Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

Preliminary edition of unpublished texts (author: T. Tamai)

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THT 1118

/// ṣñi-[k]e-k^kauṃ lkā-TA-(*) /// ma-ne ywā-rśka-ññe saṃ wa-RA ste /// va-RA-tse kÜse

/// pai-ntsa k+a-rts+ wa /// +ā no tre-kne ° tu-m+a [ta]-(s)e-ma-ne /// (*) saṃ-va-r^ste sū

/// (*) lau-[n]e /// +i +ai snai krā-ke /// +e (*) (*) (*)

/// ksau ce-sa saṃ-v+ (*) ///

/// s+ `a-dh+-m+ (*) ///

/// n+ ca-mTA yā-m+i /// +n+ śp+ ///

/// ce to-ya /// nt+ ṣu-KTA ka-rma dha +t+ * * (*) (*) (*) /// `i-KA ṣ+ kl[au]

/// llā-lle ° te-sa wa (*) /// ñyā-SA `e-rṣa-lle sta-rc\ k+-ttsi ce ta (oben kta-l+) /// +^pe-lai-kne-nta ñya

/// nt+ wa-kī-tse no (wa) /// +yā-s^tā-kaṃ kwä-lpe-lle sū te KA-(*) /// (*) kā no te-Ś\

Copyright Jost Gippert / Tatsushi Tamai, Frankfurt a/M 2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.