Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
Preliminary edition of unpublished texts (author: T. Tamai)
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THT 1574
|ATHT1574 (TEB ŠIV) (Toch 369) (T 4 Qyzil)
`o-mte ta-ñ\ klyi-na-ṢA-śÄ\ sa-kha la-kle ri-ta-tsi pa-rktsi sa-ṅka-tse ; `i-śśa-pa-ke-ntse yā-mo-Ṣ\ sa-ṅkrā-mne ña-ke PA-kwa-lñe-sa ka-rtse (*) (*) MA-Ś\ (*) ///
|l2 yo-R\ po-staṃ-ñe śa-K\ ca-ka-nma śā-tre MA-kte `o-mteṃ ta-ñÄ\ mai-yya-ne sa-ṅka-ntse spe-lke ku-śa-la pā-KA-Ṣ\ `a-yā-to tā-kaṃ [yā]-mtsi śa-le [sa] +k+ (*) ñi-Ś\ ///
|l3 mu tā-kaṃ-ñcÄ\
|l1 ṣku ne ke ṣṣe sā-ṅKA nā riṃ tsyā ṅku ne-ś\ yä-rṣa-lñe ña-kta tve tu ma-kte PA-sT\ `ai-śtRA ṣa-ñÄ\ pa-trai sa-ṅkrā-M\ sta-rś\ (pi) kwa (*) ///
|l2 ke sā-ṅK\ tsa-mo ste śa-le `a-mo-KA-cci ṣa-meṃ śi-mpra-ye-ntse pa-tsā-ṅKA-Ś\ ska-ka-nma laṃ-sseṃ-TRA śā-tre lau-ke MA-ṅke-TA-rme [ña] k+ sa (*) ///
|l3 rtse spe-lke MA-ske-TA-rme ña-ke ci-śi-Ś\ PA-kwa-lñe-sa we-ske-M\ to-tka śā-tre-sa pru-cca-mñe ya-ma-lle ṣai-T\ mā-ka `a-llo-ṅkna sa-ṅkrā-mnta-ne pru ///
Copyright Jost Gippert / Tatsushi Tamai, Frankfurt a/M 2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.