Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0955

{No. 321 = T III Š 69.22}
{Bruchstück von der linken Seite eines Blattes. Stark beschädigt, der linke Rand fehlt.}

//// M\ ku _ _ _ [SA]M\ ṣāñ upāy naṣ mā pe ṣtare kuc ne nä ////

//// M\ ku _ _ _ [SA]M\ ṣāñ upāy naṣ mā pe ṣtare kuc ne nä ////

//// yetusāṃ kapśañi ; tsres maku āṅkaRAsyo wäs yā ////

//// yetusāṃ kapśañi ; tsres maku āṅkaRAsyo wäs yā ////

//// .ṣ. penu śäK\ oKAt pi nākmaṃtyo kaknusāṃ ////

//// . ṣ. penu śäK\ oKAt pi nākmaṃtyo kaknusāṃ ////

//// MSAR\ trā[bh.]yo kutti śkaṃ esā PArmāṃ lok wä ////

//// MSAR\ trā[bh.]yo kutti śkaṃ esā PArmāṃ lok wä ////

//// ype[s.]nts. _ Ṣ\ PArskoS\ sñi kā ////

//// ype[s.]nts. _ Ṣ\ PArskoS\ sñi kā ////

//// r TAkwātsi osāT\ ////

//// r^TAkwātsi osāT\ ////

//// ñy [o]ki āyäntu wraṣ ñi [kā] ////

//// ñy [o]ki āyäntu wraṣ ñi [kā] ////

//// ñÄ\ tāṣ kārāśaṃ : kuS SAM\ ////

//// ñÄ\ tāṣ kārāśaṃ : kuS SAM\ ////


//// .NAṢ\ ānand\ PAlke temi [k]Ül(e) ////

//// . NAṢ\ ānand\ PAlke temi [k]Ül(e) ////

//// _ kÜleñcināṃ kapśiñño [k.] '///

//// . t+tw. _ kÜleñcināṃ kapśiñño [k.] '///

//// K\ tñi spaktāṃ yā ////

//// K\ tñi spaktāṃ yā ////

//// ṣt. _ spo _ .ä _ Ṣ\ tmā tu pursāR\ ////

//// ṣt. _ spo _ . ä _ Ṣ\ tmā tu pursāR\ ////

//// yāmwāṃ ; || daśabalaṃ || tsaRAṃ māntant ñy ak. ////

//// yāmwāṃ ; || daśabalaṃ || tsaRAṃ māntant ñy ak. ////

//// śkaṃ KArṣteṃ kāruṇyo : yāmweṃ kluṣpe TMAṢ\ [mā] '////

//// śkaṃ KArṣteṃ kāruṇyo : yāmweṃ kluṣpe TMAṢ\ [mā] '////

//// [M]Aśkitāṃ mrosKAṣlis mosaṃ tsarā entseṃ tāṢ\ ṣyärke ////

//// [M]Aśkitāṃ mrosKAṣlis mosaṃ tsarā entseṃ tāṢ\ ṣyärke ////

//// Ṣ KA _ _ _ [s] m[o]saṃ penu tāṣ parnontsāṃ puttiśpar ṣāk. ////

//// Ṣ KA _ _ _ [s] m[o]saṃ penu tāṣ parnontsāṃ puttiśpar^ṣāk. ////

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