Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 1010

{No. 376 = T III Š 33.2}
{Linke Seite, bis zum Schnürloche, des Blattes 11.}

rPAS\ : 12 nāgā ////

rPA-S\ : 12 nā-g(ā) ////

mā camPAS\ puK\ le ////

mā ca-mPA-S\ pu-K\ le (*)////

luneyäṢ\ mā mloska[t]RA ////

lu-ne-yä-Ṣ\ mā mlo-+k. (*) ////

nweṃ KAlpānT\ TAm ceM\ tso ////

nweṃ KA-lpā-nT\ TA-m^ce-M\ tso ////

tyo bhūtāS\ yānṣānT\ nāgāS\ ////

tyo bhū-tā-S\ yā-nṣā-nT\ nā-gā-S\ (*)////


wacaṃ ko _ M\ kosām kaR\ : tā[l.] ////

wa-caṃ ko (*) MA ko-sā-m^ka-R\ : tā-[l.] ////

surāñÄ\ : entsāT\ ype ////

su-rā-ñÄ\ : `e-ntsā-T\ ype ////

pokenyo TAM\ PAñ Kä ////
po-ke-nyo TA-M\ PA-ñ^Kä ////
śoLAntu : ṣoM\ pāra ////

śo-LA-ntu : ṣo-M\ pā-ra ////

k we pi tmāṃ atra ////

k^we pi tmāṃ `a-tra ////

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