Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

Preliminary edition of unpublished texts (author: T. Tamai)

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THT 1102

|ATHT1102 (Kvāc)
staṃ o-sta-meṃ la-t(au) ° `u-pā-[+y+]-[y+ṃ] sai-m^y+ /// -ś\ pe-ṅksa-T\ śau-la-sso-ñcÄ\ [c]w[ī] ñe-M\, kla-wi-sso-nte (śa)-kke-* * +ṣā-keṃ

+e +e (lai) * ña-ke-sa wa-rñai +au /// rpo-Ṣ\ pā-ssi ° sai-mne y+u-we-Ṣ\, ta-ka-rṣeṃ ta-tā-ka-Ṣ\, PA-klau-Ṣ\ t[w]e śau-la

* * * cau-sa [ñe]-(M\,) kla-wi /// tai-kne-sā-K\ (k+)-ka-mo-Ṣ\, `a-ṣa-nī-keṃ-ntsa yso-(m)o (+o) (+e) [lai]

* * * * * * ntrā-kka `o-sta-meṃ ltu-we-(*) /// nta `ā-kṣu-(w+) ° `e-nte ṣa-nmī-reṃ-ntse ś+ ///

/// (*) pā-T\ ta--+e [t+]-ñ\ ś*-ltsa wa-rñ+ * * * (*) no (*)

+k+ (*) tSA (MA)-kte kca twe ce te-yä-kne-ce `ī-ke mā k+ +k+ (*) ///

* * * * w+-rpa-na-ma-R\ || (*) /// (KA)-ṣA-lyñe (*) nmī-reṃ-tse śi-+ṣa-pā-T\ ta-ne (ta)-ñ\ ś+-L\

lts+ wa-+ñ+ p+-+nā-mo ['a]-nā-yä-tte ke-ta-ra +ä /// lle lyku-ññe pa-lsko-sa po-sta-ññe ra-no ñre-ṣṣe pe-ṅke (*)-kte kca

Copyright Jost Gippert / Tatsushi Tamai, Frankfurt a/M 2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.