Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0998
{No. 364 = T III Š 102.5}
{Fragment der linken unteren Ecke eines Blattes, mit Resten von 6 Zeilen.}
_ LtS\ śkaṃ tināRAS\ _ _ [mc.] ////
_ LtS\ śkaṃ ti-nā-RA-S\ _ _ . c. ////
MA[nT\] |
MA-nT\ |
sujātaṃ yad bravīsi me |
su-jā-taṃ ya-d^bra-vī-si me |
ā ////
`ā ////
tho stv eṣa |
tho stv^e-ṣa |
tñi yukasyo raritwo ku ////
tñi yu-ka-syo ra-ri-two ku ////
ntantyo śkaṃ tināri |
nta-ntyo śkaṃ ti-nā-ri |
na ////
na ////
prahvagā vayaM\ | ////
pra-hva-gā va-ya-M\, | ////
ñci tñi PAltska ṣinā ////
ñci tñi PA-ltska ṣi-nā (*) (*)////
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