Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0868

{No. 235 = T III Š 94.3}
{Kleines Bruchstück aus der Mitte eines Blattes.}


//// klā śoL\ tuṣitaṃ ////

//// klā śo-L\ tu-ṣi-taṃ ////

//// PALtSAK\ āñMä[ṣ .e] ////

////(*) PA-LtSA-K\ `ā-ñMä-(+^+e) ////

//// kune sne tārśon[ā] ////

//// ku-ne sne tā-rśo-n[ā] ////

//// krañcäśśi nāKAm (.)e ////

////(*) kra-ñcä-śśi nā-KA-[m^+e] ////

//// kÜce ne kākropuṢ\ ////

////(*) kÜce ne kā-kro-pu-Ṣ\ ////

//// truṅkaṃ cacpukuṣ wra ////

////(*) tru-ṅkaṃ ca-cpu-ku-ṣ^wra ////

//// [ñÄ\] cmolwā ṣiNAṃ klopa ////

//// (ñä9 cmo-lwā ṣi-NAṃ klo-pa ////


//// N\ MArkampal ṣīṃ vimā ////

//// N\ MA-rka-mpa-l^ṣīṃ vi-mā ////

//// [K\] wKAṃ spārtu kāsu ////

//// [KA] wKAṃ spā-rtu kā-su ////

//// äntā ne wärpāT\ ////

//// `ä-ntā ne wä-rpā-T\ ////

//// m.r ṣuL\ : TAlyśi n. ////

//// m+-r^ṣu-L\ : TA-lyśi n. ////

//// [LA]kṣantāñ toM\ mā[K..] ////

//// [LA]-kṣa-ntā-ñ^to-M\ mā-(*) ////

//// wlaluneyacÄ\ [y.] ////

//// wla-lu-ne-ya-cÄ\ (y+) ////

//// .ātkṣāT\ ñäktaS\ ////

//// . ā-tkṣā-T\, ñä-kta-[S\] ////

Copyright Jost Gippert Frankfurt a/M 1999-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.