Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0964
{No. 330 = T III S 94.11}
{Kleines Bruchstück aus der Mitte eines Blattes. Nur 5 Zeilen sind erhalten, darüber und darunter noch die Spuren von je einer Zeile.}
//// [bo]dhake tRAṅKA(Ṣ\) ////
//// (*) dha-ke tRA-ṅ. ////
//// .t. kaśañ MAskantRA . [ś.] ////
//// . t. ka-śa-ñ^MA-ska-ntRA ; (*) ////
//// K\ kaśañ MAskantRA ; śä ////
//// -K\ k+-śa-ñ^MA-ska-ntRA ; śä ////
//// tākeñcÄ\ kor MAskantRA ; tm(ā)ṃ ////
//// tā-ke-ñcÄ\ ko-r^MA-ska-ntRA ; t+ṃ ////
//// (a)kṣobkä _ [t]āke[ñc]Ä\ ////
//// kṣo-b+ä _ . ā-ke-+ä ////
//// ñciT\ _ mr.yaṃ [yw.] ////
//// ñci-T\ _ . r+-yaṃ [+w.] ////
//// kaLP\ ñomumiṃ PArkri pra_\ ////
//// ka-LP\ ño-mu-miṃ PA-rkri pra-_\ ////
//// r..cÄ\ ākāL\ yatsi : ////
//// r+-cä `ā-kā-L\ ya-tsi : ////
//// [a]ntarakaLP\ mahā ////
//// (*)-nta-ra-ka-LP\ ma-hā ////
//// nt^ne wik[i] a ////
//// nt^ne wi-k[i] `a ////
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