Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0920

{No. 287 = T III Š 97.12}
{Kleines Blattfragment.}


//// (ār)k(i)śoṣṣaṃ tkaṃ ṢA.w. ////

//// . k+-śo-ṣṣaṃ tkaṃ ṢA . w. ////

//// (sā)mudraṃ wär meyeñcÄ\ ////

//// mu-draṃ wä-r^me-ye-[ñcÄ]\ ////

//// candaṃ ṣiNAṃ katu ////

//// ca-ndaṃ ṣi-NAṃ ka-tu (*)////

//// ti mār ñKAt. ā ////

//// ti mā-r^ñKA-t+^ā ////

//// S\ ārkiśoṣi ////

//// S\ `ā-rki-śo-ṣi ////

//// nā ////

//// nā ////
{8 (nicht erhalten)}
{Vorderseite? Rückseite?}

//// .t. TA ////

//// . t. TA ////

//// pāT\ āR\ || ////

//// p+-T\ `ā-R\ || ////

//// saśśi ā ////

//// sa-śśi `ā ////

//// ṣ ṣeñcÄ\ kus pat nu ////

//// ṣ^ṣe-ñcÄ\ ku-s^pa-t^nu ////

//// .i PAlkāluneyo [k]o ////

//// . i PA-lkā-lu-ne-yo . [o] ////

//// (a)saṃkhyesyo kās(w)o ////

//// saṃ-khye-syo kā-s+o ////

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