Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

Preliminary edition of unpublished texts (author: T. Tamai)

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THT 1267

|ATHT1267 (Toch.83)
/// (*) toṃ maṃ-nT\ pa-lsk+ ta-r^śau-na ° cau mṅka ñ+-ś\ * * [ya] (*) ///

/// (*) npe-ts^ya-mma-R\ 27 MA-kte KA-ṣṣī-nta śā-sta-rne wñā (*) ///

/// tu ykne-sa sā-w^o-T\ wa-rkṣa-ltsa ///

/// (*) [n]e ka-rtse `o (*) sa (*) r+ā +ai (*) ///

/// +s+ lye mā ñi-ś\ tr+ śa-ly+ pk+ mai ///

/// sa KA-skā-TA-r^ṅke `o-sT\ ka-rpo ñña (*) +k+ (*) +(s)[k]+ (*) ///

/// (*) `a-li-ne-sa `a-nta-pi `o-T\ klai-ntsa-(n)e (*)-sT\ l+ (*) ///

/// ṣa-w\ se [y]ī ñä-ś\ `e-mpeṃ-ñce +i * * * * (*) ///

Copyright Jost Gippert / Tatsushi Tamai, Frankfurt a/M 2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.