Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 1023

{No. 389 = T III M 146.10}
{Kleines Bruchstück von der rechten Blattseite.}


//// rñe kropiS\ kñoM\ ; kupre

//// rñe kro-pi-S\ kño-M\ ; ku-pre

//// .th. (;) p(ā)pṣune wKAtkālune kle-

//// . th. p+-pṣu-ne wKA-tkā-lu-ne kle-

//// marśÄ\ PLAK\ nāṃtsu ||

//// ma-rśÄ\ PLA-K\ nāṃ-tsu ||
tatra pañcā

ta-tra pa-ñcā

//// [dhā]tu ṣi eṅKAL\ ;

//// [dhā]-tu ṣi `e-ṅKA-L\, ;
prathama ; saṃ

pra-tha-ma ; saṃ


//// rth. ;

//// . th. ;
upādāṃ ṣi arthÄ\ nāṃtsu ;

`u-pā-dāṃ ṣi `a-rthÄ\ nāṃ-tsu ;


//// t[i] ;

//// t[i] ;
MAṃt ne etu ṣurmaṢ\ poR\ twa

MAṃ-t^ne `e-tu ṣu-rma-Ṣ\ po-R\ twa

//// w.nyo ;

//// w+-nyo ;
upanāhanārtho vā

`u-pa-nā-ha-nā-rtho vā

//// āñcäM\ wäntālune

//// `ā-ñcä-M\, wä-ntā-lu-ne

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