the linguistic behaviour of the speakers. Papers may be presented in English, French, or Chinese and will be assigned to 30-minute presentation/discusion slots by the panel convenor. Since the deadline for abstract submission is rapidly approaching, potential contributors are encouraged to directly submit abstracts following the procedures detailed at the conference website http://www.flwi.rug.ac.be/ceacl3/home.html and to send a copy of their abstract by e-mail or fax to Barbara Niederer (CLAO/EHESS/CNRS) e-mail: Barbara.Niederer@ehess.fr fax: +33-386341598
Arbeitstagung 2003 der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, , 22.-24. Oktober 2003
The next Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft (Society for Indo-European
Studies/Société des études indo-européennes) will take place
in Paris, from 22 to 24
October 2003 on the thema "Indo-European Poetic Language" (Indogermanische
Dichtersprache/Langue poétique indo-européenne). The event is under the care
of the Ecole
Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris. The time for each paper will be 25 minutes, followed by
10 minutes discussion. The languages used for the conference will be: French, German,
The list of speakers includes (in alphabetical
order): F. Bader, W. Beck, A. Blanc, A. Christol, L. Dubois, E. Dupraz, A.H. Feulner, J.L. Garcia-Ramon, G.K. Giannakis, O. Hackstein, S. Häusler, P.
Jackson, S. Jamison, F. Josephson, J.T. Katz, J.S. Klein, Ch. de Lamberterie, R. Lühr, M. Malzahn, H.C. Melchert, M. Meier-Brügger, A. Mercado, H.
Miyakawa, N. Oettinger, D. Petit, G.-J. Pinault, R.-P. Ritter, V. Sadovski, R. Schuhmann, W. Sowa, E.Tzamali, B. Vine, C. Watkins, P. Widmer, S.
Zeilfelder, S. Zimmer.
For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Georges-Jean Pinault (ppgeorges9@aol.com).
Call for Papers (Nov. 02)
Schedule (September 03)
The 16th International Congress of Historical Linguistics will take place at the University of Copenhagen in the week 11th through 15th of August, 2003. The program is subdivided into a number of sections, cf. the preliminary program at http://www.hum.ku.dk/ichl2003/.
Recently, a special section devoted to "Internal Reconstruction and Comparative Method in Indo-European: Results and Problems" was added, to be organized by myself. Each section includes a plenary session; at that of the IE section a paper will be presented by Professor Jay Jasanoff (Harvard). Our section will be held on Friday, August 15, and an urgent "CALL FOR PAPERS" is hereby issued to colleagues all over the world.
The title of the section is meant to capture investigations into the system of Proto-Indo-European (its phonology, morphology, syntax, lexematics - anything) on points where problems still remain even after comparative reconstruction has reached its goal by uncovering the protolanguage. Papers offering solutions to problems of irregular inflection or derivation (or the analog on other levels of linguistic analysis) on the basis of motivatable "deeper" reconstruction are specifically elicited. Welcome are also papers on internal reconstruction working from one of the intermediate protolanguages (Proto-Germanic, Proto-Slavic, etc.), or centering on theoretical aspects of the reconstructional techniques applicable to Indo-European.
A one-page summary should be submitted no later than March 1st, 2003. Write to: Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen, Department of Linguistics (IAAS), University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 80, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark. For additional information the e-mail line to jer@cphling.dk is always open.
Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen, University of Copenhagen
Workshop zu den idg. Nomina agentis
Ort und Zeit:
27. Juni 2002 ab 10 Uhr in den Räumen der Indogermanistik in ,
Zwätzengasse 12, 07743 Jena
Vortragende sind: R. Lühr, J.-S. Kim, J. Matzinger, S. Ziegler, I. Balles, es
ist v.a. viel Zeit für Diskussion vorgesehen!
Der Workshop wird bis ca. 18 Uhr dauern, am Abend gibt es eine kleine Feier
in geselliger Runde...
Gäste sind herzlich willkommen!
At the University of a block seminar on INDO-EUROPEAN WORD FORMATION will take place September 23-26 2002.
Place: University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 80, DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Time: Monday-Wednesday 10.00-12.30 and 13.15-17.00, Thursday 10.00-13.00.
Further information: Birgit Anette Olsen, bao@cphling.dk
Prof. Craig Melchert will hold a Block seminar on Historical and comparative grammar
of Anatolian
from June 17 - 18 at the École Pratique des Hautes Études at .
École Pratique des Hautes Études, IVe section, Sorbonne.
For information please contact
Prof. Georges-Jean Pinault, Tel./Fax +33 - 1 - 43 67 10 78, ppgeorges9@aol.com.
Prof. Alexander Lubotsky will hold a Block seminar on New researches about the
Paippalâda recension of the Atharvaveda
from June 11 - 13 at the École Pratique des Hautes Études at .
École Pratique des Hautes Études, IVe section, Sorbonne.
For information please contact
Prof. Georges-Jean Pinault, Tel./Fax +33 - 1 - 43 67 10 78, ppgeorges9@aol.com.
We are happy to announce the Summer School in Kartvelian Studies for
non-Georgians to be held from 7 July to 12 August, 2001, in .
In a broad sense Kartvelian (Georgian) Studies (Kartvelology) embraces
Georgian culture, history and all fields of the humanities: linguistics,
literary criticism, art, archaeology, folklore, ethnography, source study.
Georgia, Sakartvelo, successor to ancient Colchis and Iberia, lies at the
boundary of Europe and Asia, east of the Black Sea, in the south-western part
of the Caucasus. Today too it continues to serve as a geographical, economic
and cultural bridge between East and West.
The Summer School in Kartvelian Studies is organized by the Centre for
Kartvelian Studies and sponsored by the Government of Georgia, Tbilisi State
University and by the Fund for Kartvelian Studies.
The School will offer intensive instruction in Modern Georgian, with account of
the level of the mastery of the language by the participants. They can also
attend lectures on Georgian history, literature, language and art and become
acquainted with Georgia's cultural and historical past and her present
The five-week course at the summer school costs $1500 per student. This
includes accommodation (in a student's dormitory or at a private apartment),
board, lectures and seminars, and cultural program (excursions to the
countryside, visiting museums, seeing Georgian films, etc.). The Center ensures
meeting the attendants of Summer School at the airport and seeing them to their
place of stay. The attendants pay the travel costs (arrival in Tbilisi and
departure from Tbilisi), and medical aid, if needed.
This year the costs of instruction and board of foreign students who cannot pay
the whole cost will be met by the Fund for Kartvelian Studies. However, in all
cases the attendants of the Summer School, including the students, are expected
to contribute not less than one third of the above-mentioned course cost as a
charity to the Fund of Kartvelian Studies, for the Summer School in Kartvelian
Studies is financed in the main by this Charity Fund.
Those who wish to attend the Summer School should communicate with the
Centre for Kartvelian Studies by
1 May, 2002 and await further information from us.
Address: Prof. Elguja Khintibidze, Centre for Kartvelian Studies. 1, Chavchavadze Ave.,
TSU, 380028 Tbilisi, Georgia;
Tel.: +(995 32) 290833, Fax: +(995 32) 252501,
E-mails: kartvcentre@hotmail.com; khintibidze@access.sanet.ge.
Dr. Susanne Zeilfelder hält vom 4. bis 8. März 02 in
eine Blocklehrveranstaltung
unter dem Titel "Syntax und Semantik der Gradation in idg. Sprachen".
Beginn: 4.8.02, 15:00 Uhr, Ort: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, Konferenzzimmer
(SE 218), Mühlbacherhofweg 6, A - 5020 Salzburg.
Informationen: Ursula Pavicic, Tel. 0043 - 662 - 8044-4250, e-mail:
48th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference
Time: June 23rd - 28th, 2002.
Registration:Secretary General of the PIAC, Goodbody Hall 157, Indiana University,
1011 E. Third St., Bloomington, Indiana 47405-7005, USA;
fax: 812 855 7500; e-mail: sinord@indiana.edu.
Conference "Comparative and Historical Study of Languages: Current State and Perspectives"
The Conference is being organized by the Department
of Philology of the State University, to be held
on January 22-24, 2003.
The Conference is dedicated to various topics of
comparative and historical studies, from phonetics,
morphology, syntax and semantics of languages of
different families, to etymology, glottochronology, the
problems of close and distant language relationship
(Nostratic and other macrofamilies), the problem
of language family homelands, etc.
The abstracts (not more than 2 pages, 1,5 interval,
hardcopy/diskette desirable) are to be sent to us to:
119899 Moscow, Vorobyovy Gory, MSU, 1st Building of
Humanities, r.977 (the dean's office)
or to our e-mail
(compar@philol.msu.ru. The deadline is April
30, 2002.
The working languages of the conference are Russian,
German, English.
We will inform you of the Organizing Committee's
decision on whether your abstracts have been accepted by
September 30, 2002.
The collection of the abstracts will be published
prior to the beginning of the conference.
The information about the working schedule,
accomodation and cultural programme will be sent
to you in the second letter of information.
Registration fee is $100 for the foreign
participants. The fee is to be paid to the Organizing
Committee upon your arrival.
Contact telephone: (095) 939-16-33 (the Chair of
General, Comparative and Historical Linguistics,
Department of Philology, MSU).
Telefax: (095) 939-55-96.
Prof. Jay Jasanoff hält vom 4. bis 8. März 02 in eine
Blocklehrveranstaltung mit dem Titel
"The Indo-European Verb".
Beginn: 4.3.02; Ort: Seminar für Vergleichende und Indogermanische
Sprachwissenschaft, Fabeckstr. 7, 14195 Berlin.
Informationen: Michael Meier-Brügger, Tel. 030 - 83 85 50 28, e-mail:
Prof. Craig Melchert hält vom 11. bis 15. März 02 in
eine Blocklehrveranstaltung mit dem Titel
"Historical and Comparative Grammar of Anatolian".
Mo-Fr jeweils 10:00-12:45, Mo-Do 14:15-17:00; Ort: Institut für Vergleichende
Sprachwissenschaft, Kochstr. 4 / 16, 91054 Erlangen.
Informationen: Robert Plath, Tel. 09131 - 85-22 404, e-mail:
5. Deutsche TurkologInnenkonferenz:
Einheit und Vielfalt in der türkischen Welt
Veranstalter: Seminar für Orientkunde der Universität .
Anmeldung mit Arbeitsthema des Vortrags bis spätestens 15. Oktober 2001
Informationen: Prof. Dr. Hendrik Boeschoten, Seminar für Orientkunde,
Turkologie, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 55099 Mainz.
Tel. 06131 - 39 22 77 9, Fax 06131 - 39 24 38 0; e-mail: turcolog@mail.uni-mainz.de.
Symposion Iranistik in Europa: gestern - heute - morgen
Veranstalter: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität
, Kommission für Iranistik der Österreichischen Akademie
der Wissenschaft mit Unterstützung der
Kulturvertretung der Botschaft der Islamischen Republik Iran in Österreich.
Anmeldung bis spätestens 30. September 2001 erbeten.
Informationen: Prof. Dr. Christian Zinko, Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der
Universität Graz, Merangasse 70/II, A 8010 Graz / Austria.
Tel. 0043 - 316 - 380 2416, Fax 0043 - 316 - 380 9780; e-mail: christian.zinko@uni-graz.at.
Eleventh Caucasian Colloquium Call for papers
The board of the Societas Caucasologica Europaea is pleased to announce
that State University in collaboration with the Institute of
Linguistics, RAS, will be hosting the 11th Colloquium, from 20 through 22
June, 2002.
Scholars working in the field of Caucasian linguistics are invited to
submit abstracts for 30 minute presentations, including at least 10
minutes for discussion. Abstracts can be submitted in English, German,
French, and Russian. They should not exceed one page and should be in at
least 12-point type with one-inch (2.5 cm) margins all around. Since
accepted abstracts are to be reproduced in the meeting handbook, they
should be printed in clear type. Please send two copies, one containing
the author's name and affiliation, one without the author's name. The
deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 December 2001. You will be
notified if your paper has been accepted for presentation by 1 February
Please send your abstracts on the following address:
Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics,
1st Building for Humanities,
Moscow State University,
Vorobjovy Gory,
Moscow RF-119899
and by e-mail kibrik@philol.msu.ru,
The conference fee of 70$ for participants from Russia and Georgia is
reduced to 200 roubles.
Prof. Helena Kurzová hält vom 1. bis 5. Oktober 01 in
eine Blocklehrveranstaltung
unter dem Titel "Probleme der historischen und vergleichenden Syntax".
Beginn: 1.10.01, 15:30 Uhr, Ort: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft,
Konferenzzimmer, Mühlbacherhofweg 6, A - 5020 Salzburg.
Informationen: Ursula Pavicic, Tel. 0043 - 662 - 8044-4250, e-mail:
We are happy to announce the Summer School in Kartvelian Studies for
non-Georgians to be held from 7 July to 12 August, 2001, in .
In a broad sense Kartvelian (Georgian) Studies (Kartvelology) embraces
Georgian culture, history and all fields of the humanities: linguistics,
literary criticism, art, archaeology, folklore, ethnography, source study.
Georgia, Sakartvelo, successor to ancient Colchis and Iberia, lies at the
boundary of Europe and Asia, east of the Black Sea, in the south-western part
of the Caucasus. Today too it continues to serve as a geographical, economic
and cultural bridge between East and West.
The Summer School in Kartvelian Studies is organized by the Centre for
Kartvelian Studies and sponsored by the Government of Georgia, Tbilisi State
University and by the Fund for Kartvelian Studies.
The School will offer intensive instruction in Modern Georgian, with account of
the level of the mastery of the language by the participants. They can also
attend lectures on Georgian history, literature, language and art and become
acquainted with Georgia's cultural and historical past and her present
The five-week course at the summer school costs $1500 per student. This
includes accommodation (in a student's dormitory or at a private apartment),
board, lectures and seminars, and cultural program (excursions to the
countryside, visiting museums, seeing Georgian films, etc.). The Center ensures
meeting the attendants of Summer School at the airport and seeing them to their
place of stay. The attendants pay the travel costs (arrival in Tbilisi and
departure from Tbilisi), and medical aid, if needed.
This year the costs of instruction and board of foreign students who cannot pay
the whole cost will be met by the Fund for Kartvelian Studies. However, in all
cases the attendants of the Summer School, including the students, are expected
to contribute not less than one third of the above-mentioned course cost as a
charity to the Fund of Kartvelian Studies, for the Summer School in Kartvelian
Studies is financed in the main by this Charity Fund.
Those who wish to attend the Summer School should communicate with the
Centre for Kartvelian Studies by
1 April, 2001 and await further information from us.
Address: Prof. Elguja Khintibidze, Centre for Kartvelian Studies. 1, Chavchavadze Ave.,
TSU, 380028 Tbilisi, Georgia;
Tel.: +(995 32) 290833, Fax: +(995 32) 252501,
E-mails: kartvcentre@hotmail.com; khintibidze@access.sanet.ge.
CALL FOR PAPERS COMPLEX 2001 6th Conference on Computational Lexicography and Corpus Research "Computational Lexicography and New EU Languages" 28 - 30 June 2001 Centre for Corpus Linguistics Department of English The University of Birmingham Research Institute for Linguistics Laboratoires d'Automatique Hungarian Academy of Sciences Documentaire et Linguistique University Paris 7 The organisers invite the submission of papers for COMPLEX 2001, to be organised in Birmingham, UK from 28 - 30 June 2001. We invite papers on computational, corpus-based lexicography and its application to the new EU languages including, but not limited, the following areas: - corpus-based lexicography - parallel and comparable corpora - translation equivalence - the semantics of corpus linguistics - corpus software A detailed abstract of the proposed paper, not exceeding 400 words, should be sent in electronic form to Pernilla Danielsson by February 28th 2001 to the following e-mail address: pernilla@clg.bham.ac.uk All papers will be reviewed by the following programme committee: Tomaz Erjavec, Ljubljana, Slovenia Gaston Gross, Paris, France Ferenc Kiefer, Budapest, Hungary Ruta Marcinkeviciene, Kaunas, Lithuania Julia Pajzs, Budapest, Hungary Pernilla Danielsson, Birmingham, UK Wolfgang Teubert, Birmingham, UK Authors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of their paper by the end of March 2001. The deadline for submitting a final version, (not exceeding 10 pages) of the papers accepted for the volume of proceedings is 15 May 2001. The timeslot given for presentations will be 30 minutes (including 10 minutes for discussions). The registration fee for the conference is GBP200. There is a reduced fee of GBP100 for participants coming from the former socialist countries. For early registration before 15 April 2001, the fee will be GBP150 and GBP75 respectively. Detailed information about accommodation possibilities and prices, a complete list of the keynote speakers, information about pre-conference workshop and further details will be given in the second circular.
The fourth annual High Desert Linguistics Conference will be held at the University of New Mexico, , NM, March 30 and 31, 2001. Keynote speakers: Shana Poplack, Department of Linguistics, University of Ottawa Sherman Wilcox, Department of Linguistics, University of New Mexico We invite submissions of proposals for 20-minute talks and 10 minute discussion sessions in any area of linguistics from any theoretical perspective. Papers in the following areas are especially welcome: language change and variation, grammaticization, signed languages, applied linguistics, Native American languages, and corpus/computational linguistics. Please note that selected papers from this conference will be published. Submissions must include 2 copies of an anonymous abstract and an index card including the following information: *Name *Title of Abstract and area (phonology, syntax etc.) *Affiliation(s) *Mailing address *e-mail address Abstracts must be at most one page with one-inch margins and typed in at least 11-point font. An optional second page is permitted for data and citations. Submissions are limited to 1 individual and 1 joint abstract per author. Abstracts by e-mail are accepted. Abstracts must be received no later than January 19, 2001. We will only consider submissions that conform to the above guidelines. ABSTRACTS SHOULD BE SENT TO: K. Aaron Smith Department of Linguistics, 526 Humanities Bldg. University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131 or: kaaron@unm.edu.
Vom 22. bis 24. März 2001 findet in das Dritte Deutsche KeltologInnen-Symposion statt.
1. Rundschreiben, 2. Rundschreiben, Vorläufiges Programm, Formular zur Zimmerreservierung.
Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Erich Poppe, FG Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft,
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Wilhelm-Röpke-Str. 6E, D-35032 Marburg,
Prof. Klaus Strunk hält vom 5. bis 9. März 01 in eine Blocklehrveranstaltung
unter dem Titel "Sprachliche Kategorien in der Indogermania: Begrifflichkeit, Funktion, Wandel".
Beginn: 5.3.01, 15 Uhr, Ort: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, Mühlbacherhofweg 6, A - 5020 Salzburg.
Informationen: Ursula Pavicic, Tel. 0043 - 662 - 8044-4250, e-mail:
Olav Hackstein (Halle) will hold a Block seminar on Tocharian A and the Tocharian Verbal System
from August 21 - 25 at the Rijksuniversiteit .
For information please contact
Caroline aan de Wiel: aandewiel@letmail.let.leidenuniv.nl.
CALL FOR PAPERS A conference on the subject: Indo-European Word Formation/Indogermanische Wortbildung inventory and analysis will take place at the University of , October 20th - 22th 2000. Preference will be given to papers dealing with nominal and verbal derivation, including the formation of compounds, in the Indo-European language family in general or in one of the separate branches. A minor session of the conference will be dedicated to the discussion of lexical projects and other works of registration. Potential speakers are kindly invited to send a working title and a brief abstract, preferably in English or German, no later than July 16th 2000, to: Birgit Anette Olsen University of Copenhagen Institut for Almen og Anvendt Sprogvidenskab Njalsgade 80 DK-2300, Copenhagen S. DENMARK bao@cphling.dk.
SYMPOSIUM ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS 4th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium Nov. 17-19, 2000 at Keynote Speakers John Lipski, University of New Mexico Bill VanPatten, University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign Abstract deadline: April 10, 2000 Response from organizers: May 1, 2000 We are soliciting one page abstracts of original work on any area of Hispanic linguistics: historical, phonology, second language acquisition, semantics, sociolinguistics, syntax; and ALL theoretical frameworks Abstracts can be submitted electronically to James F. Lee: leejames@indiana.edu or via regular mail: James F. Lee, Hispanic Linguistics Symposium Department of Spanish and Portuguese 844 Ballantine Hall Bloomington, IN 47405
The 7th European Conference on Central Asian Studies: Central Asia - Past, Present and Future will be held at , Institute for Social and Cultural Anthroplogy, 25th-30th Sptember 2000.
Papers (in English, 20 min. + 10 min. discussion) will be arranged in the following panels: 1. Nomadism, tribe and state relations, 2. Popular cultures, 3. Multiculturalism, 4. Religion, society and politics, 5. Recent developments in economy, politics and democracy.
Abstracts (including short c.v. and full address) should be sent in by September 30th, 1999 to
ECSAS VII, Ass.-Prof. Gabriele Rasuly-Paleczek, Institut für Ethnologie, Universitätsstr. 7, A - 1010 Wien;
Tel.: 0043 - 1 - 4277-48506, Fax: +43 1 4277 9485; e-mail: gabriele.rasuly@univie.ac.at.
Vom 1. bis 11.9.2000 findet in die Weltkonferenz Armenien 2000 statt.
Sektionen: Sprache und Literatur, Geschichte, Kirche und Theologie, Kunst und Handwerk, Wissenschaften.
Teilnahmegebühr: DM 350,-.
Resümees von Referaten (auf Armenisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch oder Russisch; zusammen mit wissenschaftlicher Kurzbiographie und Schriftenverzeichnis) bis 15.1.99 an
Stiftung Leucorea, MESROP - Zentrum für Armenische Studien, Collegienstr. 62, 06886 Wittenberg;
Tel. 03491 - 46 61 41, Fax +49 - 3491 46 62 32;
e-mail: mesrop@uni-halle.de.
Die staatliche Galerie Moritzburg (Friedemann-Bach-Platz 5, 06108 Halle) zeigt aus diesem Anlaß die Sonderausstellung "Der gerettete Schatz der Armenier aus Kilikien".
The next Dunhuang and Turfan Symposion of the International Dunhuang Project and the Groupe de recherche sur Dunhuang, Institut d'Extrème Orient will be held during the XXXVI ICANAS in . First circular.
*************************** QUALICO-2000 *************************** Fourth International Conference on Quantitative Linguistics 24 - 26 August, 2000 , Czech Republic FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS The International Quantitative Linguistics Association invites the submission of papers on substantial, original, and unpublished research on all aspects of Quantitative Linguistics, including, but not limited to, the following. 1. Observations and descriptions of all aspects of language and text phenomena, including the areas of psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, dialectology, pragmatics etc. as far as they use quantitative mathematical methods (probability theory, stochastic processes, statistics, differential and difference equations, fuzzy logic and set theory, function theory etc.), on all levels of linguistic analysis. 2. Applications of methods, models, or findings from quantitative linguistics to problems of natural language processing, machine translation, language teaching, documentation and information retrieval. 3. Methodological problems of linguistic measurement, model construction, sampling and test theory. 4. Epistemological issues such as explanation of language and text phenomena, contributions to theory construction, system theory, philosophy of science. Reports on ongoing projects are also welcome as far as they concern any of the topics mentioned above. REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMISSION Papers should be sent for a 20 minute presentation (plus 10 minutes discussion) on the above-mentioned topics, preferably in English (German and French will be also accepted). Submissions should be between 1000-1500 words and should begin with the title, author(s), addresses (including e-mail if possible), affiliation and a specification of the topic area. Authors should send proposals for papers in camera-ready form (ASCII, postscript, or RTF format) to the following e-mail address: qualico@mpi.nl. Deadline for submissions: 1 February 2000. Note of acceptance: 15 March 2000. For further information about the abstract submission please contact Lanneke van Dreumel Interfaculty Research Unit for Language and Speech Wundtlaan 1 PB 310, 6500 AH Nijmegen The Netherlands Phone : +31 - (0)24 - 3615751 Fax : +31 - (0)24 - 3521213 E-mail: qualico@mpi.nl For further information about the conference contact the local organizer: Jan Kralik and Ludmilla Uhlirova E-mail: KRALIK@Galaxie.ujc.cas.cz
IAHR (International Association for the History of Religions) holds its 18th quinquennial world congress in , South Africa, 5-12 August 2000. A symposium on the ancient Upanishads is now being organized. Its title is THE UPANISHADS - FOCUS AND PERSPECTIVES The intention of the symposium is to create a dialogue among scholars working on the Upanishads from different disciplines, thereby bringing the knowledge of these texts up to date. Papers may address the Upanishads from the angles of history, society, philosophy, language, religion, history of reception, body and gender or any other subject relevant to the Upanishads or their context. The symposium is still open. For further information (participants, deadlines, details of registration), please contact the convenor Dr Mikael Aktor, Department of the Study of Religion, University of Aarhus, Main Building, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. Fax: +45 8613 0490 E-mail: aktor@post8.tele.dk
Les manuscrits tokhariens d'Asie Centrale: -Typologie des documents -Caractéristiques de l'écriture -Lecture de textes École Pratique des Hautes Études, à la Sorbonne, 45-47 rue des Écoles, Paris 5e (Esc. E 1er étage, Salle Delamarre). N.B. Visite du Département des Manuscrits (Division Orientale) de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France (58, rue de Richelieu 75002 Paris) le vendredi 30 Juin à 10 h.
Anläßlich des 1700jährigen Jubiläums der Christianisierung Armeniens plant die Staatsbibliothek zu vom 15.3. bis 15.5.2000 eine Präsentation ihrer historischen armenischen und armenologischen Bestände. Begleitend dazu wird ein wissenschaftliches Kolloquium mit dem Titel Die armenologische Forschung in Deutschland im Jahre 2000 ausgerichtet.
Dessen Ziel sind ein Überblick über die derzeitige deutsche Armenologie und die Tendenzen ihrer Entwicklung.
Anmeldungen zu Vorträgen (20 Min., anschließende Publikation in einem Band der Staatsbibliothek) an
Meliné Pehlivanian, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Orientabteilung, Potsdamerstr. 33, 10772 Berlin;
Tel. 030 - 266-2862, Fax 030 266 3017;
e-mail: meline.pehlivanian@sbb.spk-berlin.de.
Am 6.2.00 (Sonntag) um 9:00 wird im der Vortrag "Sprachen und Sprachpolitik in Europa in Geschichte und Gegenwart" von Jost Gippert gesendet.
Kontakt: gippert@em.uni-frankfurt.de.
The Deputy Prime Minister for Language Policy of the Basque Country is organizing the 7th International Conference on Minority Languages in .
The main theme will be "Reversing Language Shift".
Abstracts (500 words) of papers (45 min. including discussion) and posters are to be sent in together with the registration form (registration fee: 10,000 pesetas) by 15th July 99 to
Eusko Jaurlaritza, Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailordetza, VII. Nazioarteko Biltzarra, Wellingtongo Dukea 2, 01010 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain;
Tel. +34 - 945-01 81 10, Fax +34 945 01 95 35;
e-mail: hizkpol@ej-gv.es.
Kaukasische Sprachprobleme VIII, 27.-28. November 1999 Vorläufiges Programm der Tagung an der Universität Tagungsort ist wahrscheinlich das neue Hörsaalzentrum A 14-0-31 (Ecke Ammerländer Heerstraße - Uhlhornsweg) Samstag, den 27. November 9.00 Begrüßung 9.15 Guram Kartozia, Georgische Akademie der Wissenschaften: Mingrelisch-lasische Parallelen in der Folklore (Vortrag in georgischer Sprache mit russischen und/oder deutschen Zusammenfassungen) 10.00 Rezo Sherozia, Sprachwissenschaftliches Institut der Georgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: Das Problem des Präsenstamms statischer und dynamischer Verben im Kolchischen (Vortrag in georgischer Sprache mit russischen und/oder deutschen Zusammenfassungen) 10.45 Heinz Fähnrich (Universität Jena): Kartvelische Lexik unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des Mingrelischen Pause 11.30 Zurab Sardjveladze, Universität Tbilisi: Die Benennungen der westkartvelischen Stämme in den altgeorgischen Denkmälern (eine deutsche Fassung wird vorliegen) 12.15 Jost Gippert (Universität Frankfurt): Das Armazi-Projekt Mittagspause 15.00 Bernard Comrie (Max Planck-Institut fur Evolutionäre Anthropologie Leipzig): Über die affektive (dativische) Konstruktion in den tsesischen Sprachen 15.45 Wolfgang Schulze (Universität München): Zur Sprache der udischen Evangelien Pause 16.45 Roland Bielmeier (Universität Bern): Iranisch-georgische Sprachkontakte 17.30 Michel Job (Universität Göttingen): Zur Rekonstruierbarkeit des Verbalsystems der Kartvelsprachen Sonntag, den 28. November 9.00 Guram Kartozia: Die lasischen Dialekte (Vortrag in georgischer Sprache mit russischen und/oder deutschen Zusammenfassungen) 9.45 Rezo Sherozia: Die kolchische (sanische) Sprache unter soziolinguistischem Gesichtspunkt (Vortrag in georgischer Sprache mit russischen und/oder deutschen Zusammenfassungen) 10.30 Oliver Reisner (Universität Göttingen): Zur zarischen Sprachpolitik in Kaukasien Pause 11.30 Silvia Kutscher (Universität Köln): Zum Kasussystem des Ardesen-Lasischen 12.15 Johanna Mattissen (Universität Zürich): Aspekt im Lazischen Mittagspause 15.00 Witold Stefanski (Universität Thorn): Zur Sprache und Poetik von Ilia Tschawtschawadse 15.45 Winfried Boeder (Universität Oldenburg): Über die mingrelischen haben-Verben Pause 16.45 Johannes Helmbrecht (Universität Erfurt): [Ostkaukasisch?] 17.30 Johannes Heinecke (Bretagne): [Tschetschenisch] Die Vorträge sind auf eine halbe Stunde berechnet, die Diskussion auf 15 Minuten.Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Winfried Boeder, FB 11, Universität Oldenburg, 26111 Oldenburg;
THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL VEDIC WORKSHOP FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT The Second International Vedic Workshop: The Vedas and Early Phases of Indian Civilization October 30-November 1, 1999 To be held at Kyoto University, , Japan. We are happy to announce that the Second International Vedic Workshop will be held in Kyoto from the 30th of October to the 1st of November 1999, with an interval of ten years after the first one held at Harvard University in 1989. The Organizing Committee of the Second Workshop has the honour of inviting you to this Workshop. Kindly circulate information on the Workshop among your colleagues and research students. The conference will open on the morning of October 30 (Saturday) and close on the evening of November 1 (Monday). __________________________________________________________________ Proposed Subject Areas are as follows: 1. Early Vedic Period (Rgveda to Yajurveda) 2. Middle Vedic Period (Braahmana to Early Upanisad) 3. Late Vedic Period (Zrautasutra to Supplement Literatures) 4. Post Vedic Period (Relation to Buddhism, Epics, Hinduism; Vedic Schools and Transmission etc.) (The subject matter may be further specified or modified.) The participation form should be returned by February 28, 1999. The second circular with detailed information about the programme, accommodation, etc. will be sent to those scholars who have replied by that date. (Let us know if you are available also by e-mail and/or fax.) If you wish to present a paper you are requested to prepare an abstract of about 600 words, and send it to the address of correspondence given below by e-mail or in printed form. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to accept or reject a paper on the basis of the abstract. The Organizing Committee of THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL VEDIC WORKSHOP Aramaki, Noritoshi (Kyoto University) Einoo, Shingo (University of Tokyo) Fujii, Masato (Kyoto University), General Secretary Goto, Toshifumi (Tohoku University) Hara, Minoru (International College for Advanced Buddhist Studies) Ikari, Yasuke (Kyoto University), Chairman Parpola, Asko (University of Helsinki) Tokunaga, Muneo (Kyoto University) Witzel, Michael (Harvard University) CORRESPONDENCE All correspondence relating to Workshop should be addressed to: The Second International Vedic Workshop Institute for Research in Humanities Kyoto University Ushinomiya, Yoshida, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501 Japan (Fax: +81-75-753-6903, E-mail: fujii@zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp; ikari@zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp).
Die 27. Österreichische Linguistiktagung findet vom 23. bis 26. 10. 99 in statt.
Anmeldungen für Workshops bis 15.5., deren Programme mit Vortragenden und Vorträge bis 15.6. an
27. Österreichische Linguistiktagung, Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, Bergg. 11, A - 1090 Wien;
Tel. 0043 - 1 - 31 03 886, Fax: 0043 1 31 55 347;
e-mail: LingTag@ling.univie.ac.at.
Das Finnisch-Ugrische Seminar der Universität veranstaltet vom 6. bis 10. 10. 99 ein Internationales Uralistisches Symposium "Diachronie in der synchronen Sprachbeschreibung".
Anmeldungen bis 1.3.99, Thesenpapier (2-5 Seiten) bis 15.6.99 an das
Finnisch-Ugrische Seminar, Bogenallee 11, 20144 Hamburg;
Tel. 0049 - 40 - 4123-4836, Fax +49 - 40 4123 6117;
e-mail: fus@rrz.uni-hamburg.de.
The 4th International Congress of Hittitology will take place at , Germany, Oct. 4-8, 1999. Registration will start on Sunday, Oct. 3.
Those who are interested without having received the circulars are kindly invited to send a message to
Prof. Dr. Gernot Wilhelm, Institut für Orientalische Philologie, Ludwigstr. 6, 97070 Würzburg;
Tel. 0049 - 931 - 31-2862, - 2861, Fax +49 - 931 31 2674;
e-mail: gernot.wilhelm@mail.uni-wuerzburg.de.
Bei der Arbeitstagung "Idg. Syntax" der Idg. Gesellschaft in sollen die bisherigen Ergebnisse der Arbeitsgruppe "Idg. Syntax" der Fachwelt vorgestellt und mit ebendieser diskutiert werden.
Die Arbeitsgruppe erarbeitet die Syntaxteile der "Idg. Grammatik" (Verlag Winter).
Vorträge weiterer TeilnehmerInnen sind willkommen (möglichst bald anmelden und knappe Inhaltsangabe beifügen).
Anmeldungen (unter gleichzeitiger Einzahlung von 60 DM auf H. Hettrichs Konto Nr. 201 98 55, Stichwort "Tagungsbeitrag", Castell-Bank Würzburg, BLZ 790 300 01, StudentInnen und Arbeitslose gratis) an
Prof. Dr. H. Hettrich, Lehrstuhl für Sprachwissenschaft, Residenzplatz 2, 97070 Würzburg;
Tel. 0049 - 931 - 31 2826, Fax +49 - 931 572261;
e-mail: heinrich.hettrich@rzsan.uni-wuerzburg.de.
The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea will take place at , Slovenia, July 8-11, 1999.
The conference fee (payable at registration on arrival) is 15.000 SIT (150 DM) for members, 20.000 SIT (200 DM) for others.
Camera-ready abstracts for presentations (30 min. incl. 10 minutes of discussion) should be sent in by March 15th.
Please contact: SLE Conference, Department of Translating and Interpreting, Faculty of Arts, Askerceva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia;
Fax +386 61 221 310;
e-mail: mojca.golob@ff.uni-lj.si.
The 18th East Coast Indo-European Conference May 27-30, 1999 University of Texas at The 18th East Coast Indo-European Conference will feature talks on all things to do with historical and comparative Indo-European linguistics, including phonology. morphology, syntax, semantics, and embracing all ten Indo-European daughter language families (Indo-Iranian, Anatolian, Greek, Italic, Celtic, Germanic, Balto-Slavic, Tocharian, Armenian, Albanian). Preliminary List of Speakers: Miles Beckwith, English, Northern Michigan U. Mary Blockley, English, UT Tom Cable, English, UT George Dunkel, Linguistics (Indogermanisches Seminar), Universität Zürich Joe Eska, English, Virginia Tech. Ben Fortson, Houghton Mifflin Andrew Garrett, Linguistics, U. California - Berkeley Mark Hale, Linguistics, Concordia U., Montréal John Harkness, English, Mercer U. Hans Henrich Hock, Linguistics, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Henry Hoenigswald, Linguistics, U Penn. Stanley Insler, Linguistics, Yale Stephanie Jamison, Linguistics, Harvard Brian Joseph, Linguistics, Ohio State U., Columbus Carol Justus, Linguistics Research Center, UT Josh Katz, Classics, Princeton Sara Kimball, English / Writing Center, UT Jared Klein, Classics / Linguistics, U. of Georgia Craig Melchert, Linguistics, U. of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Alan Nussbaum, Classics, Cornell Patrick Olivelle, Asian Studies, UT Edgar Polomé, Germanic Languages / Asian Studies, UT Mark Southern, Germanic Languages / Asian Studies, UT Brent Vine, Linguistics, UCLA Rex Wallace, Classics, U. Mass. - Amherst Calvert Watkins, Linguistics / Classics, Harvard Michael Weiss, Classics, U. of North Carolina - Chapel Hill All talks held in Waggener Hall 116 Friday, May 28 Session 1 The Origin of the principle of stem-composition in IE George Dunkel, Uni-Zuerich 9:45-10:30 AM Aigisthos, agathos, and 'root-extensions' Mark Southern, UT BREAK 11:00-11:45 AM More on Greek Verbs in -isko- Miles Beckwith, NMU 11:45 AM-12:30 PM Proclisis in Greek Henry Hoenigswald, U of Pennsylvania LUNCH 2-2:45 PM Gk. de:ros, Arm. erkar 'long': Notes on Full-Grade *-ro- Formations in Greek and Indo-European Brent Vine, UCLA 2:45-3:30 PM Alkman's Muse Andrew Garrett, UC Berkeley BREAK Stylistic Repetition in the Rigveda: A Typological Overview Jared Klein, U of Georgia 4:45-5:30 PM sa' fige' in Indo-Iranian and Anatolian Cal Watkins, Harvard 6:30 p.m.: BANQUET FOR SPEAKERS, Fonda San Miguel. Saturday, May 29 9-9:45 AM Hieroglyphic Luvian REL-ipa as an Asseverative Adverb Craig Melchert, UNC Reading among the Hittites Sara Kimball, UT BREAK 11:00-11:45 AM Hittite and IE Gender Carol Justus, UT 11:45 AM-12:30 PM A Word for 'Wild Boar' in Germanic, Italic, Balto-Slavic, and Hellenic and its Possible Semitic Origins Doug Simms, UT LUNCH An Old Story and a 'New' Adjective in Latin Alan Nussbaum, Cornell 2:45-3:30 PM Some thoughts on the IE homeland Edgar Polomé, UT BREAK PM Balkan Perspectives on the Syntax of *me Brian Joseph, Ohio SU 4:45-5:30 title to be announced Mary Blockley, UT Sunday, May 30 AM Deviations from the Greek in the Gothic New Testament Hope Dawson, Ohio SU Remarks on linguistic structures in the Chamalie`res charm Joe Eska, Virginia Tech BREAK 11:00-11:45 AM The distribution of the Old Irish infixed pronouns, Cowgill's particle, and the syntactic evolution of Insular Celtic Ron Kim, U of Pennsylvania 11:45-12:30 Observations on appositions in Beowulf John Harkness, Mercer U _______________________________________________________________ For more information, please contact Sara Kimball or Mark Southern.
Agenda for Open meeting on transliteration and computers, University of , 16. April 1999 Location: Computing Centre of the University of Tuebingen, Department of Literary and Documentary Data Processing, Waechterstr. 76, 72074 Tuebingen, Germany. Meeting cost: free Meeting schedule: 11.00 Introduction ISO and other organizations involved in transliteration Comparing different approaches to transliteration; Use of diacritics/modifiers/digraphs; reversibility between scripts Use of transliteration and computers 12.30 Cafe lunch 13.30 Examining ISO NP 15921: Generalized conversion methods; Examining other romanization methods by ISO, LC, BGN and others Aim: coordination with existing practices, not inventing yet more translilteration shemes. 14.00 Group discussions on individual scripts 15.00 Action plan for progressing any future work in Germany: what are the prospects for jointly developing future work in this area? 16.00 Close of meeting For directions on routes to the meeting location, and other practical details, contact: Marc Wilhelm Kuester Computing Centre of the University of Tuebingen, Department of Literary and Documentary Data Processing, Waechterstr. 76, 72074 Tuebingen, Germany. Tel: +49 7071 29 70348 Fax: +49 7071 29 5912 Email: marc.kuester@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
Intensive Pashto Language Course - March 1999
The Central Asian Department of the Humboldt University
will be running a 3 week crash course in Pashto
(Afghani), from the 1st to the 19th of March 1999.
The course is aimed at absolute beginners who want to gain a good
grounding in the basics of Pashto grammar,
practice in reading and writing comprehension, while learning
something about the Pashtuns and their social norms at
the same time. It will open to students from other disciplines,
departments, or universities, who fulfill the normal
entry requirements.
Classes will be taught by German speaking Pashto lecturers as
well as by a native speaker, weekdays (Monday to
Friday), in the morning and afternoon for a total of 107 hours,
i.e. the equivalent of a four hour week for two terms.
A certificate of attendance will be given to all those who attend
the classes, whilst students wishing to have the course
accredited as part of their general university studies, will have
the option of taking a test on completion of the course.
Although the organizers cannot offer any accommodation to
participants, help will be given to anybody needing to
find somewhere to stay in Berlin.
The closing date for registration applications is the 30th of
January 1999, and applicants or anyone who would like
more information about the course, should get in touch with us at
the address below.
Dr. Lutz Rzehak, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Zentralasien-Seminar, Unter den Linden 6, D - 10099 Berlin;
Fon: (+49-30) 2093-6654 / 6667, Fax: (+49-30) 2093-6666, e-mail: lutz.rzehak@rz.hu-berlin.de
Karl Praust (Münster) und Klaus T. Schmidt (Saarbrücken) halten in Blockseminare Altarmenisch bzw. Tocharisch.
Kontakt: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, Mühlbacherhofweg 6, A - 5020 Salzburg;
Tel. 0662 - 8044-4250;
e-mail: thomas.krisch@sbg.ac.at.
Wolfgang Schulze (München) hält in einen Gastvortrag mit dem Titel "Betriebssysteme: Deduktive Grundlagen einer Typologie grammatischer Systeme".
Termin: Donnerstag, 17.12.98, 16 Uhr c.t., Seminarraum Georg-Voigt-Str. 6, 60325 Frankfurt.
Kontakt: Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, PF 11 19 32, 60054 Frankfurt;
Tel. 069 - 798-23139, Fax 069 798 23873;
e-mail: olivier@em.uni-frankfurt.de.
Im Rahmen der Österreichischen Linguistik-Tagung in Salzburg soll auch eine Sektion "" stattfinden.
Allfällige Vorträge (anzumelden bis 10.9.98) können in der Zeitschrift Österreichische Namenforschung veröffentlicht werden.
Anmeldungen an Prof. Dr. H. Pohl, Institut für Sprachwissenschaft und Computerlinguistik, Universitätsstr. 65-67, A - 9020 Klagenfurt;
Tel. 0043 - 463 - 2700 347, Fax +43 - 463 2700 351;
e-mail: heinz.pohl@uni-klu.ac.at.
Beim Symposium an der Universität Mainz soll es schwerpunktmäßig um Arealtypologie und kontaktbedingten Sprachwandel unter Einbeziehung außersprachlicher Faktoren gehen.
Erwartet werden 18 in- und ausländische Referenten. Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen.
Termin: 4.12. ab 9:00 (Fakultätssaal, Philosophicum, Jakob-Welder-Weg 18), 5.12. ab 9:00 (Senatssaal, Naturwissenschaftliches Institutsgebäude, Becherweg 21)
Kontakt: Sonderforschungsbereich der DFG, Subprojekt Turkologie, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, 55099 Mainz
Tel. 06131 - 394021 / 394010, Fax +49 - 6131 394020;
e-mail: bulut@mail.uni-mainz.de.
Kim McCone (Maynooth) hält in ein Blockseminar Baskisch und ein Blockseminar Connemara-Irisch.
Vorbesprechung: Dienstag, 3.11.98, Georg-Voigt-Str. 6, 60325 Frankfurt.
Kontakt: Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, PF 11 19 32, 60054 Frankfurt;
Tel. 069 - 798-23139, Fax 069 798 23873;
e-mail: olivier@em.uni-frankfurt.de.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its foundation and on the centenary of Vitt. Pisani's birth, the "Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese" is organizing the 9th International .
The topic is 50 years of linguistic researches: its problems, results, and prospects for the third millenium.
For further information, please contact the "Istituto di Glottologia" - Catholic University - L.go Gemelli, I - Milano;
Fax: 02 7234 2740;
e-mail: istglott@mi.unicatt.it.
Klaus T. Schmidt (Saarbrücken) hält in ein Blockseminar Tocharisch.
Beginn: ??? im Konferenzzimmer des Instituts für Sprachwissenschaft, Mühlbacherhofweg 6, 2. Stock.
Kontakt: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, Mühlbacherhofweg 6, A - 5020 Salzburg;
Tel. 0662 - 8044-4250;
e-mail: thomas.krisch@sbg.ac.at.
Georges-Jean Pinault (Paris) hält in ein Blockseminar Tocharisch.
Themen: Tocharische Texte (bes. Maitreyasamitinataka) und das buddhistische Drama in Zentralasien.
Kontakt: Institutionen för jämförande språkforskning, Göteborgs Universitet, Box 200, S - 405 30 Göteborg;
Tel. 773 1566;
e-mail: gerd.carling@compphil.gu.se.
Vom 24. bis 26. September 1998 findet an der Abteilung für Deutsche Sprache und Philologie der Aristoteles Universität Thessaloniki das statt.
Konferenzgebühr: 14.000 Drachmen, Anmeldung bis 15.4.98.
Kontaktadresse: Prof. Dr. Käthi Dorfmüller-Karpusa, Dr. Katerina Vretta-Panidou, Aristoteles Universität Thessaloniki, Abteilung für Deutsche Sprache und Philologie, GR - 540 06 Thessaloniki;
Tel.: 0030 - 31 - 997 541 oder 997 544, Fax: 0030 - 31 - 997 542.
Gegenstand des sind spachwissenschaftliche (und ev. damit verbundene philologische) Probleme der anatolischen Sprachen in ihren wechselseitigen und indogermanistischen Beziehungen.
Die vergleichende Einbeziehung der großen Fragen, wie etwa die Indo-Hittite-Hypothese, Wortbildung, Archaismus, Laryngale, Genus, Ergativität, hi-Konjugation, Perfekt und Medium, kulturelles Lexikon usw. ist erwünscht, weil nach vielen Jahren Diskussionen und neuer Erkenntnisse eine Bestandsaufnahme notwendig geworden ist.
Kontaktadresse: Prof. Dr. Onofrio Carruba, Dipartimento di Scienze dell' Antichità, Università degli Studi Pavia, Strada Nuova 65, I - 27100 Pavia;
Tel. +39 - 382 - 504 380, Fax: +39 - 382 - 504 379;
e-mail: e-mail:orient@unipv.it
Einladung zu einem
von Jos Weitenberg,
Universität Leiden,
Einführung ins Armenische
14.-18. September 1998
10.00 bis 17.00 Uhr täglich
The in Comparative Celtic Linguistics and Medieval Irish Studies is due to be held at Maynooth from Mon. 24th. August to Fri. 4th. September, 1998, inclusive (11 days classes with Sunday 30th. Aug. free). The tuition fee (including morning and afternoon tea/coffee) will be IRL150 and thirteen days' self catering on-campus accommodation a further IRL170 (considerably cheaper acommodation sharing houses, flats etc. in the town may probably be booked via the College's Accommodation Office, if preferred). The teaching team will be myself (Prof. Kim McCone, Maynooth - organiser), Prof. Liam Breatnach (Trinity), Prof. Ma/ire Herbert (UCCork), Prof. Damian McManus (Trinity), Prof. Ruairi/ O/ hUiginn (Maynooth), Dr. Colma/n Etchingham (Maynooth), Dr. Catherine Swift (Maynooth), Dr. Juergen Uhlich (Trinity). Flyers and brochures will be available shortly and can be obtained by contacting me via snail at Dept. of Old Irish, National University of Ireland (Maynooth), Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland or by e-mail at krmccone@compuserve.com. Further information will also be posted shortly on my homepage http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/krmccone. The programme, which is based on two choices per slot, is as follows: 9.00 Comparative Celtic Phonology (McCone) or Pre-Norman Irish History (Etchingham) 10.00 Comparative Celtic Morphology (McCone) or Early Irish Archaeology (Swift) 11.00 Morning coffee 11.30 Middle Irish (à hUiginn) or Early Irish Prose Literature (Herbert - week 1) Early Irish Poetry (Breatnach -week 2) 12.30 Lunch 14.00 Introduction to Middle Welsh (McManus) or Early Irish Prose Literature (Herbert - week 1) Early Irish Poetry (Breatnach - week 2) 15.00 Introduction to Old Irish (McManus) or Early Irish Saga Text (McCone) 16.00 Afternoon tea 16.30 Introduction to Modern Irish (à hUiginn) or Old Irish Legal Tract (Breatnach) 17.30 Early Modern Irish (McManus) or Continental Celtic (Uhlich)
Kontaktadresse: Prof. Dr. Georges-Jean Pinault, Université Baise Pascal (Clermont II), Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, 29, boulevard Gergovia, F - Clermont-Ferrand.
Einladung zu einem Blockseminar
von Georges Pinault,
Professeur à l'Université de Clermont-Ferrand,
Directeur à l'ÉPHÉ IVe
22.-26. September 1997
Anmeldung und Information:
Prof. Dr. M. Meier-Brügger,
Seminar für Vergleichende und Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft
Fabeckstraße 7
D-14195 Berlin
Tel.: +49- 30- 838 5028
Fax: +49- 30- 838 4207
email: drmeier@zedat.fu-berlin.de
*********************************************************** * * * GESELLSCHAFT fuer LINGUISTISCHE DATENVERARBEITUNG e.V. * * * * 1. Vositzender * * Prof. Dr. Winfried Lenders * * Institut fuer Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik * * der Universitaet Bonn * * Poppelsdorfer Allee 47 D-53115 Bonn * * * * Tel. +49 (228) 735646 Fax +49 (228) 735639 * * e-mail: Lenders@uni-bonn.de * * * * 2. Vorsitzender * * Prof. Dr. Johann Haller, Saarbruecken * * * * Schatzmeister * * Prof. Dr. Roland Hausser, Erlangen * * * * Schriftfuehrerin * * Dr. Uta Seewald, Hannover * * * * Informationsrefeent * * Dr. Ludwig Hitzenberger, Regensburg * * * *********************************************************** ===================================================================== A N N O U N C E M E N T ----------------------- We are proud to announce a second T E I - W o r k s h o p given in German language ===================================================================== Please read and distribut! Please read and distribut! ===================================================================== Ankuendigung ------------ Workshop ======== SGML-konforme Textauszeichnung nach den Richtlinien der Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) ------------------------------ 11.-13. Maerz 1996 an der Universitaet Tuebingen ===================================================================== Da beim ersten TEI-Workshop im November 1995 aufgrund des grossen Andrangs nicht alle Anmeldungen beruecksichtigt werden konnten, freuen wir uns, nochmals einen TEI-Workshop anbieten zu koennen. Was ist die TEI? ---------------- Die Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), ein gemeinsames Unternehmen der Association for Computers and the Humanities, der Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing und der Association for Computational Linguistics, hat seit 1987 Richtlinien fuer die elektronische Textauszeichnung und den Textaustausch erarbeitet. Das Ergebnis, 1994 als Buch und CD veroeffentlicht, ist die Bereitstellung und Erlaeuterung SGML-konformer Document Type Definitions, die modular aufgebaut ein grosses Instrumentarium an Auszeichnungen fuer die Wiedergabe verschiedener Textsorten (Prosa, Poesie, Drama, Lexika etc.) und verschiedener Arten der Textuntersuchung (Textkritik, Textvergleich, linguistische Analysen, Querverbindungen etc.) bieten. Was sind die Themen des Workshops? ---------------------------------- Unter anderem sind folgende Themen vorgesehen: - Einfuehrung in Idee und Regeln von SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language, ISO-Norm 8879 von 1986) - Klaerung des Verhaeltnisses von SGML, TEI und HTML (im World Wide Web verwendete Hyper Text Markup Language) - Wissenschaftliche Aspekte des Einsatzes der TEI-Auszeichnungen (Dokumentenanalyse, heuristische und hermeneutische Implikationen) - Einsatzgebiet und Ziele der TEI-Verwendung: Datenaustausch, vielfaeltige Verwendung der Dokumente, TEI als gemeinsame Plattform von verschiedenen Bearbeitungsgaengen in Projekten (TEI-Dokumente als Endprodukt und als Datenformat fuer die Erarbeitung) - Vorstellung und Demonstration verschiedener Software zur Erfassung, Pruefung und Weiterverarbeitung (Durchsuchen, Erstellung von Indizes, Druckausgabe, elektronisches Publizieren) von SGML Dokumenten - Das vollstaendig vorlaeufige Programm finden Sie im Anhang An wen wendet sich dieser Workshop? ----------------------------------- Der Workshop wendet sich an alle, die auf dem Gebiet der Geisteswissenschaften mit der elektronischen Erfassung, Bearbeitung, Edition und Veroeffentlichung von Textdaten beschaeftigt sind: die Quellen sammeln, dokumentieren, mit Informationen anreichern, die Analysen an Texten durchfuehren, die lexikographische Datenbanken erstellen, bibliographische Daten sammeln, die Texte kritisch neu erarbeiten, die elektronische Textdaten mit anderen austauschen, auf verschiedenen Medien (Netz, CD-ROM, Buch) veroeffentlichen. Wer veranstaltet den Workshop? ------------------------------ Der TEI-Workshop wird vom Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung der Universitaet Tuebingen durchgefuehrt, das seit vielen Jahren um die Unterstuetzung von EDV-Anwendungen in den Geisteswissenschaften bemueht ist. Als eine der ersten Universitaeten hat Tuebingen vor 25 Jahren in seinem Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung eine eigene Abteilung fuer Literarische und Dokumentarische Datenverarbeitung eingerichtet, in der man sich mit den Problemen der computerunterstuetzten geisteswissenschaftlichen Textdatenverarbeitung beschaeftigt. Das bekannteste Produkt dieser Arbeit ist das Software-Paket TUSTEP, das Grundoperationen zur Textdatenverarbeitung zur Verfuegung stellt. Wer sind die Referenten? ------------------------ Michael Sperberg-McQueen PhD (Germanistik) vom Computer Center der Universitaet von Illinois in Chicago (USA) ist seit 1987 mit der TEI befasst. Er war massgebliches Mitglied im Leitungsteam fuer die Erarbeitung der Richtlinien und als Koeditor fuer die Veroeffentlichung der Richtlinien verantwortlich. Er gilt mit Recht als einer der Vaeter der TEI und ist einer der fuehrenden Spezialisten fuer die SGML-konforme Auszeichnung von Texten in den Geisteswissenschaften. Dr. theol. Winfried Bader vom Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung der Universitaet Tuebingen hat durch seine langjaehrige Beratungstaetigkeit Erfahrung in der Planung und Durchfuehrung von elektronisch gestuetzten Texteditionen. Seine bibelwissenschaftlichen Arbeiten sind computerlinguistisch orientiert. Seit 1993 ist er Mitglied im Advisory Board der TEI; seit 1994 ist er ausgebildet zum TEI-Instructor. Was ist die Unterrichtssprache und Arbeitsform? ----------------------------------------------- Die Unterrichtssprache des Workshops ist Deutsch. Als Arbeitsformen wechseln sich Vortrag, Demonstrationen, Gruppenarbeit, praktische Uebung und Diskussion ab. Wann findet der Workshop statt? ------------------------------- Beginn: Montag, 11. Maerz 1996, 14:45 Uhr Ende: Mittwoch, 17. Maerz 1996, 17:00 Uhr Wo findet der Workshop statt? ----------------------------- Ort: Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung der Universitaet Tuebingen (Deutschland) Wo bekommt man weitere Informationen? ------------------------------------- Bei weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an: Winfried Bader Universitaet Tuebingen - Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung Brunnenstrasse 27 D-72074 Tuebingen E-mail : bader@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de Telefon : +49 - 7071 - 29 6973 Fax : +49 - 7071 - 29 5912 Im WWW unter dem URL: http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/zdv/zrlinfo/teiworkshop.html Wie hoch sind die Kursgebuehren? -------------------------------- Die Kursgebuehr betraegt: DM 70,- fuer Hochschulangehoerige DM 40,- fuer StudentInnen und Angehoerige der Universitaet Tuebingen DM 150,- fuer Nicht-Hochschulangehoerige Die Kursgebuehr umfasst Unterrichtsmaterialien, Getraenke und Snacks in den Kaffeepausen und die Benutzung des PC-Pools fuer Uebungen. Unterkunft und Verpflegung ist in der Kursgebuehr nicht enthalten. Wie meldet man sich an? ----------------------- Ihre verbindliche Anmeldung, zusammen mit einem Scheck fuer die Kursgebuehr ausgestellt auf das Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung, richten Sie bitte an Winfried Bader unter der obenstehenden Adressen. Die Zahl der Teilnehmer/innen ist begrenzt. Anmeldeschluss: 1. Maerz 1996 ======================================================================= Vorlaeufiges Programm ======================================================================= Einheit 1: Montag, 11.3., 14:45-15:45 Uhr: Begruessung und Einfuehrung; Vorstellungsrunde: "Wozu befasst man / befassen Sie sich mit elektronischen Texten?" Kaffeepause Einheit 2: Montag, 11.3., 16:15-17:15 Uhr: Vortrag: Phasen der Arbeit mit elektronischen Texten; Dokumentenanalyse Einheit 3: Montag, 11.3., 17:30-19:00 Uhr: Vortrag: Einfuehrung in SGML (Idee, Inhaltsmodell, DTD) Demonstration: Gemeinsames Erstellen einer DTD zu einem Beispiel-Text; Auszeichnen des Textes; Syntax-Pruefung mit Software Einheit 4: Dienstag, 12.3., 9:00-10:30 Uhr: Vortrag: Einfuehrung in TEI I (Ursprung und Ziele; Uebersicht; die Kerngruppe der TEI-Auszeichnungen) Gemeinsame Uebung: Auszeichnen eines Textes Einheit 5: Dienstag, 12.3., 11:00-12:30 Uhr: Vortrag: Einfuehrung in TEI II (eine DTD fuer viele Texte? die Basis- und Zusatzgruppen der TEI-Auszeichnungen) Gemeinsame Uebung: Auszeichnen eines Textes Mittagspause Einheit 6: Dienstag, 12.3., 14:30-16:00 Uhr: Gruppenarbeit: Auszeichnen von Texten Kaffeepause Einheit 7: Dienstag, 12.3., 16:30-18:00 Uhr: Vortrag: TEI-Auszeichnungen fuer Parallelisierung und Gleichstellung Vortrag: TEI-Auszeichnungen fuer Einfache Analysemechanismen Fakultativ: Dienstag, 12.3., 18:00-19:30 Uhr: Praktische Uebung am PC-Pool mit dem Author/Editor von SoftQuad zum Auszeichnen eines Textes Fakultativ: Dienstag, 12.3., ab 20:00 Uhr: Gemuetliche Runde in einem Tuebinger Restaurant Einheit 8: Mittwoch, 13.3., 9:00-10:30 Uhr: Demonstrationen: SGML in der Praxis: Vorstellung verschiedener Software zur Erstellung, Weiterverarbeitung und Praesentation von SGML-Dokumenten (Author/Editor; sgmls; psgml; DynaText; DynaWeb; Panorama; TUSTEP) Kaffeepause Einheit 9: Mittwoch, 13.3., 11:00-12:30 Uhr: Vortrag: TEI-Interna (SGML-technische Details zu den TEI-DTDs) Mittagspause Einheit 10: Mittwoch, 13.3., 14:00-15:30 Uhr: Vortraege zu Wahlthemen: - Komplexe Analysen und Merkmalstrukturen - Schreibsystem-Vereinbarungen - Kritischer Apparat - Transkription von Primaerquellen Kaffeepause Einheit 11: Mittwoch, 13.3., 16:00-17:00 Uhr: Zusammenfassung und Schlussdiskussion: Wozu braucht man SGML und TEI? Wie macht man weiter? Laufende TEI-Projekte in den Geisteswissenschaften (ggf. Kurzberichte von TeilnehmerInnen) Ende des Workshops ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Winfried Bader Tel.: +49 7071 29 6973 Universitaet Tuebingen FAX.: +49 7071 29 5912 Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung Mail: bader@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de Brunnenstrasse 27 D-72074 Tuebingen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wie in der Gesasmtstudienkomission in Klagenfurt besprochen, findet die 24. Arbeitstagung Österreichischer Linguisten vom 24.-26. Oktober 1996 in Graz statt.
Im Rahmen des Linguistentags wird auch, wie üblich, die Gesamtösterreichische Studienkommission Sprachwissenschaft (voraussichtlich am 25. Oktober 96) tagen-, Einladungen hiezu ergehen noch gesondert an die einzelnen Studienkommissionen.
Für die Tagung ist neben einer Allgemeinen Sektion bisher an die Einrichtung folgender Einzelsektionen gedacht-. Psycholinguistik (Gadler, Graz) Roma-Forschung (Halwachs, Graz) Diachronie-Indogermanistik (Zinko, Graz) Jene Kolleginnen/Kollegen, die eine eigene Sektion oder einen eigenen Workshop im Rahmen des Linguistentags ins Auge fassen, mögen sich bitte selbst um die grundlegende Planung kümmern und die Organisatoren möglichst bald davon in Kenntnis setzen, damit die entsprechenden Hinweise in das nächste Rundschreiben (März 1996) aufgenommen werden können.
Weiters wird es im Rahmen der Tagung wieder VERBAL Aktivitäten geben, nämlich die Jahresversammlung und einen Workshop (s. dazu beiliegende Ankündigung).
Wir bitten Sie, uns Anmeldungen und Themenvorschläge für Referate mit maximal einseitigem Abstract mittels untenstehendem Formular
bis spätestens 31. Mai 1996
an die im Briefkopf angeführte Adresse, zukommen zu lassen,
----------------- bitte abtrennen -----------------------------------
24. Arbeitstagung Österreichischer Linguisten - Anmeldung
24.-26. Oktober 1996
Bevorzugte Sektion (bitte ankreuzen):
0 Allgemeine Sektion
0 Psycholinguistik
0 Diachronic-Indogermanistik
0 Roma-Forschung
Mozartgasse 8.
A-8010 GRAZ
TeI.: +43-316-380-2415
Fax: +43-316-388318
e-mail: renate.peitler@kfunigraz.ac.at
10. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft Innsbruck, 22. - 28. September 1996
Die 10. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft wird
von Sonntag, 22. bis Samstag, 28. September 1996
in Innsbruck stattfinden.
Sie wird ausgerichtet vom Institut für Sprachwissenschaft
der Universität Innsbruck.
Die Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft kehrt somit
nach einer Periode von 35 Jahren nach Innsbruck zurück,
wo sie 1961 bereits abgehalten wurde, als 2. Fachtagung
der im Jahre 1953 wiederbegründeten Indogermanischen Gesellschaft.
Die gro&slig;en Fachtagungen der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft
haben immer bedeutende Themen zum Gegenstand gehabt,
in denen sich die jeweilige Forschungssituation spiegelte,
und sie waren oft methodisch richtungsweisend für die weitere
Entwicklung des Faches.
Bei dem Neben- und zum Teil Gegeneinander verschiedener Denkrichtungen
kommt der (in unserem Fach mancherseits für unwichtig erachteten)
Methodendiskussion weiterhin gro&slig;es Gewicht zu.
Nachdem die beiden letzten Fachtagungen den methodisch so wichtigen
Problemen der Relativen Chronologie und der zeitlichen Differenzierung
der Indogermanischen Grundsprache gewidmet waren,
diese Probleme aber bei weitem nicht erschöpfend behandelt werden konnten,
sollen sie jetzt noch einmal zur Diskussion gestellt werden,
wobei auch der reale Hintergrund, die Sprecher jener Grundsprache(n),
ihre mutma&slig;lichen Wohnsitze und Ausbreitungen, ihre materielle
und geistige Kultur in den Blickpunkt kommen sollen.
Da diese besonders interessierenden Fragen nach Ort(en) und Zeit(en) der
Grundsprache(n) und der Kultur ihrer Sprecher mit linguistischen Argumenten
allein nicht befriedigend beantwortet werden können,
stellt sich hier im besonderen die Frage nach den Möglichkeiten, die
erkenntnistheoretischen Beschränkungen zu überwinden,
gegebenenfalls durch gegenseitige Erhellung
im Zusammenspiel interdisziplinärer Forschung.
Die 10. Fachtagung soll in diesem Sinn unter folgendem (zwangsläufig
vereinfacht formulierten) Thema stehen:
Die wichtigeren Aspekte dieses Themas sollen in Hauptreferaten angesprochen werden.
Ergänzend dazu kann in Kurzvorträgen das ganze Spektrum der verschiedenen Einzelprobleme behandelt werden, soweit sie in diesen Rahmen fallen und für das Hauptthema in seinem oben umrissenden Sinn relevant sind.
Somit erlaube ich mir, alle Mitglieder und sonstigen Interessenten zur 10. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft einzuladen und bitte zugleich um Anmeldung von Kurzvorträgen (Dauer 20 min. + 10 min. Diskussion).
Bitte benutzen Sie das beiliegende Anmeldeformular. Ein zweites Rundschreiben wird im Frühsommer 1996 ergehen, welches alle relevanten Informationen sowie einen Überblick über die zu erwartenden Vorträge enthalten wird.
Das endgültige Programm wird kurz vor Beginn der Tagung vorliegen.
In der Hoffnung, möglichst viele Teilnehmer in Innsbruck begrü&slig;en zu können, verbleibe ich mit besten Grü&slig;en
Wolfgang Meid
Vorsitzender der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft
10. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft Innsbruck, 22. - 28. September 1996
Ich melde mich hiermit zur 10. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft,
22. - 28. Sept. 1996 in Innsbruck, an.
Ich melde ein Kurzreferat zu folgendem Thema an:
Gegebenenfalls kurze Erläuterung zum Thema,
falls Inhalt nicht zweifelsfrei aus dem Titel hervorgeht:
Name und vollständige Adresse:
Bitte einsenden an:
10. Fachtagung für Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft
Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck
Innrain 52
A-6020 Innsbruck
A U F R U F Z U R T E I L N A H M E / C A L L F O R P A P E R S K O N V E N S 9 6 3. Konferenz ``Verarbeitung nat"urlicher Sprache'' 7. - 9. Oktober 1996 Universit"at Bielefeld *____________________________________________________________________________* Veranstalter/Organizers: "OGAI - "Osterreichische Gesellschaft f"ur Artificial Intelligence DGfS - Deutsche Gesellschaft f. Sprachwissenschaft/Sektion Computerlinguistik GI - Gesellschaft f. Informatik, FA 1.3 ``Nat"urliche Sprache'' GLDV - Gesellschaft f. linguistische Datenverarbeitung ITG/DEGA - Informationstechnische Gesellschaft/Deutsche Gesellschaft f. Akustik *____________________________________________________________________________* Tagungsleiter/chairmen: Dafydd Gibbon & Henning Lobin, Universit"at Bielefeld Programmkomitee/program committee: Dafydd Gibbon, Local Committee Wolfgang H"oppner, GI (U Duisburg) R. Hoffmann, ITG/DEGA (TU Dresden) Tibor Kiss, DGfS (IBM Deutschland, WHZ) Winfried Lenders, GLDV (IKP Bonn) Henning Lobin, Local Committee Harald Trost, "OGAI (U Wien) *_____________________________________________________________________________* Die Gesellschaften DGfS, GI, GLDV, ITG/DEGA und "OGAI veranstalten alle 2 Jahre gemeinsam eine Tagung zum Thema Verarbeitung nat"urlicher Sprache. Die KONVENS 96 wird vom 7.-9. Oktober 1996 in Bielefeld stattfinden. Die KONVENS soll einen Querschnitt "uber die aktuelle Forschung auf allen Gebieten der Verarbeitung nat"urlicher Sprache am Computer zu bieten. Dazu ist Mitarbeit von Forschern aus allen beteiligten Disziplinen, wie Informatik, K"unstliche Intelligenz, Linguistik, Philosophie, Psychologie und Nachrichtentechnik erw"unscht. Es sollen sowohl grundlagenorientierte Forschungsaspekte und -resultate vertreten sein als auch innovative Anwendungen. Bevorzugt werden Papiere "uber erfolgreich durchgef"uhrte und implementierte Vorhaben. Als Schwerpunktthema f"ur die KONVENS 96 wurde M u l t i m e d i a l e u n d m u l t i m o d a l e S p r a c h v e r a r b e i t u n g gew"ahlt. Zum Schwerpunktthema werden eingeladene Vortr"age und Einf"uhrungskurse, die der Tagung vorangehen, angeboten. Erbeten werden Beitr"age, Posters und Systemvorf"uhrungen zu allen Gebieten der Verarbeitung nat"urlicher Sprache (nicht nur zum Schwerpunktthema), insbesondere aber zu folgenden Themen: - Psycholinguistische Aspekte multimodaler Sprachverarbeitung - Integration visueller und akustischer Sprachverarbeitung - Multimodale Sprache in Hypermedien und Hypertext - Repr"asentationsformalismen f"ur Language und Speech - Integrative und polytheoretische Ans"atze - Ressourcen und Standardisierung in der Sprach- und Textverarbeitung - Werkzeuge f"ur Sprach- und Texttechnologien - Anwendungen multimedialer und multimodaler Sprachverarbeitung Auf der KONVENS 96 werden erstmalig W O R K S H O P S vorgesehen. *_____________________________________________________________________________* E i n r e i c h e n v o n B e i t r "a g e n / Submission of papers - Beitr"age sollen in f"unf Exemplaren, DIN A4, Times 12pt, beim Tagungsleiter eingereicht werden - Jeder Beitrag mu"s die Namen aller Autoren sowie die genaue Anschrift des Hauptautors, "uber den die Korrespondenz erfolgen soll, enthalten - Formate: - VORTRAGSBEITR"AGE sollen 10 Seiten nicht "uberschreiten - POSTERBEITR"AGE sollen max. 4 Seiten umfassen - WORKSHOP-ANMELDUNGEN sollen max. 6 Seiten umfassen, die Bedeutung des Themas begr"unden und einen "Uberblick "uber die voraussichtlichen Teilnehmer und deren Beitr"age angeben - Name und Affiliation der Verfasser sowie Titel und Art des Beitrags m"ussen auf einem gesonderten Blatt aufgef"uhrt werden, um eine anonyme Begutachtung erleichtern. - Ank"undigungen von Systemvorf"uhrungen m"ussen Titel und Kurzbeschreibung sowie die ben"otigte technische Infrastruktur spezifizieren. - Alle Beitr"age sollen eine Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch und Englisch von jeweils max. 12 Zeilen enthalten. - Tagungssprachen sind D e u t s c h und E n g l i s c h. - Alle Einreichungen werden von mindestens 2 unabh"angigen Gutachtern beurteilt, die vom Programmkomitee bestimmt werden. - Der Tagungsband, in dem alle angenommenen Beitr"age und Posterbeitr"age abgedruckt werden, wird rechtzeitig zur Tagung erscheinen. *_____________________________________________________________________________* T e r m i n e / D e a d l i n e s 15.2.96 - Einreichung von Workshopthemen 03.3.96 - Benachrichtigung "uber Workshop-Auswahl 15.4.96 - Einreichung von Beitr"agen und Posterbeitr"agen 15.5.96 - Benachrichtigung "uber Annahme oder Ablehnungen - Einsendeschlu"s f"ur Workshop-Unterlagen durch Veranstalter 15.6.96 - Abgabe der druckfertigen Vorlagen f"ur den Tagungsband 15.7.96 - Anmeldung von Systemvorf"uhrungen *_____________________________________________________________________________* Organisation: Tagungsprogramm: Dr. Henning Lobin Prof. Dr. Dafydd Gibbon e-mail: lobin@lili.uni-bielefeld.de gibbon@spectrum.uni-bielefeld.de Tel.: +49.521.106.3679 +49.521.106.3509 Fax: +49.521.106.2996 +49.521.106.6008 Universit"at Bielefeld Fakult"at f"ur Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft Postfach 100131 D-33501 Bielefeld
WORKSHOP: The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 1996 16:39:30 GMT From: ide@univ-aix.fr (Nancy Ide) Subject: CALL : TEI Workshop at DL'96 ************************** * Call for Participation * ************************** WORKSHOP The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines Application to Building Digitial Libraries *************** Held in conjunction with Digital Libraries'96 First ACM International Conference On Digital Libraries *************** The Text Encoding Initiative's (TEI) Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange provide an extensive SGML-based scheme for encoding electronic texts across a wide spectrum of text types and suitable for any kind of application. Released in spring of 1994, the Guidelines have already achieved wide-scale implementation in projects throughout North America and Europe. This workshop is intended to provide a forum for technical discussion and evaluation of the TEI Guidelines, as they have so far been implemented in real applications, particularly those which have relevance for building digital libraries. This call solicits papers for a one-day workshop, to be held in conjunction with Digital Libraries '96. The program will consist of several paper presentations together with substantial time for discussion. Topics include but are not limited to: - reports on the use of the TEI scheme for a particular application, with a focus on evaluation of the scheme to serve application needs - technical discussion of particular encoding problems and (TEI or non-TEI) solutions, for example, handling unusual or complex text types, multi-media, multiple views or information types, multi-lingual data, etc. - customization and extension of the TEI for particular applications and text types, including proposals for use in the building of digital libraries - assessment, evaluation of the TEI DTD architecture, especially as it serves the needs of building digital libraries - technical and practical consideration for the design of tools to handle documents encoded using the TEI or SGML generally We also invite participation in the workshop by those who may not present a paper, but who wish to be involved in discussion. SUBMISSIONS: ----------- Length : 3000-5000 words Due date : February 15, 1996 Format : Submitters should provide a URL where the submission can be retrieved for review, in any of the following formats: - HTML - postscript - TEI (use TEI Lite DTD) Send to : ide@cs.vassar.edu WORKSHOP INFORMATION: --------------------- Date : Saturday, March 23, 1996 Time : 9:30am to 3:30pm Place : Hyatt Regency Bethesda Hotel, Bethesda, Maryland, USA (site of DL'96). Organizers : Nancy Ide, Vassar College, USA Judith Klavans, Columbia University, USA REGISTRATION INFORMATION: ------------------------- NOTE: For information about registration for the full DL'96 conference, which takes place on March 20-23 (inlcusive of workshops), please contact the address below. REGISTRATION FORM Last Name : _________________________________________________________ First Name : _________________________________________________________ Title : _________________________________________________________ Organization : _________________________________________________________ Address : _________________________________________________________ City : _________________________________________________________ State/Pvnce : _________________________________________________________ Country : _________________________________________________________ Zip : _________________________________________________________ Telephone : _________________________________________________________ Fax : _________________________________________________________ Email : _________________________________________________________ Special Needs (e.g., Dietary): _________________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION The TEI workshop fee is $50, which includes a box lunch. Registration fees must accompany registration and be paid in full in U.S. funds. If payment is made by check or money order, make payable to ACM/DL96. Enclose your Check or Money Order, or charge to AMEX, VISA, or MasterCard; supply Credit Card Number, expiration date, and if sending via mail or fax, cardholder signature. SEND REGISTRATION TO: ACM DL '96 University of Maryland College of Library and Information Services Hornbake Library Building, Room 4105 College Park, MD 20742-4345 Email: acmdl-96@umail.umd.edu Fax: 301-314-9145
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 1995 19:41:08 PST From: inouye-a@garnet.berkeley.edu (Alan Inouye) Subject: LONG: DL96 Adv Pgm ADVANCE PROGRAM DIGITAL LIBRARIES '96: 1st ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL LIBRARIES March 20-23, 1996 Hyatt Regency Bethesda, Maryland USA AN INVITATION FROM THE CONFERENCE CHAIR Welcome to DL '96! Digital libraries meld the storage and retrieval power of computing, the communication capabilities of electronic networking, and the structures and practices of physical libraries and archives. Much of the excitement related to digital libraries comes as a result of the interactions among disparate communities of scholars coming together to address common problems of information organization, access, and use. This meeting builds on two conferences held in Texas in 1994 and 1995 and initiates a series of ACM-sponsored research conferences devoted to digital library research and development. Gary Marchionini CONFERENCE SPONSORS Digital Libraries '96 is sponsored by ACM through SIGIR and SIGLINK. Other ACM SIGs have joined in cooperation, including SIGAda, SIGART, SIGBIO, SIGCAPH, SIGCOMM, SIGCUE, SIGDA, SIGMIS (formerly SIGBIT), and SIGOIS. In-cooperation sponsors include: ASIS (American Society for Information Science) CNI (Coalition for Networked Information) D-Lib (Digital Library Forum) IEEE CS (IEEE Computer Society) KSI (Knowledge Systems Incorporated) LITA (Library and Information Technology Association) LoC (Library of Congress) NAL (National Agricultural Library) NLM (National Library of Medicine) SLA (Special Libraries Association) IMPORTANT DATES February 5, 1996 --- Advance registration ends March 20, 1996 --- DL `96 Tutorials March 21-22, 1996 --- DL `96 Technical Program March 23, 1996 --- DL `96 Workshops CONFERENCE PROGRAM o Featured Speakers Opening Plenary Session Thursday, March 21, 8:00-9:30 am Dr. Barry M. Leiner, Assistant Director, Information Technology Office, Advanced Research Projects Agency "Interoperability Issues in Digital Libraries" Dr. Leiner is a Senior Scientist with the Universities Space Research Association. He is currently on loan to the Advanced Research Projects Agency, where he is Assistant Director of the Information Technology Office, responsible for the area of Networked Systems. This area is developing the information technologies required to support widely distributed operation. Particular areas of focus are mobile information systems, high performance networking, and the technologies required to facilitate distributed applications that exploit the emerging ubiquitous network environment. Banquet Speaker Thursday, March 21, 7:00-9:30 pm Ann S. Okerson, Associate University Librarian, Yale University "How Will We Know When It Is a Library?" After 15 years of academic library and library management experience, particularly in serials and collections development, several years in the commercial sector, and service as a senior program officer for the Association of Research Libraries as its Director, Office of Scientific & Academic Publishing, Ms. Okerson became Associate University Librarian at Yale in September 1995, with responsibilities including making digital collections available. o Tutorials Wednesday, March 20, 1996 12:30 to 3:00 pm 1A. Information Retrieval and Hypertext Edward A. Fox, Virginia Tech Robert Akscyn, Knowledge Systems, Inc Content: An introductory to intermediate tutorial intended for those desiring an introduction to information retrieval (IR) and hypertext (HT), which provides a background for: digital libraries as well as work in: content-based retrieval, hypermedia, networked information, educational courseware, and related technologies. 12:30 to 3:00 pm 1B. Foundations of the Organization of Information Elaine Svenonius, University of California, Los Angeles Content: A brief introduction to the foundations of Information Organization, which will cover: a) Principles which have been used to guide the design of systems for organizing information b) Examples of methods that have been used in the design of such systems, with a particular emphasis on automated methods c) current issues and problems in designing systems for organizing information in very large online databases. 3:30 - 6:00 pm 2A. Z39.50 Tutorial Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress Clifford Lynch, University of California Content: Z39.50 is an international standard client/server protocol for information retrieval. Z39.50-1992 is widely implemented, primarily for access to bibliographic databases. Z39.50-1995 is significantly richer and addresses search and retrieval of digital objects. Work is in progress to define a "Z39.50 Profile for the Access to Digital Collections". The Z39.50 tutorial will describe the background and history of Z39.50, its model, functionality, and technical aspects, and illustrate how Z39.50 addresses problems of access to digital collections. 3:30 - 6:00 pm 2B. Documents and Digital Libraries David M. Levy, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Content: This tutorial will offer a conceptual framework that highlights the inseparable relationship between document technologies and social purpose (or use). Topics will include: (1) digital documents: how they are similar to and different from paper documents; (2) document genre as the nexus of form, content, and use; (3) the fixity of documents: how documents fix communication in a medium; (4) documents and change (fluidity); (5) how fixity and fluidity are orchestrated by genre; (6) the medium (in)dependence of documents. The framework will be applied to analyze one or more current issues, such as the future of cataloging. o Technical Program Wednesday, March 20 - ----------------- 7:00-9:00 Reception (included with registration) Thursday, March 21 - ---------------- 7:00-8:00 Breakfast (included with registration) 8:00-9:30 Opening Plenary Session Keynote Speaker: Dr. Barry M. Leiner, Assistant Director, Information Technology Office, Advanced Research Projects Agency "Interoperability Issues in Digital Libraries" 9:30-10:30 Paper Session 1: Multimedia Digital Libraries Chair: Cliff McKnight, Loughborough University, UK "Building a Digital Library: The Perseus Project as a Case Study in the Humanities" Gregory Crane, Tufts University "Towards the Digital Music Library: Tune Retrieval from Acoustic Input" Rodger J. McNab, Lloyd A. Smith, Ian H. Witten, Clare L. Henderson, and Sally Jo Cunningham University of Waikato, New Zealand "VISION: A Digital Video Library" Wei Li, Susan Gauch, John Gauch, and Kok Meng Pua University of Kansas 10:30-11:00 Break 11:00-12:00 D-Lib Working Session 1A: Metadata to Describe Information in Digital Libraries Terence R. Smith, University of California, Santa Barbara D-Lib Working Session 1B: User Needs Assessment and Evaluation Nancy A. Van House, University of California, Berkeley 12:00-1:30 Lunch 1:30-2:15 Paper Session 2: Library and Information Science Perspectives Chair: David Levy, Xerox PARC "The Role of Intermediary Services in Emerging Digital Libraries" Allen Brewer, Wei Ding, Karla Hahn, and Anita Komlodi University of Maryland, College Park "Toward the Bibliographic Control of Works: Derivative Bibliographic Relationships in an Online Union Catalog" Gregory H. Leazer, University of California, Los Angeles Richard P. Smiraglia, Long Island University 2:30-3:30 D-Lib Working Session 2A: Social Aspects of Digital Libraries Christine L. Borgman, University of California, Los Angeles D-Lib Working Session 2B: Repository Interactions William L. Scherlis, Carnegie Mellon University 3:30-4:00 Break 4:00-5:00 Paper Session 3: Human-Computer Interaction: Browsing and Visualization Chair: Catherine Marshall, Texas A&M University "Graphical Table of Contents" Xia Lin University of Kentucky, Lexington "Visual Relevance Analysis" Nikos Pediotakis and Mountaz Zizi Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, CNRS-URA410, Univ. Paris-sud, France "A Browsing Tool of Multi-lingual Documents for Users without Multi-lingual Fonts" Tetsuo Sakaguchi, Akira Maeda, Takehisa Fujita, Shigeo Sugimoto, and Koichi Tabata University of Library and Information Science, Ibaraki, Japan 5:00-7:00 Posters To be announced 7:00-9:30 Banquet Banquet Speaker: Ann S. Okerson, Associate University Librarian, Yale University "How Will We Know When It Is a Library?" Friday, March 22 - -------------- 7:00-8:00 Breakfast (included with registration) 8:00-8:45 Paper Session 4: Human-Computer Interaction: Images and Spatial Organization Chair: Su-Shing Chen, University of North Carolina, Charlotte "User Controlled Overviews of an Image Library: A Case Study of the Visible Human" Chris North, Ben Shneiderman, and Catherine Plaisant University of Maryland, College Park "A Spatial Approach to Organizing and Locating Digital Libraries and Their Content" Jason Orendorf and Charles Kacmar Florida State University 9:00-10:00 D-Lib Working Session 3A: Digitization and Conversion M. Stuart Lynn, University of California, Office of the President D-Lib Working Session 3B: Naming Objects in the Digital Library William Y. Arms, Corporation for National Research Initiatives 10:00-10:30 Break 10:30-11:30 Paper Session 5: Documents Chair: Henry Gladney, IBM Almaden Research Center "Index Structures for Structured Documents" Yong Kyu Lee, Seong-Joon Yoo, Kyoungro Yoon, and P. Bruce Berra Syracuse University "Toward Active, Extensible, Networked Documents: Multivalent Architecture and Applications" Thomas A. Phelps and Robert Wilensky University of California, Berkeley "Physical Objects in the Digital Library" Richard Furuta, Catherine C. Marshall, Frank M. Shipman III, and John J. Leggett Texas A&M University 11:30-1:00 Lunch 1:00-2:00 Paper Session 6: Information Retrieval Chair: Bruce Schatz, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign "Natural Language Information Retrieval In Digital Libraries" Tomek Strzalkowski, GE Corporate Research & Development Jose Perez Carballo, Rutgers University Mihnea Marinescu, New York University "Interactive Term Suggestion for Users of Digital Libraries: Using Subject Thesauri and Co-occurrence Lists for Information Retrieval" Bruce R. Schatz, Eric H. Johnson, and Pauline A. Cochrane, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Hsinchun Chen, University of Arizona "Information Product Evaluation as Asynchronous Communication in Context: A Model for Organizational Research" Lisa D. Murphy Indiana University 2:00-3:00 Paper Session 7: Document Indexing and Analysis Chair: Nancy Ide, Vassar College "Text to Hypertext: Can Clustering Solve the Problem in Digital Libraries?" Robert B. Kellogg, PRC., Inc., Reston, VA Madhan Subhas, Virginia Tech "Indexing Handwriting Using Word Matching" R. Manmatha, Chengfeng Han, E. M. Riseman, and W. B. Croft University of Massachusetts, Amherst "Building a Scalable and Accurate Copy Detection Mechanism" Narayanan Shivakumar and Hector Garcia-Molina, Stanford University 3:00-3:30 Break 3:30-4:30 Panel: Digital Library Research at the U.S. National Libraries Representatives from the Library of Congress, National Agricultural Library, and National Library of Medicine. D-Lib Working Sessions are based on continuing activities by the working groups. Before coming to the sessions, conference participants need to read the working group materials. They are available at: http://www.dlib.org o Workshops All workshops are scheduled for Saturday, March 23, from 9:30 am through 3:30 pm and include a box lunch. Each workshop is intended for researchers or practitioners with an active interest in the subject matter. Workshop A: Text Encoding Initiative Nancy Ide, Vassar College Judith Klavans, Columbia University Jean Veronis, Universite de Provence, France Please send a brief statement of interest to ide@cs.vassar.edu if you would like to attend Workshop A. Workshop B: User Needs Assessment and Evaluation Ann Bishop, University of Illinois Nancy Van House, University of California, Berkeley David Levy, Xerox PARC People interested in participating in Workshop B should email a statement of their experience and interest to Nancy Van Houseby February 5. Please do not register for this workshop until you have been invited to attend. REGISTRATION Last Name: _______________________ First Name: __________________ Title: ___________________________________ Organization:__________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City: ___________________ State/Province: ____________________ Country: ____________________ Zip: __________ Telephone:______________________ Fax: _____________________ Email: ________________________________________ Special Needs (e.g., Dietary): ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Early registration rates are available only for registrations received by February 5, 1996. Member rates require your membership number for ACM or one of the other sponsors below. Full-time student rates require a copy of your valid student ID. Membership: ACM ASIS IEEE/CS LITA SLA Member Number: _____________________________________ Student: University: ________________________________ ID Number: ____________________________ The full registration fee includes a copy of the proceedings, a banquet ticket, breakfast on Thursday and Friday, and an invitation to the reception. The workshop fee covers a box lunch. One day registrations do not include banquet tickets nor proceedings. Proceedings will be available at the conference for $25 each. Space for tutorials is limited and enrollments will be processed in the order in which they are received. ---MEMBER---- -NON-MEMBER- STUDENT Early Late Early Late Full Time TUTORIALS (Wednesday, March 20) ___1A IR&Hyprtxt 12:30-3:00 $150 $200 $180 $230 $100 ___1B Info Org " " " " " " ___2A Z39.50 3:30-6:00 " " " " " ___2B Docs & DL " " " " " " REGISTRATION (Thursday & Friday, March 21-22) ___Full Registration $240 $280 $280 $320 $100 ___One Day Registration $155 $175 $175 $175 $100 WORKSHOPS (Saturday, March 23) ___A Text Encoding $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 ___B User Needs Assessment " " " " " Extra Banquet tickets @ $50 each X # ____ = $_____ TOTAL FEES $________ PAYMENT INFORMATION Registration fees must accompany registration and be paid in full in U.S. funds. If payment is made by check or money order, make payable to ACM/DL96. Enclose your Check or Money Order, or Please charge to my: AMEX VISA MasterCard Credit Card Number: __________________________________________ Expires: _____________ Cardholder Signature:___________________________________________ Refund Policy: Refund requests must be received in writing by February 12, 1996. Refunds are subject to a $25 processing fee. Refunds will be issued six to eight weeks after the conference. SEND YOUR REGISTRATION TO: ACM DL '96 University of Maryland College of Library and Information Services Hornbake Library Building, Room 4105 College Park, MD 20742-4345 Email: acmdl-96@umail.umd.edu Fax: 301-314-9145 Registrations submitted via email or fax must include complete credit card billing information. The registration desk at the conference will be open on Wednesday, March 20 from 11:00 am until 7:00 pm Thursday, March 21 from 6:30 am until 6:30 pm Friday, March 22 from 6:30 am until 5:00 pm Saturday, March 23 from 8:00 am until noon HOTEL INFORMATION The conference hotel is the Hyatt Regency Bethesda One Bethesda Metro Center Bethesda, MD 20614 Voice: 800-233-1234 or 301-657-1234 Fax: 301-657-6453 Telex: 6716016 Room rates: $113.00 single or double, $133 triple, $153 quad. Subject to 5% sales tax plus 7% occupancy tax. You must reserve your room by February 20 to qualify for the conference rates. Discounted airfares (domestic and international) are available on TWA and US Air by making your travel reservations through Omega World Travel and mentioning ACM Digital Libraries '96. Phone: 800-229-6634 (office hours: 8am-6pm EST) Fax: 301-345-8090 Email: omega@umdacc.umd.edu Hotel parking is $10/day. Public parking is available nearby for $6/day and metered parking is also available for 50 cents/hour. Special needs can be accommodated at the hotel. Getting to the Hotel: >From Baltimore-Washington Airport (BWI) Airport Connection (301-441-1345) $25 first passenger Taxi (about $45, one hour) Royal Airport Shuttle (800-653-0888) $27 first passenger SuperShuttle (800-809-7080) $21 >From Dulles International Airport Royal Airport Shuttle (800-653-0888) $17 first passenger Taxi (about $35, one hour) >From National Airport Royal Airport Shuttle (800-653-0888) $17 first passenger Taxi (about $25, one hour) Metro (under $4) Both MARC and Amtrak trains connect with the Metro. MARC 800-325-7245 Amtrak 800-872-7245 Driving: The hotel is 2.5 miles inside the Capital Beltway (Route 495) on Wisconsin Avenue (Route 355). CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS Conference Chair: Gary Marchionini, University of Maryland Program Chair: Ed Fox, Virginia Tech Treasurer: Larry Fitzpatrick, Open Text Corporation Registration: Linda Hill, University of Maryland & CESDIS Publicity: Nancy Van House, UC Berkeley Local Arrangements: Lida Larsen, University of Maryland Tutorials: Edie Rasmussen, University of Pittsburgh Workshops: Maria Zemankova, National Science Foundation Panels: Charles Kacmar, Florida State University Posters: Beth Davis-Brown, Library of Congress Conference Evaluation: Phil Doty, University of Texas Industry Liaison: Roberta Rand, National Agricultural Library Organizing Committee: Bill Arms, Corp. for National Research Initiatives Richard Furuta, Texas A&M University Ed Fox, Virginia Tech David Levy, Xerox PARC Gary Marchionini, University of Maryland FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Further information is available at: http://fox.cs.vt.edu/DL96/ or contact Linda Hill, Registration Chair, email: lhill@cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov
Langue, style et structure dans le monde indien.
Colloque international pour le centenaire
de la naissance de Louis Renou (1896-1966)
du 25 au 27 janvier 1996
Ecole Normale Supe'rieure
48, bld Jourdan, 75014 Paris
Salle Jourdan (Entre'e libre)
Comite' d'organisation:
Nalini Balbir [Fax: (33) (1) 46 26 38 24 ]
Jean-Luc Chevillard [E-mail: chevilla@linguist.jussieu.fr
OR: jlc@ccr.jussieu.fr ]
Georges-Jean Pinault
MARDI 25 JANVIER 1996 (9h-13h)*
Etudes ve'diques*
Prof. Tatjana Y. Elizarenkova (Academie des Sciences,
Institut d'e'tudes orientales, Moscou)
Language and style of the R.gveda
in connection with the Soma problem.
Prof. Stephanie W. Jamison (Harvard University)
_Vr.tra et Vr.thragna_ and _La structure du kaavya_:
some intersections.
Prof. Georges-J. Pinault (Universite' Clermont-2, EPHE IVe sect.)
La base radicale _sat-_ et la notion de loi
dans les hymnes ve'diques.
Prof. Asko Parpola (Universite' d'Helsinki)
On the _Upagranthasuutra_ of the _Saamavada_.
Prof. Charles Malamoud (EPHE Ve sect.)
Les noms de parente' chez les dieux ve'diques:
proble`me de vocabulaire.
Dr. Shyam Kishore Lal (CAS Poona, Univ. Paris 3)
A propos of the critical edition (VSM) of the R.gveda.
JEUDI 25 JANVIER 1996 (14H30--18H45)*
Tradition grammaticale indienne*
Prof. Madhav M. Deshpande (Ann Arbor University)
The Vedic traditions
and the origins of grammatical analysis.
Prof. Kamaleshwar Bhattacharya (CNRS, URA 1058)
Sur la base grammaticale de la pense'e indienne.
Prof. Saroja Bhate, (Poona University)
Interpretation of science: indian grammatical approach.
Prof. Johannes Bronkhorst (Universite' de Lausanne)
Upanis.ad-s and grammar:
on the meaning of _anuvyaakhyaana_
Prof. Pierre-Sylvain Filiozat (EPHE IVe sect.)
La conception de l'image divine
dans le Mahaabhaas.ya de Patanjali.
Prof. M. David Seyfort Ruegg (SOAS, London)
On the Indo-Tibetan grammatical
and lexicographical traditions.
Dr. Jean-Luc Chevillard (CNRS - Univ. Paris 7, URA 381)
Liens de la tradition grammaticale tamoule
avec la tradition d'expression indo-aryenne.
VENDREDI 26 JANVIER 1996 (9H30-12H45)*
Morphologie et lexicographie*
Prof. Nalini Balbir (Universite' Paris3,
Institut Universitaire de France)
Survivances et remodelages dans la morphologie moyen-indienne.
Prof. Peter Schreiner (Universite' de Zurich)
On creating, formatting and working
with a first electronic Sanskrit dictionary.
Prof. Minoru Hara (Universite' de Tokyo)
Sanskrit _aanr.n.ya_
Dr. Jean Fezas (CNRS, URA 1058)
_S'us'ruus.aa_: obe'issance, devoir conjugal
ou raison du beau-pe`re ?
Prof. Bruno Dagens (Universite' Paris 3)
Le temple corps du dieu.
VENDREDI 26 JANVIER 1996 (14H30-16H30)*
Morphologie et lexicographie (suite)*
Dr Edith Nolot (Pali Text Society)
Proble`mes de lexicographie des textes de Vinaya.
Dr Petra Kieffer-Pu"lz (Go"ttingen)
The meaning of _maalaka_ / _maal.a(ka) in Pali.
Prof. Colette Caillat (Universite' Paris 3,
Acade'mie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres)
Variantes et transmission du canon jaina.
SAMEDI 27 JANVIER 1996 (9H30-13H)*
Poe'sie et formes des textes*
Prof. Marie-Claude Porcher (Universite' Paris 3)
Figures et discours e'pique.
Sylvain Brocquet (URA 1058, Paris)
Strate'gie du jeu de mot dans le kaavya
des pane'gyriques e'pigraphiques.
Dr Philippe Benoi^t (Univ. Paris 3)
Les saisons dans le Raamaayan.a et le kaavya.
Prof. Giuliano Boccali (Univ. Venise)
Les images de la saison des pluies
dans les poe`mes d'As'vaghos.a.
Prof. Siegfried Lienhard (Univ. Stockholm)
Lucky numbers in ancient Indian literature.