Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 1026
{No. 392 = T III M 135.3}
{Kleines Bruchstück einer linken Blattseite. Von der Blattzählung sind nur noch unleserliche Spuren erhalten.}
grasto : brāhmaṇa kiṃ bha[v]i ////
gra-sto : brā-hma-ṇa kiṃ bha-+i ////
śkaṃ toM\ kleśāñÄ\ tñi ā ////
śkaṃ to-M\ kle-śā-ñÄ\ tñi `ā ////
sāphalyam āgata : [10] ////
sā-pha-lya-m^ā-ga-ta : (*) ////
oko lyocKAṢT\ TA[m.]o ////
'o-ko lyo-cKA-ṢT\ TA-+o ////
oktasi ytār nervāṃ ////
'o-kta-si ytā-r^ne-r+āṃ ////
dṛśa kaścid bhava ////
(*) śa ka-ści-d^bha-va ////
_ śkaṃ kāse klo ////
(*) śkaṃ kā-se klo (*)////
pravarās traya : [10] ////
pra-va-rā-s^tra-ya : (*) ////
lmeṃ tre 15 na ////
lmeṃ tre 15 na (*)////
mā brāmaṇi ytāR\ kl. ////
mā brā-ma-ṇi ytā-R\ . l. ////
loke sarvaṃ tat tava śā ////
lo-ke sa-rvaṃ ta-t^ta-va śā ////
he kāsu KAlko yruñci ////
he kā-su KA-lko yru-ñci ////
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