Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

Preliminary edition of unpublished texts (author: T. Tamai)

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THT 1112

ya-ma-lye `a-nta-rā-yä pe-pa-rk(o)-(+me+) /// : we-wi-naṣṣo-rmeṃ kau-cÄ\ klye-lle : `a-ñcā-l^ṣa-+n+ (y)+

ma-ṢA-lle : we-ṢṢAlle : `a-nu-śi-ṣṭaṃ || (tu) /// lle || ya-di pa-ri-śu-ddha `ā-ga-ccha-tu || kÜri `ā-rsta-re tā

kaṃ tu-meṃ `a-nu-śā-ke-ntse ° te we-ṢṢA /// dh+ nta-rā-yi-kai-r^ddha-rmai || tu-meṃ `a-nu-śā-ke-tse (w+) saṃ-npā

t^ya-ma-lye ṣa-nmī-reṃ `e-n+-ṅka `a-śa-(ll)e /// (*) wa-TKA-ṣle ° tu-meṃ pu-ta-nti-meṃ wai-ptā-R\ `a-śa-ri-ntaṃ-tS\

p+ yne wi-nā-ṢṢA-lle ṣe-me-pi ṣe-me /// [lle] : kau-cÄ\ ru-pne lkā-ṢṢA-lle wa-saṃ-npā-t^ya-ska-ske-ma-rcmeṃ

(`eṃ)-ṣke na-wa-nti TA-ṅtsi ° po-meṃ te yä-+n+ /// (*) m+ na (*) * * wā (*) +e-ś\, `a-śa-lle ° `e-ne-pre la-MA

ṢṢA-le || ta-ne ta-rya wa-ssi pā-tre `a /// yeṃ ya-ṣṣā-t+ || ta ña-ke wa-sa-npā-T\ ya-ska-ṢṢA-lle

sta-rca || ta-ne wa-sa (*) /// [s]t+ ci-ntā-ma-ni wa-me-rmpa ta-se-ma-ne : MA-kte śau-mo

ci-ntā-ma-ni wa-me-R\ ka-llaṃ po-yä-kne +e /// +SA ñe-nta lye-cciṃ : po `a-kā-LKA-nta kna-(s)ke-nTA-rne

tu-mpa ta-se-ma-ne wa-sa-npā-(*)\, /// l+e wa-kī-ce wä-nta-re-Śca kra-ma-rtse pra-yo-K\ ya-ma

Copyright Jost Gippert / Tatsushi Tamai, Frankfurt a/M 2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.