Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0958

{No. 324 = T III Š 64.5}
{Kleines Bruchstück beim Schnürloche; der Blattanfang fehlt.}

//// ryo ckeñcÄ\ ////

//// ryo cke-ñcÄ\ ////

//// .āk ṣiṃ ṣki ////

//// . ā-k^ṣiṃ ṣki ////

//// ptām ṣiNAs nu ṣonTA ////

//// ptā-m^ṣi-NA-s^nu ṣo-nT\ ////

//// NAM\ ; kospreṃ ñä ////

//// NA-M\ ; ko-spreṃ ñä ////

//// rSAṢ\ swāñce ////

////(+ā)-r^SA-Ṣ\, swā-ñce ////

//// MAntu ṣontsa[ṃ] klya ////

//// MA-ntu ṣo-ntsa[ṃ] . lya ////

//// yātlune lkāmāṃ añumā ////

//// yā-tlu-ne lkā-māṃ `a-ñu-[m]ā ////

//// lsantRA ; ṣome ākl. ////

//// lsa-ntRA ; ṣo-me `ā-[kl.] ////


//// św[ä]ṣ marmaS\ tSKAṣ wi ////

//// św[ä]-ṣ^ma-rma-S\ tSKA-ṣ^wi ////

//// mā kaś tāse ālak tā : kri ////

//// mā ka-ś^tā-se `ā-la-k^tā : kri ////

//// śäkce tswānt\ MAskatsi .i ////

//// śä-kce tswā-nt\ MA-ska-tsi . i ////

//// lāṃtS\ pÜkaṃ klyomiṃ ////

//// lāṃ-tS\ pÜkaṃ klyo-m. ////

//// ci lāntsañÄ\ mā ////

//// c. lā-ntsa-ñÄ\ mā ////

//// kumseñcÄ\ yakṣeñi tāśśi ////

//// ku-mse-ñcÄ\ ya-kṣe-ñi tā-ś+i ////

//// [ā]ḍakava ////

//// ['ā]-ḍa-ka-va ////

//// .t. ṣuL tSAṅ[k]ru ////

//// . t. ṣu-L^tSA-ṅ+ru ////

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